How to use Achatina snails in cosmetology

It is not for nothing that snails have been associated with eternity since ancient times. Their use helps maintain health and prolong youth. One of the most valuable species is the Achatina snail. Their miraculous properties are widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Such procedures are most popular among the fair half of humanity. With their help, a wide range of skin problems are solved.

What are Achatina snails?

Achatina snails in cosmetology, reviews of the beneficial properties of which inspire confidence, are already widely used in Holland and France.

Africa is considered the birthplace of these mollusks. It was from there that they spread to other continents. These mollusks do not live on Russian territory, since the climate does not allow it. All available individuals are raised in conditions specially created for them.

Types of snails Achatina

To date, more than a hundred species of snails have been discovered, which can be classified as giant. Their mucus is practically indistinguishable in its composition. Among them, the most popular, due to their widespread use and low maintenance requirements, are:

What is needed for growing at home?

It is not difficult to keep Achatina at home, as they are quite unpretentious. To keep and use such an Achatina snail in cosmetology, you must have a terrarium. For snails to feel comfortable, there must be at least 10 liters of space for each individual.

You can also keep mollusks in an aquarium with soil, but it must be constantly moistened. For swimming, you need to place a container of water in the aquarium. The comfortable temperature for snails of this species is 26 degrees Celsius.

By observing the behavior of pets, you can determine whether they are comfortable in the created conditions. If the habitat is too dry, the mollusks will often hide in the shell.

At home, Achatina lives 7-10 years.

How to use for cosmetic purposes at home?

In order to undergo massage and skin regeneration procedures with the help of snails, it is not necessary to visit a beauty salon. You can keep Achatina at home and carry out procedures on your own at any convenient time. A common question that arises when Achatina snails are mentioned is: how to use them in cosmetology?

In fact, the procedure for skin rejuvenation with the help of Achatina is quite simple:

  1. First, you need to cleanse your skin of any remaining makeup.
  2. Then you should wipe it with a cotton pad soaked in milk.
  3. Achatina should be washed with slightly warm running water. They wash not only the abdomen, but also the house of the mollusk.
  4. The snail is placed on the problem area of ​​the skin, after which it is given the opportunity to move along the surface of the skin.
  5. After the procedure, which lasts 10-15 minutes, the mollusk needs rest. It must be moved back to the terrarium.
  6. The mucus remaining after the snail moves is evenly distributed over the surface of the skin.
  7. It is necessary to allow the mucus to be absorbed and dry, after which the skin is washed with warm water without using soap.

Achatina snails play an important role in cosmetology, since their mucus has a rich composition. Therefore, having such an unpretentious pet at home, you can maintain healthy skin without visiting expensive beauty salons.


Achatina snails are used in cosmetology due to their mucus, which contains large amounts of collagen, glycolic acid and elastin.

Ointments and creams are made from snail mucus, which make the skin soft, like that of small children.

It has been noted that people who breed snails are less likely to suffer from skin diseases on their hands. They heal cuts and wounds faster. Products based on Achatina mucus help eliminate scars and stretch marks.

Achatina snails in cosmetology, photos of which are presented in this article, have occupied their niche. Procedures carried out with the help of snails already have a large number of adherents.

Massage with Achatina

Achatina snails are used in cosmetology more often than other types of mollusks for daily massage.

Moving over the skin, the mollusk gently massages, improving blood circulation and relieving spasms. These procedures are also useful for those who have varicose veins. Thanks to the massage of Achatina snails, blood vessels are strengthened and blood circulation is improved.

The great advantage is the delicacy with which the procedure is carried out. Slowly moving along the skin, the mollusks gently massage without causing pain.

Achatina snails in the fight against cellulite

Those who want to remove fat in problem areas and get rid of cellulite usually know first-hand what Achatina snails are in cosmetology and how to use mollusks. Regular massage with Achatina snails in the area of ​​the thighs and abdomen will help make the skin smoother and eliminate the “orange peel” effect.

If you use Achatina in the fight against cellulite at least 3 times a week, then after a short period of time equal to 1-2 months, you can get rid of this problem.


Anyone who has no fear or disgust towards shellfish can use a product such as Achatina snails (in cosmetology). These creatures have no contraindications for use for cosmetic purposes.

But before carrying out a treatment or massage session, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of Achatina mucus. To do this, you need to place the mollusk on the skin of the wrist for a short amount of time.

If any side effects appear after this procedure, it is best to refuse skin treatment in this way until consulting a specialist doctor.

Those who decide to get themselves an Achatina must first undergo at least one cosmetological procedure of “snail therapy” in the salon. If you are allergic to any component of shellfish mucus, it will manifest itself. This will save you from a thoughtless and useless acquisition.

