How to paint your lips without lipstick bleeding

Lipstick is pure magic. There are a huge number of shades and colors of lipstick, so you can always create a makeup that matches your outfit or transform yourself with a color accent.

Lipstick is a fairly universal cosmetic product, however, many women make some mistakes when using it. If you want your lips to be flawless, read this information.

Refusal of eyeliner

Never forget to line your lips. This is necessary so that the lipstick adheres better to your skin. If you don't want your makeup to smear all over your face, start with eyeliner. By the way, let's immediately deal with the stereotype that you only need to outline your lips. Yes, this will really help the lipstick not to smear, however, by the end of the day it will seem that the makeup is only left on the edges of the lips. If you don't want to deal with such an untidy result, apply eyeliner to the entire surface of your lips. This is the most effective way to create long-lasting lip makeup.

Excessive contouring

Some people don't use eyeliner at all, while others use it incorrectly. You can lightly outline your lips beyond their natural contour to make them appear fuller, but don't go overboard with this. If you do this, your makeup will look like a clown. As a rule, lips should be outlined along their natural edge. You can apply concealer along the edges of your lips, and then use a liner that matches your lips or one shade darker to draw the edge a little further, and then fill in your lips completely. After that, apply lipstick over it.

Excessive amount of shine

The glitter is quite sticky and spreads quickly; in windy weather it can be completely inconvenient to use. However, it's a good way to add a little color or make your lips look fuller. Its application does not require such precision as lipstick, but it is very important to monitor the measure. Just a thin layer applied with one stroke of the applicator is enough. If you apply too thick, you'll end up with a sticky mess on your hands and face.

Refusal of chapstick

Hygienic lipsticks and balms are necessary for everyone who uses regular lipstick. Some of its varieties can severely dry out the skin of the lips. If you use a balm, your lips will be moisturized and smooth. However, it is worth remembering that you should not apply the balm directly before applying lipstick. In this case, the cosmetics will mix and the lipstick will not last. Apply the balm, then do makeup for the whole face, style your hair, and when the balm is already absorbed, apply lipstick.

Scrub refusal

If your lips are flaky, they won't look attractive with lipstick. On the contrary, cosmetics will only emphasize areas with dry skin more. If you want to look stylish and flawless, always use a lip scrub and moisturize your lips after this procedure.

Wrong undertone

Lipstick isn't too different from foundation - it's great for transforming your appearance, but you need to find the right shade to look good. If you choose a color that is too dark, you will look dramatic, but some people like it that way. In addition, it is important to consider that the lipstick should match the undertone of your skin - it can be cool or warm. Pay attention to the tone of the lipstick. Red is most often considered a warm color, but you can also find red lipsticks with bluish undertones that are great for people with pale complexions.

Incorrect makeup finishing

If you want your lipstick to last all day, you need to learn a few tricks. First of all, as already mentioned, you need to apply eyeliner over the entire surface of the lips, then use a primer, and then another layer of eyeliner. After this, the lipstick will last much longer. In addition, you should complete the application of cosmetics correctly - use transparent lipstick.

Stains on clothes

One of the most annoying things about lipstick is that it can stain your clothes or teeth. However, there is an easy way to deal with stains. As mentioned earlier, you need to apply translucent powder. It will help ensure lipstick durability and prevent stains. In addition, try to choose liquid matte lipstick - such cosmetics will not stain your clothes. If we are talking about teeth, then you can always do a simple test with your finger. After you have completed applying lipstick, place your finger in your mouth and remove it by pursing your lips first. Any excess on the inside of your lips will remain on your finger, and you won't have to worry about lipstick on your teeth.

Excessive dryness

Many liquid and matte lipsticks dry out the skin of the lips, which to some extent can be neutralized with lip balms. However, if you have chronically dry lips, you probably shouldn't constantly use cosmetics that dry them out. Instead, switch to moisturizing options that contain natural oils. These days the range is so wide that you can get great color and hydration at the same time.

Inconsistency with the situation

You can choose from a wide range of colors. There are classic options, muted shades, skin tone lipstick and bright lipstick with glitter. You can have all of these options, but you need to think about when one or the other is appropriate. Bright, neon and glittery lipsticks are great for parties and photo shoots, but they won't be appropriate in the workplace. Choose your cosmetics wisely, and then you will always look great!

Almost every woman knows the situation when lipstick carefully applied to the lips at the most inopportune moment begins to spread. You can avoid such troubles. To do this, you just need to know how to choose the right cosmetic product and how to apply makeup.

