What is the name of the chatterbox in the pharmacy?

In the article we will look at the instructions for the chatterbox ointment.

Treatment for skin allergies can take a long time. This happens because it can be difficult to identify the cause of the rash. Antihistamines sometimes fail to achieve the desired result. There is no need to resort to medications every time. In pharmacies you can find topical products that effectively combat skin allergies. For example, there is a very effective chatter ointment that can be made at home.

What it is?

The medicine is quite simple. It is sold in finished form without a prescription. You can even make this ointment yourself by purchasing the necessary components. This drug has a water base to which oil or alcohol is added. The suspension has a good reputation because it has a completely natural composition. The medication has a positive effect on the condition of human skin and copes with signs of irritation.

In addition, the mash ointment contains diphenhydramine and talc, and the components may vary. This depends on the severity of the disease and the symptoms of the disease. The mash used to treat children is different from the one suitable for adults. The first one has a lighter composition.

Indications for chatter ointment:

  1. diaper rash;
  2. sweat rash;
  3. eczema during exacerbation;
  4. dermatitis;
  5. bedsores;
  6. herpetic rashes;
  7. scratches, cuts;
  8. sun and temperature burns;
  9. wounds on the surface of the skin;
  10. ulcerative lesions of the skin, including trophic ulcers;
  11. streptoderma.

The suspension is intended for pathogenetic and systematic therapy. For it to be effective, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause that provoked the allergic reaction.

Efficacy of the product for allergies

If antihistamines do not have the desired effect, then allergy ointment, which you prepared yourself, should cope with the manifestations on the skin. It is recommended to use the suspension for:

  1. elevated body temperature;
  2. inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eyes;
  3. lacrimation;
  4. rashes accompanied by itching and burning;
  5. swelling of the limbs.

These alarm bells make it clear that the body is fighting the allergen.

For adults and children

The composition of the chatterbox ointment for small patients, as well as the course of therapy, must be agreed upon with the doctor. The suspension is used for various forms of dermatoses, except for the most recent and severe ones. Depending on the age of the person, the doses and frequency of application to the skin vary.

This is a safe product that can be used even by pregnant women. There is no need to fear that the medication will somehow negatively affect the unborn baby. If after a week the expected effect does not occur and allergy symptoms do not subside, then use of the suspension should be stopped immediately and contact a medical facility.

Even taking into account the harmlessness of the mash and the naturalness of its composition, it is better to use the remedy as prescribed by a doctor, especially for young children.


Chatter ointment has never harmed human health and has not caused a more serious allergy. An exception is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. There are no categorical prohibitions on the use of the drug. Careful use is required during breastfeeding; care must be taken to ensure that the product does not get into the baby’s mouth.

Release form, cost

In pharmacies you can find mash in different forms - a thinner suspension and a thick ointment. There is practically no difference between them. A more liquid suspension is not so convenient to apply to the skin and may leak. The choice depends entirely on the preferences of the person who is forced to be treated with the drug.

Liquid mash is used for small rashes, and ointment is used for hardened crusts, ulcers and wounds.

In any form, this remedy normalizes blood flow and activates skin restoration. Only a positive effect for the epidermis is noted.

The cost of the medicine is very affordable: 30–100 rubles per 25 ml.

Composition of chatter ointment

For the treatment of skin allergies, doctors most often prescribe zinc talker. It has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. The ointment also dries wounds well. It may contain the following components:

  1. distilled water;
  2. powder;
  3. glycerol;
  4. zinc oxide;
  5. White clay;
  6. starch.

For severe itching, doctors advise adding diphenhydramine (several ml) to the mash - it relieves burning and irritation. Perfectly anesthetizes the affected area.

How to use the product correctly? The suspension is quite easy to use. It must be borne in mind that the active substance of the chatter settles to the bottom. Shake the container well before applying to the skin. You should not rub the suspension, but rather gently lubricate the affected area with it.

The ointment also does not require rubbing. It is better not to apply compresses, since this will not give any special effect. The suspension is washed off from the skin only before applying a new portion.

To treat children's skin, it is recommended to use the product no more than 2 times per day.

