How to clear your facial skin of clogged pores

Clogged pores not only look unsightly and make the complexion dull, but are also the main factor provoking the development of inflammatory phenomena. Affordable pore cleansers, regularly used in home facial care, will effectively eliminate blackheads, prevent acne and restore skin cleanliness, freshness and radiance.


  1. Effective pore cleaning at home
  2. Recommendations for basic care for problem skin
  3. The main stages of cleaning pores
  4. Homemade Deep Cleanser Recipes
  5. How to save the result

Effective pore cleaning at home

The main condition for the proper functioning of cells, their regeneration and the absence of peeling and irritation is their saturation with oxygen; these processes are fully ensured by regular cleansing of the skin. Enlarged pores most often bother owners of oily skin, and the main reason for their appearance is incorrectly selected or not regularly used cosmetics.

To effectively clean the pores on your face at home, it is important to properly create a skin care program, because using only a soap solution and an alcohol-containing toner is not enough. Basic facial care should include four stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Deep cleaning and narrowing of pores can be achieved using special masks, which are preceded by steaming procedures.

Recommendations for basic care for problem skin

The composition of a cleanser for daily use should include components that provide an additional drying and astringent effect. Such components can be aloe, chamomile extract or lemon. You need to wash your face with this product twice a day. The final stage of facial cleansing is toning. Toners for oily and problem skin must contain a component such as zinc oxide. Then, after all manipulations, a moisturizer is applied that matches your skin type.

For deep cleaning of pores, it is good to choose a homemade mask for yourself and do it twice a week. The “correct” mask will free the pores from dirt (blackheads), toxins and accumulation of sebaceous secretions, narrow them, improving their appearance. Additional ingredients of the mask will saturate the skin with the necessary microelements and improve blood flow.

Once every 10 days, the facial skin needs to be freed from dead skin particles, for which exfoliating procedures must be carried out. These can be both professional and home peels.

The main stages of cleaning pores

To achieve a positive effect, pore cleaning must be done in a certain sequence:

1. Scattering faces.

After removing makeup, it is necessary to soften the skin of the face and open the pores; hot herbal compresses or steam baths will help with this. Soak a terry towel in a hot decoction of herbs, squeeze lightly and apply to your face. As it cools, wet the towel again. Keep for a total of 5 minutes, for dry skin 3 minutes is enough. Or breathe over the hot steam of a herbal infusion or decoction (chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort). You can add 2 drops of your favorite essential oil to the infusion. This procedure is contraindicated for spider veins (rosacea), any skin diseases and high sensitivity of the facial skin.

2. Removing contaminants.

Homemade masks or scrubs are suitable for this. They should be done twice a week for oily and combination skin and once a week for dry and normal skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash your face with cool water and pat your face dry with a towel using gentle movements.

You can also use ready-made factory formulations as scrubs, just remember to select them according to your skin type. For the dry type, soft-based products are suitable that do not injure or dry it out even more. For oily facial skin, you can use formulations with harsher abrasive particles.

3. Narrowing of pores.

A weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, aloe juice or lemon juice, green tea is good to use instead of a pore-tightening tonic. Pore-tightening masks also have a good effect.

4. Moisturize.

The final stage is intensive moisturizing of the face. It is not recommended to use fatty oil or cream with a high nutritional effect to avoid clogging of enlarged pores.

Before using any composition, it is necessary to test the skin for intolerance and allergic reactions.

Video: Clean pores yourself and get rid of blackheads.

Homemade Deep Cleanser Recipes

Salt scrub for deep cleaning of pores.

Salt (can be sugar, ground coffee) – 1 tsp.
Makeup remover and anti-pollution milk (or heavy cream) – 1 tsp.

Add salt to the milk and stir thoroughly. Take the resulting product and apply it with light massaging movements to a previously steamed and moisturized face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. During application, special attention should be paid to the T-zone (nose, forehead, chin). Leave this scrub on your face for another minute and rinse with water at room temperature. To avoid skin trauma and the spread of infection, the product should not be used if there are acne or other inflammatory phenomena on the face.

Milk mask with gelatin for deep cleansing of pores.

Gelatin – 1 tbsp. l.
Milk – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients in a ceramic bowl and microwave on high for 10 seconds. Allow the finished mixture to cool slightly to a warm state, and then apply the mixture using an unnecessary makeup brush onto a previously cleaned and steamed face, paying special attention to clogged pores in the T-zone. Keep it on your face for 15 minutes. During this time it will harden and turn into a dense film. It must be removed starting from the wings of the nose. All existing dirt, even deep plugs and black spots, will remain on it. A mask with gelatin can be made differently by adding protein. Heat the milk-gelatin mixture in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add the egg whites to the warm mixture and stir thoroughly. The application process is the same.

