How to treat the area after mole removal

Moles (nevi) are quite common on the human body. They can be congenital or acquired. They differ in size, structure, color, etc. Most often they do not pose a danger, but under certain conditions they can transform and become malignant under the influence of excessive sun rays, constant injury from clothing, etc. In this case, it is important to remove them in time. But the desire to get rid of a mole can also be caused by the cosmetic defect that it forms.

Regardless of the reason for the removal, it is better to have it done by a doctor, but not in a beauty salon. The mole must be examined by a specialist (oncodermatologist) and give his opinion. In addition, only a doctor can determine the choice of optimal treatment and the advisability of removal. Carrying out histology is also possible only in a clinical setting.

How are moles removed?

There are several removal methods, and they all have their own indications and contraindications. The classic method is the surgical use of a scalpel. This excision is quite rough in terms of scarring, especially on the face, but it is ideal for moles that are deeply embedded in the skin. The same method is best suited for cancer nevi on open areas of the body. Sutures on the face are removed on days 4-7, and on the body on days 8-20 after the removal procedure.

Another popular method is electrocoagulation. It is carried out for 15-30 minutes and consists of burning out a mole or papilloma with an electrode. There are almost no traces after this, the procedure is considered non-traumatic. Scars after it are rare.

Cryodestruction is the removal of moles by freezing with liquid nitrogen. According to statistics, wounds always heal much faster after this method.

Removal with a radio knife - this low-traumatic procedure is second only to laser. Leaves virtually no traces.

Laser is a highly sought-after method for its safety and speed, as well as its effectiveness. The laser, in addition, clogs the blood vessels, preventing bleeding and relapses. It is not used only for oncology.

What to do after removal?

After the procedure to remove a mole, as after any operation, treatment is necessary. Damaged epidermis needs to be restored as soon as possible. After removing a mole (nevus) using any method, the rehabilitation period is important. There are general rules for dealing with a remaining wound. If you follow all the doctor’s instructions and treat the skin correctly, there will be no complications.

A mole was removed with a laser - how to treat it? It is easier and faster to process marks after laser removal. The fact is that with this method the surface of the skin is not disturbed, and it works as if it were healthy. Only a small spot appears on the surface, resembling a burn. True, it heals quite quickly - 4-5 days.

How to treat a mole removed by laser? With any method of operation to remove a mole, it is necessary to take into account that from the 3rd day it is possible to use wound healing creams such as Solcoseryl, Baneocin, sea buckthorn oil or their analogues. They have a wound healing effect.

It’s a different matter when, after excision with a scalpel, sutures are applied. Then skin care is required.

Stages of healing

A mole has been removed - how to treat it and how does it heal? Wound healing occurs in 3 stages:

  1. At stage 1 – days 0-7 – there is postoperative swelling, redness and soreness. A crust forms. Treatment at this stage is carried out with antiseptic solutions or antibacterial ointments.
  2. At stage 2 - 7-14 days - the formed hematomas resolve, and the upper layer of the epidermis grows. The crust disappears. New skin should be protected from the sun to avoid hyperpigmentation.
  3. Stage 3 – day 15 and after – scar formation. At this stage, the crust has already disappeared, and Contractubex ointment will help a lot as a finish. In addition to it, the Dermatix silicone bandage, ScarFix gel, etc. show good results. Dermatix moisturizes the skin, relieves itching, and restores pigmentation, which may be disturbed due to scars.

Also commonly used wound healing patches include Cosmopor and FixoporeS.

When using a laser, by day 20 the skin is completely restored. In this case, no further care is required.

Doctors often prescribe D-Panthenol, Curiosin, and Panthenol as antibacterial ointments.

The drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is excluded.

A good option is Solcoseryl ointment. Its properties:

  1. stimulates metabolic processes in the skin;
  2. safe;
  3. actively heals.

It is applied only to a dry surface when the upper layer of the epidermis has already been formed - 5-6 days after removal of the nevus.

Skin care after removal

During the first week, the wound is covered with a dark crust, which generally serves as a protection, and which in no case should be forcibly removed. It covers the damaged area until new skin grows. Also, you should not get it wet, smear it with creams, cosmetic masks, etc.

