Iris Bombed

Iris bomb is an expression used in English that means "the bright iris of the eye." This expression appeared due to the fact that the iris of the eye can be very bright and beautiful. Typically, the iris has a warm tone, but some people may have a bright color, which gives them a unique and memorable appearance.

The iris of a bombed eye can have different shapes and colors. It can be round, oval or any other shape. Color depends on a person's genes and can range from bright yellow to green and brown. But what is an iris bombite?

The Iris bomb was created in America in the 80s of the last century. It has become popular in the modern world due to its brightness and originality. The iris bomb is not just a bright iris. There is an art to creating a unique style.

The bombite rainbow consists of three primary colors - black, yellow and red. Each color is applied to the pupil in separate strokes, then joined together