Cajal-Favorsky Method

The Kahal-Favorsky method is a method of staining tissues and organs that was developed by the Soviet physician Boris Aleksandrovich Favorsky in the 1920s. This method is based on the use of a dye, which allows you to see the structure of tissues and organs.

The Cajal-Favorsky method was named after the two scientists who developed it. Ramon Cajal was a Spanish histologist who studied the structure of tissues, and Boris Aleksandrovich Favorsky was a Soviet doctor who used this method to diagnose diseases.

The Cajal-Favor method is used to study the structure of tissues and organs in medical research. It allows you to see cells, tissues and organs in different layers, which helps doctors diagnose diseases and choose the most effective treatments.

One of the advantages of the Cajal-Favorsky method is its simplicity and ease of use. To stain tissues and organs, you just need to add the dye to the solution and place the sample in this solution for a few minutes. The sample can then be dried and examined under a microscope.

Even though the Cajal-Tavor method was developed more than 100 years ago, it is still used in medical research and disease diagnosis. It is one of the simplest and most effective methods for staining tissues and organs and allows doctors to obtain detailed information about the structure of patients' tissues and organs.

Kahaliya - Tavorsky method - history of creation and application

In 1998, at the suggestion of Professor P.M. Paleev, I was sent to advanced training courses at the Russian Oncological Research Center named after. N.N. Blokhina. The courses ran from May 11 to July 8, 1996. During these three weeks, teachers covered a number of important sections of the curriculum. Among them was the section “Organization of Oncology Service,” which we listened to as a lecturer - a representative of the Federal Agency of the Russian Federation. The program was interesting. Her problem was that,