Achatina snails in cosmetology: reviews

A large number of positive reviews on various websites and blogs allows us to conclude that the use of snails for cosmetic purposes is popular.

Users note the following as the main advantages:

  1. rapid appearance of the effect;
  2. painlessness of the procedure;
  3. no need to use synthetic products.

Sometimes the only reason that determines the refusal to use snails in cosmetology is fear or a feeling of disgust towards mollusks.

Experts note that snails in cosmetology are a good alternative to expensive procedures. Thanks to the ease of growing snails and the small list of contraindications for preparations made from their mucus, they are gaining more and more fans.

In this regard, an increasing number of cosmetology centers offer “snail therapy” in their range of services.

The Achatina snail in cosmetology is simply a godsend for those who do not want to resort to the help of surgeons and use various injections for rejuvenation.

Regular use of Achatina snails for cosmetic purposes will help quickly improve blood circulation, skin condition, and reduce stretch marks and scars.

The benefits of Achatina snails have been famous since ancient times. In cosmetology, these creatures are popular and can relieve many skin problems. What kind of snails are these and why do the fair half of humanity love them so much?

Akhatina in Russia

This type of snail lives in Africa. In Russia, such mollusks live only as pets and are bred in nurseries. Achatina snails are not only an exotic delicacy. They are more popular in cosmetology, and salons are increasingly providing procedures involving this creature.

The size of the Achatina shell is impressive, it reaches ten centimeters in length, and there are specimens that are twenty centimeters long. Snails are not picky creatures and will not cause much trouble at home. They feed exclusively on plant foods, not only fresh, but also withered greens.

How to contain Achatina?

African Achatina snails (they are already used quite often in cosmetology) can also be kept at home. They are quite easy to care for and are unpretentious. To make the mollusk feel as comfortable as possible, it is worth placing it in a terrarium or aquarium with soil. The soil must be kept moist, and if there is not enough moisture, the snail will show you this by constantly hiding in its “house”.

The aquarium must be spacious, and each mollusk needs a volume of at least ten liters. It is also worth providing a place for Achatina to bathe by placing a container of water in the terrarium. This container should be heavy and shallow so that the snail does not knock over the water.

How to use snail?

Achatina snails are of great value in cosmetology. How to use this creature is of interest to all women who have it at home. Thanks to this proximity, every girl can save on trips to expensive salons, and there are no special tricks in using snails:

  1. The first step is to clean the problem area of ​​the skin from cosmetics and dust using water and detergent.
  2. After washing, apply milk to the skin with a cotton pad.
  3. The snail must be washed in running water.
  4. Pure Achatina is placed on the area of ​​skin that needs to be treated.
  5. Allow the snail to quietly crawl on the skin, but the procedure should not last more than fifteen minutes.
  6. After the snail, mucus remains on the skin, you need to let it absorb and dry.
  7. Wash with warm water without soap or other detergents.

There is nothing complicated about how to use Achatina snails in cosmetology, and at home you can use them to independently carry out rejuvenation procedures. Thanks to regular procedures, the skin will become much younger and take on a healthy and fresh appearance.

What are the benefits of Achatina snail mucus?

Achatina snails are used in cosmetology for a reason. Many people believe that shellfish are of no use and that professionals use the trust of women to their advantage, only to make money. This is a deep misconception, and snail mucus or ointments and creams based on it are really useful.

Achatina mucus contains a large amount of elastin (skin elasticity), collagen (tissue regeneration) and glycolic acid (helps exfoliate dead skin cells). There is also allantoin, which is quickly absorbed and fights aging, prolonging youth. These substances are necessary for the skin, and especially for mature women, whose body over the years loses the ability to independently create collagen.

If you use snails from a young age, you can avoid the early appearance of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

It is not without reason that a large number of healing ointments and rejuvenating creams are produced based on Achatina mucus. This mucus has been proven to help wounds heal faster and prevent large scars after injury. The content of antibiotics in mucus promotes rapid healing of wounds and the destruction of bacteria and microbes that are dangerous to skin health.

A huge advantage is that Achatina mucus is completely hypoallergenic and can be used by girls and women with problem skin prone to irritation and redness who cannot use creams.

Achatina helps in the fight against cellulite

Are you still using expensive anti-cellulite creams? It is worth trying the massage effect of Achatina. Achatina snails provide a wide range of services in cosmetology. If you let this mollusk walk around problem areas of the body that are prone to cellulite, then you can soon completely get rid of the “orange peel”.

The principle of operation is quite simple: place snails on the stomach and thighs at least three times a week for up to fifteen minutes. The massage effect and collagen will do their job, and after two months you will be able to safely wear the most revealing bikinis.

