How to do facial peeling at home

Today I will talk about facial peeling at home. There are time-tested recipes that our grandmothers used to fight wrinkles and other signs of aging. But it is also useful for young girls to know how to make compositions and carry out procedures that can keep their skin smooth and silky.

Hello, my dear readers! Svetlana Morozova is with you. For peeling at home, both professional cosmetics and simple folk methods that are available to each of us are used. Let's take a closer look.

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What is this procedure

The word “peeling” means “cleansing”, “sanding” and is the removal of the upper, dying layer of cells from the skin. Normally, the keratinized epithelium sloughs off on its own, but due to environmental problems, poor nutrition, various internal diseases and age-related changes, this does not happen on time.

Our skin becomes less elastic, becomes covered with blackheads, becomes dry or, conversely, too greasy. Pigment spots, wrinkles and pimples appear on it.

How to make your complexion even, get rid of extra freckles and wrinkles?

You can use artificial cleansing, which can be:

  1. mechanical, using scrubs, brushes or special devices, up to vacuum pumps;
  2. chemical, using solutions containing organic acids;
  3. thermal - steaming to facilitate the removal of dead cells or cooling with ice;
  4. biological, using various enzymes (for example, bromelain contained in the core of pineapple);
  5. physical, when a special laser, photo method, radio wave and ultrasonic devices are used;
  6. and even with the help of garra rufa fish, which is also called doctor fish (peeling fish).

Based on the depth of impact, there are three types of procedures:

  1. superficial;
  2. medium - 0.4 mm inside the epidermis;
  3. deep - to a depth of 0.6 or more millimeters.

The second is best entrusted to a professional from a beauty salon or carried out according to the instructions of a cosmetologist. The third is done only by specialists, often under anesthesia. At the same time, there is a high risk of developing infection and other complications.

The first method is suitable for our home, which I will tell you about in more detail.

Simple ways to beauty

There are special devices - vacuum and ultrasonic massagers for home use. They are expensive and you can do without them.

Ready-made chemicals

You can buy ready-made combined preparations for mechanical and chemical cleaning:

  1. gels with natural ingredients - flax seed, cereal extracts, bran, vitamins and fruit acids;
  2. chemical liquids and lotions based on glycolic and other acids;
  3. products that contain a small concentration of trichloroacetic, salicylic, glycolic, and lactic acid can be purchased in pharmacies;
  4. products with an enzymatic composition that stimulate the softening and separation of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  5. ready-made scrubs based on plant components, with coal, abrasive particles, etc.;
  6. complexes for sequential use, consisting of scrubs, creams and masks.

Prices can be very varied, from 300-400 rubles and above. The main thing is to always read the ingredients. There are unscrupulous manufacturers who do not even indicate what exactly they put in their product. Such a cream or gel cannot be used.

Before using any new composition, be sure to do an allergy test by applying a small amount of the substance to the crook of your elbow for 5-10 minutes.

Do-it-yourself cleaning compositions

Different recipes are suitable for different skin types. I will give you a few of the most famous and popular ones that you can try for yourself.

With sodium chloride (saline):

  1. salt - 1 teaspoon;
  2. soda - the same amount;
  3. your regular face cream - 1 tablespoon.

Mix and apply to face for 20 minutes. If it stings and burns too much, wash it off sooner.

This and the following products are suitable for oily skin

With aspirin:

  1. crush two tablets of acetylsalicylic acid;
  2. add a couple of drops of water;
  3. a coffee spoon of honey.

Apply and leave for about 20 minutes.

Ginger (also suitable as a scrub):

  1. a teaspoon of ginger powder;
  2. a teaspoon of olive oil.

Mix, apply and leave for 20 minutes, then remove with a napkin. Rinse your face with warm water. According to reviews, after 45 years this procedure gives very good results.


  1. one tablespoon of chopped bodyaga;
  2. one spoon of hydrogen peroxide.

Apply to the face, keep it on for as long as other formulations. Rinse off with warm water. Then apply cream.

The following recipes are suitable for dry


  1. 2-3 berries, can be fresh frozen;
  2. half a sour apple;
  3. Grind in a blender and apply.

Strawberry seeds can also have a massaging scrub effect.