Making at home

For those who think that the pharmacy sells mash with extra and unnecessary additives, you can make such a suspension yourself. It is worth emphasizing that such a medicine, made according to the rules, is not inferior in effectiveness to the purchased one. When preparing it yourself at home, you need to adhere to all dosages. If a negative reaction occurs on the skin from the prepared product, you should stop using it and consult a doctor.

So, here is the recipe for mash: you will need distilled water and 90% ethyl alcohol. Take 40 ml of each component. Everything gets mixed up. This will be the basis for the future suspension. You need to purchase Anestezin in advance and add it to the base. Then take regular white clay. It can be purchased at any pharmacy chain or household chemicals store. Clay is mixed with zinc oxide, 30 g of each.

Zinc oxide can be replaced with baby powder. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly.

Problematic skin affected by allergic rashes should not overheat or become too cold. Until it is restored, it is worth protecting the epidermis from aggressive environmental factors.

The composition of the talker for children may also contain other components. Before making it, it is better to consult with an allergist. He will take into account the baby’s symptoms and identify a list of ingredients. The pharmacy will prepare a special medicine for a child with a prescription for a specific type of allergic reaction.

Chatterbox "Tsindol"

The suspension suppresses the manifestations and stops the progression of allergies. However, you should not use it without a doctor’s prescription; however, in practice, the product does not adversely affect the body. You can find the drug "Tsindol" on sale - it is completely safe for pregnant women. Quickly relieves pimples, blackheads and skin allergies. It can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Doctors prescribe "Tsindol" even to the youngest patients to get rid of prickly heat or irritation from diapers.

The product effectively resolves scars, relieves inflammation, the skin takes on a healthy appearance, and subcutaneous processes are normalized. Chatterbox, in addition to allergic reactions on the skin in children, can even treat stomatitis if the suspension is lubricated in the oral cavity. If all the components are selected correctly, the effect will appear almost the next day after use. However, the chatterbox will not be able to completely get rid of allergies.

Positive properties of "Tsindol"

Tsindol has the following positive properties:

  1. the main effect of this remedy is considered to be the suppression of microbes and parasites that infect the skin;
  2. it perfectly heals tissue epithelium;
  3. dries the skin and has an astringent effect;
  4. the drug has a strong anti-allergenic, antiseptic and analgesic effect.

This product is applied using a cotton pad. You need to do this about 3 times a day. It is recommended to shake the bottle of mash thoroughly before use.

Some side effects may occur with the use of Tsindol. After application, severe itching, skin rashes, and congestion of blood vessels may appear.

Does this remedy help acne?

Pimple ointment for acne may be more effective than modern medications for the treatment of acne and acne. The composition of the mash is selected by dermatologists individually for each patient, taking into account the specific problem. Therefore, the same composition will not be effective for everyone.

When and how to use acne mash? This product is effective for small rashes on the skin of the face or individual pimples, but in the presence of advanced forms of acne, the composition will not help. The use of a medicinal drug must be combined with a special diet, when fatty, sweet, salty, smoked and spicy foods are limited. The diet also provides for a certain diet, consisting of 5 meals in small portions.

Chatterbox is an excellent means of preventing acne; it has good tonic properties.

Ringworm ointment

Doctors often recommend the chatterbox we describe to their patients to eliminate all manifestations of lichen.

It is not recommended to start therapy on your own. For rosacea or as a treatment for sun lichen, it is enough to apply the remedy to the site of inflammation. For convenience, it is recommended to moisten a cotton swab with medication. Lichen versicolor is treated in the same way. In this case, the application site must first be cleaned.


The drug has only direct analogues that are similar to it in terms of the active ingredient - zinc oxide, as well as in the therapeutic effect they exhibit. The most famous suspension substitute drugs:

  1. "Protopic";
  2. "Desitin";
  3. "Zinc oxide liniment";
  4. "Diaderm";
  5. "Zinc paste";
  6. "Zinc ointment";
  7. "Soderm."


The talker has high efficiency and low cost, so it receives a lot of positive comments. The suspension is used to dry common pimples and chickenpox rashes in children. In addition, it soothes the skin after shaving.

