
Hyssopus officinalis

Medicinal hyssop, or hyssop, or esobh, is a sacred herb of the ancient Jews. Her homeland is the Mediterranean. In the Bible you can read the following words of David: “Wash me with hyssop, and I will be clean.” In ancient times it was believed that such ablution cleanses not only the body, but also the soul. Hyssop was used to cleanse sacred places.

Hyssop is sometimes called the herb of the elderly, because it has a tonic and stimulating effect on the brain, giving vigor and strength. Hippocrates used this plant for paralysis, and Dioscorides used it to treat his patients for shortness of breath and asthma. The beneficial effects of hyssop on the upper respiratory tract have long been noticed. Arnold of Villanova, in the Salerno Code of Health, wrote:

A herb called hyssop clears the chest of phlegm.
Hyssop is beneficial for the lungs if it is boiled with honey,
And they say that it gives an excellent color to the face.

Odo of Mena speaks in more detail about the healing properties of hyssop:

As a gargle, it helps with a hoarse voice, Accepted, it gives help with all kinds of suffering in the lungs; When drunk, it also expels roundworms from the womb. If the discharge leaks from the head into the chest, which often leads to cough and consumption, the same decoction helps when taken frequently. Powder is good with honey in these cases. If vinegar and honey together with grated green hyssop, mixed together, are given in a drink, it will relax the blockages of the stomach. Mixing cardamom with them will help cleanse your stomach. If you drink green or dry hyssop, and drink it often, your face, they say, will bloom from it. If you grind hyssop together with soda and dry figs, apply a poultice to the swollen spleen, or for dropsy, it dries out the disease and drives out the disease. Drinking with wine, tension softens the hypochondrium. Any swelling is driven away by the harm that manifests itself inside; If you apply the decoction, it will lighten any bruises.

Medicinal properties

  1. Used for chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, influenza, tuberculosis, sore throat, asthma, pneumonia, hoarseness.
  2. Eliminates intestinal enzymatic deficiency, enhances intestinal motility, stimulates appetite. Recommended for chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, colic, helminthic infestation.
  3. Prescribed for inflammation of the urinary tract, kidney stones.
  4. It has an antiallergic effect for hay fever, allergic rhinitis, and skin rashes.
  5. Analgesizes toothache and is used for rinsing in the treatment of stomatitis.
  6. Reduces sweating.
  7. Tones up cardiac activity, regulates blood circulation and blood pressure. Effective for anemia, angina pectoris, as a blood purifier.
  8. Harmonizes the function of the endocrine glands.
  9. Painkiller for rheumatism, arthritis.
  10. It has an antimicrobial effect against purulent skin diseases of staphylococcal origin. Used to eliminate papillomas, warts, calluses, as a wound-healing agent, as well as for bruises, dermatoses, eczema, prickly heat, purulent sebaceous plugs, bruises, hematomas.
  11. Stimulates the function of the medulla oblongata.
  12. Effective for delayed menstruation and leucorrhoea.
  13. In folk medicine, it is used as an expectorant for chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, frequent colds, as a wound-healing, diuretic, carminative, and anticancer agent.
  14. Stimulates mental activity, relieves nervous tension and increased anxiety. A good tonic for older people.
  15. Suitable for caring for aging skin.


Externally: 3-5 k. per 10 g of transport oil.

Internally: 1-2 k. with honey 1 time per day.

Bath: 3-5 k.

Inhalations: 1-2 k.

Rinse: 1-2 k. per 100 g of water.

Compresses: 5-6 k.

Warts: pure oil.

Enrichment of cosmetics: 4-6 k. per 10 g of base.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance. Pregnancy, epilepsy, muscle cramps, increased blood clotting.

Note. Strong oil. When using, avoid overdose. A doctor's consultation is required.