So, you’ve removed a mole – what should you use to treat it? On the first day, it is very good to treat the damaged area of ​​skin with potassium permanganate - the effect is disinfecting and drying. During the processing process itself, it is necessary to maintain sterility. This means using disposable supplies. You must wear disposable medical gloves; if you do not have them, you must treat your hands with alcohol or Chlorhexidine.

Solution of potassium permanganate and "Fukortsin"

Antiseptic solutions are intended to prevent suppuration of the place where the mole was removed. What to process? More often than others, potassium permanganate and Fukortsin are used. Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent and even when diluted retains its properties. The potassium permanganate solution should be 0.1-0.5%. This means consumption of 6-8 of its crystals per liter of water. It should be poured into a glass container and be warm. If it is impossible to count, make the solution “by eye” - after mixing it should have the color of red wine.

After preparation, you need to dip a cotton swab into the solution and gently wipe the surface of the former mole. The surrounding skin should also be wiped.

"Fukortsin" is a ready-made pharmaceutical solution of dark red color. Has antimicrobial and fungicidal effects. It can also be applied, but it should not be allowed to come into contact with mucous membranes. Treatment frequency is 1-3 times a day.

How else to treat the mole removal site? It is possible to use solutions of "Chlorhexidine", "Furacilin", brilliant green, iodine, chamomile infusion, hydrogen peroxide.

After about a week, the existing crust, in the absence of complications, falls off on its own, and fresh new skin remains in its place. It can easily be injured, so you need to protect it from damage and ultraviolet radiation. Over time, its color evens out. It should be protected regardless of the time of year - before going outside, lubricate the skin with sunscreen. Additional skin treatment after mole removal is needed in case of infection in the form of weeping, pus, itching, redness, etc.

Bandage or patch

A mole has been removed - how to treat the wound? In addition to antiseptic solutions, the main attributes are plasters and bandages. Today, instead of the usual bandages and adhesive plaster, special devices are used that not only protect the wound, but also promote rapid healing.

If a mole has been removed, what should I use to treat it? Care may be as follows - Mepiform silicone patch - created specifically for the resorption of hypertrophic and keloid scars. Available in different shapes and sizes. The treatment period for such scars is long, up to 8 months.

Care for 10-14 days after the procedure

A mole has been removed - how to treat it, and how does the wound heal? Most often, 2 weeks after excision, the existing crust disappears, and in its place remains a new thin pink skin. Then you should definitely use a wound-healing ointment: “Actovegin”, “Rescuer” cream or “Levomekol”. They are used for 10-14 days.

By the end of 3 weeks everything is usually healed and treatment is stopped. But with increased sensitivity, itching may persist, and the doctor may prescribe special creams with an antipruritic effect: Sinaflan, Beloderm and their analogues. They often relieve itching immediately, from the first use.

Reparative processes are accelerated with the help of vitamin-mineral complexes, creams with hyaluronic acid, and the use of peelings.

How to avoid scars?

All modern methods of mole excision are initially aimed at preventing scars from forming. But sometimes this cannot be avoided.

Scars appear as a result of the growth of new skin cells at the site of damage. Therefore, for preventive purposes, doctors often recommend the Contractubex gel, which was already mentioned above. It contains onion extract, which inhibits fibroblasts, which provoke the growth of scar tissue. Heparin in the drug prevents the formation of blood clots, softens the scar and restores the skin. Allantoin has a keratolytic effect and increases skin permeability. Serae onion extract has fibrinolytic and anti-inflammatory properties, controls the number of fibroblasts. "Kontratubeks" removes scars completely within a month if they are fresh. Rub it in 2-3 times a day.

Don't forget about other restrictions:

  1. do not scratch the healing site;
  2. Do not allow dry skin;
  3. It's better to quit smoking.

If these points are not observed, the scars will be large, and small ones, resembling a thin cobweb, will be a natural consequence. Scars in the place where a mole was removed are easily masked with decorative cosmetics. What to process? Limitations on means and actions:

  1. It is prohibited to sunbathe, visit solariums and beaches, and go to the sauna and bathhouse. Open areas should be covered with clothing, the head with a hat or umbrella, and sunscreen should be used for the face and neck.
  2. Do not touch the injury unnecessarily to prevent infection.
  3. Do not expose the painful area to injury. This will make the condition worse. Repeat surgery may be required.
  4. Do not peel off the resulting crust. This slows healing and promotes scarring.
  5. After surgery, the injured area should not be exposed to scrubs or decorative cosmetics.
  6. For the first 14 days after surgery, until epithelization occurs, the affected area should not be wetted. In case of urgent need, bathing is in principle possible, but only if there is a plaster on the site of the operation.
  7. Do not expose the wound to friction with hard towels or clothing. Things should be thin, light and free. Children love to scratch their wounds - this requires supervision. Also, the skin must be protected from temperature changes - the condition of the wound may worsen.

