How to use solcoseryl for the face against wrinkles

In the struggle for beautiful skin and a healthy complexion, many women are ready for any experiments, to use certain products. Today, reviews of Solcoseryl for wrinkles show that the product really helps maintain youth and beauty, eliminates facial and age-related changes, and fights various changes on the skin.

What is Solcoseryl?

Solcoseryl is a cream for external use; it consists of many active and beneficial components that improve cellular tissue regeneration and improve metabolic processes. Solcoseryl for wrinkles guarantees instant healing of wounds, gets rid of age-related changes on the skin, eliminates abrasions, scratches and other open wounds that only impair the quality of the skin.

Thanks to the active and natural composition of the cream, a disinfecting effect occurs; the product is also a universal antiseptic. It is ideal for dry and combination skin, quickly restores structure, retains moisture in the skin, and sufficiently nourishes it.

A cosmetologist's opinion on the effectiveness of an anti-wrinkle product

Solcoseryl anti-wrinkle ointment is used in cosmetology because it is effective, fights wrinkles, and improves skin condition. The effect is short-term, but with regular use, you can really get the desired result and prolong the beauty and youth of your skin.

Let's consider the feedback from cosmetologists who regularly encounter this product in their practice.

Svetlana Petrovna, cosmetologist:

I have been in the field of cosmetology for more than 15 years, so in my practice I have come across many effective and useless products. I recommend Solcoseryl to my patients over 30 years of age who are experiencing rapid age-related changes in their skin. The effect is simply amazing, it resembles an expensive Botox procedure. The effect of rejuvenation and noticeable reduction of wrinkles is achieved through several procedures at once. I recommend it to my clients because it is safe, tightens the skin well, and also has a healing effect.

Contraindications for use

Solcoseryl for the face against wrinkles is safe, but only if there are no contraindications to it that could affect the opposite effect. Among the contraindications are:

  1. Increased skin sensitivity;
  2. Pregnancy;
  3. Breastfeeding period;
  4. The presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  5. Increased body temperature;
  6. Tendency to allergic reactions.

In the presence of these conditions, the use of Solcoseryl for wrinkles is strictly contraindicated, because it has the opposite effect and causes certain negative manifestations on the skin.

What to use - gel, ointment or solution?

Solcoseryl anti-wrinkle gel is used most often because it has many positive reviews, as well as an affordable price. The product solution is used only for medical purposes under the guidance of a doctor; it is prohibited for home cosmetic procedures.

Many people wonder what is better: ointment or gel? It is worth noting that the gel has a light consistency, it does not weigh down the skin and does not clog pores, which is very important. It is used by women who have oily or aging skin.

Solcoseryl in the form of an ointment has a denser consistency and is used for dry, aged, and contaminated skin. Based on this, we can conclude that the best is still a gel that is suitable for any age, having a positive and safe effect on the skin.

Instructions for use of Solcoseryl for wrinkles

Solcoseryl has its own instructions for use in cosmetology, which you should follow when choosing it. The anti-wrinkle product must be used correctly, how to do this, we will consider below:

  1. Before the procedure, the skin must be cleansed; you can use a special tonic;
  2. A positive result will be achieved if the product is applied to steamed skin;
  3. The gel is applied to problem areas for 60 minutes;
  4. After this, it is washed off with a wet cotton pad;
  5. After using the mask, the skin is moisturized with cream.

Only by following these recommendations can you improve your facial skin, eliminate the appearance of visible wrinkles, and rejuvenate your skin in the shortest possible time.

Features of use around the eyes

Solcoseryl gel is also applied to the area around the eyes to remove facial or age wrinkles, improve the structure, and rejuvenate the skin. But here you need to be extremely careful and remember that the area around the eyes is considered the most delicate and prone to allergic manifestations. That is why the gel is applied evenly, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane. The product is absorbed into the skin with massage movements, leaving it for 50-60 minutes. After this, it is washed off and a special cream is applied under the eyes, which will simultaneously moisturize and eliminate the appearance of dryness and irritation.

The best masks with Solcoseryl

Solcoseryl combines well with other means of similar effects, so today there are many varieties of recipes. Let's note the following combinations:

  1. Solcoseryl and Dimexide;
  2. Solcoseryl and Tocopherol;
  3. Solcoseryl and white coal;
  4. Solcoseryl and vitamins.

Each option will have a positive effect on the skin of the face, eliminate age and expression wrinkles, improve the structure, and make the face toned and youthful.

