Cabicage - buttercup

There are four types of it. Dioscorides says: “The leaves of one species are similar to the leaves of coriander, but they are wider than its leaves and whitish; its flowers are yellow and sometimes purple. Its height is up to two cubits, its base is not thick, and its root is white. Its branches look like hellebore branches. It grows near the banks of rivers with fast flowing water.

The other species is larger than the first. It has a significantly longer base and rugged leaves and is called "wild lupine".

There is also a third species, very small, golden, and a fourth, similar to the third, but only its flowers are milky white.

Hot, dry to the third degree.

Actions and properties.
All types of buttercup are hot, pungent, they ulcerate, peel, strip and burn the skin and cause itching.

The leaves and stems of this plant, until they dry out, reduce baras, white spots on the nails and “fox” disease, but they do not need to be applied for a long time.

Tumors and acne.
It is good at eliminating jarab, nail-shaped warts and hanging bumps with matter.

Wounds and ulcers.
It is boiled and the lukewarm broth is poured over the safa; this helps.

Organs of the head.
Its dried roots are among the most potent sneezing agents, and the crushed roots help prevent tooth chatter.