Soapy with sugar:

  1. beat soap foam on your hands;
  2. apply and dry slightly;
  3. take a spoonful of sugar and sprinkle it on the soap;
  4. massage and rinse.

A mixture based on a disinfectant liquid is also suitable:

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  1. a tablespoon of grated soap without fragrances;
  2. a teaspoon of ammonia, camphor and boric alcohol;
  3. 1-2 tablets of hydroperite;
  4. glycerol;
  5. mix everything and apply to face.

It is better to rinse off with the well-known calcium chloride. Before using the remedy described above, do a test for an allergic reaction.

You can also use lemon juice to wipe your face, ground oatmeal with fresh cucumber, milk or kefir, soda, ground almonds with olive oil, rice flour and grounds from drinking ground coffee.

These products are effective, suitable for everyone and practically safe.

Before and after the session

Before the session, you need to completely remove any remaining makeup.

Any ready-made peeling composition is applied to clean, slightly damp skin, distributed in a circular motion, starting from the central part to the periphery. After you have washed off the composition with warm water, you need to treat your skin with a cream that suits you.

Often, the cream is removed after a few minutes and a mask is applied in its place.

The procedure can be performed two to three times a week.

Since your face becomes more delicate after cleansing, you need to take care of protecting it with special ointments.

After peeling, you should not sunbathe or be in direct sunlight.

Facial peeling at home: contraindications

Absolute contraindications are:

  1. individual intolerance;
  2. less than two weeks have passed since hair removal;
  3. systemic skin diseases, dermatitis, eczema;
  4. seborrhea;
  5. herpes;
  6. acne;
  7. open injuries, wounds and burns.

First you need to be cured of the underlying ailment, and then apply procedures for rejuvenation and cleansing.

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Dead cells will slough off more actively and you will be happy looking in the mirror, even without using facial peeling at home.

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Problem skin always requires special care. As a rule, to eliminate troubles such as acne and pimples, many women often use an easy and effective method - facial peeling at home. The procedure for cleaning the surface layer by removing dead cells was known to the ancient Egyptians. Today, peeling is the most popular service that can be used in a beauty salon, but it is easy to do it yourself at home, the main thing is to follow certain rules.

What is facial peeling

The cosmetic procedure for removing dead epidermal cells of varying depths is called peeling - from the English “to peel”, which translates as “to sand” or “to scrape hard”. Mechanical manipulations, which are performed at home, cleanse and exfoliate the skin well, but at the same time have a shallow effect. A chemical type of peeling gives a strong, rejuvenating, pronounced effect. As a rule, it will require special equipment, cosmetics, and professional knowledge.

Homemade facial peeling improves skin nutrition, triggers its regeneration mechanism, while it effectively eliminates shallow wrinkles and minor defects (scars, unevenness, enlarged pores, age spots). Due to the forced renewal of the epidermis, this procedure is not advisable to carry out before the age of 25, because natural self-regulation may be disrupted.

Types of peeling

You can free the skin from sebaceous secretions, dirt plugs, and dead particles at home using a special cleansing procedure. There are chemical, mechanical and laser peelings, which have a deep, superficial and medium effect on the skin. As a rule, mechanical and medium peeling are more often used at home. They affect only the upper or middle layers of the epidermis, improve color, remove dead cells, and stimulate regeneration.


Exfoliation is similar to polishing a surface. Mechanical peeling at home for the face can be deep (microcrystalline) and superficial (brossage, film mask, gommage). The service of microdermabrasion or microcrystalline cleansing can only be used in a cosmetologist’s office, because it requires special technological equipment.

Brossage is the mildest cleaning product; it can be done at home using a soft brush. The gommage is based on fruit acids (fig, pineapple), which, by weakening the bond of the stratum corneum, help to gently remove it. Mechanical peeling is carried out using small aluminum particles. If the exfoliation procedure is carried out at home, the following precautions should be observed:

  1. Avoid the area around the eyes;
  2. scrubs are used only after passing a sensitivity test;
  3. the intensity of movements should be moderate;
  4. After all manipulations, you can use a rich cream.