There are also negative reviews. For some patients, the chatterbox did not help remove acne and acne. But the antiseptic did not worsen the condition of the skin, which indicates its harmlessness. In general, the drug maintains a good reputation.

We reviewed the indications for the use of chatterbox ointment and brief instructions for it.

Creams, ointments, lotions, various types of soaps, oils - when in the struggle for perfect skin we have tried everything that the beauty industry offers, time-tested recipes come to the rescue. An effective acne remedy should be inexpensive but effective. Teenage acne, traces of hormonal imbalance, allergies, blackheads - the acne talker will cope with any problem with a bang. This suspension for external use must be thoroughly shaken before use to mix the components. This is an invaluable product at a fraction of the cost!

Does chatter help with acne?

Drugs claiming to be effective treatments for acne appear on the market almost every day. The demand for such products is consistently high: the skin responds with pimples or acne to an extra piece of cake or spicy chicken, stress, or a hormonal surge. This problem concerns not only women, but also men. The best acne treatments cost a lot of money, do not work immediately, and sometimes do not help at all. That’s when chatterbox comes to mind - a solution that our mothers and grandmothers used with constant success.

There are compelling arguments why acne talkers really work:

  1. These products are essentially medicines; they contain only pharmaceutical drugs, and often these are very cheap and accessible components.
  2. Unlike universal remedies, acne talkers come in different types, differ from each other in composition, and are prescribed by specialists for specific indications.

Advanced acne is unlikely to be cured by a dab alone: ​​it requires an integrated approach. You will have to go on a strict diet and correct problems with the health of your internal organs. In other, less severe situations, a homemade medicine can easily cope with the problem. Indications for its use are wide: acne, allergies, teenage acne. It can even cure shingles! As an effective remedy for acne and single pimples, chatterbox has proven itself to be excellent.

What is included in the mash

The basis of acne mash in its various recipes is boric or salicylic acid, medicinal or camphor alcohol. These liquids dissolve tiny doses of medications, all of which have proven effective treatments for acne. All substances that make up chatterboxes are divided into three large groups: antibiotics, antiseptics and antibacterial agents.

An antibiotic alcohol solution is perhaps the most popular home remedy for acne. The active ingredients are erythromycin, chloramphenicol, streptocide, baneocin - tablets or powder. These substances suppress or stop the growth of bacteria, destroy them, and cope with skin infections. The only thing that experts warn about is that bacteria quickly get used to antibiotics and adapt to them. For this reason, mash bottles containing these drugs are best used on special occasions.

Antiseptics are designed to prevent tissue decomposition, cope with putrefactive processes on the surface and in the inner layers of the skin, and dry wounds. An anti-acne solution of this type may include one or more drugs; it may also contain antibacterial substances. Zinc, sulfur, boric and salicylic acids, zindole - these are the main active components of talkers of this type.

The substances included in such drugs prevent the growth of microorganisms. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Trichopolum, and Metrogyl are often found in recipes for chatterboxes. Such drugs, as the abstract says, successfully cope with bacteria and suppress pathogenic flora. Most of them, unlike antibiotics, do their job perfectly without causing an addictive effect.

How to cook at home

Anti-acne powder is often ordered from the production departments of pharmacies - there is less hassle. But first, get a prescription from a dermatologist. The second way is to cook it yourself. The answer to the question of how to make a pimple for acne is not so complicated. By making the drug yourself, you can save a little: the total cost of drugs purchased separately will be lower than the price of a pharmacy drug. All components of chatterboxes are available and can be found in every second pharmacy. How to prepare such a product with certain components, see below.

  1. Mix 125 g of zinc oxide powder (zindol), 12.5 g of talc and 12.5 g of starch.
  2. Pour the dry ingredients of the mash into a bottle, pour in 20 g of glycerin, 20 g of medical alcohol with a strength of 70% and 100 g of distilled water.
  3. Shake the bottle well to mix the contents.
  4. Zinc oxide is insoluble in water, so be prepared for the powder to form a thin layer on the skin. This will not affect the medicinal properties of the chatterbox in any way.

