How to apply hyaluronic serum to your face

Serums with hyaluronic acid, easy to use and providing a quick visual effect, are increasingly finding their users.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is one of the components of all human fluids and cartilage. In addition, it is also a component of the epidermis. The gaps between the connective tissue are filled with hyaluronic acid.

With age, it becomes less and less in the human body, and the skin loses more and more moisture. Because of this, in older people, the oval of the face becomes less clear and the skin becomes flabby.

Using hyaluronic acid

With the help of the serum, wrinkles disappear, the skin is saturated with moisture and becomes radiant. There is also a slight tightening effect. The skin as a whole begins to look much younger.

The rejuvenating effect of serums with hyaluronic acid is based on its ability to penetrate the human skin. There it occupies hollow areas and does not allow moisture to leave the body. Based on this, wrinkles are filled from the inside, and the epidermis is tightened. The skin is restored. The water balance is leveled. The epidermis is saturated with moisture. This is why serum with hyaluronic acid is so widely popular among the fair half of humanity.

Rules for using serum with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a universal biocompatible component of many cosmetic products.

Options for using hyaluronic acid serum:

  1. Separate humidifier. Hyaluronic acid in its pure form is mixed with distilled water. As a result, a gel is formed, which is applied to the skin of the face, neck and chest area. The gel forms a film that moisturizes the skin.
  2. Serum for creams. Facial serum with hyaluronic acid is added to your usual cream. This method of using hyaluronic acid is very convenient and does not take much time. To make the effect stronger, it should be added not to a jar of cream, but for a single dose. You can squeeze the cream into your palm and add a couple of drops of serum, gently mix with your fingers and rub into the skin.

  1. Eye serum. It is used as a separate product, that is, a couple of drops are applied to each eyelid and gently rubbed.

For the face of a young girl, serum with hyaluronic acid is not needed. The age limit for starting to use hyaluronic acid is thirty years. But since hyaluronic acid is multifunctional, in some cases it can also be used by young people, for example, for hair.

In winter, serum should be applied to the skin exactly one hour before going outside. This rule is based on its physical properties. The whey base crystallizes in the cold.

These funds are used in the course. On average, you need to complete three of them per year. The duration of one course is two weeks. But the exact duration is determined in each case individually, depending on the condition of the skin.

Composition of serum with hyaluronic acid

Serum is most often water based. Therefore, its main components are water and hyaluronic acid. Then the composition contains humectants, various vitamins, stabilizers, thickeners, and so on.

Serum with hyaluronic acid has a larger volume of beneficial substances than cream. This is due to its higher concentration. The effect of serum on the skin occurs faster and much more effectively.

Advantages of serums

Hyaluronic serum, unlike cream, is absorbed faster and deeper, penetrating under the skin. Thus, serums provide faster and more effective results.

Serums with hyaluronic acid are an excellent barrier to sun damage. The price for it is of course higher than for tanning product. But the skin is protected not only from photoaging, but is also nourished from the inside.

Serums are very economical due to the high concentration of hyaluronic acid in them. For one time you only need a couple of drops. It makes no sense to use more than indicated, since the serum simply will not have time to be absorbed and will be wasted.

What types of serums are there?

Serums with hyaluronic acid are divided into:

  1. Depending on the basis. Serums with hyaluronic acid are made on the basis of oil and water. In the autumn-spring period, cosmetologists recommend using a water-based product, and in winter, due to cold weather and lack of skin nutrition, an oil serum with hyaluronic acid.
  2. According to pH level. The pH level in the serum determines the area of ​​skin on which it will be applied. Thus, eye serum with hyaluronic acid is strictly prohibited for use on the face. And, accordingly, vice versa.

Effect levels of hyaluronic acid. Serum "Libriderm" with hyaluronic acid

All hyaluronic acid is divided into two types depending on the level of impact.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is an acid that penetrates deep into the skin and has an effect from the inside.

High molecular weight hyaluronic acid remains outside and covers the skin with an imperceptible barrier that prevents moisture from leaving the skin.

A striking example of a serum with a high content of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is the Libriderm activator. Reviews from those who have used this serum are extremely positive.

The manufacturers of this product claim that by using this product you will be able to restore, moisturize your skin and generally improve its appearance.

Reviews about the Libriderm activator serum are mostly positive. Which speaks to its effectiveness in skin care and restoration.

