
Kairophobia is the fear of missing out on a chance, the fear of not being able to do something on time, the fear of acting at an unfavorable time. Often a person understands that at some moments it is not worth acting at all, but still cannot say “no” to himself. He puts off important things until later, “for a better time,” and for some reason such time is constantly moving away, and

**Kairophobia** is a **fear of change**. People suffering from this disease may be afraid of even the slightest changes in life and always want everything to remain in its place.

**The disease** usually develops in those who are accustomed to waiting for the best “day X” to move to a new stage, postponing its decision until the last. Some people just don't want to change anything. However, change has a positive effect on the life of every person. They lead to us developing, growing, and gaining more self-confidence.

Fearing something new, many people linger in every possible way