When can you wash yourself to remove a mole?

On the first day, swimming is definitely prohibited. Because water softens the skin, separates cells and can cause the layers of the dermis to shed. Then, for approximately 2 weeks, the skin cannot be steamed, so saunas and steam baths are excluded.

What to do about scars

A scar or scar after mole removal occurs when the mole is large or deep, even with proper care. For the most part, scars gradually dissolve or become invisible.

To combat them, special reusable silicone-based patches have been created. After application, it is worn for a long time. It is believed that the mechanism of the positive effect on the scar in such cases is based on the fact that the bandage puts pressure on the scar and thromboses the vessels at the site of the lesion, the scar stops receiving nutrition, and as a result it decreases.

If the scar is rough and unaesthetic, you can resort to plastic surgery, but the result is not guaranteed. Some patients complain of the growth of a mole at the site of removal. This phenomenon can occur if it is not completely removed. This may be dangerous and a doctor's consultation is required.

Misconceptions about wound healing rules

Many people believe that a wound heals better if left open. In fact, it's the other way around. An applied bandage and proper pre-treatment will only speed up the healing process. Also, you should not use traditional healing methods to prevent injury and infection of the wound.

The only effective method to get rid of a mole is to remove it. This is done for aesthetic reasons and medical reasons. Surgery is required if the growth is constantly traumatized, if its size, contours or color change. What happens after a mole is removed and how to care for it to avoid complications?

Popular methods and care

Currently, there are several methods for eliminating moles; the choice is usually made by a specialist. The doctor takes into account many factors - localization, likelihood of malignancy, area of ​​skin damage.


The most precise impact is achieved when using a laser. This method is currently the most optimal. Experts highlight a number of positive aspects of this manipulation:

  1. local anesthesia makes the procedure virtually painless, even a child can easily endure it;
  2. duration is only 5-10 minutes;
  3. narrowly targeted beam exposure and the ability to control the depth of action prevent damage to surrounding tissues;
  4. soft and layer-by-layer removal of the nevus occurs;
  5. no bleeding;
  6. There are almost never any traces left after manipulation;
  7. minimum rehabilitation period (no more than 1-2 weeks).

Despite the positive aspects of laser destruction, it also has some disadvantages:

  1. inability to conduct histology of a mole after removal;
  2. not all hospitals have the most modern equipment;
  3. For normal healing, it is necessary to exclude ultraviolet irradiation and thermal procedures for some time.

The application area is treated with any antiseptics that do not contain alcohol, otherwise a burn to the young skin may occur, after which a scar will form.

If everything is done correctly, the resulting crust falls off, and a red spot may remain in its place for some time. But then it disappears. Therefore, laser removal is used mainly to eliminate formations on open parts of the body.

If a scar forms at the site of removal, you can get rid of it by using a special patch with a silicone base. Contractubex or Dermatix ointment is also suitable. You can apply Panthenol or similar products to speed up regeneration.


This method uses liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is minus 180 degrees Celsius. In this case, the tissue completely dies, a crust forms on top, under which the dermis is gradually restored. The procedure is not practiced in the facial area. Complete healing may take about a month.

Cryodestruction allows you to remove even a fairly large formation. During the session, the application site is completely disinfected due to the low temperature. The removal process itself proceeds quickly, leaving no traces in the form of a scar or scar. In addition, the patient does not experience pain.

The negative aspects of this method include:

  1. inability to conduct histological examination;
  2. getting burned;
  3. the need for a repeat procedure.

The doctor's lack of experience in such manipulations often leads to damage to surrounding healthy tissue.

On the first day, it is recommended to use hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate to treat a cold burn. For sensitive skin, antihistamine or antipruritic ointment (Fenistil, Nezulin) will help relieve itching. You should not scratch, as this easily damages the crust and the unformed tissue underneath it. For some time after the manipulation, a red spot may persist, gradually acquiring the color of normal skin.

