Infection General

A common infection is an infectious disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms entering the body. Common infections include diseases such as influenza, measles, chicken pox and others.

Causes of common infections:

  1. Entry of viruses or bacteria into the body through the respiratory system, digestion, or skin. The main route of infection is airborne droplets from coughing and sneezing.

  2. Decreased immunity, which makes the body susceptible to infections.

  3. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.

  4. Contact with a sick person.

Symptoms of common infections:

  1. Increased body temperature

  2. Chills, general malaise

  3. Headache, muscle and joint pain

  4. Cough, runny nose, sore throat

  5. Skin rash due to some infections

To prevent common infections it is important:

  1. Observe personal hygiene rules, wash your hands

  2. Avoid contact with sick people

  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle, strengthen your immune system

  4. Take vitamins, get vaccinations

  5. If symptoms appear, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate

Timely treatment and prevention will help avoid complications and the spread of infection.