Insular groove Central

The fissure of the insula Centralis Insulae is a deep and narrow canal running along the central part of the insula of the cerebral hemispheres called Pons. This groove contains a large number of important structures, such as the stalk of the papilla, the olive branch, and the center of the archipatellar groove. The central sulcus has an interesting anatomical significance in the brain; it is involved in the basic processes of cognitive activity and motor coordination. In this

The groove of the Central island - lat. s.centralis insulae - border groove, or fissure, central groove of the insula, in echography - the most common image of the lower part of the periphery [4, p. 36]. Usually occurs in young women. It usually does not cause discomfort, but can cause inflammation [4, p. 220]. In case of illness, you should consult a phlebologist [2].

Usually located closer to the anterior border of the nipple. It is a longitudinal slit-like groove up to 1 cm long and 0.2-1.5 cm wide on the IV thoracic intercostal space along the midclavicular line. In 1/3 of patients it is located on the right, in the rest - on the left. Painful sensations in relation to it are noted in 40% of cases. It is often described as a grayish or whitish color, a narrow slit-like depression on both sides between the mammary glands and the anterior surface of the VIII rib, sometimes connecting with one of the skin ducts [3, p. 69]. It is observed more often in women of childbearing age from 20 to 30 years (75%) [1, p. 805].

The Central Island groove (Central island recess, Central insular groove; lat. spina insulae centralis, eng. Central Islet Cleft or lat. Insula Centralis Cleft) is a physiological object on the human body, which is located on the lateral side of the abdominal cavity.

Ostral groove Central or Central insular groove is located between the right and left inguinal line. It consists of two lobes: anterior and posterior. The base of the grooves is on the abdomen, and the apex protrudes above the thigh, so it can be felt during palpation. Usually the inguinal lobes are not affected during treatment