Intoxication Interrenal Androgenic

In the modern world, our environment is constantly exposed to toxic substances. It would seem that each of us could face negative consequences from various types of intoxication, but in fact, out of a thousand people there is at least one who might not understand what we are talking about. This circumstance can be explained by insufficient awareness of the population about the benefits of various factors that affect humans. In this article we will consider such intoxication as interrenoin endorphin intoxication - andrenoid intoxication - this is the name given to the concentration in the blood of the male sex hormone testosterone and the female sex hormone progesterone in a dose that has a specific effect on behavior. The most common disease is hyperprolactinemia - increased secretion of the hormone prolactin, which occurs due to the pituitary gland. This hormone is the main regulator of the secretion of breast milk by the female body, otherwise it should be called lactotrophic hormone - luteotropic. It has a hypoglycemic effect as well as a stimulating effect on the breast. Under its influence, women produce prolactin, it forms prolonged production of the mammary glands and controls milk production during breastfeeding. Each woman may experience individual changes in prolactin levels under the influence of external and internal factors. But most often, a woman experiences an increase in prolactin due to thyroid pathology or kidney disease. If the disease does not progress and the patient’s condition does not cause concern, then her body copes with the problem on its own without the use of special treatment. Signs of intoxication with elevated prolactin levels Unpleasant symptoms occur after the next period of sleep, 3-4 hours after waking up. Anxiety manifests itself due to: dizziness, deterioration of vision, spots before the eyes, nausea, heaviness in the chest, decreased appetite, dryness