Pros and cons of using

Solcoseryl anti-wrinkle ointment has a positive effect on the skin of the face, but sometimes there may be certain negative consequences that you need to know about in advance. Among the advantages are noted:

  1. Restoration of damaged tissues and cells;
  2. Protection for the skin from negative factors;
  3. Preservation of beauty against thermal and mechanical damage;
  4. Rapid smoothing of wrinkles;
  5. Improving blood flow in capillaries;
  6. Collagen production to increase skin elasticity.

These are the main benefits that can be found when using the product correctly.

But there are also certain disadvantages, namely:

  1. The occurrence of certain irritations on the skin;
  2. Unpleasant smell of the product;
  3. Presence of contraindications for use;
  4. Possible allergic manifestations.

There are significantly fewer disadvantages than advantages, which is why Solcoseryl is so popular. It is not recommended to prescribe the product yourself; it is better to consult a cosmetologist and undergo individual treatment.

Is Solcoseryl safe - the doctor's answer!

Solcoseryl for wrinkles around the eyes is safe to use because it contains natural ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the skin. But safety will only be evident if you follow all the rules for its use, study the instructions in detail and come to a specialist for a consultation. Not all skin types will benefit from wrinkle reduction.

Photos before and after using Solcoseryl

Cosmetic products aimed at combating facial or age wrinkles have a positive effect on the skin, eliminating any imperfections. From the photos before and after using Solcoseryl, we can conclude that the product really actively fights various changes in the skin, and allows you to enjoy smoothness, elasticity and youth at any age.

Questions for a cosmetologist

Reviews from cosmetologists about Solcoseryl for wrinkles show that the product is really effective, but they do not give a complete answer about all the features of its use. That is why it is worth considering important questions and answers to them, which will give a complete picture of how the gel or ointment works.

Can Solcoseryl be used by pregnant women?

Pregnancy is a contraindication for the use of Solcoseryl, because its components can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, as well as the health of the unborn baby. During pregnancy, a woman faces hormonal imbalances, which is why the body's reaction to the entry of these components through the skin may be unexpected. If a pregnant woman experiences acne on her face, rough skin or other changes, she should review her diet and remove from it all foods that may cause deterioration.

Does the ointment have a cumulative effect?

In order for the skin to remain young and beautiful, it needs to be provided with constant care, which cosmetologists also talk about. There is no miracle product that will leave your skin young and beautiful for several years after using it. It is necessary to maintain youth and smooth out wrinkles on the face regularly, and Solcoseryl ointment will be an excellent option only if it is used regularly.

The cumulative effect lasts only up to a week, then wrinkles will appear on the face again and reveal the woman’s passport age. The product is affordable and does not cause negative consequences with long-term use. That is why you can regularly give preference to it, enjoy beautiful skin, and the absence of wrinkles on your face.

Can the drug cause allergies?

Allergic reactions after using Solcoseryl are quite rare, but sometimes you can encounter them. Allergic reactions often occur when the structure of the skin and the components of the product do not match. Also, if it is applied incorrectly or a thicker layer of distribution is used, the skin will receive an excessive amount of components, provoking negative consequences.

If you follow all the conditions of the instructions, first visit a cosmetologist to determine the likelihood of allergies, and get a positive answer, allergies can be avoided. It is also important to learn how to choose the right consistency of Solcoseryl. If the skin is young, delicate and moderately oily, only gel will be the best option. The ointment is suitable for rougher skin that requires increased care.

At what age is it best to use the product?

Solcoseryl is used in cosmetology at any age when minor age-related changes begin to appear. The first wrinkles and imperfections on the skin can already be noticed after 25 years, but cosmetologists do not recommend taking such measures until the age of 30. Because at a younger age, the body is able to independently cope with any changes and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

After 30 years, the elasticity of the skin is impaired, visible age-related changes appear in the form of wrinkles, which are not only facial problems. After 30 years, cosmetologists recommend coming to an appointment, examining the condition of the skin, and determining the effectiveness of using such products.

Secrets of using the anti-wrinkle drug

The use of Solcoseryl in cosmetology is widely used and is actively prescribed to women over 30 years of age. In order for Solcoseryl against wrinkles to give the desired results, you need to know the secrets of its use:

  1. The product is applied only to cleansed skin;
  2. When applying the gel, you should avoid direct sunlight;
  3. Duration should not exceed 60 minutes;
  4. After removing the product, apply a moisturizer to the skin.

These secrets will help you achieve the desired result and not face side effects.


Solcoseryl for wrinkles is an effective remedy that allows you to eliminate age-related changes and fight wrinkles, roughness and loss of elasticity.

Every representative of the fair half of society makes every effort to maintain youth and delay the appearance of wrinkles.

To do this, most women use various cosmetic and medical preparations, use different masks at home, and also regularly visit a cosmetologist.

