How to do a cleansing enema with chamomile?

Chamomile enema is an effective folk remedy against various kinds of pathological syndromes. The technique is used together with medications. A chamomile enema helps eliminate the provoking factor of the disease.

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Effect of chamomile on the body

Chamomile contains essential oils; the plant has antiseptic properties. The benefits of an enema with chamomile are noted for pathological syndromes of the intestinal tract, circulatory system, and bile vessels.

This recipe can be combined with other folk and medical methods. A cleansing enema with chamomile increases the effectiveness of drug treatment. St. John's wort and calendula are also successfully used with the plant.

Thus, an enema with chamomile at home has the following properties.

  1. The work of the intestinal tract is stimulated.
  2. The patient's appetite is restored after the enema.
  3. Microcracks in the intestinal area, circulatory system or bile vessels heal.
  4. The chamomile enema recipe is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it one of the main folk recipes.
  5. For enemas, chamomile is used for its anti-spasm properties.

The plant is used to combat many diseases. Some people replace medications with a traditional recipe.

The advantage of this treatment method, in comparison with medication, is the fewer number of contraindications. However, complex treatment should not be neglected.

When is a chamomile enema used?

The plant is characterized by a positive effect on all systems of the human body. If the recipe is used correctly, it will be possible to cure many pathological syndromes; for example, an enema in case of poisoning helps to get rid of toxins in the body.

Traditional healers identify the following diseases when an enema from this plant will help cure:

  1. Inflammatory diseases in the rectum area.
  2. The folk recipe counteracts the development of hemorrhoids, but it is necessary to use chamomile ice bases. The resulting ice is applied to the affected area. Care must be taken to avoid frostbite.
  3. The folk recipe has an effective effect on the development of constipation. After penetration into the intestinal tract, chamomile stimulates peristalsis.
  4. The recipe is used in the presence of spasms of the intestinal tract.
  5. An enema will help cope with colitis, and will also help with the development of dysbiosis.
  6. Can be used as a prophylaxis for intestinal tract diseases.
The above-described treatment method can also be used for a child, but you must first consult with a medical specialist - a pediatrician.

How to give a chamomile enema

The installation procedure does not require specific medical skills. It is necessary to prepare a solution according to the proportions, and then introduce it.

To prepare an enema, you will need to dilute 100 grams of dried plant flowers in a liter of boiling water. After which the broth is infused for 20 minutes, it is necessary to bring the liquid to room temperature. The resulting decoction is used for syringing or filling a heating pad.

There are several recommendations on how to make microenemas with chamomile.

  1. It is necessary to prepare in advance the necessary equipment and ingredients for preparing a folk recipe. Exceeding the specified dosage will reduce the effectiveness of treatment and also provoke a number of complications.


    The use of the above-described folk recipe is not always allowed. It is recommended that you consult a medical facility before performing an enema. It is first necessary to determine the clinical signs that provoke the factor and find out the cause of the inflammatory process.

    A harmless plant, if there are contraindications to its use, can cause harm to the human body.

    1. In the presence of a tumor of a benign or malignant nature.
    2. In case of bleeding from hemorrhoids.
    3. Chronic diseases of the intestinal tract are also a contraindication.
    4. Acute pain and other clinical signs of a serious pathological syndrome. You should contact a medical facility for diagnosis before using therapeutic techniques.
    5. The process of bearing a child, it is also prohibited to perform the procedure after childbirth during the lactation period. A syringe with infusion can be used in the initial stages of hemorrhoids development or in case of increased gas formation.


    Before performing therapeutic techniques at home, you should consult your doctor. It is first necessary to establish the disease and its provoking factor.

    It is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage and follow the therapeutic course. If you ignore the recommendations and rules for installing a syringe, the microflora of the intestinal tract suffers.