How to treat a weeping burn

Quite often in the life of every person there are sudden injuries, various types of damage, both superficial on the skin and deeper. That is why every person should know how to cope with skin damage at home. In the case of weeping wounds, not everyone knows what and how to do to solve this problem. How to treat weeping wounds? This article is devoted to this topic.

Without proper treatment, there is a high risk of infection with a wide variety of diseases. It is much easier for infection to enter the body through a wet wound. Everyone knows how to help with abrasions or light cuts, but what should be done if the wound does not heal for a long time and oozes?

What are weeping wounds?

Injuries, abrasions and burns are familiar to every person, starting from early childhood. Before you know how to treat a weeping wound, you need to understand what it is. This is a soft tissue injury that can occur in any part of the body. Weeping wounds can have varying degrees of damage and depth, touching the skin and blood vessels, bones and even internal organs.

Non-healing weeping wounds are a phenomenon when the surface of the injury becomes very wet. As for the process of formation of such wounds, it is the same as in all ordinary cases of damage. It is characterized by several phases: inflammation, regeneration, scar formation. Healing of weeping wounds must be carried out according to a strict strategy. It is necessary to constantly perform dressings using healing and disinfectants.

How do non-healing wet wounds appear?

Damage to the muscles and skin of soft tissues is observed. The difference between such a wound and an ulcerative formation is that it is located outside. And with an ulcer, the process occurs from the inside. When the damage is unable to dry out on its own, ichor appears. In most cases, this occurs due to the addition of a bacterial infection. Considering that the immune system is trying to get rid of pathology, increased plasma release occurs.

  1. Self-cleansing.
  2. Development of the inflammatory process around the wound.
  3. Granulation.

If the injury does not dry out for a long time, there is a possibility of additional infection and the development of sepsis.

Etiology of development

To find out which ointment for weeping wounds helps best, you need to find out what contributed to the occurrence of this problem.

Causes of weeping wounds:

  1. laser, electrical burns;
  2. inflammatory processes of the skin – eczema, dermatitis;
  3. tanning abuse;
  4. damage to the mucous membrane and skin of the fungal, bacterial type;
  5. the presence of diaper rash in women under the breasts, in the groin and in the armpits;
  6. burns from steam, fire, boiling water, hot objects;
  7. improper blood circulation in tissues;
  8. irritation caused by synthetic underwear;
  9. umbilical wound in infants;
  10. bedsores in sick people;
  11. cuts, peeled skin.

As for newborns, in their case the therapy is carried out very carefully. The use of many medications is prohibited. Only drying, safe products are suitable for treatment.

Features of weeping burns

With such damage to the skin, namely the second and third degrees, a wound appears. They call it wet. If a wound becomes wet after a burn, this is explained by the fact that when the skin peels off, blisters appear, which burst almost immediately. This is why the fabrics underneath remain damp. Therapy involves drying out the lesions with drugs that promote the formation of a protective film.

To do this, apply a sterile, loose gauze bandage to the wound; it must first be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic. Drying sprays and ointments, sold at any pharmacy, are perfect. After treating the wound, streptocide powder and a bandage are applied to it.

The second method of therapy is open, which does not involve closing the wound. It is carried out until moisture ceases to be released from the wound. The cream or ointment for burns is smoothly applied, there is no need to rub it in, everything will be absorbed on its own. To enhance the antiseptic, restorative effect, nearby tissues are also lubricated. The procedure must be repeated at least five times a day.

Specifics of initial treatment of weeping damage

How to treat weeping wounds and how? To reduce the risk of complications, they are thoroughly washed. It is necessary to remove dust, dirt, and pus. Antiseptic agents can be used for this purpose. Hydrogen peroxide helps a lot. If it is not available, ordinary soap and water will do. The skin around the damaged area is lubricated with a thin layer of iodine and brilliant green. This is done in order to dry the edges of the newly formed wound and prevent the growth of bacteria.

The next step is protection from harmful microorganisms. Here you will need to apply a bandage. In case of deep damage, drug treatment and possible surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

Effective drugs for the treatment of weeping wounds

Before using a specific product, it is advisable to consult a doctor. After providing first aid, you need to send the person to the hospital to avoid infection and the development of complications.