And all this to ensure that the skin remains young. But since you have to pay dearly for such pleasure, many women are looking for cheaper, but at the same time effective ways to both prevent the occurrence of wrinkles and combat existing ones.

Today there is one effective way to delay the aging process of facial skin, as well as prevent and eliminate this disease, and it is to use Solcoseryl, an anti-wrinkle ointment.


Solcoseryl is a medicine intended for healing damage to the dermis: cuts, abrasions and wounds. The drug promotes epithelial regeneration.

The secret of the medicine is the composition, which is based on hemodialysate or an extract from the blood of young calves. This component is rich in natural protein, which helps to activate the transport of oxygen to all damaged and healthy cells, which causes the launch of regeneration processes.

In addition to the extract, the product is rich in the following components:

  1. Cetyl alcohol. This substance is obtained from coconut oil. It helps in disinfecting the dermis and tightening pores. After the product enters the dermis, a protective barrier is created that prevents the penetration of harmful substances into the tissue.
  2. Cholesterol. This substance is a fatty alcohol. It is of natural origin. The regenerating, softening and healing effects of this component are known.
  3. Purified water. Helps in providing abundant hydration to the skin.
  4. Vaseline. Has a pronounced softening effect.
  5. Amino acids.
  6. Nucleosides.
  7. Oligopeptides.

The natural ingredients contained in Solcoseryl ointment have an extremely beneficial effect on the dermis. The ointment has become widely used due to its regenerating effect.

Regular use of the product helps to: stimulate the processes that are responsible for the production of collagen, increase the bioavailability of glucose influx, increase the rate of restoration of damaged dermis, as well as accelerate the healing of abrasions and small cracks. Due to the richness and multi-component composition, Solcoseryl is actively used among women for skin rejuvenation.

Forms of the drug

Solcoseryl is produced in several forms: ointment, gel, tablets and solution for injection. For cosmetic purposes, the use of ointment and gel is recommended. Preference is given to ointments, since the gel dries out the dermis. Injections are used to treat inflammatory processes, and tablets are used to improve blood circulation and renew the dermis.

Solcoseryl anti-wrinkle ointment is the basis for the manufacture of various cosmetic products, in particular creams that help eliminate not only wrinkles, but also acne. There are a large number of recipes for using the drug. However, before carrying out the procedure, you must familiarize yourself with the rules for using Solcoseryl.

The product is recommended for use as part of masks with Dimexide and other components. The only thing is that formulations containing the drug are contraindicated for people with keloid scars and allergies to the components of the drug. The ointment is easy to use, effective, and its price is low. The effectiveness of the medicine is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from representatives of the fair half of society who have already felt the effect of Solcoseryl.

Solcoseryl ointment in cosmetology for wrinkles: effectiveness, rules of use, contraindications

The ointment is very effective in the fight against wrinkles. With regular and correct use of the drug, you will not have to wait long for results. Solcoseryl ointment in cosmetology for wrinkles is used as part of various masks. There are many recipes for cosmetics.

This drug will help:

  1. improving blood circulation;
  2. collagen production;
  3. active nourishment of the dermis;
  4. hydration;
  5. increased production of elastin;
  6. stimulating tissue healing;
  7. normalization and support of metabolic processes;
  8. smoothing facial wrinkles and tightening the oval of the face;
  9. healing microcracks and eliminating acne.

The rejuvenating effect of products based on Solcoseryl is achieved through the production of its own collagen in the cells of the dermis and the activation of intracellular metabolic processes.

Solcoseryl ointment has proven itself in anti-wrinkle cosmetology. Women who have used recipes with the drug note that after several procedures the skin becomes elastic, smoothed, tightened, smooth, cleansed, soft, healthy, tender and velvety.

The use of cosmetic compositions also helps to significantly improve the relief of the dermis and improve complexion. In addition, regular use of masks helps eliminate inflammatory processes.

Some tips for use

The ointment is recommended for use as:

  1. derma care products;
  2. active ingredient for making masks.

The use of Solcoseryl ointment is popular. Products containing the drug are easy to prepare and use. In addition, the medicine is inexpensive, and this is also important.

However, before using an ointment or mask based on it, you need to familiarize yourself with several recommendations regarding use:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the ointment or mask.
  2. Apply the product in a thin layer, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  3. Since Solcoseryl is a drug, preference should be given to masks with this drug rather than the product in its pure form.
  4. If, nevertheless, the ointment is used in its original form, it is recommended to apply it in the evening, in short courses (three times a week for a month) with breaks of
  5. Since the active component lasts an hour after application to the dermis, there is no point in leaving the composition on overnight.
  6. Since the petroleum jelly contained in the preparation dries out the dermis, after applying the ointment it is necessary to treat the skin with a cosmetic cream.
  7. You can apply the ointment or mask exclusively to clean, steamed dermis.

