How to treat cold allergies on the face

Cold allergies are not a myth, but a sad reality for many people. Until recently, such a concept did not exist. But recent research by scientists proves that low temperatures irritate receptors that promote the production of an allergy mediator.

Causes of facial skin allergies

Who may be susceptible to cold allergies and why? There are many factors contributing to the appearance of this pathology:

  1. hereditary predisposition;
  2. low level of immunity;
  3. skin sensitivity;
  4. the presence of other types of allergies - to food, pollen, etc.;
  5. disruption of metabolic processes and hormonal levels;
  6. thyroid dysfunction;
  7. severe stress;
  8. parasites and lamblia;
  9. disturbed intestinal microflora;
  10. inflammation that develops as a result of infection entering the body;
  11. skin diseases;
  12. aging of the body.

If you have a pronounced predisposition to cold allergies, you should avoid situations that contribute to its occurrence. This includes being in severe frost and drafts, bathing and washing dishes in cold water, sudden changes in opposite temperatures, and drinking very cold drinks.

Manifestation of allergies

How to determine an allergy to cold? The disease is diagnosed based on the following signs:

  1. The surface of the skin exposed to cold turns red.
  2. At the site of redness, a rash appears, reminiscent of a burn after contact with nettles. That's why it's called urticaria.
  3. Itching and swelling of the skin appears - usually on the face, arms, inner thighs and behind the knees. The body itches very much.
  4. With a severe allergy, the affected area begins to hurt.
  5. All the symptoms characteristic of any allergic reaction occur: nasal congestion, shortness of breath, lacrimation, headache, reaction to bright light.

It is quite easy to understand that the cause of all symptoms is the cold: place a piece of ice on the skin for literally a few minutes. If you have a cold allergy, the rash appears immediately. To confirm the diagnosis, a more complete examination is prescribed.

Allergy on the cheeks

The most delicate areas are susceptible to cold allergies. The skin of the cheeks is no exception. Such an external defect becomes a problem for girls and women, because it looks extremely unaesthetic. To complicate the situation, the allergic rash can spread to the delicate skin of the eyelids and forehead.

First, nodules called papules appear on the skin. They are swollen, red, and hurt when pressed. Further, such bulges can be filled with pus, which forms a white head. They may leave scars. Sometimes, as a result of an allergy, real blisters with large blisters may appear on the skin of the cheeks, but they disappear within 24 hours.

As soon as a rash appears, you need to seek the help of a dermatologist-allergist.

How to quickly get rid of facial allergies

In order not to experience all the consequences of cold allergies, you need to be able to protect yourself from it:

  1. wear hats and thick scarves made of natural fabrics;
  2. avoid being outside in windy and frosty weather;
  3. harden with dousing, but begin the healing procedure gradually.

If all the symptoms of an allergic reaction are already on the face, then you need to urgently start treatment. After all, Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock are possible consequences of even an advanced form of the disease.

Tablets, creams and ointments

Cold allergies are treated with the same medications as other types of the disease. Are used:

  1. Antihistamine tablets. These include Tavegil, Cetrin, Suprastin, Claritin, Cetirizine, Fexofast. They can be used for their intended purpose only on the recommendation of a doctor and according to the instructions.
  2. Antihistamine creams and ointments. These may be hormone-based products (Skin-cap, Gistan N). But there are also preparations made on the basis of drugs (La-Cri, Gistan). You can use regular eye cream.
  3. Antihistamine nasal drops. These are Fenistil, Allergodil, Parlazin.

If a cold rash appears on your face, this does not mean that you need to use only cream or ointment. Treatment must be comprehensive.


For allergies of any kind, it is recommended to follow a diet excluding foods that irritate the mucous membranes. These are salted, fried and smoked dishes. Food rich in omega-3 fatty acids should prevail: good fish, high-quality vegetable oils, vegetables and fruits.

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine considers badger fat to be the main protection against the effects of cold. Before going out into the frosty air, it is recommended to apply it to the skin of the face. The following recipes are also popular:

  1. Mumiyo solution. To prepare it, dilute 1 g of mumiyo in 1 liter of boiled water. You need to take half a glass every morning. For greater effect, you can lubricate the skin of the face with the solution, but for this purpose, 1 g of the medicinal component is poured into 100 g of water.
  2. Blueberry compress. They are ground to a paste and applied to areas of the skin in need of healing.