  1. Thoroughly grind 4 tablets of trichopolum (if you can buy the powder, keep in mind that you will need 1000 mg of it), pour it into the bottle.
  2. Pour 250 ml of ethyl alcohol on top and mix the ingredients.
  3. This mash should first be infused for 3 days in a dry, dark place. Only after this will it be ready for use.

With boric acid

  1. This mash contains 4 components. Mix 4 g of erythromycin and zinc oxide, pour 50 ml of boric and salicylic acids each with a strength of 2% into the same container.
  2. Shake the contents of the bottle carefully and quickly.
  3. After a few hours, the product will be ready.
  4. Boric acid is distinguished by its ability to bring internal inflammation to the surface of the skin, so in the first days of using the mash, be prepared for an exacerbation of acne. Be patient: after a short time the situation will improve.

With calendula tincture

  1. Only three components - chloramphenicol, aspirin and calendula tincture - are part of this mash.
  2. You will need 3 tablets of aspirin and chloramphenicol. Pour the preparations, ground to a powder, into 40 ml of calendula tincture, shake the contents of the bottle.
  3. The peculiarity of this talker is that it is recommended to apply it pointwise, only to areas of inflammation. Other, less aggressive agents can be used as a tonic.

With sulfur and streptocide

  1. For this recipe you will need boric and salicylic acids with a strength of 2%, 50 ml each, and sulfur and streptocide - 7 g each.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients, then pour them with acid solutions.
  3. This mash is effective, but it must be used with great caution: applied to clean, acne-free skin, it is quite capable of causing a chemical burn.

With chloramphenicol and salicylic acid

  1. For 5 g of chloramphenicol crushed into powder, you will need 50 ml of boric and salicylic acids with a strength of 2% and the same amount of medical alcohol.
  2. All components of the mash must be thoroughly mixed. The product is ready immediately after the complete dissolution of chloramphenicol.
  3. This powder is a potent antibiotic, so doctors do not recommend using this powder all the time.

How to use it correctly

The method of use for almost all talkers, regardless of their composition, is the same. Experts recommend using the product once a day, in the evening before bed. The duration of the course is no more than 2 months: then the skin will get used to the active ingredients of the mash, and the effect of its use will be reduced to zero. After a few weeks, resume using the chatterbox. The procedure itself is simple and only takes a few minutes:

  1. Gently wash your face, clearing it of any dust, dirt, makeup residue, and sebum that has accumulated during the day. It is better to prefer ordinary tar soap to expensive gels and foams for washing - it will dry out inflammation without depriving the skin itself of moisture. It is not recommended to use aggressive scrubs and peels during periods of acne exacerbation and the appearance of purulent pimples.
  2. Shake the bottle with chatter vigorously several times, soak a cotton swab generously in the liquid and apply it to problem areas of the skin. If acne has affected all areas, wipe the entire face. Make sure that the cotton wool is not just wet, but literally soaked in mash. On the most affected areas, do not limit yourself to wiping, but use your fingertips to drive the drug into the skin.
  3. Acids and alcohol have a degreasing property; the dermis can respond to them by producing excess sebum. To avoid drying out your face, apply a light moisturizer 30–40 minutes after the procedure.

Find out which acne treatment is most effective.

Contraindications for use

The wonderful effect of using talkers is not available to everyone. There are few contraindications, but it is important to know them. Chatterboxes are absolutely prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for children under 12 years of age - some components cause an allergic reaction. Lovers of bright makeup will have to temporarily push their cosmetic bag into the back drawer, and those who cannot imagine life without an even tan all year round will have to go to the tenth expensive solarium. Sudden changes in temperature are dangerous for acne-affected skin - wrap your face with a scarf in winter, and spend less time in the open sun in summer.

How much does a pharmacy acne talker cost?

Even if you give up the idea of ​​​​making mash with your own hands and buy a ready-made pharmaceutical drug, treating acne at home with this product will cost several times less than expensive, newfangled medicinal cosmetics. You can order the product of any composition in pharmacies with a functioning prescription department. There are more than 80 of them in Moscow. The cost of the finished drug depends on the price of each of the components and the required volume, so it is better to clarify it on the spot. The table below will serve as a guide.

