Incarnation of the Nail

Nail incarnation is a common problem that can occur in many people. Nail incarnations can be due to various reasons, ranging from various diseases to various environmental factors. However, many people do not know what an incarnate nail is and how to get rid of this phenomenon. In this article we will look at what nail incarnations are, the reasons for their occurrence and ways to combat this phenomenon.

Incarnation of the nail is a process where the nail grows unevenly and incorrectly. Various changes may appear on the nail plate, such as white spots, darkening, unevenness and other defects. Incarnations of the nail can

The incarnations of nails have long been surrounded by mysticism and superstition. Many people are convinced that wearing too long nails causes various health problems. Indeed, the nail is an organ that protects the nail bed and the sensitive tissues connecting to it. In the course of various studies, it was found that this process begins long before nails begin to grow - already during their inception. Cytological cells that form the basis of the nail and grow from within it are called nail dystrophies. They consist of cells that are located under the nail plate and take an active part in the construction of the nail. Each subsequent dystrophy is rejected faster and faster as it approaches the end of the nail, i.e. moves to the base of the nail.

The process of nail formation goes through two stages: complete maturation of the nail takes 4-6 months, only after which it is ready to be pushed out. At the same time, the body of the nail (matrix) depends on many hormones. Nail incarnation can be defined as a disruption of the natural process of nail formation - the retraction of its bed into the nail plate. This deformation of the nail bed is manifested by pain when pressing on it, especially if there is a habit of biting nails. The reason for this process lies in the violation of the relationship between the bone tissue of the nail bed and the nail contents, as a result of which the relationship between the bone elements is also disrupted, and lengthening of the nail occurs. As the tendons in the cuticle grow, it becomes increasingly difficult for the nail to break through it to the outside.