Cosmetic procedures with hyaluronic acid in beauty salons

In modern cosmetology, there are several main procedures based on serum with hyaluronic acid:

  1. Mesotherapy. This cosmetic procedure has the following sequence: a gel is injected into a predetermined place under the skin. There it is located in empty spaces. This gel with hyaluronic acid becomes an obstacle to the removal of moisture from the skin. Also, the injected filler fills the space under the wrinkle, which naturally smoothes it out. After the introduction of the gel, the skin remains moisturized and elastic for about a year. The downside of this procedure is the painful injections.

Cosmetic procedures are much more effective than creams, lotions and serums with hyaluronic acid. The price, naturally, for these procedures is higher than cosmetics sold in stores.

Only a qualified technician can perform the procedures correctly. Before injections, be sure to study all the pros and cons and consult a doctor.

How to prepare whey at home?

Moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid is quite simple to make yourself. Of course, it will not be as effective and concentrated as a salon product, but it will have all the beneficial properties.

You will need to use lactic, citric or glycolic acid as a basis. Active ingredients are added to the base. They use hyaluronic and ascorbic acid. When mixing, you need to carefully monitor the ratio of components.

The shelf life of homemade serum with hyaluronic acid is not long - no more than seven days. The serum should be stored in a dry place with low temperature. The storage bottle should be made of dark, opaque glass.


Based on the fact that hyaluronic acid is contained in the body of every person, we can safely say that there are no serious contraindications to its use. However, it is still necessary to highlight some nuances of using serum with hyaluronic acid:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Lactation period.
  3. Blood clotting disorders (if hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin).
  4. After deep skin peeling.

To get the maximum result from a facial serum, it is important to apply it correctly.

This post contains a short and succinct guide on how to properly apply facial serum, a diagram of applying serum to the face, photos and videos.

Applying serum to face

Method #1

Apply the serum to your fingertips and spread quickly. Don't rub in or procrastinate. The serum should be absorbed into the skin of the face, not into the fingertips.

Using light movements, quickly apply to the face along the massage lines. Remember that serums are absorbed almost instantly, so you can’t hesitate.

  1. Place your fingers on your face and, using gentle pressing (pumping) movements, tap in what has not yet been absorbed (as if pushing the serum into the skin).

Method #2

The best option for oily serums.

Apply the serum to your fingers.

Lightly rub your palms together to distribute and warm the serum.

Gently place your palms on your face, applying light pressure.


The serum is applied after washing and toning to damp skin.

Needed for the whole face 4-5 drops or 1 press on the pump. Don't waste product. More doesn't mean better. Serum is a highly concentrated product, so it is applied in a minimal amount. The skin will “take” exactly as much as it needs. If you apply a lot, the excess will not be absorbed, but will only create a sticky feeling.

Do I need to wash off my facial serum? Only if an allergic reaction suddenly begins - redness, burning, rash.

Wait 5-10 minutes before applying the cream. The serum should be completely absorbed. If you rush, the components of the cream will dilute the composition and concentration of the serum and reduce its effectiveness.

And for dessert, two videos on how to properly apply the serum to your face.

Read more about facial serums here.

How do you use serums? Share in the comments.

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Let's remember what hyaluronic acid is, what benefits it brings to the skin and how its deficiency will affect your face. And at the same time, we’ll find out how urgently you need a serum based on this substance.

  1. What is hyaluronic acid
  2. Types of hyaluronic acid
  3. Benefits of hyaluronic acid for skin
  4. Serums with hyaluronic acid
  5. Application rules
  6. Features of application
  7. Review

What is hyaluronic acid

Facial serum with hyaluronic acid is the most important product in the arsenal of those who care about hydration and smoothness of the skin. And hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular cosmetic ingredients, valued for its ability to supply the skin with moisture like a small but powerful hydroelectric power station.

Hyaluronic acid attracts water © iStock

From a chemical point of view, it is a polysaccharide distinguished by its unique ability to attract and retain an amount of water many times greater than its own weight. Hyaluronic acid is naturally present in human tissues, in particular in the skin of the face. “This is the main substance of the extracellular matrix, which contains the cells of the epidermis and dermis,” says Noel Schwartz, an aesthetic dermatologist with 20 years of experience.

Types of hyaluronic acid

Modern cosmetics use synthesized hyaluronic acid. There are two main types of it.

High molecular weight (Hyaluronic Acid)

It is distinguished by large molecules that, due to their bulk, cannot overcome the epidermal barrier and moisturize the very top layer of the skin, attracting moisture from the air and forming a protective hydrophilic film on the surface. High molecular weight hyaluronic acid is indicated for dehydrated skin, as well as after peelings and other aesthetic procedures traumatic for the skin.

Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (Sodium Hyaluronate)

Used in cosmetology for injection correction of wrinkles. As part of serums, it works in all layers of the epidermis, attracting moisture like a magnet, straightening wrinkles and increasing skin elasticity. It is low molecular weight hyaluronic acid that is used in local serums to fill wrinkles. It is also used to prolong the effect of “beauty injections”.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid for skin

In addition to moisturizing the skin, hyaluronic acid is responsible for its density and elasticity. It is involved in collagen synthesis and protects cells from free radicals. The human body's own hyaluronic acid is quite small (15 grams in a person weighing 70 kg), and it has a short life cycle: from 30% to 50% of hyaluronic acid breaks down every 24 hours.

To moisturize the skin and correct wrinkles, a few drops of serum with hyaluronic acid are enough © iStock

In addition, the rate of its production in the skin decreases with age and is minimized by the age of 40. But the main enemy of hyaluronic acid is not so much age as aggressive environmental factors. Especially - solar radiation, which destroys hyaluronic acid.

After 20 years, the skin’s own reserves of hyaluronic acid begin to gradually decrease, which over time leads not only to dryness, but also to the formation of wrinkles.

Signs indicating that your own reserves of hyaluronic acid have depleted and the skin requires external replenishment:

increased skin sensitivity;

Serums with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is often included in cosmetic products of various categories - from day cream to facial wash. These products maintain an optimal level of skin hydration if it does not suffer from dehydration.

But if there are signs of prolonged “drought” and the skin urgently needs to be saved, ordinary daily care products cannot be used. You will need more powerful cosmetics that will specifically combat the cause of the problem - and this is where hyaluronic serum comes in handy.

Serums containing two types of hyaluronic acid – high molecular weight and low molecular weight – have multidirectional effects on the skin:

moisturize inside and out;

Serum with hyaluronic acid fills the skin with moisture and smoothes wrinkles © iStock

In serums, hyaluronic acid does not always appear alone and is often supplemented with other components (usually no more than three), for example, vitamins and plant extracts. They enhance the moisturizing effect, maintain a high level of moisture and ensure deeper penetration of active ingredients into the skin.

Hyaluronic acid is a water-soluble element; serums based on it have a light, non-greasy gel-like texture, comfortable for any skin type.

Application rules

In the case of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, it is important where and at what point you apply it. Large molecules remain on the surface of the epidermis and attract water from the environment. If the air in the room is dry, hyaluronic acid will begin to draw moisture from the skin, creating a feeling of tightness.

In Asia, where it is warm and humid, such problems do not arise, so hyaluronic serums are very popular there. In Russia, a humid environment for hyaluronic acid has to be created, especially in the cold and hot seasons. But you don’t have to go to a bathhouse or hammam for this.

Serum with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid

Apply immediately after a bath or shower while steam lingers in the bathroom—an ideal environment for molecules that attract moisture to the surface of the skin.

When using serum with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid

It is important to maintain a drinking regime, drinking at least 1.5 liters of water per day to saturate the body’s tissues with moisture. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, where the skin's water reserves become the main hydrosource for its molecules.

Before applying a local serum to fill wrinkles (filler),

drink a glass of water to achieve a quick and noticeable effect. It is recommended to do this in advance - ten minutes before using the product.

Features of application

Serums based on hyaluronic acid love moisture because they “feed” on it and do not like solar radiation, which destroys them. Keep these features in mind to get the most out of the product.

Hyaluronic serums do not have clear age restrictions and are used as needed.

You can use them all year round.

You need to apply such serums twice a day - under cream or on their own.

They are suitable for moisturizing the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.

Hyaluronic serums have no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components.


Corrective serum to increase the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin H.A. Intensifier, SkinCeuticals

Three forms of hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights (high molecular weight, fragmented, encapsulated) moisturize the skin at different levels, reduce wrinkles and fight sagging skin

The effect of a concentrate with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid can be compared with the result of a filler injection. The product fills wrinkles (including around the eyes) and replenishes missing volumes in the face.

A high concentration of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, enriched with vitamin B5, restores the optimal level of skin hydration.

contains both two types of hyaluronic acid, vitamin B5 and madecassoside, which stimulates collagen production.

addressed to skin exposed to aggressive external influences and consists of 89% Vichy thermal water (15 minerals and trace elements) and hyaluronic acid concentrate.