Acne mash is a drug based on medications that have a healing, antibacterial and drying effect. Affects the external manifestations of pimples and acne, making the skin even and smooth. The product is prepared at home or purchased at the pharmacy. Pharmacy preparation is carried out according to a prescription prescribed by a dermatologist.

What kind of medicine is chatterbox?

The drug is a mixture of many components, the binding base is ethyl alcohol, which has an antiseptic effect. The consistency of the drug is oily or emulsion. The drug received the name chatterbox because of the need to thoroughly shake the bottle with this liquid before use so that the oil components rise from the bottom.

How does it work?

Each component of the talker has its own spectrum of action:

  1. Acids – boric, acetylsalicylic, salicylic. They have an antiseptic effect, promote exfoliation of dead epidermis, and activate the regeneration process.
  2. Mineral elements – sulfur, zinc. They normalize the process of sebum production and have an antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect.
  3. Tinctures based on medicinal herbs and plants - sage, chamomile, mint. They dry and soothe irritated skin, have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Antibacterial spectrum agents – erythromycin, tetracycline. Destroy pathogenic microflora.
  5. Essential oils - restore and normalize the functioning of the epidermis.
  6. Substances - conductors - promote deep penetration of the main components of the mash into the skin. The most effective and frequently used conductor is Dimexide.

The combination of all components of the product gives positive dynamics in getting rid of blemishes on the face, eliminates pathogenic bacteria, preventing the recurrence of the rash.

What skin problems does the acne mash solve?

The medicine is used in the treatment of acne, blackheads, inflammatory foci and pimples with purulent contents. Helps with extensive acne caused by infection or bacteria, or arising due to hormonal imbalance.

Chatterbox is prescribed in the treatment of subcutaneous inflammatory processes. Prescribed in the presence of a symptomatic picture, which may indicate the development of demodicosis.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the widespread use of talkers in the treatment of facial skin diseases, the product is not without its drawbacks.

The positive properties of talkers include:

  1. effective fight against and rapid elimination of the initial stages of acne, inflammation, blackheads and other blemishes on the facial skin of mild to moderate severity;
  2. getting rid of the dead, keratinized layer of the epidermis;
  3. protecting the skin from penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;
  4. providing preventive action to prevent the appearance of acne and pimples;
  5. deep cleansing of skin pores;
  6. regulating the process of sebum production, thereby eliminating excessive oiliness and shine.

The negative properties of talker include:

  1. there are restrictions on use;
  2. risks of side symptoms;
  3. excessive dry skin with frequent or prolonged use;
  4. the need for additional hydration;
  5. lack of a positive effect in the treatment of severe stages and advanced cases of rash on the face;
  6. the mash only affects the superficial layers of the skin;
  7. lack of treatment for the root cause of acne and inflammation.

The disadvantage of this product is that it only removes the external manifestation of pimples and inflammation. If the cause of these skin blemishes is not treated, the problem will return again. During the entire course of using skin treatment products, you must follow a diet, give up bad habits and carefully monitor the cleanliness of your skin.

Side effects:

  1. redness of the skin of the face;
  2. dryness;
  3. excessive peeling;
  4. unpleasant sensations of tight skin on the face;
  5. development of contact dermatitis;
  6. deterioration in the appearance of the skin - this side symptom is temporary, appears at the beginning of treatment, then goes away on its own.

An allergic reaction cannot be ruled out if the patient has an individual intolerance to certain components. With long-term use of antibiotics containing antibiotics, there is a risk of addiction, which will reduce the therapeutic effectiveness of the medicine.

In case of severe severity of the disease, the talker will not have the desired therapeutic effect. In this case, it is prescribed as an auxiliary drug for symptomatic treatment.

Home cooking recipes

The components depend on the intensity of the symptomatic picture and the type of rash. Generally accepted, recommended recipes for the drug:

Acne with inflammation Alcohol

Acid (usually aspirin)


Blackheads Alcohol

Acid (both boric and salicylic acid are suitable)