Oatmeal mask for deep cleansing of pores.

Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
Milk for dry skin or warm water for oily skin – 2 tbsp. l.

Pour the flakes with a liquid suitable for your skin type and wait until they swell. Apply the mixture with light massaging movements onto a clean face, leave for five minutes and rinse with warm water. In addition to effectively cleansing pores, the mask nourishes and softens the skin, improves complexion.

Cucumber oil mask to cleanse pores.

Fresh cucumber – ½ vegetable.
Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.
Sour milk – 1 tbsp. l.

Chop the cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Add butter and milk to the resulting cucumber mass. Apply the mask to a clean face and leave for 20 minutes. It is better to wash off the product with cool water.

Protein-lemon mask for cleaning pores.

Fresh chicken egg white – 1 pc.
Lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.
Tea tree oil – 2-3 drops.

Beat the egg white thoroughly until foam forms, and then add lemon juice and the essential ingredient. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply to a clean face, paying attention to clogged pores in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin. After 15 minutes, rinse the mask with cool water and wipe with anti-inflammatory lotion.

Yeast mask to tighten pores on the face.

Raw yeast – 1 tsp.
Hydrogen peroxide (3%) – 1 tsp.
Milk -1 tsp.

Mix the ingredients until the yeast is completely dissolved. Apply the composition immediately after cleansing with a mask and leave for 15 minutes, then wash with water at room temperature.

How to save the result

  1. Avoid using cosmetics that contain mineral oil, as it clogs pores and causes them to become dirty.
  2. Limit the use of oily, heavy creams; it is better to give preference to intense moisturizers.
  3. Instead of the usual foundation, take a fluid with a light base.

By following all the recommendations, your face will acquire a healthy appearance, and your pores will become perfectly clean. If, after a month of regular care and use of deep cleansing masks, your pores are still clogged, consult a cosmetologist. You may need help from other specialists, since cosmetic imperfections on the face can be one of the consequences of improper functioning of the endocrine glands and many other disorders in the body.

Clogged pores are a problem that every woman faces sooner or later. The consequences of the defect are a dull complexion, untidy-looking skin, and the development of inflammatory processes.

To clean, you don’t have to go to a salon or buy expensive cosmetics – self-prepared products will effectively and carefully remove the contents of your pores. The results of regular use of simple masks at home are a clean face, shining with freshness.

Pores on the face

Often at home, women use alcohol-containing products and cleansing tonics, which is not entirely correct - you need to approach facial cleansing more responsibly. The procedure consists of several stages, each of which must be carefully performed:

  1. Cleansing. Special lotions or milk are used to clean the face of cosmetic residues, oily layers, dirt, and dust. You can prepare a homemade lotion in advance using strawberries, which have the property of tightening pores and extracting contents from them. The recipe is simple - infuse several fruits in alcohol (50 ml). Store in the refrigerator after filtering.
  2. Steaming. This stage of the procedure will open the pores and soften the dermis, allowing the components of the mask to penetrate deep into the skin tissue and remove dirt and fat. To steam, soak a towel in warm herbal decoction and place on your face for a quarter of an hour. To prepare the product, brew with boiling water (200 ml) and leave crushed St. John's wort, chamomile, sage (45 g) for a quarter of an hour. You can add 2-5 drops of essential oil, which will prevent the appearance of rosacea stars.
  3. Deep cleansing. Scrubs or homemade masks are used. The frequency of manipulation is twice a week for those with oily skin and once every 7-9 days for women with dry skin.
  4. Narrowing of pores. After cleaning, use products that close the cleaned pores. You can prepare them yourself - brew regular green tea, squeeze the juice from an aloe leaf or a lemon slice.
  5. Hydration. It is recommended to complete the manipulations by applying a moisturizing nourishing cream. The only condition is that the composition should not be replete with fatty components that can clog pores.

Important! Before using homemade formulations, regardless of the purpose for which they are used, carry out tolerance testing. To do this, apply a few drops of the composition to the dermis that is sensitive (the bend of the elbow, the “crescent” behind the ear) and wait 2 hours. If unwanted body signals (rash, skin discomfort, burning or extensive redness) are not observed, you can safely proceed to the procedures.

How to clean the pores on your nose

It often happens that only clogged pores on the nose are disturbing; in such cases, it is better to use a simple scrub to remove impurities.

It's easy to prepare:

  1. Leave heavy cream (20 ml) at room temperature for half an hour.
  2. Add 15 grams to the dairy product. coffee grounds, salt.
  3. Mix the composition and use immediately.

