Alcohol intolerance

Alcoholism is one of the most serious and common problems faced by people all over the world. Unfortunately, alcoholism is not only a disease, but can also lead to serious consequences. One of these consequences is intolerance - a condition when a person cannot control alcohol consumption and becomes dependent on it. Intolerance is a serious problem that can cause many problems in life. Here are some of them:

1. Decrease in productivity and quality of work. When the body cannot maintain itself in a normal state, this is reflected in its work. Alcohol abuse may cause a person to become tired and unable to perform their duties at the proper level. In addition, it can reduce the quality of work as attention is lost and distractibility appears. 2. Physical problems. As mentioned above, alcohol has a negative effect on human organs. First of all, it worsens the functioning of the liver and stomach, and can provoke the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Also, drinking alcohol often causes a sharp drop in blood pressure, which affects muscle contraction and causes intense headaches, sleep problems, and sometimes fainting. 3. Problems in family relationships. First of all, a person intolerant of alcohol risks worsening his relationships with loved ones. They may feel alienated and angry with him, to the point of wanting to stop communicating. 4. Increased treatment costs. Because people with intolerance drink much more than the average person, and especially drink very bad drinks, the amount of alcohol they drink in a week becomes enormous. And they have to spend a lot of money on anti-alcohol medications. 5. Death. There is a risk of death for people who are intolerant to alcohol. Especially for those who drink alcohol on a regular basis. At the last stage of alcoholism, the liver cannot convert alcohol into harmless substances, and this leads to poisoning by ethanol breakdown products. It can manifest itself as dysfunction of the heart, breathing, and other organs.

Alcohol plays an important role in the lives of most people. However, not everyone knows that alcohol can cause serious health problems and even lead to death. One of these problems is alcohol intolerance.

Intolerance is a condition when a person requires less alcohol to achieve intoxication than before. This suggests that the body gets used to doses of alcohol and begins to process it faster. As a result, a person can become very intoxicated from a much smaller dose than is required for normal intoxication.

Manifestations of intolerance can be different. If the amount of alcohol decreases and the degree of intoxication increases, then we can talk about the presence of intolerance. At the same time, you can notice changes in a person’s behavior - he becomes more irritable and aggressive. There may also be problems with coordination of movements and vision deterioration.

The causes of intolerant alcohol may be associated with chronic alcoholism. Chronic alcoholism is a serious disease that requires medical intervention. In this case, the body gradually gets used to alcohol and processes it faster and faster. Thus, in order to obtain the same amount of alcohol, a person needs to reduce the dose.

As a rule, a person becomes an intolerant alcoholic as a result of many years of addiction.

Introduction: What is alcohol intolerance and why is it a problem? Intolerance is a concept that describes increased sensitivity to a certain environment or situation. In the case of alcohol intolerance, this means that a person cannot drink in the same doses that previously did not cause him strong sensations. This predisposition may be associated with alcohol abuse, when the body begins to adapt to constant doses of alcohol and respond to them more quickly. As a result, a person may need more and more alcohol to achieve the same intoxication. This can lead to a variety of negative consequences, including excessive drinking, alcohol addiction, and even death.

Causes of alcohol intolerance

Alcohol intolerance

Alcohol intolerance is a state of increased sensitivity to the effects of alcohol. When intoxicated with this poison (poisoning), it is accompanied by mild pain and discomfort, but after the third or fifth time, intoxication begins without a significant amount of alcohol and becomes pronounced.

**Physiological processes**. Chronic disease leads to the restructuring of the nervous tissues of the brain. There is a decrease in the activity of the inhibitory and volitional centers. As a result, everything is done untimely: thoughts work slowly, prostration occurs, memory weakens, concentration decreases, etc. It is due to this that the patient develops disorientation and personality changes. Which affects performance and general social condition. Causes of alcohol intoxication

If symptoms such as loss of control, disorganization of behavior, or inadequate assessment of reality are detected, you should consult a doctor to rule out alcohol intoxication. The key to developing tolerance is prolonged use of the toxin. At first, a person drinks a small dose, but then an increase in volume leads to a more rapid drop in the sensitivity threshold and a decrease in the amount of the product for intoxication.

Among the reasons for increasing tolerance to alcoholic beverages, the development of prolonged intoxication and physical dependence are noted. Hereditary factors (genetic disposition) also play a role.

In representatives of weak constitutions, the development of tolerance is also possible due to the destruction of anti-alcohol enzymes or their hereditary deficiency. And in individuals with an initially high level of tolerance or ethyl type, tolerance to the toxin increases after a certain period of time after withdrawal