List of useful antiseptic drugs (ointments, sprays, creams):

  1. "Unisept";
  2. "Streptonol", "Streptocide";
  3. "Dioxidin";
  4. "Baktosin" and "Miramistin";
  5. "Gorosten";
  6. "Povidone-iodine";
  7. "Chlorhexidine" and "Octenisept";
  8. "Dezmistin", "Dekasan";
  9. "Ectericide" and others.

For the initial treatment of a weeping wound, three percent hydrogen peroxide is perfect; it cleans and stops the bleeding. Furacilin solution prepared from tablets helps well. Take one tablet per 100 milliliters of warm water.

How can you dry wet wounds?

How to treat weeping wounds? Considering the degree of infection, it is recommended to use various means. For shallow injuries and slow healing of weeping wounds, iodine mesh or brilliant green is applied to their edges. To wipe the surface with ichor, use a tincture of birch buds or calendula in alcohol.

If a crust forms very quickly and the ichor does not come out, it is necessary to soften the wound. A saline solution copes well with this task. The proportions of water and salt are 10/1. The finished solution has a powerful drying and healing effect and is excellent at resisting bacteria, which are usually the source of wound suppuration.

  1. You will need a liter of saline solution; it can be easily prepared at home (the proportions are indicated above).
  2. They need to moisten the bandaged wound for a minute.
  3. Repeat the manipulation every four hours.

Due to this procedure, dressings with ointment can be done once every two days.

Streptocide ointment: instructions for use, how to use it correctly

This is a local drug with an antimicrobial effect. Works well against streptococci and other harmful microorganisms. The active components of the ointment destroy the assimilation of harmful microorganisms and strains.

Instructions for use of streptocidal ointment: before use, wash your hands thoroughly and clean the treatment area. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes. The ointment is applied in a very thin layer; it should not be rubbed in. Allowed to be used in conjunction with a gauze bandage. The duration and frequency of use of streptocidal ointment directly depends on the dynamics of healing and the individual characteristics of the wound.

Don't forget about contraindications. Although the ointment is well tolerated, some people may be allergic to it. It is usually caused by individual intolerance to sulfonamides contained in streptocidal ointment. If the patient shows signs of allergy, this treatment should be stopped.

How does Streptonitol help?

The drug has an antibacterial effect and has an excellent effect on purulent-inflammatory processes: intestinal and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, bacteria, streptococci and staphylococci, antibiotic-resistant strains, Trichomonas. The ointment is famous for its good anti-inflammatory properties, which is explained by the presence of nitazol in its composition. It should only be used for its intended purpose.

Instructions for use of "Streptonitol" ointment: apply to burns and wounds, cover with a sterile bandage. You need to treat the affected area twice a day. The dosage depends on the area of ​​the weeping wound. The duration of the therapeutic course is selected based on individual characteristics and the dynamics of the healing process.

Folk remedies for weeping wounds

What else can you do to treat weeping wounds? If there is no threat to health, then you can even be treated at home using traditional medicine methods.

Some useful recipes:

  1. Onion. Clears pus and relieves swelling. Make a paste by grating the onion head, then apply it to the damaged area. There will be a strong burning sensation, but you need to endure it.
  2. Potato. Grate and squeeze out the juice, moisten the bandage generously in it. Then apply it to the wound and wrap it. Change the bandage every four hours and leave overnight.
  3. Air. Promotes healing, fights germs. Preparation of healing infusion: 1 tablespoon of root (dried) per glass of boiling water, boil in a steam bath. Cool and rinse the wound.

If the damage is shallow, then this treatment will help in about a week. If the wound does not heal for two weeks or more, you should seek medical help.

Thus, in the presence of weeping wounds, not only treatment with ointments and creams, but also proper primary treatment is of particular importance. The further course of the disease depends on it. Before using certain medications and folk remedies, consult your doctor.

A burn is an injury that leads to disruption of tissue integrity. They are distinguished by the type of traumatic factor and the depth of damage.

According to the type of damaging factor, the following are known: thermal, chemical, electrical, wave types of damage. According to the degree of penetration of the burn, 4 stages are known. In the second and higher stages of the burn, blisters appear on the dermis, which burst after a while. After this, lesions remain on the skin that are susceptible to getting wet.


