How to remove papillomas with celandine at home?

The content of the article:
  1. Description and composition of celandine
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Contraindications
  4. Methods of external use
    1. Juice
    2. Oil
    3. Ointment
    4. Pharmacy drugs
  5. How to take celandine internally
  6. Results of treatment of papillomas

Celandine is one of the most famous plants in folk medicine, which is especially respected in the treatment of skin diseases, including the treatment of papillomas. Cauterization of problem areas with plant juice allows you to get rid of unaesthetic growths within 20-30 days. However, it is practiced to use not only pure juice, but also various lotions and ointments prepared on its basis. However, before you start treating papillomas with celandine, you need to make sure that you have no contraindications to it.

Description and composition of celandine for papillomas

Our ancestors somehow miraculously figured out how to use an inconspicuous weed for skin ailments. Today, the effectiveness of celandine against papillomas has been scientifically proven.

The plant has a unique composition, it contains:

  1. Alkaloids. These substances are characterized by high physiological activity. There are about 20 of them in celandine, and all of them, in reasonable doses, can have a therapeutic effect, but in incorrect doses, alkaloids, on the contrary, poison the body.
  2. Essential oils. They are also found in large quantities in the plant and can have an antimicrobial effect.
  3. Amines. Help regulate vital metabolic processes in the body.
  4. Flavonoids. These substances are capable of enhancing the body’s immune response when fighting foreign agents, that is, they have an antiviral effect. They are also able to prevent the development of tumors.
  5. Organic acids and vitamins. In particular, celandine is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene. Together, they actively strengthen the immune system and counteract excess free radicals.

Potent substances that can have a detrimental effect on HPV are found in higher concentrations in the milky fluid of the plant. That is why the easiest way to remove papillomas is to use celandine juice flowing along the stem. Unfortunately, fresh milky liquid can only be obtained in late spring and early summer, so if you need therapy in the off-season, you will have to use other plant-based medicines.

Note! Despite such an attractive composition, celandine is considered a medicinal plant, which means that it should be used only in strictly prescribed doses, especially when it comes to oral administration. Otherwise, the medicine will turn into poison.

Useful properties of celandine against papillomas

The photo shows the treatment of papilloma on the finger with celandine juice

And yet, although celandine in the treatment of papillomas requires maximum caution when used, it has remained for many years one of the most popular remedies against growths, surpassing even modern pharmacy ointments in effectiveness. This popularity is due to the following factors:

  1. Removal without pain. Medicines based on celandine make it possible to remove papillomas painlessly, at a time when special medical procedures for burning them out are associated with unpleasant sensations, even if micro-operations are performed under the influence of anesthetics. Read about folk remedies for removing papillomas from the face.
  2. Economical. Compared to professional procedures, removing papillomas with celandine is an opportunity to save money. Burning out warts, depending on the complexity and rank of the clinic, costs about 2,000 rubles, at a time when folk medicine simply grows underfoot, and out of season, a plant-based drug can be purchased at a pharmacy at a very favorable price.
  3. Naturalness. Despite the fact that celandine contains components that are poisonous if used incorrectly, it is completely free of synthetic additives. This makes the plant stand out against the background of various pharmaceutical ointments.
  4. Rapidity. With regular cauterization, papilloma can be guaranteed to be removed in 20-30 days. However, there are cases when the growth disappears already on the third day.
  5. Reliability. Practice shows that celandine rarely fails, in 9 out of 10 cases the treatment is effective - the papillomas fall off.

However, it is worth understanding that although celandine has an antiviral effect when applied externally, this effect is local, which means that after eliminating the HPV growth, most likely, it will not go away. Usually the problem dies down for a while, and then a new scattering of unaesthetic growths appears.

Important! Celandine fights against papillomas effectively, but you should not limit yourself to this remedy alone. It is imperative to visit a doctor to prescribe the correct antiviral therapy.
  1. See the section - drugs for papillomas and warts.

Contraindications to the use of celandine for papillomas

In the photo there is a papilloma on the eyelid

When papilloma forms, consulting a doctor is the first step. This means that you do not need to start cauterizing it until the doctor approves the idea. This is really important, because despite the fact that doctors give a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to cauterize papillomas with celandine juice, there are exceptional conditions in which this cannot be done. These include:

  1. Oncogenic papillomas. If a person is infected with an oncogenic strain, there is a considerable probability of the benign growth degenerating into a malignant cancerous tumor (see what a cancerous papilloma looks like). This risk increases with incorrect therapy. That is why you must first get tested, make sure that the strain is not oncogenic, and only then begin treatment.
  2. Papillomas on mucous membranes and sensitive areas. Even with precise, precise treatment of growths, there is a high risk of irritation of healthy skin around the problem area. At best, it will appear as slight redness, at worst as severe burns.

For some groups of people, it is not recommended to use celandine against papillomas in any case, even if oncogenicity is not detected, but the growth is located in an insensitive area. These include people prone to allergies and hypersensitive skin, as well as children, pregnant and lactating women.

