How to draw cat eye arrows step by step photo

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Do you want to add depth and mystery to your look? Do you want to hear that your eyes have become more expressive and attract the attention of others? Then you urgently need to master the “Cat Eye” makeup technique!

Getting to know the rules of such makeup

This technique appeared in Ancient Egypt. Women tried to resemble cats, which were considered sacred animals. And after so many years, thanks to this eye makeup, the “cat look” continues to enchant others.

Your main task will be to create an oblong eye shape with slightly raised corners. There are many variations of the “cat” technique, but the fundamental principle remains the same - narrowing and lengthening the eyes. The following will help you achieve this effect:

  1. drawing arrows;
  2. shading of shadows.

The arrows must be neat so that there are no light spots left between the eyeliner and the edge of the eyelid, otherwise all the effectiveness will come to naught. “Cat eye” is suitable for all girls and women, you just need to choose the right color palette and the optimal length and thickness of the arrows.

A win-win option would be to choose black, brown or gray eyeliner. Women over 30 years old should work with the listed colors.

And young girls can choose other shades based on their eye color:

  1. in “cat eye” makeup for brown eyes you should use yellow, green, color, cool shades;
  2. green-eyed girls should take a closer look at plum, lilac, and peach flowers;
  3. In cat eye makeup for girls with gray and blue eyes, golden brown, bronze, and blue eyeliner will look good.

Pay attention to the shade of your skin: the lighter the tone, the more the arrows stand out, therefore, you need to monitor the quality of their execution even more carefully.

The angle of the arrow will depend on how the room is lit - the more light, the thinner and shorter it should be.

If you decide to use black, be careful: it’s easy to overdo it and your makeup can turn out aggressive.

In order to understand how stylish and beautiful cat eye makeup can be, you should look at the examples in the photographs below:

As you can see in the photo with Taylor Swift, cat eye makeup makes the look incredibly expressive.

What will you need to do makeup?

To create cat eye makeup and create an attractive look, your makeup bag must have the necessary products. To do make-up you should follow the recommendations:

  1. You must have eyeliner, a cosmetic pencil or a felt-tip pen;
  2. if you are not sure that you can draw beautiful arrows, you can limit yourself to shadows;
  3. “cat eyes” will lose all their charm if the skin of the face with such makeup looks unkempt. Take makeup base, foundation, powder, blush;
  4. Mascara will help complete the spectacular look.

Important! If you are new to drawing with a cosmetic pencil, then give preference to a soft product. Eyeliner lines made with liquid eyeliner are more expressive, but you need to have skill in using this tool; it’s best to leave felt-tip pens and gel-based products to professionals.

Instructions for implementation

So, how to do cat eye makeup step by step? To do this, you will need to strictly follow the simple steps and tools described above.

Below is a step-by-step creation of “cat” makeup in the classic version:

  1. It is necessary to prepare your facial skin. To do this, it needs to be cleaned and moistened. After these manipulations, foundation and powder are applied.
  2. Let's start creating a magnetic look. To do this, distribute light shadows over the entire upper eyelid.
  3. Using darker shadows, draw an arrow from the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow. Dark shadows are applied above the top fold, which emphasize the outer corner of the arrow.
  4. Using a soft brush, carefully blend the edges of the shadows. This will avoid sudden transitions. Light shades of shadow are applied under the eyebrow - the look becomes more open.
  5. The upper eyelid is lined with eyeliner or pencil, and the lower eyelid is lined with dark shadows.
  6. The finishing touch is applying mascara.

Voila! Now, thanks to the correct step-by-step implementation, you have become the happy owner of beautiful cat-eye makeup and a sensual look. Get ready for rapt attention!

Photo with step-by-step application of cat eye makeup.

Important! Shadows must be chosen in the same color scheme, otherwise beautiful and correct execution will not work! Many girls and women may have a question: should they paint their lips or not?

This makeup technique means that the emphasis is on the eyes, so if you make your lips a bright shade, then the whole image will turn out tacky and vulgar. If you can’t do without gloss or lipstick, choose light shades.

