How to do plastic facial massage

Plastic massage is prescribed for numerous wrinkles, cracks, folds, fading and aging facial skin. Its effect has a beneficial effect on facial muscles. Basically, it is prescribed to people with a lot of stress on their facial muscles. A competently performed procedure will give the skin an elastic and firm appearance, a healthy glow and slow down the aging process of the skin.

During plastic massage, the work of the sebaceous glands is well activated, blood and lymph circulation is normalized. By affecting the subcutaneous fat and lymphatic vessels, tissue swelling disappears. As a rule, this type of massage is prescribed to people over 30 years old. But there are also often individual cases in which massage is also prescribed to younger people.

It is recommended to carry out plastic massage techniques in a course that consists of ten to fifteen sessions. But it all depends on the individuality of the skin. Basically, the session is carried out every other day. The main thing is not to interrupt the sequence of the course. To maintain the desired result, you need to perform the procedure once or twice a month. Quite often, many cosmetologists perform the procedure using talc and cosmetic oils.

One of the important points of this procedure is the massage technique. Therefore, trust facial massage only to an experienced and qualified specialist who has a medical education.

Plastic facial massage

Charm and youth of your skin

Plastic massage technique

The plastic massage technique consists of alternating fixing, vibration and pressing movements.

All movements are performed strictly along massage lines.

This point must be taken into account, otherwise there is a risk of stretching the skin of the face. Almost the same movements are performed as in a classic facial massage. Distinctive features are the kneading technique - here reciprocating movements are performed.

Plastic massage technique

Plastic facial massage always begins with light strokes. As mentioned earlier, movements should follow massage lines, ending with fixation.

Then you need to move on to kneading. Kneading should be done as follows:

  1. From the corner of the mouth to the tragus
  2. From the middle of the chin to the earlobe
  3. From nose to temple
  4. From the middle of the forehead to the temple

Next we move on to kneading the neck. Neck massage should be performed as follows:

  1. We move in the area under the jaw towards the earlobe
  2. Then along the side part from the lower jaw to the collarbone and sternum.
  3. From the sternum to the lower jaw along the lateral line

After performing a superficial kneading, you can proceed to a deeper one. It is performed along the same lines, but with increased intensity.

Kneading is followed by staccato tapping. They are performed from top to bottom along massage lines. Then vibration is performed (from bottom to top). The massage should be completed with light plastic strokes.

After you have had a massage procedure, the specialist suggests applying an appropriate mask, which is selected individually. They can have a lifting effect, deeply moisturize and tone the skin.


  1. pregnancy
  2. lactation
  3. fungal and purulent skin diseases
  4. inflammation of the lymph nodes
  5. allergic reactions
  6. oncological diseases
  7. blood diseases
  8. cardiac, renal, pulmonary failure


A special technique can simulate the patient’s face, making the contours and features much better. This is exactly what is needed for those people whose face has “suffered” from age-related changes. It is quite possible to restore the oval of the face.

The secret of the miraculous procedure lies in the fact that the specialist deeply works the muscle frame, directly influencing the facial and static muscles of the face. All this together gives very good results.

Without any surgical intervention, you can achieve the effect of skin rejuvenation.

So, let's summarize what results can be achieved:

  1. Elimination of fine wrinkles
  2. Restoration of the natural oval of the face
  3. Elimination of puffiness
  4. Increasing skin microcirculation and lymphatic drainage
  5. Narrowing pores
  6. Skin becomes more elastic and firm

Once you reach a certain age, your basic facial skin care program (cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing) must include massage. Before performing it, be sure to consider the contraindications for use.