Who should not use ointment

Despite all the beneficial properties of the drug, the use of Solcoseryl ointment is not allowed for everyone. The use of both the ointment in its original form and masks with it is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls under one year of age. You should not use Solcoseryl if you are hypersensitive or have keloid scars.

Solcoseryl against wrinkles: side effects, mask recipes and reviews

Inappropriate use of formulations may cause side effects.

Exceeding the proportions of the mask, increasing the frequency of use of products with Solcoseryl, is fraught with:

  1. burning in those areas where the composition was applied;
  2. local swelling;
  3. temporary lack of taste;
  4. weakening of the functioning of taste buds.

If such manifestations do not go away within a few minutes after removing the mask, it is better to stop using the product.

Mask recipes

There are a large number of recipes for compositions with Solcoseryl ointment. They are effective and will help eliminate wrinkles. The main thing is to use them correctly, strictly observing the proportions and frequency of procedures. Solcoseryl against wrinkles is one of the most effective and inexpensive remedies that will quickly get rid of cosmetic problems.

  1. Solcoseryl and Dimexide in the fight against wrinkles. The complex and simultaneous use of these two drugs is most often used in home cosmetology. The main difference between this mask and ordinary ones is that there is no need to mix the ingredients. The funds must be used one at a time. The first stage consists of applying a Dimexide solution to the dermis (one part of the drug is mixed with ten parts of boiled, cooled water). Apply the solution using a cotton pad. In this case, you should avoid treating the area around the lips and eyes. The second stage is the application of Solcoseryl (two-millimeter layer). Since the composition will dry out, it is recommended to spray your face with warm water. The duration of the procedure is an hour. After the procedure, you need to wash your face in warm water and apply a moisturizer to the dermis.
  2. Solcoseryl and tea tree oil against age-related changes. Tea tree oil helps enhance the effect of the ointment, as well as eliminate inflammatory processes and soothe the skin. In addition, the product has a pronounced antibacterial effect. To make a mask, you need to mix Solcoseryl with oil in a 1:2 ratio. Next, a mass of uniform consistency must be applied to areas with wrinkles. It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every three days, after steaming the skin.
  3. Using a vitamin mask. To make the product, you need to mix Solcoseryl with vitamin B and E in equal proportions. You need to take a teaspoon of each component. The product should be applied to areas with wrinkles. After an hour, you need to wash your face and lubricate the dermis with moisturizer.
  4. Solcoseryl against wrinkles as a face cream. Twice a week it is necessary to apply 1 mm of ointment to the dermis. After half an hour, the composition must be removed from the dermis using a cotton pad. This procedure must be carried out in a monthly course, followed by 20 or a break.

Cost and reviews

The average cost of the drug is 250 rubles. You can purchase the ointment both at the pharmacy and in the online store. Although this remedy is inexpensive, many women are satisfied with the results of its use. Proof of the effectiveness of the medicine are positive reviews from representatives of the fair half of society.

Marina, 34 years old. A friend recommended me to use Solcoseryl to eliminate wrinkles; she works as a cosmetologist. In addition to the fact that the drug has a rejuvenating effect, the cost was also attractive. Not every woman can afford expensive creams and procedures. I use the ointment in its pure form, applying it once every three days. This is a very effective drug. After about half a month of use, the skin noticeably tightened and wrinkles decreased.

Victoria, 45 years old. For several years in a row I have been making masks at home with Solcoseryl and vitamins. The effect of their use is stunning. In addition to the fact that the product eliminates existing wrinkles, it prevents the appearance of new ones.

Wrinkles appear with age in every woman. However, if you start to deal with the problem in time, you can reduce the number of unpleasant formations. Solcoseryl is one of the popular anti-wrinkle products. But before using the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of its use.

What is Solcoseryl

Solcoseryl is a pharmaceutical drug with a narrow focus. The product is used to heal abrasions, scratches, burns and even in cases of frostbite. The main component of Solcoseryl is deproteinized dialysate. The latter consists of low-molecular components of cells and blood serum of calves that still drink their mother’s milk. It is due to these components that the drug is known for its regenerating properties.

Solcoseryl is available in the form:

  1. Colorless jelly-like gel. The product has a slight smell of chicken broth and a thick consistency. Auxiliary components of the gel are organic compounds of calcium and sodium. The latter retain water in the skin cells, moisturize and soften it. In addition, calcium and sodium compounds promote the formation of a protective film, due to which damage heals faster. Solcoseryl gel is available in tubes of 20 grams.

