Excess meat on wounds

To treat this, tearing and drying medications are needed, and the less the medication burns, the better. One should not expect here from nature the kind of help that is expected when growing meat, for growing meat is a natural action, and taking away what nature has grown - be it with or without the help of medicine - is contrary to the action of nature; therefore, one should rely more on medicine.

Know that the cakes prepared for this purpose are beneficial when they are not old, but fresh, and if they need to be prepared for future use, then they should be stored by giving the medicines the shape of cakes and burying them in the ground in a place where they will not be destroyed air. To do this, they use vinegar grounds, and some praise this method, but, in my opinion, this is not entirely correct, and making cakes or nuts from medicines better preserves their strength, and as for the talk that the cakes should be moistened with sharp waters with arsenic, garlic or vinegar, then this predisposes to the dissipation of their power and helps the air that destroys them. A thicker and more stable medicine is in this case more useful, but not because of its strength, since the thinner one sometimes turns out to be stronger, but because it is less exposed to the action of air and various impurities and remains as it is longer.

Similar medicines are, for example, copper dross, burnt shells or hedgehogs of various types, burned with meat, but sometimes hedgehogs do not clean enough and tighten the meat more than they should.

Stronger than what we have listed, the color of the stone called asiyus, and even stronger - suri, glue for gold, kalkatar and vitriol, burning simultaneously reduces both the strength and pungency of these substances and increases their rarefaction. Copper color is a strong medicine, but not the same as verdigris, especially prepared from copper dross. Ptash and verdigris can often be dissolved and wrinkled excess meat by covering it with rags moistened with sea water or water, which are good at eating away excess meat. in which bitter salt was dissolved.

Sometimes they take potash and quicklime, put it in seven times the amount of water in comparison with them and leave it in the sun for seven days, constantly, every day, stirring the composition until it thickens and becomes like clay; cakes are prepared from this and used; cakes are also used. nitalicus. Green plaster Works wonderfully, especially the green one prepared with Andaran salt, as well as the plaster called iskirtat, which eats away meat without burning. Also good are the medicine diyarun and the medicine dudiya, a medicine prepared from copper dross and crushed incense, which corrects meat that has grown too much and is worn out, like torn cotton; all medicines used against growths in the nose are also used.