Foreign Body

**Foreign body** is an object of non-physiological origin that finds itself in the natural cavities and channels of the body or in the conditions created in them, mechanically preventing their free functioning. Foreign bodies retained in the human or animal body can cause a pathological process (blockage or perforation of the intestine or esophagus, intestinal strangulation, etc.). The cause of foreign bodies entering the human body may be the most unexpected factor. For example, today doctors from the United States reported a rare case in which a child swallowed a foreign object one and a half centimeters long during lunch, and this did not lead to the boy’s death. According to doctors, the child only felt a sharp pain in the abdomen after eating. The child’s parents, seeing his complaints, immediately called doctors. The schoolboy, the doctors note, was very lucky - they removed the object he had swallowed 13 minutes after the call, which allowed him to avoid serious consequences for the child’s body. A similar story happened in New Jersey in February of this year. Then the child inadvertently swallowed three buttons. The boy escaped with minor burns. Sometimes foreign objects are eliminated by the body on their own. This often happens by ingesting them during breathing. The roots of a person’s teeth, which he takes in the dental office, also come out. However, in some cases, a foreign body cannot leave the body naturally because it is too large. In such cases, doctors perform surgery to remove the object. Since a foreign body never causes a disease in a person, its diagnosis, as a rule, is not difficult. On the contrary, it becomes more complicated in the presence of additional circumstances, such as the object being inside a hollow organ or deep in tissues and bones. This becomes possible with the development of an inflammatory process caused by a foreign body. In these cases, emergency surgery to remove the foreign body is indicated.

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