Even specialists can prescribe healing infusions of medicinal herbs.


Traditional recipes using only natural ingredients will help you quickly get rid of an allergic rash on your face:

  1. A decoction of walnut leaves, violet flowers and burdock root. The dried ingredients are taken in equal proportions, 1 tablespoon each. The collection is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for an hour and filtered. Dosage regimen: three times a day, a quarter glass.
  2. Emulsion of burdock, marigold, celandine and mint. It is necessary to prepare 10 g of the listed herbs and chop them, then pour in vegetable oil so that its level is 1 cm higher than the mixture. The prepared product is heated in a water bath and filtered. The emulsion for lubricating the skin is ready.

Despite their effectiveness, medicinal plants pose a serious threat: the patient may have an individual intolerance to any herb. Therefore, it is better to carry out such treatment under the guidance of a specialist. If there is no trust in home medicine, as well as time to prepare medicinal decoctions, you can purchase medications at the pharmacy.

How to remove an allergen from the body

Again, nutrition that includes absorbents will help you cope with this task. This can be wholemeal bread, salads made from hard vegetables with lemon juice, apples, legumes - everything that improves intestinal function. For this purpose, special medications are also prescribed: Polysorb, Smecta, Filtrum and others. The second important point is the organization of the drinking regime. Every day you need to drink 2-3 liters of boiled water. In severe cases, diuretics and laxatives are prescribed.

Prevention and timely treatment will help prevent the discomfort that cold allergies provoke and alleviate the course of the disease.

Rashes on the face and red spots in the winter season are the cause of cold allergies. Experts believe that cold cannot be an allergen, being a physical factor. This name was invented by the people, and then became a generally accepted definition. However, such a reaction of the body is still being studied and in any case requires treatment.

What is cold allergy

Cold allergy is a feature of the body that manifests itself in people who cannot tolerate low temperatures. At the initial stage, the pathology manifests itself in the form of redness or rash with an itching sensation. A person cannot always distinguish cold allergies from skin diseases.

Occurs for the following reasons:

  1. when outdoors at low temperatures, especially in the presence of wind;
  2. when touching a cold object (snow, ice, ice water);
  3. when drinking a very chilled drink.

Cold allergies on the face and other parts of the body are considered one of the manifestations of urticaria, since local changes in the skin similar to this pathology occur. However, this disease should not be underestimated, since it can cause severe disruptions in the human body and become chronic.

This pathology can be either hereditary or acquired. The acquired form often occurs in adulthood, and the hereditary form can occur even in newborns.

The effect of the disease on the body

Most often, such a reaction occurs in people with high sensitivity of skin receptors and nerve centers.

Cold allergies can affect the body in different ways, depending on the type of reaction to low temperature. Pathology in acute or chronic form affects not only the face, but also the entire body, worsening a person’s well-being, which can last up to several weeks.

In addition to external manifestations that bring discomfort, pain in muscles and joints, rapid heartbeat, and low blood pressure may appear. Parts of the body may become flaky and swollen.

In a mild form, the allergy manifests itself in the form of redness and itching in areas of the body that have been in contact with frost and wind. When the action of external factors stops, after a short time the skin returns to its normal state. This pathology in a mild form may include lacrimation and nasal congestion, if these symptoms only bother you in the wind and frost.

Causes of cold allergies

The manifestation of this pathology is associated with several reasons, but the pathogenesis has not yet been fully studied; it continues to be studied.

The connection between this reaction to cold and several factors has been determined:

  1. There are special protein compounds in the body called cryoglobulin. These compounds provoke the release of histamine, which regulates the body's response to physical and allergenic factors.
  2. Increased production of acetylcholine in the body and excessive susceptibility of cells to it.
  3. In the hereditary form, a mutation of a specific gene may occur. This results in the release of a protein that stimulates the inflammatory response.
  4. Weak immunity and the presence of infectious diseases can provoke symptoms of cold allergies.

Cold allergies on the face or other areas can signal a malfunction in the body; if sudden signs of this illness appear, you should seek medical help.

Symptoms of cold allergy

The disease can manifest itself as one symptom or several as part of one pathological process. By certain signs and timing of the reaction, it is possible to distinguish cold allergies from other diseases that have a similar clinical picture.