A person faces various types of trauma throughout his life, starting from childhood. Before treating a lesion, you need to know everything about this type of injury. The damage is a violation of tissue trophism, which can be localized in various parts of the body. Weeping damage can cover different areas and depths of penetration. In this case, various structures from the dermis and blood vessels to bones and internal organs can be affected. Non-healing weeping lesions occur when the skin humidity is high. The mechanism of occurrence of such burns is similar to the way of formation of ordinary injuries.

There are several phases in it:

  1. inflammatory process;
  2. regeneration;
  3. scarring.

Restoration and healing of weeping type wounds should be carried out according to the scheme. It is necessary to constantly bandage the open wound, use restorative and disinfecting medications.

Treatment of weeping wounds after burns

A weeping burn must be treated carefully. In order to reduce the risk of adverse events, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the injured areas. Carefully remove dust, dirt and pus. A disinfectant medication is applied to damaged tissue. For this manipulation, antibacterial agents such as betadine are used. Hydrogen peroxide has a good effect. If this solution is not available, then soapy water can be used. The skin around the injury site is lubricated with alcohol solutions of brilliant green or iodine. This is done to dry the edges of the damage and prevent infection. The next step is to protect the wound from pathogenic flora. To do this, apply a bandage. If the burn penetrates deeply, you must take painkillers. In some cases, surgery cannot be avoided.

How to treat each stage?

Wet-type injuries have the following periods: the stage of inflammation, recovery and scarring.

So how to treat weeping wounds after a burn? During the inflammatory process, antiseptics are applied to the wound. You can use any available one. After this manipulation, it is necessary to apply a bandage made of sterile material, which will prevent the entry of moisture.

The fluid that flows from the affected area helps restore the wound and speeds up the healing process. During this period, it is necessary to change the dressing as often as possible. If excess moisture is released, healing is carried out using the open method. For areas of the body where fluid production is highest, hygroscopic dressings are used.

During dressing it is necessary to treat with special means. Antibacterial drugs or alcohol-based products can only be used after being prescribed by a specialist.

If there is severe pain, then it is necessary to take analgesics. This can be in tablet form, injection solutions or special aerosols that are most convenient to apply.

During the purulent-necrotic period, agents with antibacterial activity are applied under the bandage. But you cannot use ordinary ointments with antibiotics for this; they do not cope with cleansing the wound. It is better to give preference to water-based ointments, such as Levosin or Levomekol.

At the second stage, when the inflammation process has already passed, and the lesion is clean and the tissues have been restored, special burn patches are applied to the site of injury. It is impregnated with medicinal preparations, which, upon contact with the skin under the influence of heat, transform into a gel structure and have a therapeutic effect.

In the third period, Solcoseryl is applied under the gauze. This helps speed up the recovery process and scar formation.

As part of complex therapy, vitamin and mineral complexes must be prescribed. Essential substances such as vitamin A, C and E help produce collagen and start the healing process.

How to treat a weeping wound after a burn

It is better to entrust the choice of drug to a doctor. The following are the most effective drugs.

Solcoseryl is one of the most effective medications for healing the skin. It is most often prescribed by doctors for burns. The formula of the medication includes active components that nourish the skin, help deliver oxygen to cells and regenerate cells. Solcoseryl is available in the form of a gel or ointment. For weeping wounds, it is better to use a gel consistency.

Lioxazine is a high-tech medicine that provides pain relief after injury. It is able to accelerate regeneration processes and prevent the penetration of microorganisms into the wound.

Combination drugs

Amprovisol is a medicine in the form of an aerosol. It is very convenient to use for burns, since there is no need to contact the affected area. This remedy helps relieve inflammation in burns, disinfect and anesthetize the wound. Also ensures quick recovery.

Olazol is a local drug with a healing effect. Available in aerosol form. Contains sea buckthorn fruit oil. Due to the antimicrobial, analgesic effect, the process of epithelial restoration is significantly accelerated.

Traditional methods

If the burn gets wet, what should you do at home? You can use folk recipes. The most effective are the following:

The young root vegetable is peeled, grated on a coarse grater, and squeezed using gauze. This juice is moistened with a clean dressing material and applied to the wound. The dressing is changed 4 times a day.

