Infantilism Sexual

Many are concerned about the increase in sexual immaturity in modern realities. This phenomenon may seem rather trivial, but it is important to understand what is behind it and what consequences its further propaganda may cause. This article talks about the causes of sexual infantilism and its consequences, as well as ways to solve this problem.

What is infantilized sex? Infantilization of sexual behavior involves several aspects, which include a decrease in responsibility for one's actions and behavior, avoidance of discussing sensitive topics in sex, and confidence in one's ability to cope with the emotional and psychological aspects of the sexual experience. As a rule, this approach to sex is expressed in people who have not yet reached maturity, or who experience internal difficulties regarding their own sexuality and their experiences. The causes of infantilization may vary depending on individual factors: age, health, education, family, cultural traditions, sexual orientation, etc.

Causes of infantilization in sex The most common cause of infantilized sexual behavior is a lack of sexual education and training. The predisposition to such problems is in fact often caused by fear of something new and unknown. When adults don't talk to children about how the body works and how to perceive emotions, it can lead to fear of potentially unpleasant sexual experiences, as well as increased desire.