An allergy to cold can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  1. Redness. Occurs on areas of the skin exposed to low temperatures. Thin skin turns red faster and more intensely than areas with thicker skin. Redness appears especially strongly in areas with damaged skin (wounds and cuts). The manifestation occurs in the form of a pinpoint rash, merging into solid formations of different diameters. After the cessation of exposure to cold, the symptom disappears and the skin acquires a natural color.
  2. Itching. Appears due to the effect of histamine on nerve endings. Occurs most often after the appearance of redness. The intensity of the symptom may increase. Eating spicy food, physical activity and elevated temperature provoke an increase in the intensity of itching.
  3. Swelling. Appears in the form of a round formation of pale pink color, protruding above the surface of the skin. After the cessation of exposure to cold, this symptom disappears.
  4. State of weakness and fever. A sharp rise in temperature (can reach 39-40°C) can become a symptom of cold allergy, especially if accompanied by body aches and headaches.
  5. Quincke's edema. When reacting to cold, swelling of the lips, eyelids, and mucous membranes may appear. The swelling is compacted and does not leave an indentation when touched with a finger. A dangerous condition is swelling of the neck. Leads to narrowing of the airways and lack of oxygen.
  6. Dyspnea. Appears due to narrowing of the vocal folds due to swelling, accompanied by a barking cough. Swelling can also spread to the bronchi. A person may panic due to lack of oxygen, and the heart rate increases, which poses a danger for patients with cardiovascular disorders. Oxygen starvation is accompanied by blue discoloration of the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. Shortness of breath is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention.
  7. Dizziness, sensation of tinnitus, nausea, fainting. Similar symptoms occur with low blood pressure due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain. With acute lack of oxygen in the brain, loss of consciousness may occur. This will be indicated by blue skin. Emergency medical attention required.

Diagnosis of cold allergies

Diagnosis begins with collecting anamnesis. In the process of interviewing the patient, the specialist finds out what the main complaints are, where the manifestations occur and the conditions under which they appear. Lifestyle and diet also affect the clinical picture. After collecting information, an examination and specific appointments begin.

During the diagnostic process, tests are prescribed:

  1. OAM – an increased level of protein in the urine signals an inflammatory process caused by an allergy.
  2. UAC — The allergic process is accompanied by an increase in leukocytes, eosinophils and ESR in the blood.
  3. Blood chemistry. Blood is tested for increases in circulating immune complexes, proteins, and immunoglobulin E levels.
  4. Skin tests. If the allergen is not detected in the blood, perhaps such a reaction is not an allergy or the reaction is to another substance. Therefore, skin tests are carried out to confirm that it is the cold that provokes the allergy. An example of such tests is the Duncan test. Ice is applied to the inside of the forearm for 3-4 minutes. The ice is in a bag to avoid direct contact with the skin. If a person suffers from a cold allergy, then irritation will appear regardless of the face or other parts of the body

After 10-15 minutes. With a cold allergy, a blister appears, the person feels a burning sensation and itching.

Prevention of cold allergies

  1. First of all, you should take care of protecting your skin with a nourishing cream. Apply in 20-30 minutes. before going out into the frosty air.
  2. Do not use soap before going out into the cold. It dries the skin and washes away the natural protective film.
  3. Do not neglect the use of a hat, scarf and tights, mainly of cotton composition.
  4. When the first signs appear, such as rash and redness, you should immediately go into a warm room.
  5. Temper the body. The main thing in this procedure is gradualism. If this is a douche, then it is better to start in the summer, gradually reducing the water temperature. In the winter season, if there are symptoms of cold allergies, hardening is not recommended to avoid complications.
  6. Before the onset of cold weather, take a course of antihistamines and take them throughout the season, in small doses. Such a preventive measure should be prescribed by a doctor.
  7. Eating hypoallergenic foods.

Which doctor should I contact?

An allergist-immunologist will help identify the allergen through diagnostics and prescribe treatment. Before prescribing examinations, the doctor will need information about the clinical picture, so you should provide all information that is relevant to this disease.

Having completed the survey, the allergist proceeds to examine the skin. In this case, information is important about where on the body the allergy manifests itself most, how quickly it disappears and how it spreads. The doctor will then order a series of tests and may perform an ice test on the surface of the skin.

Treatment methods for cold allergies

1. Drug therapy.

Before prescribing treatment for cold allergies, other diseases should be excluded.

If an allergy to cold is detected, the following medications are prescribed:

Antiallergic drugs.

Action: block histamine receptors. Relieves allergic symptoms.

Claritin Take at any time of the day, regardless of food. Until symptoms subside.

1 tablet (10 mg) 1 time per day; children 2-12 years old take syrup - 1 tsp. with a weight up to 30 kg, above 30 kg the dosage should be doubled;

Cetirizine Take in the evening for a week.

Adults: 10 mg once; Children 1-12 years old are prescribed drops - 5 drops up to 2 years old, 10 drops from 2 to 6 years old, 20 drops for children over 6 years old.

Suprastinex Take with meals once a day.

From 6 years and older – 1 table. or 1 ml drops; children 2-6 years old take 0.5 ml drops, divided into 2 doses.


Reduce redness, relieve itching and other objective symptoms.

Advantan is applied once a day in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin. Use for children from 4 months. It has anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects and is able to penetrate the central nervous system. Prescribed for shock and severe swelling. Dexamethasone The dosage regimen and method of administration are selected individually. Daily dose up to 10-15 mg, divided into 2-3 doses. Hormonal ointments.

Used to eliminate rashes.


Externally. 1-3 times a day. Bronchodilators.

Prescribed for shortness of breath and blue skin.



The dosage regimen is prescribed individually, depending on the indications, age, clinical picture, method and schedule of administration. Salbumatol aerosol From 12 years of age and adults 3 mg 3-4 times a day; 6-12 years 2 mg 3-4 times a day; 2-6 years: 1 mg 2 times a day. Adrenergic agonists.

Prescribed for swelling of the mucous membranes, low blood pressure and shock.

Epinephrine 0.1-0.25 mg, diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride, is administered once in a state of shock;

children maximum dosage 0.3 mg

2. Traditional methods.

Traditional treatment for cold allergies is mainly aimed at increasing immunity. But we must not forget that some remedies and herbs cause an even greater allergic reaction. Before use, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Here are some methods:

  1. Chamomile decoction – pour boiling water over the inflorescences and leave in a steam bath for 15 minutes. Cool. Before going out into the cold, lubricate with a cotton swab or wash your face with this decoction.
  2. Bath with a string – 20 gr. inflorescences per 20 liters of water; Pour hot water over the flowers and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then strain the broth into a bath of water. It will help if allergies appear in other parts of the body, take until symptoms disappear.
  3. Extracted juice from celery root – take ½ tsp. before meals 3 times a day until symptoms disappear.
  4. Birch juice – has a general strengthening, anti-inflammatory effect, helps with swelling, you can take up to 1 liter per day during symptoms, as well as for prevention.
  5. Shilajit solution – 1 g is diluted in 1 liter of boiling water. Take 1 time per day, in the morning. Adults – 100 ml, children – 50 ml.
  6. Raspberry roots - based on 50 g. for 0.5 liters of water. Simmer on the stove for about half an hour, then strain. Take 2 tbsp before going out into cold air and at night. It is advisable to drink it daily for 2 months. before frost sets in.
  7. Other methods.

Cold allergies on the face and its other manifestations are also treated with homeopathy. The doctor prescribes Viburkol suppositories. Directions for use: from 6 months. 1 candle 4 r. in a day; up to 6 months 1 candle 2 r. in a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.


Complicated consequences occur most often in the presence of concomitant diseases. If you start the course of the disease without paying attention to its manifestations, this can lead to a deficiency of oxygen in the brain, a sharp drop in pressure to critical levels, after which anaphylactic shock occurs.

It can also occur when a large amount of allergen is released into the circulatory system. The person will be unconscious. Urgent resuscitation is required.

Even people with mild cold allergies experience a deterioration in their quality of life. The face and other parts of the body acquire an unnatural color, and itching occurs at the slightest contact with cold. Severe cases are much less common. However, you should not take the manifestations of this disease lightly in order to avoid complications.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about cold allergies

Elena Malysheva will talk about cold allergies:

Cold allergies on the face manifest themselves in the form of hives or redness. The cause of irritation is cold - air or water. How to distinguish cold allergies from a number of skin diseases, and how can you fight them? We will talk about this in the publication.