The onion must be grated on a fine grater, then the mixture is applied to a bandage and applied to the damaged area. With the help of an onion, the injury site is disinfected, the severity of pain is reduced and swelling is neutralized.

Aloe juice
You can squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant or tear off the skin. The fabric is blotted with liquid and applied to the injury site. When using a whole sheet, it is attached to the wound for several hours.

Sea ​​buckthorn
Sea buckthorn oil is an excellent remedy, but it must be sterilized before using it to treat a burn. I apply wipes moistened with this product to the wound. It is better to perform this manipulation once a day.

To treat the wound, prepare a decoction or infusion of water. Take a dry plant and fill it with water, leaving it for several days. Moisten the bandage with this solution.

You can carry out these activities yourself only if the injury is not life-threatening. Before using various remedies, it is important to consult a doctor. The best way to prevent injury is to follow safety precautions and follow all precautionary rules.

In what cases does a wound become wet after a burn?

Having received a second or third degree burn, the victim is faced with the formation of a wound that becomes wet. This occurs due to the formation of blisters, which are peeling skin due to injury. It’s a matter of time before the bubble bursts, and a wound with a weeping surface will inevitably appear at the site of the lesion.

Treatment of a weeping burn involves systematic drying of the wound using agents that form an elastic film on the damaged surface.

General principles of treatment


When starting to treat an oozing burn, they begin to carry out procedures that dry out the wound. For this:

  1. treat the damage with an anti-burn antiseptic;
  2. sprinkle the wound with streptocide powder;
  3. cover with a sterile gauze bandage.

Another option for treating a wound is the open method of drying - medications are applied to the wound area until the formation of moisture stops without covering the burn with a bandage. In this case, perform the following actions:

  1. blot the wound with a sterile swab;
  2. an anti-burn preparation in the form of an ointment/cream is applied to the dried area without rubbing;
  3. for reliable antiseptics and recovery, the medication should be applied both to the area of ​​damage itself and to adjacent areas of the skin;
  4. after the drug is absorbed into the wound area, you can resume applying the ointment;
  5. the open treatment procedure is repeated several times a day;

Do not worry about burning sensations after using the medicine or the formation of redness of the skin, which indicates the active effect of the medicine.

Healing time

A weeping burn usually heals within five days, provided that the damage was small in size and depth. More severe lesions may require two weeks of treatment.

The application of anti-burn drugs with preliminary drying of the wound significantly shortens the recovery period, however, if the affected area is large and it is not possible to dry the wound completely, drying antiseptics should be used and an open method of therapy should be carried out. Of course, it will take longer for the damage to heal.

Treatment of weeping burns with drugs

Sequence of application

Wound surfaces of a weeping nature occur in three stages, according to which therapeutic measures are carried out.


At the initial inflammatory stage, the affected area should be treated with antiseptic drugs, for example peroxide, Chlorhexedine, Furacilin, Miramistin, followed by application of a sterile bandage with hygroscopic properties.

As a rule, at this stage, a clear liquid exudate is actively released from the wound, which cleans it and promotes healing. If the discharge is profuse, wound treatment should be open. If bandages are used, then they must be changed frequently. Extensive burn areas are successfully treated using Biaten Ag dressings.

When changing the bandage, the wound surface is treated with an antiseptic each time. If there is a doctor's prescription, treatment with drying agents with antibacterial properties (iodine, Betadine) is practiced.

When the necrotic phase develops with the formation of pus under the bandage, it is recommended to apply antibacterial drugs in the form of water-soluble ointments Mafenide acetate, Levosin, Levomekol. The exception is for external agents that do not contain antibiotic compounds, since they do not help cleanse the lesion.

Topical aerosols, injections or tablets can be used to relieve pain.

Pharmacological properties of Actovegin are as follows:

  1. activation of metabolic processes in the tissues of the whole body;
  2. improvement of trophism;
  3. activation of regeneration processes;
  4. helps increase tissue resistance to oxygen starvation;
  5. increase in cellular energy resource;
  6. acceleration of healing of wound surfaces;
  7. makes a significant contribution to the treatment of burns, ulcers and trophic disorders;
  8. manifestation of insulin-like activity.