Radio wave therapy

The radio wave method allows you to treat any problem area and at the same time preserve the tissue for research. The healthy part of the dermis is not disturbed, and no scars are left.

The method is especially suitable for cutting out tubercles that protrude greatly above the surface. The disadvantage of this technique is the impossibility of removing large formations. The risk of repeating the process, when the mole may appear again, is practically eliminated.

After radio wave removal, you should not wet the resulting crust and expose your body to the sun’s rays.. Only disinfection should be carried out: rinse with antiseptics in the first hours, lubricate with antibacterial ointments. The doctor may prescribe Chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, Levomycetin, Pantoderm. You cannot use cosmetics.


This procedure eliminates various formations using high current. In this case, tissue coagulation occurs, a crust appears, which then falls off. Manipulation is performed on any area of ​​the skin. One session is enough. After this, no wound surface is formed, no bleeding is observed, since the vessels coagulate along with the mole.

After the crust is separated, a scar in this place can remain only in exceptional cases. Most often, a small spot appears, slightly lighter than normal skin, which will go away over time. If electrocoagulation or radioknife is used, the removed tissue is preserved. It can be examined for the presence of atypical cells.

The procedure is prescribed if it is necessary to eliminate warts, papillomas, hemangiomas, keratomas (in old age), and complicated acne. It is successfully used in the treatment of atheroma, spider veins, and formations after the introduction of molluscum contagiosum. Electrocoagulation is effective for removing a mixed type of nevus when cancerous degeneration is suspected. A positive aspect of the method is the ability to control the depth of exposure.

Do not wet the crust at the surgical site or expose it to insolation.. Then she needs to be protected from traumatization. Additional care in the form of applying local antibiotics and antiseptics is required only in case of infection.

Using a scalpel

The oldest method is to cut out the spot or nevus using conventional surgery. It is time-tested, its price is affordable for everyone. The intervention is carried out under local anesthesia and lasts approximately an hour. After excision, a wound is formed that requires treatment. When a wart or mole is located deeply, a hole is formed. If a large nevus is removed, then for normal healing the doctor applies a suture, which is removed after a week.

  1. high probability of scarring;
  2. bleeding during and after surgery;
  3. the patient needs rehabilitation.
  1. no need to look for a clinic with expensive equipment;
  2. the operation can be performed by a surgeon without additional skills and long-term experience;
  3. It is possible to excise formations of any depth and area of ​​the lesion.

It is also important that the operation allows you to preserve the tissue intact in order to ensure the absence of oncological pathology based on the results of histological examination. It is very important to properly care for the excision site after this.

Healing takes a long time - from 2 to 4 weeks. At this time, you should treat the surface in the same way as a regular wound:

  1. rinse with an antiseptic;
  2. carry out hygiene of the skin around the wound;
  3. apply a bandage for the first few days to prevent infection;
  4. if the wound is subject to frequent friction, you will need to wear a bandage for a long time.

It is also important to avoid injury and exposure to sunlight during the entire healing period.

Possible consequences

Most often, nevus removal proceeds safely, but in some cases negative consequences of manipulation may occur:

  1. the appearance of inflammation and infection;
  2. swelling or new formation (high probability of developing a tumor);
  3. swelling and hyperemia;
  4. bleeding;
  5. soreness and discomfort;
  6. keloid scar;
  7. compaction;
  8. area of ​​hypo- or hyperpigmentation;
  9. increase in local or general temperature.

In some cases, a new one may appear at the site of the removed spot. This phenomenon occurs when the manipulation is carried out incorrectly, when some of the mutated cells remain in the tissue.

Relapse requires an even more thorough examination and is eliminated exclusively by repeated removal with mandatory histological examination. This is especially important if there is a sore that itches or bleeds.

Normal recovery after surgery

If the intervention is performed by an experienced specialist, then the wound healing process proceeds normally. All you need is time and proper care.