When doing cat eye makeup, you shouldn’t focus on your lips.

Cat eye makeup is not at all difficult to do, especially with step-by-step instructions. And if it doesn’t work out the first time, then definitely the second time!

Video: cat eye makeup step by step.

Video: step-by-step cat eye makeup on the looming eyelid.

Master class on drawing

Many women want to try to do this kind of makeup, but those who have no experience ask the question “how to draw cat eyes?”

In fact, it's simple, don't be afraid to create arrows. To create them you do not need to have unique skills. If you don't know which side to approach, read the following instructions.

The technique of drawing arrows for cat eye makeup is very simple:

  1. Mentally mark the line you want to make. Lightly “walk” over it with dark shadows or powder.
  2. Slightly pulling up the outer corner of the eye, apply eyeliner towards the temple.
  3. If you want to draw a thicker line, do it in several stages: first a thin line, and then add new layers to it.

If you want a natural look, just don't extend the end of the liner more than 0.5 cm beyond the outer corner. To create pencil lines, it is best to use a waterproof type so that the makeup stays neat all day long.

It’s very easy to make them with a pencil - place small dots at some distance, and then connect them with thin strokes. The end of the arrow extends beyond the corner of the eye towards the temple.

Video: cat eye makeup technique.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

It would seem that there is nothing difficult to do; no special professional skills are needed. But not everyone can create a “cat-look” eye makeup. The reason for this is banal mistakes made due to ignorance or inattention. Let's fix this!

  1. Wrong arrows. Remember! Those with a narrow shape should not draw thin lines, and with a round shape, the end of the arrow should noticeably extend beyond the outer corner of the eye.
  2. When drawing arrows, you need to close your eyes - so it turns out that instead of the playful look of a cat, your arrows turn out different and at the wrong angle.
  3. Applying eye shadow after eyeliner can cost you a makeover. If the shadows fall off even a little, the shade of the eyeliner will change significantly.
  4. The mucous membrane of the lower eyelid is drawn with a regular pencil - no, you can damage very delicate tissue, use kajal.

Video: how to do cat eye makeup.

Now you know the intricacies of this chic makeup, how to do it correctly and how to avoid mistakes. The main thing is that it is done carefully, give preference only to high-quality cosmetics, and do not be afraid to draw arrows.

Follow simple rules and you will definitely succeed! Having mastered this technique, you will be able to create the image of a real film star, capable of winning the hearts of millions. After all, cat eye makeup always looks beautiful, and with it your eyes become expressive and attractive!

Cat eye makeup is a sensual, expressive and eye-catching make-up, timeless.

This makeup suits absolutely everyone - thanks to the ability to choose the type of arrows and color palette, it universal.

Learning how to do “Cat Eye” makeup is not at all difficult if study the technique carefully and get some exercise.

You can learn how to do eye makeup using black eyeshadow in our article.

What is it?

To apply makeup, you can use different shades of pencils, eyeliner or shadows - the main thing is that the eyes become oblong, slightly elongated shape with slightly raised corners.

This make-up technique has been known for a long time - since Ancient Egypt, and the special peak of its popularity came in the middle of the 20th century, when the most popular ladies - Sophia Loren and Brigitte Bardot - were transformed in this way.

This makeup technique is no less popular now - it’s not uncommon to see “cat eyes” on Eva Longoria, Angelina Jolie and other beauties from Hollywood.

Basic principles

There are quite a few options for applying such makeup, but the main principle is in narrowing and lengthening of the eyes, remains one. You can achieve this effect using:

  1. drawing arrows with a pencil or eyeliner, and you can draw them only on the upper eyelid or on both;
  2. shading of shadows - this option resembles “smoky” makeup, but is more clear and expressive.

“Cat eyes” can be applied both as daytime and as formal or evening makeup - in any case it will be appropriate, beautiful and attractive.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

What will you need?

