Information RNA (Mediator RNA, Matrix RNA, W-Phk)

Messenger RNA (Mediator RNA, Messenger RNA, W-Phk)

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a special kind of ribonucleic acid that is synthesized in the cell nucleus and then passes into the cytoplasm. There it serves as a matrix for the synthesis of a specific protein.

Messenger RNA is transcribed from DNA and carries genetic information about protein structure from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Therefore, it is also called messenger RNA.

In the cytoplasm, mRNA interacts with ribosomes, which read information from its nucleotide sequence. Based on this information, ribosomes synthesize a polypeptide chain - a protein. Thus, messenger RNA acts as a template for protein synthesis, which is why it is also called messenger RNA.

Messenger RNA plays an important role in gene expression by transferring hereditary information from DNA to protein. It is an intermediate link in the flow of genetic information in the cell.