  1. In the first week, a crust forms. The most important thing is not to touch her. In the first few hours, the wound may bleed a little, especially if it was removed using a scalpel. Avoid getting it wet or accidentally damaging it. In some cases, it is recommended to rinse with a light solution of potassium permanganate and apply an antibacterial ointment prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Second week - the crust on a small growth often falls off. In larger formations, it may still persist, and the skin underneath may itch. The exposed layer of thin epidermis requires protection from sunlight, and visiting a solarium is prohibited at this time.
  3. By the third week, the operation site should no longer hurt or bleed, even when affecting a large area. The redness goes away. If the laser method was used, then everything should be fine by this time. The application site is no different from normal skin.
  4. The fourth week is considered the last. At this moment, the patient forgets that he was once bothered by a nevus or birthmark. And the wound heals completely.

Violations after removal

If the damaged area in the area of ​​the removed lesion becomes inflamed and pus begins to ooze, the associated infection is treated with antibiotics. Sometimes Tetracycline ointment is combined with oral broad-spectrum agents. If the wound begins to spontaneously become wet and a light liquid is released, then the area can be smeared with Zinc ointment, which dries and destroys pathogenic microflora. You should use any product only after consulting a doctor.

A hypertrophic scar may remain if the patient independently tears off the crust or exposes the removal site to constant friction or pressure. In this case, the wound will take quite a long time to heal and may turn into a scar. To eliminate a keloid scar after mole removal, a laser is often used.

A hypertrophic scar may appear as a depression in the skin with crater-like edges. This pathology can be eliminated with the help of physiotherapy or cosmetic surgery.

The hypopigmented area after nevus removal may resolve over time and is not usually a cause for concern. In this case, it is recommended to avoid sunlight.

Hyperpigmentation, or recurrent nevus, can occur after any method of removing a mole or spot. It resembles melanoma, has ragged, uneven outlines, and is dark in color. Differential diagnosis is carried out on the basis of histological data. To eliminate this phenomenon, repeated removal is carried out.

Wound care after mole removal is an important stage of recovery after surgery. The more responsible a person approaches this issue, the greater the chance of successful healing and recovery.

The need for proper wound care

The period after removal of a mole is no less important than the operation itself. The success of the procedure depends on how well the healing proceeds.

Compliance with all rehabilitation rules will help:

  1. accelerate the process of tissue regeneration;
  2. protect yourself from possible bleeding;
  3. relieve pain and other postoperative symptoms;
  4. prevent the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the damage hole;
  5. reduce the likelihood of relapse;
  6. prevent the formation of scars and scars.

After the operation, the attending physician will guide you through the necessary actions. He will tell you what means to treat a fresh wound after removing a mole, and tell you what you can do and what you can’t do.

If a person cannot independently care for a wound (a mole on the back, shoulders), it is necessary to resort to the help of an outsider.

Treatment of removed nevus

Comprehensive wound care after mole removal includes:

  1. antiseptic treatment procedures;
  2. dressings;
  3. the use of ointments with antibiotics of a healing nature.

It usually takes 2-3 weeks for the wound to completely heal, but if the birthmark was large, it may take longer. When choosing products for treatment, it is better to consult a specialist. The dermatologist will recommend the most effective medications, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Ointments and creams

There are various ointments, creams for treating and caring for the wound surface. Some have a wound-healing effect, others neutralize pathogenic flora. Most modern drugs have a complex effect.

Levomekol is a combination drug for local treatment of wounds. It has pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Relieves pain, redness, swelling. The drug contains the antibiotic chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which improves tissue trophism. The medicine helps to carry out proper care after removing a problematic mole.

Thanks to its mild, gentle action, Levomekol can be applied to a wound. This is relevant if a bacterial infection has occurred and pus is released from the damaged area. In this case, it is recommended to warm it up to human body temperature. More often, a gauze bandage soaked in ointment is used to treat nevi. It is recommended to use the ointment within 4 days after the operation.

Contractubex belongs to a group of drugs that normalize the process of tissue regeneration. The gel contains liquid onion extract, allantoin, and sodium heparin. The product has antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and softening effects. The drug inhibits the growth of fibroblasts, suppressing non-physiological scar formation.

The product is used at the stage of scar formation to prevent the development of colloids. Treatment involves daily application of the gel to the problem area. Treatment can be carried out several times a day. For large areas of damage, you can smear it under a bandage after removing the mole, leaving it overnight.