To draw “cat eyes” you need a certain set of cosmetics. You can't do without:

  1. eyeliner, cosmetic markers or pencil - depending on the desired brightness of the finished makeup, you should choose a more suitable product;
  2. if you decide not to use the above means, you can do without shadows - they are carefully shaded;
  3. “Cat eyes” will look out of place on unprepared facial skin, so you will need makeup base, foundation, powder, blush;
  4. high-quality make-up in this style cannot be created without good mascara, which lengthens, curls and makes eyelashes more voluminous.

Having a set of such products in your cosmetic bag, you can easily create a new image and make your own face attractive and attractive.

Step-by-step technique

As with any makeup, apply “Cat Eyes” should start with preparing the skin - it must be cleaned, lubricated with a suitable cream and wait until it is absorbed.

Next stages are:

  1. Base overlay. Matte foundations and powders are suitable as a base.
  2. Shadows are applied and thoroughly shaded.
  3. Arrows are drawn.
  4. Artificial eyelashes are glued on or natural eyelashes are colored.

“Cat look” makeup option – photo:

Algorithm for applying shadows has its own characteristics:

  1. Initially, shadows of the darkest shade are applied along the eyelashes on the upper eyelid; their color can vary from deep black to brown or blue;
  2. shadows of a lighter tone, but of an identical color scheme, are applied throughout the eyelid so that the eyes retain their natural shape and shape;
  3. from the middle of the upper eyelid, darker shadows are applied to its edge; they must be carefully shaded so that sharp transitions of shades are not noticeable;
  4. To make the look more expressive and open, before shading the shadows, you can apply a small light spot to the middle of the eyelid.

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Feature of drawing arrows

Rich and expressive arrows can be created using eyeliner.

So, The arrows should be drawn like this:

  1. Apply a thin layer of dark shadow along the intended application line (you can use powder).
  2. The outer corner of the eye is slightly pulled up, and eyeliner is applied towards the temple.
  3. If you intend to draw a thick arrow, it is recommended to first draw a thin arrow, and then build it up by painting in several layers.

To make the arrows beautiful, it is recommended to use high-quality eyeliner. And so that the eyes looked natural — you should not move the arrow beyond the outer edge of the “mirror of the soul” by more than half a centimeter.

To draw arrows using the pencil technique, it is recommended to use waterproof cosmetics. The arrows are applied simply - small dots are drawn on the upper eyelid at a short distance from each other, and they are connected with neat and even strokes.

The arrow extends beyond the outer corner of the eye and rises towards the temple. When creating “cat eyes” on round eyes, a pencil is applied on the inner line of the lower eyelid and connect to the arrow.

Should you focus on your lips?

The “Cat Look” makeup itself is quite bright and daring. His main task is focus on the eyes, give them expressiveness and attractiveness.

But, nevertheless, sponges must be well-groomed, before applying makeup, you can lightly rub them with a scrub to make them brighter and more delicate.

If you consider makeup without colored lips to be incomplete, then use gloss or lipstick not bright colors, applying them in a thin layer.

What mistakes should you not make?

It would seem that everything is simple when creating cat eye makeup. However, there are several mistakes that, if made, will ruin all your efforts. These include:

  1. Wrong choice of length and width of arrows — for already narrow eyes, thin lines are absolutely not suitable, and with round eyes, the tail of the arrow should noticeably protrude beyond the outer corner.
  2. When drawing arrows close their eyes - because of this, instead of the open, sly look of the cat, you get a tired look, the arrows turn out to be asymmetrical and not at the right angle.
  3. Shadows are applied after eyeliner - this mistake can lead to having to redo the entire makeup, since even a small amount of crumbling shadows will change the color of the eyeliner, which will be very noticeable.
  4. The mucous membrane of the lower eyelid is drawn with a regular pencil - this should not be done, since the texture of the cosmetic product is excessively hard and can injure the most delicate tissue; if you need to line the lower eyelid, use kajal (a special pencil).

Properly applied cat eye makeup suitable for absolutely all women. It helps to give the face sophistication, and make the gaze charmingly languid, attractive and exciting.

You can learn how to do cat eye makeup step by step from the video: