How to smear your face with sperm

Cosmetology is moving forward, and new facial skin care products are regularly released. Women give preference to products with natural ingredients. Male semen is a natural remedy for improving skin condition. Store-bought products based on it are not cheap and are not easy to find. Therefore, women make cosmetics from a man’s semen at home. Let's look at the benefits of a facial mask made from sperm and how to use this unusual component.

Composition of seminal fluid

Sperm contains many useful substances. It is famous for its high protein content and the presence of vitamins important for the body. It is a source of essential nutrients for the skin. Seminal fluid is highly concentrated and in some cases causes allergies. Therefore, it is important to dilute the main ingredient with other beneficial ingredients.

There are more than 40 components in male sperm, here are the main ones:

  1. protein, during ejaculation forms amino acids;
  2. carbohydrates;
  3. keratin;
  4. fructose;
  5. healthy fatty acids;
  6. minerals (magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium, calcium);
  7. enzymes that break down proteins;
  8. hormones.

All these components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Based on the chemical composition of the semen, there is no reason to wonder whether a face mask made from sperm is useful - this is obvious. But remember that the calcium included in the composition is not always perceived by the skin.

What is the benefit

Sperm used as a facial mask has great benefits for the female body:

  1. moisturizes the epidermis;
  2. improves and evens out complexion;
  3. tightens enlarged pores;
  4. rejuvenates and tightens facial skin, creates relief;
  5. reduces pigmentation and whitens;
  6. helps in the fight against acne.

Proteins and acids in seminal fluid help get rid of acne, and calcium gives the skin a natural color. The result is: face masks with sperm are a storehouse of useful substances and a real elixir for preserving beauty and youth.

How sperm is used in cosmetology

The main property of male fluid is the fight against skin aging. Cosmetologists do not recommend using male semen for girls under the age of 25, as it can cause harm by causing acne.

Semen-based products sold in stores are expensive. However, their composition differs from masks prepared at home, because they are made based on the semen of bulls or pigs. Masks made from animal ejaculation products for the face bring the same good results as products consisting of male semen.

Purchased products are the safest, as they undergo the necessary tests and inspections. But homemade masks, although they don’t cost a lot of money, have some disadvantages:

  1. Face masks are made only from the semen of a healthy man.
  2. The liquid must be used on the same day, as it cannot be stored. Even if you store the seed in the refrigerator, it will lose its beneficial properties.
  3. Requires the addition of additional ingredients.
  4. Before use, it is necessary to test for the absence of an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the product to the bend of your elbow and track changes in the skin.

A facial mask with sperm is very useful, the main thing is to decide whether you will buy a ready-made product or prepare it yourself.

Homemade face masks based on male semen

Before applying the product to the skin, you must first clean it. The mixture is distributed with massage movements, slightly rubbed into the skin. When applying, avoid the area around the eyes and mouth. To distribute the product, use a cosmetic brush, sponges, or simply apply with your fingers. It is recommended to use such products up to twice a week.

Recipes for homemade masks based on male seminal fluid:

  1. For dry skin. You will need 10 ml of sperm, 5 ml of olive oil, 5 ml of liquid cream and honey, melted in a water bath. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Afterwards it is washed off with water.
  2. For sensitive skin prone to dryness. It is necessary to mix kefir and male semen in a 2:1 ratio. Leave the mixture on your face for 15 minutes and rinse gently.
  3. For oily skin. Add one part seminal fluid to two parts aloe juice. The mixture is kept for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.
  4. Rejuvenating. Mix egg white and 1 tsp. sperm. The mask is applied to the face and left until the skin feels tight (about 20 minutes). The mixture is washed off with cool water, then the face is moisturized with cream.
  5. For acne. Mix honey and sperm in a 1:2 ratio. Apply the mixture carefully with light massage movements. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Contraindications for use

It turns out that seminal fluid is a miraculous remedy for facial care on a par with salon procedures. But this substance also has contraindications:

  1. You cannot use seminal fluid if you are intolerant to calcium or protein, otherwise, instead of benefit, the result will be disappointing - burns of the upper layer of the epithelium may occur;
  2. Do not use sperm on thin, very dry or sensitive skin, as it can cause severe allergies or irritation;
  3. It is undesirable to apply seminal fluid to a face that does not have visible defects and wrinkles, because it thins young skin and causes acne and irritation.


Sperm applied to the face in the form of a mask is a rather non-standard and unusual way to preserve youth. Therefore, there are relatively few reviews. Women who speak negatively about the use of this product are mainly based on the impossibility of using such a “delicate” ingredient in facial care. And those who have already tried this natural substance on themselves note a noticeable effect of rejuvenation, reduction of wrinkles, fresh complexion and healthy appearance of the skin.

Recently, homemade masks have become quite widespread, primarily due to the cost-effectiveness and naturalness of these procedures. A wide variety of ingredients can be used for them: hay, curdled milk, potatoes and even male seed.

Remarkable properties of male semen

Despite the fact that few people like to discuss sperm, much less talk about it as a cosmetic product, many books have been written about semen and its wonderful properties. Moreover, it is a well-known fact that many expensive French creams contain this “male” component.

Semen only from a “donor” has beneficial properties, who did not drink, smoke, use drugs or eat heavy food before sharing the sperm. It is best if he eats fruits and sweets.

According to official data, a man’s semen contains a lot of active substances, enzymes and proteins. It also contains 0.5% fruit acid - citric acid, an indicator that some of the best cosmetic products can boast of. Due to its chemical composition, sperm has the following effects:

• bleaching;
• exfoliation;
• skin nutrition;
• smoothing out wrinkles;
• narrowing of pores.

Many beauty salons offer anti-aging treatments using human semen, but most likely they use bull sperm or an artificial analogue.

Use of sperm for cosmetic purposes

From the above, it becomes clear that the seed is a unique ingredient of youth and beauty, however, you need to be careful when using it. The danger is that all the wonderful substances in semen are contained in concentrated form, and the skin can react to them in an unusual way: redness or a rash may appear.

There are also age restrictions for masks made from human sperm, and this is not due to moral standards. This type of unconventional cosmetics is suitable for women over 30, it’s all about the huge amount of protein, it can prevent and smooth out wrinkles, as well as moisturize the skin. For younger people, the effect may be unexpected: allergies and acne may occur.


Due to the high concentration of some substances, the seed must be diluted with other ingredients before use. Masks from a man’s semen can be made regularly, once or twice a week, provided there are no negative skin reactions.

Mask of 1 hour. l seed and 2 tsp. l aloe juice is ideal for oily skin. For those with dry skin, it is better to choose kefir as a thinner. Egg, cream, honey and vegetable oils are also suitable as a base. Masks should be kept on for 20 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

It is believed that male sperm helps against acne no worse than expensive anti-acne drugs. This conclusion was made by foreign experts who conducted scientific research on seminal fluid. Indeed, whether sperm helps with acne will allow you to understand the composition of the product, the beneficial properties it has, and the data obtained from clinical trials.

Conducted clinical studies

An experiment was conducted at the Dermatological Institute in Austria with the participation of individuals in the age category from 18 to 25 years old who had problem skin. Over the course of one week, the subjects used sperm in its pure form, applying it to the face for a 20-minute time interval. The effectiveness of the product was observed in 65% of those tested already on the third day of use. Participants in the experiment noted a decrease in the number of rashes, redness and itching. By the end of the week, noticeable improvements in the condition of the skin were noted in all tested individuals.

What are the benefits of sperm?

Sperm as a remedy for acne is used for external and internal use due to its unique composition, which includes:

Proteins have the ability to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, shrink pores and have a drying effect.

Lecithin has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, so it helps remove redness from the skin and speed up the regeneration process.

Zinc, when taken internally, helps restore hormonal balance, prevents inflammation on the skin, and helps to quickly eliminate existing rashes. Topical use of zinc helps dry inflamed skin and relieve redness. Seminal fluid contains large quantities of this substance, so its benefits, both locally and internally, are undeniable.

In addition to the above components, male semen is rich in vitamins B, A, E and C, which play an important role in skin health. Their deficiency in the body instantly reacts with peeling and inflammation in the dermis.

Organic acids help the skin quickly get rid of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, preventing clogging of pores and the development of the inflammatory process.

How does sperm affect acne?

Sperm helps against acne due to its following effects on protective tissues:

  1. dries out inflamed elements;
  2. tightens pores and reduces sebum production;
  3. nourishes the skin with vitamins and microelements;
  4. exfoliates dead epidermal cells;
  5. eliminates the inflammatory process and relieves redness;
  6. promotes faster regeneration of the inflamed dermis;
  7. helps develop a local protective reaction.

Ejaculate contains male hormones, which, when taken orally, help normalize a woman’s hormonal balance, the instability of which is also one of the main causes of acne.

In what cases is sperm not effective?

Male sperm can only be beneficial for acne if it is received from a partner who:

  1. playing sports;
  2. has no bad habits;
  3. eats right;
  4. does not suffer from chronic pathologies.

The seminal fluid of a man who leads a sedentary lifestyle, eats fast food, regularly drinks alcohol and smokes, does not contain useful substances in the required quantity, and is therefore unsuitable for use.

Special instructions

Before using sperm topically for acne, you should make sure that the skin is not hypersensitive to it. If, after applying a small amount of seminal fluid to the wrist or the inside of the elbow, no irritation appears after fifteen minutes, then the product can be used on the face.