For the treatment of wound surfaces the following may be prescribed:

  1. tetracycline ointment;
  2. Levosin;
  3. salicylic ointment;
  4. Agrosulfan;
  5. Solcoseryl;
  6. Dermazin;
  7. Baneocin;
  8. Vishnevsky ointment;
  9. Pantoderm;
  10. boric ointment;
  11. zinc or streptocidal ointment.

Potassium permanganate solution or Fukortsin

Antiseptic solutions are used to treat affected areas to prevent bacterial infections that will cause the sore to fester. The most popular disinfectants are potassium permanganate and Fukortsin.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is a crystalline powder, dark purple in color with a metallic sheen. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. Even when diluted in water, it has strong properties.

It is advisable to treat wounds with a permanganate solution of 0.1-0.5%. To do this, you need to count out 6-8 powder crystals. It is better to add the substance to warm water in a glass container. If you cannot determine the proportion, you can dilute the solution “by eye.” The color of the water after thorough mixing should be rich, like red wine.

Having prepared the solution, you can begin to treat the wound. To do this, dip a cotton swab into potassium permanganate and gently wipe the surface of the former mole. It is recommended to treat nearby skin areas. Carry out the procedure daily before applying a special cream.

Fukortsin is a ready-made solution of dark red color. After application, a characteristic pink color remains on the skin. The main effect of the drug is to disinfect wound surfaces and treat bacterial inflammation. Available in glass bottles. The use of Fukortsin is relevant during the healing of the wound surface of a removed nevus. During application, which should be carried out with a cotton swab, avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the body. It is advisable to carry out treatment 1–3 days before the problem area heals.

Bandage or patch

Plasters and dressings are the main attributes in the process of treating wound areas. Instead of the usual bandages and adhesive plaster, modern medicine uses special devices that protect the wound and promote speedy healing.

The Hydrocol Syn dressing is intended for the treatment of poorly healing wounds. Thanks to the properties of the special gel with which the cut is impregnated, exudate is absorbed and healing is stimulated. It does not allow water or bacterial pathogens to pass through. If there is exudate, the bandage is changed daily; if there is no discharge, it can be worn for several days.

Silicone patch Mepiform is intended for the resorption of hypertrophic and colloidal scars, which sometimes occur after healing of a wound from a birthmark. Available in small sections and large bandages, which can be cut if desired. The treatment period is long, taking up to 8 months.

What not to do after mole removal

In order not to aggravate the condition of the damaged area after the operation, it is necessary to follow certain rules and take into account contraindications and restrictions. During the rehabilitation period it is prohibited:

  1. Expose wounds, after removal by laser (or other method), to direct exposure to sunlight. Problem areas on the body should be covered with clothing, the head with a headdress, and if the mole is located on the face or neck, it is recommended to use sunscreen. It is better to avoid visiting beaches and solariums. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, there may be a risk of malignant degeneration.
  2. Touch the injury unnecessarily. There is a threat of pathogenic microorganisms entering.
  3. Expose the painful area to injury. This will make the condition worse. Repeat surgery may be required.
  4. During the healing process, peel off the resulting crust. This will slow down the healing process and cause scars to appear.
  5. Use cosmetics, decorative cosmetics, shower gels, scrubs on the surface of the problem area.
  6. For the first 14 days after surgery, expose the nevus to water. A person can swim, but it is better to cover the problem area with a band-aid.
  7. Subject the wound to friction. This includes using hard towels and tight clothing. Children should be prohibited from scratching the wound.
  8. Allow your skin to become too cold or too hot. Tissues can react to unnatural temperatures and provoke a worsening of the condition.

Prevention of scars at the site of nevus

In most cases, the risk of skin scarring depends on the method used to perform the excision surgery. The highest probability of such an outcome after use:

  1. acids;
  2. cryodestructive method (liquid nitrogen);
  3. if surgical excision with a scalpel is performed.

Least likely when using coagulators. These include:

  1. high temperature laser;
  2. radio wave method (radio knife, or better known name Surgitron);
  3. electric shock method (known as electrocoagulation or electric knife).

Speedy healing ensures proper care of the painful area. If a suture is applied, it must be removed in a timely manner. Regular dressings, the use of special creams, and ensuring the integrity of the surface will help protect against the growth of connective tissue.

Correct adherence to all recommendations for wound care after removal of a birthmark will prevent the likelihood of complications, and the healing process will be more effective.