Chemical peeling for the face at home

Exfoliation or chemical, acid peeling, depending on the degree of exposure, can be deep or superficial. For such cleansing at home, a variety of gommage creams and chemicals are used. The course of therapy includes 10 procedures and is recommended for women under 35 years of age. After using them, a burning sensation may be felt. When performing chemical cleaning, scrubs with plant enzymes and organic alpha-hydroxy acids (retinoic, malic, phytic) are often used.

Thanks to the action of chemical components, several layers of keratinized cells are exfoliated at once, which helps stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The effect of the procedure will be increased elasticity and rejuvenation. Chemical peels have several types of intensity:

  1. deep is carried out using a phenol solution;
  2. the basis for cleaning the middle layers is trichloroacetic acid, its concentration ranges from 20 to 50 percent;
  3. For surface dry cleaning, scrubs with calcium chloride, glycolic and salicylic acid are used.


One of the most popular rejuvenation techniques is laser peeling, which is based on the use of light radiation. The advantage of its use is: painlessness, the ability to adjust the depth of beam penetration, minimal likelihood of side effects. Exfoliation can be carried out using two types of devices:

  1. Erbiev. This method gets its name from the chemical used for cleaning. Erbium filters the laser beam, evaporating only the keratinized upper cells, while it does not cause mechanical damage.
  2. Carbon dioxide. Such a device is capable of performing deep exfoliation with amazing precision. Powered by carbon dioxide. Carrying out laser cleaning requires preliminary preparation: you must stop visiting the solarium in advance.

Indications for the procedure

The recipe for beauty is proper care. Women should not avoid cosmetic procedures, but they should not overuse them either. Young girls with oily skin should choose scrubs; for dry skin, gommages are more suitable. Peeling is indicated in the following cases:

  1. photoaging;
  2. dull complexion;
  3. enlarged pores;
  4. hyperpigmentation;
  5. acne, post-acne, comedones, blackheads;
  6. reduced turgor, i.e. the skin is not elastic, flabby;
  7. ingrown hairs or scars;
  8. age-related changes;
  9. unevenness on the face.

Facial peeling at home - recipes

To look younger, you need to target the deeper layers of the skin. This cosmetic procedure will help restore elasticity, smooth out wrinkles, eliminate capillary stars and pigmentation. As a rule, facial cleansing services are offered in clinics and beauty salons, but it costs a lot of money. You can consult a dermatologist about contraindications and do facial peeling yourself at home. The main thing is to correctly determine your skin type.

For normal skin

A properly chosen scrub can prevent a decrease in tone, slow down the aging process, and support cells during vitamin deficiency or bad weather conditions. Cleansing procedures done at home help eliminate existing signs of age and minor physiological and cosmetic defects. Most popular recipes:

1. Coffee scrub. To get rid of keratinized scales, you can use ground grains or grounds. To do this you will need: honey, coffee and olive oil in equal proportions (a teaspoon). Mode of application:

  1. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly.
  2. Next, the resulting scrub is applied in a circular motion to the face.
  3. You can massage it lightly.
  4. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes.
  5. After washing with water, apply a nourishing mask.

2. Sour cream. This cleaning will help remove unevenness and roughness. To prepare the composition you will need half a glass of sour cream, a tablespoon of fine salt. Application:

  1. The ingredients should be mixed thoroughly.
  2. Then you need to take an old toothbrush with natural bristles and dip it in the prepared mixture.
  3. Using small circular movements along the massage lines, carefully treat your face.
  4. This cleaning must be done for 3 minutes.
  5. Next, you need to wash your face with warm water and pat your face dry with a napkin.

3. Fruit peeling. Before using the composition, you must cleanse the skin. To prepare, you will need 100 g of pineapple pulp, a tablespoon of oatmeal and, if desired, kefir or cream. Application:

  1. All products must be mixed well.
  2. Apply a thin layer to the face.
  3. Leave for about 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

For combined type

Mixed skin is the most demanding to care for. In addition to daily moisturizing and cleansing procedures, it is necessary to regularly cleanse. Only an integrated approach will help align tissue structure and normalize metabolic processes. Most popular recipes:

1. Cranberry-lingonberry. To prepare it you will need crushed berries (one tablespoon each), two drops of orange oil, oatmeal, a teaspoon of brown sugar and a drop of almond oil. Mode of application:

  1. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  2. The resulting composition, lightly rubbing, should be applied to a clean face.
  3. Next, you need to gently massage the skin for a minute.
  4. The mixture should be left for about 10 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.