What to do to prevent lipstick from running: basic recommendations

There are certain tricks to help prevent lipstick from bleeding on your lips. Among the main ones we can highlight the following:

  1. Use of primers. Thanks to them, the skin of the lips becomes perfectly even and smooth, and the lipstick that is applied on top of this product looks much more attractive. In addition, the primer covers the lips and thereby creates boundaries beyond which the lipstick can no longer extend.
  2. Outline outline. You can outline a contour with a colorless lip pencil that will keep the lipstick within certain boundaries and prevent it from spreading, regardless of the chosen color.
  3. Applying concealer. It is recommended to choose a cosmetic product that has a glowing effect. This way you can give your lips a special emphasis and at the same time increase their volume. It is necessary to outline the contour of the lips from the outside with concealer and shade it so that the white line is invisible.
  4. Choice of durable texture. It is not recommended to use liquid cosmetics that do not acquire a matte tint even after complete drying. Glossy and creamy lipsticks are also prone to bleeding. Matte cosmetics are considered the ideal option. True, they can dry out the skin of the lips a little, but it is with their help that the most lasting result is achieved. In summer, you can also use a satin texture.
  5. Using a napkin. After applying the pigment, you need to gently blot your lips with a paper napkin. This way you can remove excess makeup from your lips and achieve a lasting result.

How to paint your lips so that your lipstick stays on

In order for the lipstick to stay on the lips well enough and not smear, makeup must be done according to the following scheme:

  1. First of all, you need to apply foundation on your lips. The contour of the lips should completely match the skin tone.
  2. Draw the outline of the lips.
  3. Using a cotton swab, go over the outline you just drew and thus remove all the imperfections. Be sure to turn the cotton swab over as you work so as not to transfer any remaining pigment to your facial skin.
  4. Using a pencil, carefully paint over the lips inside the contour.
  5. Using a brush with foundation applied, you need to follow the contour of your lips. It is in these areas that there are small folds along which, as if along grooves, the cosmetic product spreads.
  6. Arm yourself with another brush and use it to apply lipstick onto your lips with gentle movements, without going beyond the contour of the pencil.
  7. Remove excess lipstick just applied using a napkin.

A few simple tricks

In the field of makeup, new, unexpected solutions appear all the time.

For those who want to look not only beautiful, but also fashionable, it is recommended to use simple techniques that will make the lipstick last as long as possible and create a unique look:

  1. More and more often, experts make the contour on the lips blurry. This option is suitable for lipstick of absolutely any color shade. In this case, you need to use not an ordinary contour pencil that matches the tone of the lipstick, but a white one. This is how it is possible to apply the color as evenly as possible, but at the same time avoid clearly marking the boundaries.
  2. In order for the pigment to penetrate the skin as deeply as possible, and therefore not spread, it must be literally driven into the skin with your fingers or a brush.
  3. If you want to create a matte effect, but do not have a suitable cosmetic product on hand, it is recommended to apply eye shadow of the corresponding color shade over the lipstick. This way you can make your lips matte and at the same time more expressive and unusual.
  4. Instead of lipstick, you can use a contour pencil. In this case, the pigment is applied with hatching strokes over the entire surface. The contour and central part are highlighted with special care, all other areas are filled in by shading.
  5. If you can’t find a contour pencil of a suitable shade, you just need to powder your lips along the edges and use the corner of a lipstick stick to mark the contour. You can also use a brush on which the pigment is applied.
  6. The effect of “kissed lips” has recently come into fashion.. Achieving it is quite simple. Lipstick is applied in a chaotic manner in the form of dots. The contours are drawn with a contour pencil. Finally, you just need to smooth out the tone with rubbing movements.
  7. Ombre lips - This is a very interesting technique in which several shades of lipstick are used. The lightest pigment is applied in the central part and gradually becomes darker.

Not every lipstick can withstand high temperatures, but we know how to help

takes 2 minutes to read

Text: editors August 4, 2016

Special primers are necessary not only to make the skin of the lips smoother and more even, but also to make the lipstick applied on top look better. The primer also creates a coating with certain boundaries, beyond which the lipstick will not protrude later. Pay attention, for example, to the Multipurpose Primer Pencil from Urban Decay - this product works on the principle of double-sided tape. The lipstick literally “sticks” to the primer layer and does not smear throughout the day.

You can do without a primer (although the result will be much better with it) if you have a nude lip pencil in your makeup bag. This is a universal tool that will help “hold” lipstick within the boundaries of the lip contour, no matter what color you choose. Before applying lipstick, outline the contour with such a pencil: it will act as a “barrier”.

By the way, lip pencil also has its own alternative - concealer. It is better if it is a product with a slight glowing effect: it will help to further accentuate the lips and give them more volume. Using concealer, outline the outside of your lips. After application, do not forget about shading - there should not be a noticeable white line around the lips.

To prevent lipstick from spreading, you should choose “safe” textures. Liquid lipstick that doesn't dry matte is a risky choice. Cream and glossy lipsticks can also let you down. The most reliable option is matte lipstick. Some of them dry out the lips, but when you need a lasting result, this drawback fades into the background. The satin texture is also suitable for summer lip makeup. By the way, you can also try a little trick and paint your lips with a pencil. Makeup artists and beauty bloggers claim that this is one of the surest ways to get long-lasting lip makeup.

This is a simple and well-known piece of advice that not everyone remembers. After applying lipstick, blot it with a napkin. Due to this, you remove excess product from the surface of your lips, so the lipstick does not spread or imprint on your teeth. In addition, this technique helps to “imprint” the texture of the lipstick into the skin of the lips. Thanks to this, the result will be more durable.