
Job-venum: homeopathic remedy for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis

Job-venum is a homeopathic venotonic product produced by the Russian company Talion A. It is used to treat various vein diseases, including varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and leg ulcers, and in some cases to treat varicoceles.

The dosage form of Job-venum is homeopathic drops, which are supplied in 25 ml bottles. The composition of the drug includes four active components: Hamamelis virginiana D6, Arnica montana D6, Sulfur D30 and Lachesis D30.

Hamamelis virginiana D6 has a tonic effect on the venous system, reduces swelling and improves blood circulation. Arnica montana D6 improves microcirculation, reduces inflammation and eliminates pain. Sulfur D30 improves the elasticity of vein walls and reduces the decrease in their tone, and Lachesis D30 reduces inflammation, improves vascular tone and accelerates the resorption of blood clots.

The drug Job-venum has no side effects and does not interact with other drugs. Overdose is also safe, the drug is harmless and non-toxic.

However, Job-venum has a number of contraindications. For example, you should not take the drug while playing sports involving dumbbells, exercise machines, aerobics, shaping and other types of physical activity that can lead to an increase in venous pressure. It is also not recommended to use Job-venum during pregnancy and lactation.

It is important to follow specific instructions when using Job-venum. Dynamic loads such as running, swimming, cycling, skiing, race walking, etc. are acceptable and desirable. Static or pseudo-dynamic loads are undesirable, but still acceptable, such as standing work, walking around the city, sports with a chaotic load, such as football, tennis, etc.

Thus, Job-venum is an effective and safe homeopathic remedy that can be used to treat various vein diseases. However, before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor and strictly follow the instructions for use of the drug.