2. Egg. This procedure is carried out once a month. The session duration should be 5 minutes. To prepare the mixture you will need a tablespoon of oatmeal, half a teaspoon each of table salt and honey, and one yolk. Application:

  1. All ingredients must be mixed well.
  2. Apply the resulting mass to a damp, clean face and massage it lightly.
  3. Leave the mixture for about 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

3. Dairy. The procedure is ideal for combination skin. The composition of the mixture includes a tablespoon of milk powder and half a tablespoon of cosmetic clay. Application:

  1. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.
  2. If desired, you can add honey, jojoba oil and sea salt.
  3. The resulting mixture should be applied to a cleansed face and left for 10 minutes.
  4. You can wash off the mixture with warm water.

For oily skin

This type needs deep cleansing of pores and their narrowing. Oily skin that is not subjected to regular cosmetic procedures will quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria, which often leads to inflammation. Exfoliation is a reliable method of getting rid of sebum, dirt and germs. Most popular recipes:

1. Sugar. After using this cleanser, the skin will become smooth and matte, and the oily sheen will disappear. The recipe does not require hard-to-find ingredients. To prepare, you only need baby soap and a teaspoon of sugar. Application:

  1. The soap must be lathered well in your hands.
  2. Apply the foam to the face, avoiding the eyelid area.
  3. Next, pour sugar into your palm and massage your face in a circular motion for two minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mixture with cool water.
  5. Instead of sugar, you can use baking soda.

2. Cucumber. This cleansing will help achieve a rejuvenating effect. To prepare the mixture you will need fresh cucumber, salt, oatmeal and 2 drops of rose oil. Application:

  1. Cut the peel from a fresh cucumber, chop the pulp, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Next, mix a teaspoon of iodized salt with a large tablespoon of oatmeal in a bowl.
  3. Cucumber juice should be gradually added to the resulting dry mixture until a homogeneous mushy mass is formed.
  4. Then add rose oil to the composition.
  5. Massage the resulting scrub onto your face for 2 minutes and leave for another ten.
  6. Rinse off the mixture with warm water.

3. Almond peeling. This type of cleaning will effectively remove unpleasant oily shine. To prepare, you will need a teaspoon of cosmetic clay and the same amount of ground nuts. Application:

  1. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients (you can use ground shells, seaweed, medicinal herbs instead of almonds).
  2. Dilute the resulting mass with water until it becomes sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face, gently massaging the skin for 2 minutes.
  3. After this, you can wash your face with warm water.

For dry

Caring for this type of skin has a number of features that are subject to the main principle - gentle action. Given the sensitivity of dry skin to external influences, you should choose products with a mild exfoliating effect. You can choose ready-made medications or use traditional recipes with natural products. Most Popular:

1. Citrus-curd. This mixture perfectly softens the skin, making it soft and smooth at the same time. To prepare the mass you will need 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and milk, orange zest and lemon oil (a teaspoon each). Application:

  1. All ingredients must be mixed well.
  2. Next, the resulting mixture, gently rubbing, should be applied to the face.
  3. After 7 minutes, you need to wash with warm water.

2. Strawberry. The most delicious recipe contains simple, affordable ingredients that can be purchased at any store. To prepare the mixture you will need pink clay, a tablespoon of sour cream and strawberries. Application:

  1. You must first mix the crushed berries with sour cream.
  2. Then add clay.
  3. The resulting mass should be applied to the face with massage movements.
  4. Massage the skin for 5 minutes.
  5. Then leave the mask for another 7 minutes.
  6. Rinse with water at room temperature.

3. Oatmeal. This procedure should be carried out in a course of 15 days before bedtime, after which rest for a couple of months is necessary. To prepare, you will need water, a tablespoon each of bran and oatmeal. Application:

  1. It is necessary to grind all the components in a coffee grinder, add 3 tablespoons of water.
  2. Mix everything until smooth.
  3. The mixture should be applied to the face.
  4. Next, wash with warm water and apply cream.
  5. If one of the ingredients is missing, you can make a one-component mask, doubling the amount of the available product.

