Infiltrate Creepy

Infiltrates are accumulations of pharmacological drugs in tissues, which may be the result of local anesthesia or other medical procedures. Infiltration can cause serious complications such as infections and allergic reactions. In this article we will look at the infiltration known as “creeping”.

A creeping infiltrate is an accumulation of anesthetic solutions injected under pressure that spread through the interstitial spaces through the skin. This process occurs through local anesthesia for procedures such as tattoo removal, dermabrasion, piercings and other cosmetic procedures.

Frequently crawling in

Infiltrates are accumulations of interstitial fluid, flowing from vessels in the projection of intramuscular injections or due to passive spread in arthritis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, and so on. Typically, swelling forms within a few days after the injection and increases slowly; it does not cause pain.

Treatment of this condition - the main point of exit of the infiltrate should be its attachment, that is, the coccyx of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, where glucocorticosteroids or hyaluronic acid should be administered. These injections are very effective for treating swelling, both that occurs after an illness and those associated with the supply of medications. If the needle gets into the skin, the likelihood of a hematoma or purulent abscess increases. The peculiarity of infiltrates is that more often they appear on the right as a result of the characteristics of the blood circulation or even radiate from the injection site through the circulatory system. After the administration of the anesthetic, swelling occurs only after several days. As soon as the doctor begins to inject the patient with solutions, the effect occurs immediately, but the effect is temporary, no more than a few hours.

To avoid this complication, it is important to carefully read the instructions on the label of each drug containing local anesthetics. Recommendations in the instructions for use must be available, and specialists must strictly adhere to the dosage and correct administration of the drug into the tissue. If the correction regime is violated, suppuration may occur; Systemic damage to internal organs often occurs. Otherwise, this may result in disability and amputation of the affected limb.