  1. Read about the impact of the papilloma virus on pregnancy

Other groups of the population need to closely monitor the body's reaction. Before you start using celandine for papillomas, you need to conduct a sensitivity test: for this, 1 drop of plant juice diluted with vegetable oil is applied to the elbow; if a negative reaction does not appear within 24 hours, you can begin cauterization. For additional protection, healthy skin around the growth should be smeared with a rich cream, and the treatment itself should be carried out with gloves to prevent burns to the skin of the fingers.

Despite the fact that when removing papillomas, it is not expected to take celandine orally, one or another unpleasant symptomatology may occur in the form of dizziness, general weakness, and gastrointestinal problems. If you observe one or another negative sign, you must immediately stop using it.

Methods for external use of celandine against papillomas

There are a number of methods for using celandine against papillomas; we will analyze the most effective and popular of them.

Celandine juice

If you have to deal with the growth during the flowering season of the plant, treatment is carried out as simply as possible. A fresh stem is cut and lightly squeezed, and bright orange juice immediately appears. A drop of this juice is applied to the papilloma, the procedure is repeated 4 times a day, and each time you need to make a new cut.

The course of treatment for papillomas with celandine should not be continued for more than 3 weeks, but usually during this time the growth disappears. If no changes are visible after 2 weeks of using the medicine, therapy should be stopped and another method of treatment should be chosen.

Celandine oil

Now let's figure out how to remove papilloma with celandine if the season of the young plant has already passed. In this situation, oil is usually prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Dry and chop the plant stems.
  2. Transfer the resulting dry mass into a glass jar and pour in any vegetable oil so that it lightly covers the celandine.
  3. Place in a dark place for 7 days at room temperature.
  4. Strain the resulting oil and discard the plant cake.
  5. Mix the concentrated oil in a 1:1 ratio with regular vegetable oil - the medicine is ready.

Papillomas should be treated with this oil 2 times a day using a cotton pad. The treatment period increases and can take from 1 to 6 months. But this solution based on celandine for papillomas is suitable even for people with sensitive skin.

Ointment based on celandine

An alternative to oil is an ointment based on celandine; it is more practical as it is better absorbed and does not stain clothes.

To prepare it, you need to mix celandine juice with any cream or fat - pork, lamb, badger - in a ratio of 1 to 2. That is, for 30 ml of celandine juice you will need 60 ml of cream. To get a less “aggressive” remedy with celandine for removing papillomas, prepare a solution based on dry plant stems and mix with the cream in the same proportion.

Apply the ointment 2-3 times a day, applying it precisely to the papillomas - despite the fact that the medicine is not as strong as the juice itself, it is also important to be careful when using it.

Pharmaceutical preparations with celandine

Price: 80-90 rubles

The most popular pharmaceutical ointment based on celandine for the treatment of papillomas is "Mountain Celandine". It contains the juice of the plant, in addition, it is enhanced with extracts of gentian, rhododendron, string and kakali. It is used according to the following instructions: a cotton swab is dipped into the solution, then the growth is cauterized with it for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day, usually after 1-2 weeks, the papilloma falls off. This drug can even be used on the skin of the face, but in this case the cauterization time is reduced to 5 minutes.

In the photo Super Celandine, price in Ukraine - 20-30 UAH, in Russia 60 rubles

It is noteworthy that the drug is also widely known "Super Celandine", however, there is no trace of the plant in its composition. The name is just a trick by the manufacturers. The drug does not even contain natural ingredients and is an alkaline solution of potassium and sodium.

By the way, in addition to preparations based on celandine, you can buy oil, alcohol tinctures, and even the juice of this plant in its pure form at the pharmacy.

How to take celandine orally when treating papillomas?

By external use of celandine, only the effect, not the cause, can be cured. To overcome HPV, you need to take special antiviral drugs. Various herbal decoctions and tinctures, including celandine, can enhance the antiviral effect.

A particularly effective alcohol infusion of celandine for papillomas, which is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Mix the dried stems and leaves of the plant with alcohol (preferably 70%) in a ratio of 1:5.
  2. Store in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks.
  3. Strain and discard the cake.

The infusion should be stored in a dark place and taken 10 drops before each meal. By the way, it can also be used for external treatment, just like oil.

Note! When taking celandine orally, the list of contraindications expands. You should not drink the infusion if you have any acute or chronic diseases, especially with diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and liver.

Results of treatment of papillomas with celandine

People have known since ancient times how to use celandine to get rid of papillomas, and for many years this plant has been a reliable medicine in the fight against epidermal tumors. It is really effective and quickly helps get rid of the problem.

However, when treating a virus, limiting yourself to only external use of the plant is the wrong tactic. In this case, you will get rid of the growth, but after a while it will appear again.

  1. Read how to treat human papillomavirus

If you are used to being treated with folk remedies, if papillomas appear, you still need to contact a doctor who, firstly, will conduct an analysis to exclude the oncogenicity of the neoplasm, and, secondly, prescribe competent therapy, at your request, changing pharmacy medications to traditional ones recipes as much as possible.

How to remove papillomas with celandine - watch the video:

Celandine is an effective home remedy for removing papillomas. It has been tested for years and helps in 9 out of 10 cases. However, before you begin treatment with this folk remedy, you must visit a doctor and find out whether in your case it is possible to cauterize papillomas with celandine.