Achatina against varicose veins

For people with varicose veins, massage performed by Achatina snails is especially useful. In cosmetology, these mollusks are used for daily massage, which helps improve blood circulation, relieve spasms and strengthen blood vessels. It is worth noting that the movement of the snail on the skin is noticeable, but completely painless; with daily use of this type of massage, it becomes possible to get rid of this disease in the early stages of varicose veins.

It is worth remembering that in case of progressive advanced varicose veins, snails are used only in conjunction with drug treatment.

Are there any contraindications?

It will give you an idea of ​​what the Achatina snail looks like, photo. In cosmetology, this mollusk is very popular, but only among those women who are able to overcome disgust and fear. If you cannot imagine this creature moving around your body, then it is better not to fight yourself and resort to using creams based on Achatina mucus. Stress has never done anyone any good.

Although mucus does not cause allergies, it can still have a negative effect on the skin, so before the full procedure, place the snail on a small area of ​​the skin. If after five minutes you do not feel any discomfort, you can continue the process. For the same reason, you should not immediately buy Achatina for keeping at home in order to carry out the procedures yourself. First try this rejuvenation method in a beauty salon.

Achatina snails in cosmetology: reviews

Many women who took a course in the salon on rejuvenation with the help of Achatina purchased such creatures for home maintenance. What do women who constantly use these snails write?

Everyone writes that Achatina snails are simply irreplaceable in cosmetology. They note that after the first use of shellfish, the skin becomes smoother and more toned.

They also write that you can completely forget about creams, scrubs and peeling, since with constant use of Achatina, the skin becomes noticeably younger and rough cells disappear.

There are many reviews about massage. For these purposes, Achatina is used not only by women, but also by men. They say that the condition of the skin after such a massage is simply amazing. There are records that this method has helped many people completely get rid of varicose veins in the early stages.

Many people write that thanks to the massage effect of snails, cellulite completely disappeared. The skin became elastic and beautiful.

They also note the ease of keeping pets. They write that they are the cutest and most picky creatures and are ideal for busy people. There are reviews that children really like these snails and they take care of them with pleasure.

There are reviews from those who for a long time could not overcome fear and disgust, but still began to use the method. They write that you just need to buy a mollusk, get used to it a little, and observe. And it turns out that these are not scary and nasty monsters at all, but rather cute and funny creatures.

There are opinions that watching Achatina calms the nerves. These snails move slowly and impressively, sometimes hiding in the shell, sometimes emerging from it, and feed very interestingly. And after fifteen minutes of observing the snail, all worries go away.

These are such interesting and useful creatures. Many people have experienced the miraculous effect of Achatina snails and were satisfied. These mollusks are quite inexpensive, and everyone can afford such a pet.

In the beauty industry, in addition to various synthesized components, natural ingredients are widely used. One of the universal remedies used for the face and body is a special mucus of mollusks. It has an amazing effect on the skin, has no analogues. Achatina snails in cosmetology help maintain freshness, youth, and stop age-related processes.

Cosmetic snails

It is a land mollusk widely distributed in tropical climates. They have a length of 10 to 15 cm; in the wild, adult individuals reach 30 cm. The population spreads very quickly in suitable climatic conditions. Originally from East Africa, Achatina also quickly colonized the most remote islands of the Caribbean. They are classified as dangerous agricultural pests; they are a serious threat to the ecosystem; they actively invade coastal valleys, forests, thickets, fields, and farmlands.

Unlike other species - spixie, caracolus sagemon - Achatina are the only ones involved in beauty rituals. In Africa and the American continent there is a quarantine to prevent the spread of mollusks in nature. The appearance and breeding of snails in our latitudes requires special conditions. But care is not difficult, so anyone can keep a small aquarium with a clam at home.

Indications for use:

  1. acne;
  2. inflammation, irritation;
  3. loss of firmness, elasticity;
  4. wrinkles of varying depths;
  5. dryness, flaking of the skin;
  6. wide pores;
  7. dark spots;
  8. stretch marks, stretch marks;
  9. cellulite.

In cosmetology, only African Achatina is used, the mucus of other types of mollusks does not have similar regenerating properties. It consists of water and mucin, a special protein to restore the integrity of the shell. This biologically active substance activates the synthesis of elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Mucin also removes toxins and free radicals from the skin.

Snail mucus affects both the epidermis and the deep layers of the dermis. It is possible to reduce the number and depth of wrinkles, restore the color and structure of the skin. It is also effective for treating acne, acne, and comedones. It is used for massage, as well as for rejuvenation and moisturizing using various creams and masks with mucin. Body massage has a special effect. Relaxes muscle fibers, improves lymph flow, increases skin elasticity, and restores emotional balance.

