
Delirious thrashing, also known as jactitation, is one of the most characteristic symptoms of serious illnesses that are accompanied by high fever. This condition manifests itself in the form of severe anxiety and erratic movements caused by hallucinations and delusions that overwhelm the patient.

Tossing and turning in delirium can be caused by various reasons, such as infectious diseases, meningitis, encephalitis and other serious diseases of the nervous system. This condition can be extremely dangerous as the sufferer may perform erratic movements that can lead to injury or even death.

Symptoms of delirious thrashing can vary from person to person, but include erratic movements, muttering, screaming, hallucinations and delusions. These symptoms may worsen at night, when the patient becomes more tired and less able to control their actions.

Treatment of delirious tossing is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that caused this symptom. This may include antibiotics, antivirals, antipsychotics, and other medications that help reduce symptoms of delusions and hallucinations. In addition, the patient may be prescribed anticonvulsant medications to reduce the frequency and intensity of erratic movements.

Delirious thrashing is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. If you or someone you love experiences these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. The doctor will conduct additional tests and prescribe treatment depending on the cause of the symptoms.

**Throwing in delirium** is a state when a person is deeply unconscious and often delirious. This condition can occur with various diseases, such as fever, pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis and other infectious and viral diseases. However, delirious thrashing is mainly associated with diseases of the central nervous system. Throwing occurs at high temperatures and indicates that the temperature has gone beyond normal limits. At this moment, the level of pain impulses decreases and anxiety appears. Because of this, the patient loses control over his body.

Jactitation: A Study of Severe Anxiety in High Temperatures

In the medical world, there are many terms used to describe the various conditions and symptoms that patients experience. One such term is delirious tossing, or jactitation. This term refers to a state of intense anxiety that a person experiences during a serious illness accompanied by a very high fever.

Delirious thrashing is one of the unusual and frightening symptoms that can be observed in patients with various infectious or systemic diseases. This condition is characterized by unusual activity and inconsistent movements that the patient exhibits during periods of unconsciousness or sleep delusions. While delirious, the patient may slur his speech, move his arms or legs, wave his arms, or even try to stand up and walk.

One of the main causes of delirious thrashing is severe hyperthermia, that is, increased body temperature. High fever can be caused by a variety of factors, including infectious diseases such as malaria, typhus, sepsis, and systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus. In the vast majority of cases, delirious thrashing is associated with the presence of an infectious disease.

The mechanisms underlying the occurrence of delirious thrashing are not yet fully understood. However, it is believed that the effect of high temperature on the nervous system and brain can cause dysfunction, leading to changes in the patient's behavior and consciousness. There are also suggestions of a connection between delirious thrashing and certain chemical changes in the brain, such as increased levels of neurotransmitters and cytokines.

Diagnosis of delirious thrashing is based on observing symptoms and measuring body temperature. It is important to distinguish this condition from other forms of delusion or mental disorders that may mimic its symptoms. Additional laboratory and imaging tests, such as blood tests, urine samples, or brain imaging, may be needed to determine the cause of delirious thrashing.

Treatment of delirious tossing is aimed primarily at normalizing body temperature and eliminating the underlying disease. Antipyretic drugs, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, can be used to reduce high fever. In addition, anti-infective drugs or other medications appropriate to the underlying disease are prescribed.

The environment also plays an important role in treating delirious thrashing. Patients are advised to provide comfortable conditions, including cool room temperatures, comfortable bedding, and a supportive environment. Supportive therapy, including psychological support, may also be helpful for patients who experience stress and anxiety during delirium.

In most cases, delirious tossing is a temporary condition that improves after the temperature normalizes and the underlying disease is treated. However, in some cases, delirious thrashing may be a symptom of a serious illness that requires more intensive treatment and monitoring.

In conclusion, jactitation is a state of intense restlessness that occurs in patients during a serious illness and is accompanied by high fever. This symptom may be associated with infectious or systemic diseases. Diagnosis and treatment of delirious tossing require an integrated approach, including normalization of body temperature and treatment of the underlying disease. Supportive care and the environment also play an important role in patient comfort and recovery.