How to do facial peeling at home

To maintain normal functioning of the glands and restore a healthy appearance to the facial skin, it is recommended to cleanse. As a rule, the frequency of treatments depends on the skin type. Oily skin should be cleaned weekly. For dry skin, you can cleanse once a month. Combined and normal - must be processed every 2 weeks. After the procedure, complications can sometimes occur, especially on highly sensitive skin. The reasons may be violation of recommendations for use, individual intolerance to components.

Experienced cosmetologists advise deep peeling only in winter and autumn. At other times of the year, mechanical impact on the skin due to direct sunlight is not allowed. In addition, when performing cleansing at home, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to do an allergy test. To do this, apply a little of the mixture to your elbow, wait 10 minutes, rinse and evaluate the result. If there is no redness, you can safely clean it.
  2. The epidermis should be covered only with a thin layer, without interfering with the exposure time. If you neglect this advice, there may be a risk of burns, especially from chemical compounds.
  3. The face must first be cleansed with lotion or tonic. Do not apply the mixture to the area around the eyes. This area is sensitive.
  4. At the end of the procedure, you should refrain from using decorative cosmetics. It clogs pores.


There are practically no contraindications for surface cleaning. The main thing is to take into account the degree and type of skin sensitivity. Rarely, an allergic reaction to the components of a cosmetic mixture may occur. The situation is different if you need to do deep peeling. Before performing it, you should consult a cosmetologist. The main contraindications for the procedure are:

  1. pronounced rosacea;
  2. sensitivity;
  3. skin disease (allergic dermatosis, psoriasis, herpes, atopic dermatitis);
  4. pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  5. chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. predisposition to scar formation;
  8. individual intolerance to ingredients;
  9. open wounds;
  10. mental illnesses;
  11. colds, ARVI;
  12. skin infectious diseases.



Katya, 25 years old Since I was 14 years old, I have been constantly struggling with blackheads and pimples. I went to a cosmetologist and took tests. I completed a whole course using cosmetics, in addition to it I did cleansing at home using a scrub and gommage. Only in combination I managed to achieve a good result

Maria, 30 years old For my combination skin, I try to do deep cleansing once a week; I refuse superficial peels, because... there was no particular effect from them. I make this mask at home: I mix oatmeal, sour cream, olive oil in equal proportions and apply it to my face. I keep it like this for 10 minutes and wash my face. The skin is clean and young.

Elena, 37 years old, skin cleansing is necessary at any age. Although I didn’t pay attention to it before, now I regret it, because... The circles under the eyes and small pimples became very noticeable. I try to do a light cleansing at home with natural ingredients at least once every 3 days: salt, cucumber, oatmeal. I recently went for a deep cleaning with a cosmetologist, and I also liked it.

In order for your skin to always be healthy and glowing, it is not enough just to wash your face and apply cream at night. Facial exfoliation should also be an integral part of self-care. Subcutaneous fat, remnants of city dirt, dead epithelium - all this can greatly complicate our life. But what to do when there is no opportunity to visit a professional cosmetologist and expensive procedures? Today we will learn how to make high-quality and absolutely inexpensive peeling at home, which will help your skin smell fragrant and you remain confident in your beauty.

Types of peeling

When starting the facial cleansing procedure, it is important to know that peeling at home differs from professional peeling in its gentle effect and less intense influence of the components on the skin structure. That is why the procedure at home cannot cause much harm. There are 3 types of cleansing:

1. Superficial – the active components of peeling agents penetrate only into the upper stratum corneum of the skin. Saves from photoaging, rashes of various origins and uneven skin color.

2. Medium - the stratum corneum is destroyed down to the grain layer. This peeling will help get rid of shallow wrinkles and improve tissue regeneration.

3. Deep – the effect of cosmetics on the entire epidermis, creating a lasting lifting effect.

Important: at home we can only carry out superficial, chemical or mechanical peeling. Otherwise, the procedure can lead to facial burns, pigmentation and scars.



