Infantilism Thyroid

Many articles on the Internet are devoted to Thyrogogenic infantilism, especially on foreign resources. And this is not surprising, since this type of infantilism is not favored not only by specialists, but also by ordinary people. In this article we will look at the essence of this problem:

1. Causes of thyroid-induced infantilism

Infantile thyroid syndrome occurs due to changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland. In case of disturbances in the production of hormones responsible for bone development and growth, children experience an increase in body weight with preserved or reduced volume of internal organs, decreased activity, lack of appetite, obesity, gynecomastia, delayed physical development and puberty, and other signs. Sometimes the process is irreversible, and this form of infantism can lead to complications and even the death of the child. Thyroid infantiles are always characterized by a slow pace of development. They begin to walk, talk, and distinguish sounds and colors late. Many thyroid children use crutches or walkers when learning to move without adult help. Even when a child masters walking skills, parents talk about “fatigue” - he gets tired quickly, reacts to everything with rapid fatigue. It may be a reaction to a latent, weak and often painful activity. The child can remain agitated for a long time after minor exertion, is easily exhausted, breaks down and may even fall asleep in the middle of the house. Such children are characterized by dysfunction of the immune system, which cannot cope with a large number of infectious diseases.