Advice. You can also use shellfish eggs after the snails hatch. The shell, crushed into powder, will help cleanse the skin of the face and body and has antioxidant properties.

In addition to cosmetology, it is widely used by dermatologistsAnd. The secretion secreted by the mollusk promotes the healing of wounds and cracks and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Mucin is also used for pharmaceutical purposes. During research, it was discovered that the extract of these shellfish has bronchorelaxant properties.

Snail slime

The secretion secreted by mollusks consists of water and mucin. This protein has unique properties and is involved in many biological processes.

Achatina produces 2 types of mucus, the first helps to move by moisturizing the surface. The second type is synthesized during a stressful situation, or when the integrity of the shell is damaged. This mucus is thicker and has a rich chemical composition.

Contains a complex of minerals, polysaccharides, allantoin, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, collagen, elastin. Effectively affects the deep layers of the dermis, restores and prevents photoaging and the formation of wrinkles. Also solves superficial problems - acne, blackheads, rosacea.

Benefits of snail secretion:

  1. nourishes, moisturizes;
  2. softens dead cells;
  3. has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  4. restores color, whitens pigmentation;
  5. heals wounds, burns, cracks;
  6. increases the immune properties of the epidermis;
  7. restores the elasticity of the integument;
  8. relieves puffiness, smoothes wrinkles.

For cosmetic purposes, they are grown on special farms, providing optimal conditions for mollusks. To obtain valuable snail secretion, individuals are shaken. Stress causes Achatina to intensively secrete mucin, which is successfully collected with the help of water. Afterwards, the resulting liquid is filtered to remove contaminants.

The finished raw material becomes the basis for a miraculous cream or mask. At the same time, no damage is caused to the health of the snail; mucin also does not lose its healing and rejuvenating properties.

Use at home

You can have your own cosmetologist in a small aquarium at home. They are very unpretentious and do not require attention or special food. You can also use a plastic box with holes or a lid. It is imperative to provide oxygen access by leaving a small gap.

If left unclosed, the mollusks will quickly spread throughout the house. For one snail, the volume of the aquarium should be at least 10 liters. A special loose soil (coconut substrate or soil for transplanting flowers) is laid out at the bottom in a layer of 10 cm; it is necessary for laying eggs. Periodically, the soil will need to be moistened.

There is also a stable container of water that needs to be changed once a week. Monitor the water level, pour a little so that the clam does not drown. It is important to maintain the temperature; the African snail feels comfortable at 26°. You can plant ivy and ferns as an additional source of food.

Important point! You need to clean the aquarium and change the soil every 2-3 months. You should not bathe your pet under running water, as chlorine can damage the mollusk’s covering.

Young Achatina snails need to be fed every day, adults 3-4 times a week. They eat mainly plant foods, fruits, and vegetables. Be sure to add eggshells or limestone to replenish calcium reserves. In summer and spring, enrich the menu with fresh grass; in autumn and winter, introduce dry cookies and oat bran for variety. Be sure to periodically provide protein supplements and meat. Achatina only dislikes carrots and potatoes. Life expectancy depends on the habitat, the average is from 5 to 6 years, sometimes up to 10 years.

At home, the cosmetic procedure is no different from salon care. Achatina is laid out on cleansed skin; mucus is synthesized during the movement of the mollusk. You need to constantly push the snail so that it does not stay in one place. The biologically active substance produced in large quantities can cause a burn. The secretion is distributed evenly for 10–15 minutes, after which it is washed off. It is not recommended to collect and store at home; preservatives are required to preserve mucin.

Preparatory stage

Any cosmetic procedure requires skin preparation. It is important to carry out makeup removal correctly, completely wash off decorative cosmetics before using the secretion of the mollusk.

Preparation stages:

  1. wash off cosmetics using soft foams without fragrances and aggressive substances;
  2. wipe the skin with green tea or thermal water;
  3. prepare warm milk, thanks to the application of your favorite treat, the snail will move;
  4. rinse the Achatina to remove soil particles, it is better to use purified or boiled water;
  5. the massage is performed in a horizontal position so that the muscles are as relaxed as possible;
  6. at home you will need an assistant to monitor the movement of the snails.

Instructions for implementation

To perform this, large, adult individuals are used; it can be performed on the face, décolleté, hands, and problem areas. The massage is carried out thanks to the wave-like movements of the Achatina body, which improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage. The procedure is hypoallergenic, so it can be used for sensitive skin.