So, if you decide to carry out the peeling procedure at home, you should first prepare your face for what will happen to it. No special preparation is required for surface cleaning. But still:

• Select a drug or home recipe for the procedure.

• Try an elbow peel. This is required to prevent an allergic reaction on the face.

• 24 hours before, use a scrub to remove dead layers of facial skin.

• Before starting the procedure, be sure to wash off your makeup. Preferably with a mild cosmetic or milk.

• Use lotion or toner to remove dirt and excess oil.

Cosmetic products for peeling at home

The mass market offers us a number of ready-made cosmetics for facial peeling. All of them are created on the basis of so-called alpha and beta hydroxy acids, obtained organically (from cane, lemon and other citrus fruits).

1. Alpha hydroxy acids - used for superficial facial cleansing. This subspecies includes glycolic acid, malic acid, citrus acid, fermented milk and even tartaric acid. Most drugs use glycolic acid with a concentration of approximately 25%. Peels with alpha acids are best suited for girls with dry and normal skin types.

2. Beta-hydroxy acids - penetrate deeper than the first group and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for those with sensitive and oily skin. These include salicylic and kojic acids.

There are a number of professional brands available for at-home superficial peels. The most recommended of them are: “Aquatonale”, “Gigi”, “Cosmedix”, “Clarins” and others.

Homemade quality peeling

Well, now let's take note of a number of recipes for home peeling products that you can make yourself.

For oily skin types

1. Aspirin (salicylic) peeling

Acetylsalicylic acid, simply aspirin, is, as we already know, the most prominent representative of the beta group hydroxy acids. This superficial peeling is considered very effective, but is prohibited for people with an allergic reaction to aspirin.

You'll need:
3 aspirin tablets
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon soda

1. Mix baking soda and water in a separate bowl. The mixture will be needed at the end of the procedure.

2. In another container, crush 3 aspirin tablets and add lemon juice. The resulting mixture should resemble a slightly runny paste.

3. Apply the paste to your face and leave for 10 minutes. Important: avoid getting the product on the delicate skin around the eyes.

4. Rinse off the peeling agent using a cotton swab and soda.

2. Salt peeling

You will need:
1 teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of any face cream

1. Make a peeling product from soda, salt and cream.

2. Apply for 20 minutes to problem areas of the skin.

3. Rinse off with cool water.

4. Use moisturizer after the procedure.

3. Almond peeling

You will need:
30 grams chopped almonds
30 grams chopped oat flour
1-2 tablespoons milk
Tea tree oil

1. Knead almond flour and milk into a homogeneous mixture at room temperature. Let it brew for 20 minutes.

2. Add a few drops of essential oil.

3. Apply to the face and leave for 10-15 minutes until a crust forms.

4. Rinse off with warm water.

For dry skin types

1. Glycolic peeling

2. Lemon peeling

The process of applying such a product is no different from others. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with purified water in equal quantities and the skin cleansing mixture is ready. It is recommended to apply the product in several approaches using a cotton swab.

For normal skin type

1. Oatmeal peeling

2. Milk peeling

3. Tropical peeling

Tropical fruits contain fruit acids that are beneficial to our face. Sweet pineapple, kiwi and papaya are best for superficial facial cleansing at home. Cut the fruit pulp into pieces, mash it into puree, and add a little honey for an anti-inflammatory effect. You can apply the mixture for a maximum of 5 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. After the procedure, use a moisturizer.

Combination skin type

If you have a combination skin type, only comprehensive care is suitable for you. For problem areas with enlarged pores and oily type, use aspirin, salt and almond peeling recipe. If your cheeks, forehead and neck are prone to dryness, we recommend using home peeling products that are suitable for all skin types.

Rules of care after facial peeling at home

In order to avoid any complications and undesirable effects, even after superficial peeling, you should follow the following recommendations:

1. For a week after the procedure, cleanse your face of makeup and dirt only with mild cosmetics.

2. Use moisturizers 2 times a day.

3. Avoid overheating, sunbathing, hypothermia and other chemical and mechanical damage.

4. In case of pigment changes on the skin, immediately contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Compliance with safety rules and hygiene standards will definitely make facial peeling a simple, favorite and necessary procedure in your personal care routine. We hope our little tips will only help you become even more beautiful and charming.