Iodism is a condition that occurs due to iodine poisoning. Iodism can occur with long-term consumption of foods containing large amounts of iodine, such as seafood or iodized salt. In addition, iodism can occur as a result of improper use of iodine-containing medications.
The main symptoms of poisoning are characteristic staining of the mouth and bad breath when breathing. Vomit usually has a yellowish or bluish tint. A person feels pain and burning in the throat, he is tormented by severe thirst; in addition, he experiences diarrhea, dizziness, weakness and convulsions. Some people may also experience stomach pain and headaches.
If a person suspects iodine poisoning, action must be taken as quickly as possible. The first step should be to stop taking iodine in any form. Next, you need to do a gastric lavage with a solution of sodium thiosulfate or soda. This will help reduce the amount of iodine in the body. Starch or flour dissolved in water can also help bind iodine and speed up its removal from the body.
In most cases, the symptoms of iodine poisoning disappear after stopping iodine intake and following the necessary procedures. However, in more serious cases, medical intervention may be required.
In addition, the prevention of iodine poisoning can be achieved through proper consumption of iodine-containing foods and medications. It is not recommended to eat iodine-containing foods or take iodine-containing medications without a doctor's prescription. People with thyroid disease should also consult a doctor before consuming foods containing iodine.
In conclusion, Iodism is a serious condition that can occur due to iodine poisoning. If you suspect iodine poisoning, you should stop taking iodine immediately and consult a doctor. Proper consumption of iodine-containing foods and medications can help prevent the development of iodism and maintain thyroid health.
Iodism occurs as a result of contact with iodine compounds. As a rule, this happens in everyday life when iodine is used to disinfect water in containers used for cooking. However, this practice is becoming a thing of the past due to the advent of new detergents and disinfectants. Now the main source of iodine in the body is seafood and those foods that contain large amounts of iodine - fish, shrimp.
Iodism has the following symptoms, which are subjective: - formation of discharge from the mouth. - vomiting - headache
These symptoms occur due to iodine deficiency in
Iodization (iodism) is a disease caused by a disorder of iodine metabolism in the human body. Symptoms of iodism include characteristic bad breath, redness and swelling of the tongue, sore throat, feeling unwell and unwell, diarrhea and diarrhea. If signs of iodism are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. Treatment consists of using antidotes, gastric lavage, and the use of adsorbents and saline solutions. Iodization is dangerous and requires prompt medical attention.