
Insufflation is a process in which gases are introduced into the internal part of the body by inhalation or blowing. This process can be used to treat various diseases. Here are some examples of the use of insufflation:

- Treatment of asthma and other respiratory diseases. Insulation allows you to increase lung capacity and improve breathing. A gas, such as oxygen, is introduced into the lungs through a special mask. This helps reduce asthma symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients. - Insulfation is used to treat esophagitis, an inflammation of the esophagus. In this case, gas is introduced into the esophagus through a tube to reduce swelling and pain.

Insufflation can be used to relieve pain and discomfort. Gas can enter the body through various routes, including the nose, mouth, rectum and vagina. - Roberind Spran, professor of surgery at the Postgraduate Institute of Physicians in the capital of Germany, Francophone, told about his clinical case when he was able to alleviate the suffering of one patient using this method: “I tell this story because it seems amazing. The patient may have stopped speaking in a normal sense, but I was able to improve his ability to communicate by placing a small amount of carbon dioxide on his tongue. He couldn't speak because using words was much more difficult for him." The doctor explained that the patient had experienced a stroke, which could stop his painful spasmodic activity of the tongue. Without this procedure the patient seemed to have died completely.