What is cold allergy

Although this disease is called an allergy, this reaction of the body is completely unrelated to real allergic reactions. Frosty air or humidity are purely physical factors that are different from substances that affect sensitivity. However, since people call a reaction to cold a cold allergy, then we will not deviate from generally accepted definitions.

Manifestations of this “allergic” reaction occur just a few minutes after exposure to low temperature. Whitish or pink rashes appear on the skin of the face or hands, and sometimes on the lips. As a rule, they have a dense structure, itch and last for a couple of hours, after which they disappear without a trace.

There are other forms of such allergies that accompany some diseases. These include lupus erythematosus or thyroid disorders. In some cases, such a reaction to cold may be congenital. It is accompanied by a burning sensation on the skin, and the effect on the body most often is wind, not low temperature.

Despite the fact that cold allergies do not have serious consequences, even in its most harmless form it is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. It is accompanied by itching and discomfort, headache and low blood pressure. In more severe cases, severe swelling may develop.

Symptoms of an allergy to cold

The main point for both doctors and their patients is to identify the nature of the allergy as early as possible. Along with a number of complex studies using special instruments, there are also traditional methods. If you notice these symptoms, do an allergy test at home. To do this, just put a piece of ice on the elbow area for 10 minutes. If your skin becomes irritated, then you definitely have a predisposition to this disease. In a situation where you are in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist so as not to confuse cold allergies with other diseases, and also to eliminate the symptoms as such. How to treat cold allergies on the face

  1. When you go out into the cold air, your head begins to hurt, and the muscles of your face and neck can also cramp. Headaches occur in the forehead and back of the head, accompanied by nausea. Just 15 minutes in a warm room is enough to eliminate an attack. The provocateur of this disease can be not only low temperature, but also a cold drink or a too cold sleeping place.
  2. Cold allergies on the face are accompanied by a rash and peeling of the skin. It can itch not only on the face, but also on the arms, sometimes on the inner thighs or behind the knees.
  3. In adults, the manifestation of allergies begins with a reaction on the skin of the hands. First it itches, then dries and becomes rough, cracks or a rash appear on it, looking like hives. Children mainly suffer from redness on the face in the cheeks, nasolabial folds and chin. In addition to redness, the skin begins to burn, and the child wants to scratch these areas. The result can be a rash that resembles herpes. Girls who wear thin tights in winter may also suffer from a reaction of sensitive, delicate skin to frost. How to treat cold allergies on the face
    1. Acute or chronic urticaria. This disease begins in an acute form, in which an allergy to cold on the face and body is accompanied by itching. Then, in those areas that itch, the skin swells and blisters appear. Next, you may observe a red rash similar to hives or mosquito bites. In a severe form of the disease, a person feels chills, his muscles and joints ache, and he may also experience weakness and rapid heartbeat. During an exacerbation, poor health lasts up to several weeks (or even months) until the temperature rises.
    2. Recurrent urticaria. This is a seasonal disease, characteristic of autumn and winter, as well as the beginning of spring. However, at any time the situation can worsen when exposed to cold water or air, so this disease must be dealt with.
    3. Urticaria in reflex form. This is a reaction of the body or a separate area of ​​​​the skin, which occurs only when the whole body is hypothermic. Rashes appear that do not spread further from the cooled area. Thus, only those areas of the skin that were in contact with the cold suffer.
    4. Familial urticaria. This is an inherited form of the disease that manifests itself in redness, rashes and a burning sensation that is noticed after exposure to cold. May be accompanied by fever, muscle and joint pain.
    5. Dermatitis. This is a type of cold allergy in which the skin becomes itchy and begins to peel. If the disease is in a severe stage, the whole body may swell.
    6. Erythema. This is an allergic reaction to cold, when red spots appear on the skin and the affected areas begin to hurt.
    7. Conjunctivitis. This is increased lacrimation in the cold, as well as a feeling of pain in the eyes in frosty weather.
    8. Rhinitis. Cold allergies in this form differ from an ordinary runny nose in that the nose only gets stuffy in the cold. If you go into a warm room, the unpleasant discomfort will disappear. How to treat cold allergies on the face