If the inflammation is removed, an anti-burn patch can be applied to the restored clean tissue. The healing effect of the patch lies in its impregnation with a unique medication, which, in contact with the wound surface, becomes gel-like and has a targeted effect on the regenerating integuments of the skin.


When the therapy reaches its completion stage and the damaged surface begins to scar, Contractubex is applied. The ointment is used up to three times a day, covered with a sterile gauze bandage.

Along with the main treatment for a burn, it is recommended to take vitamins, which will contribute to a speedy recovery. Vitamin E, C and A significantly increase collagen formation.

The most effective means

Today, at any pharmacy you can purchase external medications to provide therapeutic assistance for burns. Almost all of these drugs are dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

  1. Solcoseryl ointment/gel is a leader among other wound-healing drugs, characterized by a high therapeutic effect. It contains components that deliver oxygen to tissues, as well as nourish and restore them. Solcoseryl gel is used in the treatment of weeping burn lesions, and ointment is used to treat dry lesions.
  2. Lioxazine gel is a high-tech healing remedy for burns with an analgesic effect. The drug quickly heals damage and prevents infection during any period of treatment.
  3. Aerosol Amprovisol is a combined remedy for burns with menthol, propolis, vitamin D and anesthesin in the composition. The spectrum of its effects includes analgesic, anti-burn, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Quickly regenerates the skin.
  4. Spray Olazol is used for wound healing of burns. Contains sea buckthorn oil. Acts as an antibacterial, epithelizing, analgesic drug. With its use, the tissue restoration process is significantly accelerated and the separation of exudate is reduced.

10 traditional medicines

The use of potatoes, eucalyptus, onions, chamomile, aloe juice, medicinal calendula, calamus, St. John's wort, and sea buckthorn oil has been helping to heal burns at home for centuries. Of course, the use of traditional medicine in anti-burn therapy is permissible within reasonable limits, when the damage is small and shallow. Otherwise, you should not do without medical help. The treatment of burns according to the recipes of traditional healers in combination with drug therapy has proven itself well.

  1. Potato. Fresh tubers must be peeled and grated on a fine grater. Squeeze out the juice and soak the bandages with it. Apply to the wound. The dressing must be changed every 6 hours.
  2. Herbal medicinal collection. Combine 40 grams of each type of medicinal raw material (St. John's wort, chamomile, horsetail) and mix. Take a couple of tablespoons of the resulting mixture and steam no more than half a liter of hot water. The warm decoction obtained after boiling (fifteen minutes on the stove) can be used to treat damage and apply compresses.
  3. Bulb onions. An onion, grated, can clean the wound and reduce pain/swelling. To do this, onion pulp is wrapped in gauze and applied to the affected area.
  4. Eucalyptus. With eucalyptus infusion, you can make lotions for wounds and baths for minor injuries. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of water and pour in no more than ten grams of crushed dried leaves. Boil for about ten minutes, and then, after letting it sit for more than half an hour, add honey (40 g).
  5. Aloe (juice). The leaves of the tree-like plant are collected and the juice is squeezed out of them. The resulting drug is soaked in a gauze bandage to be applied to the burn.
  6. Pharmaceutical chamomile. Burn injuries are washed with an infusion of chamomile flowers. To make it, take fifteen grams of dried medicinal raw materials and pour no more than a glass of boiling water. Leave for thirty minutes and strain.
  7. Common calamus. An infusion prepared from calamus is used as a lotion when treating burn injuries. Pour boiling water (200 milliliters) over a spoonful of chopped rhizome and heat for a quarter of an hour in a water/steam bath. Cool and strain.
  8. Calendula. No less effective is treating burned injuries with an infusion of calendula flowers. Why take ten grams of plant material and pour at least 250 milliliters of hot water. Leave to infuse for half an hour and after straining, you can use it, making sure that the infusion has cooled down to a comfortable temperature.
  9. Sea buckthorn oil. Boil the oil and cool. Soak a gauze cloth and apply to the treated wound. Use several times a day.
  10. St. John's wort oil. Compresses with St. John's wort oil are excellent for healing burns. To make it, you need to take olive oil and plant flowers in a ratio of 2 to 1. Mix. Leave in the dark for thirty days.