When using the product externally, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed of sebum, cosmetics and other contaminants. Only in this case can a therapeutic result be expected.

If you have very sensitive and dry skin, this product may not be suitable, causing an allergic reaction.

It is recommended to use fresh ejaculate. If it is not possible to use it immediately after receipt, the product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. After this, all the beneficial properties of the product are neutralized.

Oral use

Whether sperm helps with acne on the face if taken internally, there is no definite answer. Beneficial and hormone-like substances are partially destroyed under the influence of hydrochloric acid present in the stomach. For this reason, the ejaculate may not bring the expected therapeutic result. Despite this, most women and girls still practice this method as a means of getting rid of acne. Proponents of this method of treating acne claim that seminal fluid swallowed during oral sex is very beneficial not only for the skin, but also for the body as a whole.

Local application

Sperm for acne at home is used in its pure form or as part of masks. The greatest effectiveness is shown by mixtures of ingredients used in the treatment of acne.

Pure use

Apply seminal fluid to cleansed facial skin evenly. After 15-20 minutes, you can wash your face by applying a light moisturizer. Use no more than twice a week.

Homemade sperm cream

For dry and sensitive skin, ejaculate can be combined with baby cream. The two ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and applied in a thin layer. This product helps relieve inflammation and flaking of the skin.

Recipes for masks with sperm

This natural product combines well with the following ingredients:

  1. honey;
  2. cereals;
  3. egg white and yolk;
  4. aloe;
  5. White clay;
  6. olive oil;
  7. lemon juice; kefir;
  8. sour cream;
  9. cucumber.

Male ejaculate can be used with several components at once to increase the effectiveness of the mask.

With honey

A semen mask for acne with the addition of honey and egg white helps saturate the skin with all the necessary substances, moisturize and effectively relieve inflammation, thanks to the antibacterial effect of the beekeeping product. For a tablespoon of melted honey you will need one egg white and a teaspoon of ejaculate. After thorough mixing, the product is applied to the face, leaving it to act for no more than a quarter of an hour. The recommended frequency of use is every 3-4 days for one month.

With Hercules

A mask based on male seminal fluid with the addition of oatmeal and honey will help cleanse the skin, eliminate inflammation, remove excess sebum and exfoliate dead particles of the epidermis.

Hercules in a volume of 1.5 tbsp. spoons are ground to the consistency of flour, adding 1 tbsp. l. honey and a teaspoon of ejaculate. The resulting mixture is used according to the same principle as described above.

With egg

A simple recipe for a medicated acne mask will require one chicken egg and about 5 ml of masculine product. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, the resulting mixture is used for its intended purpose.

With aloe

A mixture of gruel obtained from aloe leaves and ejaculate will help relieve inflammation in the skin. For a tablespoon of herbal component you will need no more than 5 ml of the second component. Regular use of this product will quickly relieve redness, pain and itching from the inflamed area of ​​the dermis.

With white clay

You can add a little seminal fluid to the powder diluted with water to enhance the therapeutic effectiveness of the mask. This mixture fights inflammation well, dries out rashes and evens out the complexion. You can keep the mask for no more than 10 minutes.

With olive oil

For sensitive and dry skin, the product produced by the male reproductive system is recommended to be combined with olive oil. The plant component has low comedogenicity, perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The ingredients are mixed 1 to 3 (for example, for 15 ml of oil you will need a third of the second product).

With kefir

The fermented milk product effectively cleanses the skin of sebaceous secretions due to its lactic acid content. You can improve the therapeutic effect of a kefir mask if you add a small amount of seminal fluid to it.

With sour cream

For combination dermis, use liquid male semen with sour cream. The mixture has an anti-inflammatory, nourishing and rejuvenating effect on the protective integument.

With cucumber

A mask based on cucumber and ejaculate has cleansing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and tonic properties. A medium-sized plant product is crushed on a fine grater and seed liquid is added to it. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes. Use up to two times a week. Improvement in the condition of the skin is noticeable after the second application.

Do spermaceti creams contain sperm?

Some try to purchase spermaceti cream at a pharmacy or beauty store, believing that it has a similar effect as male ejaculate. There is a misconception that ready-made store products are made from purified semen of cattle. However, spermaceti creams do not contain anything like this. Previously, a substance called spermaceti, extracted from whale fat, was used to produce them. Now this component is produced by synthesis in industrial conditions.

It should be noted that spermaceti creams do not have a therapeutic effect against acne. Their action is primarily aimed at moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and then at regeneration and relieving inflammation.


Treating acne with sperm is an alternative method of treating acne. Many users regularly leave reviews about this method. Some claim that the product helps, others are skeptical about the benefits of male ejaculate during the inflammatory process in the skin. You can see if facial sperm is really good for acne by trying the product on yourself.