  1. after cleansing the skin and snail, milk or water is applied to the integument;
  2. Achatina is laid out, the cosmetologist directs the path of its movement along the massage lines;
  3. sometimes mollusks fall asleep to wake them up; the skin needs to be moistened with water to continue the process;
  4. The massage lasts from 10 minutes to half an hour;
  5. leave the secretion to soak in for another 10 minutes;
  6. then it is washed off and a cream or fluid with mucin is applied, which continues the rejuvenating, moisturizing effect of the procedure.

How many sessions will it take

Depending on the desired result, the specialist prescribes the number of sessions. To treat problem skin and remove acne marks, 10–15 procedures are performed at intervals every other day.

How much will it take for rejuvenation? After the course, you can repeat the snail massage 2–4 times a month to maintain the effect. At home, to prevent the aging process, carry out moisturizing procedures 1-3 times a week. The results will be noticeable after the first session. To maintain it, you should use cosmetics with snail mucin.

Showroom price

A facial massage with snails costs from 500 to 900 rubles. per session. You can also perform the procedure for the whole body, the price reaches 3000–5000 rubles. You can do it yourself, but it is better to visit a cosmetologist first. At home, you will need an assistant who must monitor the constant movement of Achatina during the session.

Precautionary measures

The secretion secreted by mollusks is a natural substance, so it is quickly absorbed and penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis. To achieve the desired effect, certain rules should be followed.

Security measures:

  1. The snail should not remain in one place for a long time, as this can cause burns;
  2. it is important to use natural cosmetics so that aggressive elements do not harm the mollusk;
  3. mucus must be washed off after the procedure.

Important! Contraindications for snail therapy include general deterioration of health, viral and infectious diseases.

Cosmetical tools

Snail lifting mask with memory shape Esfolio belongs to the series of natural cosmetics. The Korean brand offers a product with snail filtrate for gentle peeling and accelerating skin regeneration. Effectively fights comedones and hyperpigmentation, allowing you to achieve an even, flawless color. Aloe extract relieves inflammation, vitamin E protects against ultraviolet radiation. The night mask refreshes the tone and increases elasticity. Price 100 gr. 525 rubles, can be purchased online or at your nearest cosmetics store.

Korean dewytree face mask with peptide allows you to deeply cleanse the skin and restore the moisture barrier. The three-step procedure consists of cleansing with foam, applying serum with hyaluronic acid and propolis extract. After 2 stages, a fabric mask with snail extract and royal jelly is distributed on the face. As a result, the face looks fresh, rested, and small and deep wrinkles are smoothed out. Cost 1500 rub.

dewytree hydrogel patches with snail secretion designed for the care of delicate skin of the eyelids. The gel with which the patches are soaked saturates the epidermis with moisture, relieves puffiness, and removes bags. Provides deep hydration, smoothes wrinkles, improves elasticity. Contains a complex of antioxidants, protects against ultraviolet exposure. Buy 60 pcs. possible for 1250 rubles.

Escargot Noblesse Intensive Cream - a restorative product for aging skin. Activates intracellular metabolism, stimulates regeneration processes. Contains chitosan, collagen, hyaluronic acid, helps smooth out wrinkles. After use, it is possible to remove scars and get rid of acne marks. Price 50 ml 1450 rubles, can be purchased online.

Mattifying face primer Markell Cosmetics contains snail secretion filtrate. Thanks to the presence of natural extracts, the makeup base allows you to achieve a perfectly even tone. The cosmetic product allows you to protect the skin from the action of free radicals and ultraviolet radiation. Promotes collagen synthesis. You can buy it at a cosmetic store, the cost of 10 ml is 215 rubles.

Cream with black snail Mizon recommended for the first signs of aging. Black snail mucin stimulates tissue regeneration and has a rejuvenating effect. Also used in complex therapy for acne. It is possible to cope with skin imperfections and restore a healthy, blooming appearance.

Thai snail mask 3D contains a concentrated extract of mucin. Also included are vitamins A and C, which improve renewal processes. A fabric mask from Thailand reduces the number of wrinkles and improves lymphatic drainage. Recommended for the care of oily, problematic and normal skin. Buy a mask from Thailand 38 gr. possible for 40 rubles.

Chinese cream “Golden snail” Helps moisturize and refresh the skin. Regular use helps protect the skin from adverse environmental conditions. After the first use, the color, structure improves, and pigmentation lightens. You can buy it on Aliexpress, 30 gr. costs 102 rubles.

The magical effect of snail therapy will preserve youthful, fresh skin. You can use ready-made cosmetics or purchase Achatina for home use. Deep hydration and velvety skin will be ensured.

Useful videos

Massage with Achatina snails rejuvenates the skin and removes old scars.