Beneficial features

Solcoseryl has the following beneficial properties:

  1. promotes the transport of oxygen and glucose to tissues;
  2. has a positive effect on the synthesis of ATP (energy) inside cells;
  3. increases the proportion of aerobic glycolysis;
  4. enhances cell regeneration;
  5. promotes good collagen synthesis;
  6. strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  7. smoothes out small wrinkles;
  8. restores healthy skin color;
  9. tightens the oval of the face (with long-term use);
  10. helps relieve inflammation.


The main indications for the use of Solcoserril are:

  1. abrasions;
  2. scratches;
  3. cuts;
  4. 1st and 2nd degree burns (solar and thermal);
  5. frostbite;
  6. trophic ulcers;
  7. bedsores.


Solcoseryl in the form of gel and ointment has the following contraindications:

  1. intolerance to the components of the product;
  2. tendency to allergies;
  3. cataract;
  4. atherosclerosis;
  5. acute kidney diseases.

The drug should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, be sure to consult with your doctor to avoid the negative consequences of taking Solcoseryl.

Side effects

Side effects of Solcoseryl are:

  1. allergic reaction: urticaria, dermatitis;
  2. slight burning sensation.

Precautionary measures

To avoid unpleasant consequences of using the drug, observe the following precautions:

  1. Do an allergy test. Apply a little Solcoseryl to the bend of your elbow. If after a day redness and irritation do not appear, then you can safely use the product.
  2. If you experience irritation after using the drug, stop using Solcoseryl immediately.
  3. At first, do not apply Solcoseryl to the skin around the eyes. At first, use the product only on your forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. After several procedures, when the skin gets used to it, you can apply the drug to more delicate areas.
  4. Do not use Solcoseryl if you have contraindications.

How to use Solcoseryl against wrinkles

As a rule, Solcoseryl against wrinkles is used in two ways:

Night cream

The product is used as a night cream 1-3 times a week. Simply apply a thin layer of ointment to your face. In the morning, follow the usual procedures: wash your face and use moisturizer. Every few months it is recommended to take a two-week break.

Solcoseryl perfectly tightens the skin. Many even compare the effect of the product with botulinum toxin injections.


There are several effective masks based on Solcoseryl. You can do the procedures one by one or choose the most suitable one.

With Dimexide

Components and Tools:

  1. 1 tsp Dimexide (sold in a pharmacy);
  2. 10 tsp water;
  3. Solcoseryl ointment;
  4. cotton pads.

Preparation and use:

  1. Steam your face: take an inhalation with chamomile ether or visit the sauna.
  2. Mix water with Dimexide.
  3. Dip a cotton pad into the resulting liquid and squeeze it out lightly.
  4. Rub the disc over your face.
  5. After a few minutes, begin the main procedure. Apply Solcoseryl ointment to your face in a thick layer.
  6. After an hour, wipe the treated area with a cotton pad soaked in plain water.
  7. Wash your face and use moisturizer.
  8. It is recommended to use the mask no more than once every few weeks. There is no need to take breaks.

Dimexide enhances the effect of Solcoseryl, as it promotes more efficient and rapid penetration of the active substance into cells.

With vitamins A and E

  1. 1 tsp Solcoseryl gel;
  2. 1 capsule of vitamins A and E.

Preparation and use:

  1. Connect the components.
  2. Apply the resulting emulsion to your face.
  3. After 30 minutes, wash with plain water.
  4. The procedure can be performed once a week. Course - 10 sessions. Then stop for a month and repeat if necessary.

Video: Solcoseryl against wrinkles


In addition to serious wounds, burns and post-operative sutures, Solcoseryl has a very beneficial effect on the skin, evening out its color. For me, the ointment increases the turgor (elasticity) of the skin, the skin around the eyes becomes thicker, fine wrinkles are gone.


At 28, a problem arose: 2 wrinkles on the forehead and small wrinkles on the eyelids. Solcoseryl ointment helped with these wrinkles! I'm delighted, I'll add a photo to prove it. The skin is elastic, young, pleasant to the touch. Wrinkles are smoothed out.


The cosmetologist gave the following feedback: she advised me to wait with using solcoseryl ointment or use it no more than once a week in the form of a mask, since I am not yet 30.


The doctor said use it for your health, but strictly according to the instructions, because it is certified, tested, go ahead)


Solcoseryl is a good home remedy for wrinkles. It is important to study the contraindications and precautions for using the drug before use. The main advantage of Solcoseryl is the small number of side effects, which makes it superior to most similar drugs.