Use your fingertips to distribute the prepared product over your nose and perform a light massage for 1-3 minutes. Do not use force - salt crystals or coffee particles can injure skin tissue or cause irritation. Remove after a minute using a cotton pad and water. It is forbidden to use the product if inflammatory processes occur on the nose - the use of a scrub can contribute to the spread of infection.

Clogged pores on the nose can be cleared with an oatmeal mask. This composition is recommended for women with depleted dermis - while removing impurities, the epidermal tissue will receive the necessary portion of nutrients.

  1. Grind oatmeal (20 g) in a coffee grinder.
  2. Pour oatmeal powder with warm water to swell (a quarter of an hour is enough). For dry skin, it is better to take cream or kefir.
  3. Mix the product until smooth.

Pore-cleansing mask

Before you start cleansing with masks, you need to figure out why the pores become clogged - it often happens that the reason is hidden in improper care or low-quality cosmetics. It is enough to strictly follow all the recommendations of cosmetologists for facial cleansing or replace cosmetic products to forget about the problem.

One of the requirements of specialists is the regular use of cleansing masks. There are many recipes for preparing compositions; you can alternate them - this will allow you to determine which composition is ideal for an individual.

Milk, gelatin

An excellent mask for all skin types - it does not cause irritation and quickly removes contents from the pores. Before opening the blockage, it is recommended to carry out a steam procedure - hold your face for a minute over the steam of a herbal infusion (brew 30 grams of chamomile or plantain with a liter of boiling water). After such manipulations, even the most persistent stains will be completely removed.

  1. Mix gelatin (25 g) and skim milk (20 ml) in a small container.
  2. Microwave the mixture on maximum setting to dissolve the gelatin granules for 10 seconds.
  3. Take out the mixture and let it cool.
  4. Add mashed egg white to lukewarm liquid.

Yeast, peroxide, milk

Blockages don't always respond to gentle home remedies, especially if the grease and dirt are deep down. In such cases, it is recommended to cleanse using a yeast-based mask - the product will remove severe stains that other masks cannot remove.

  1. Dissolve compressed yeast (15 g) in warm milk (15 ml).
  2. Add peroxide (10 ml) to the mixture.
  3. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

Corn flour, cucumbers

For enlarged pores clogged with grease and dirt, it is recommended to use a corn-cucumber mask. The product will not only remove the contents, but also, with regular use, will narrow the pores, improve the tone of the skin, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Grind one small cucumber and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Add corn flour to the cucumber juice; the mixture should resemble a semi-liquid dough (like pancakes).
  3. Use immediately, no need to insist.

Clogged pores on the face

You can often see on the Internet what clogged pores look like, the photo is quite unattractive, so it is better to prevent this condition of the skin and regularly use cleansing masks. Not all women follow these recommendations and receive unpleasant surprises on the dermis in the form of dense plugs.

If the pores on the face are clogged, you will have to resort to aggressive compounds that can open the blockage and extract the contents - dirt and particles of fat. Ladies with sensitive dermis must first consult with a cosmetologist and find out whether such masks will cause irritation or rashes.

Soda, sugar

Soda solutions do an excellent job of removing clogged pores, but often using the product is not recommended - in addition to irritation, it can cause peeling of the dermis.

  1. Mix baking soda, sugar crystals and warm water in equal parts (15 g each).
  2. Add the egg white whipped into a thick foam.
  3. Drop 2-5 ml of peroxide into the mixture.

Apply the product to pre-steamed facial skin. A mandatory stage of the procedure is a light massage of problem areas. Do not apply force - the results of vigorous massaging will be damage to the dermis or provoking a burning sensation. Leave for half an hour. During this time, it is recommended to repeat the massage again. Remove with warm water; if discomfort is felt, it is better to use tonic herbal decoctions (plantain, chamomile, string).

Ideal skin is, first of all, an even color and the absence of painful shine. You can achieve this effect only if you know how to clean the pores on your face. It is believed that the oiliness of the epidermis can be completely removed only using professional procedures. But that's not true. Many methods can give much better results at home and much cheaper.

Why do you need to clean your pores?

Pores are openings of the sebaceous glands on the surface of the skin, which are necessary for the release of sweat and waste products from the body. It is important to understand that any fat (in normal quantities) is beneficial for tissues, it protects, softens, and is an alternative source of nutrition for the body. But, an excessive amount of lipid compounds is harmful.

Facial pores

Due to the large amount of fat on the skin, so-called. sebaceous plugs. This is the accumulation of dirt, dust, fat deposits and dead cells in the pores. It is because of them that pimples, blackheads and comedones begin to appear on the face. In addition, sebaceous plugs tend to stretch pores.

Why you need to clean your pores:

  1. This helps to normalize metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis, promotes their saturation with oxygen and moisture, and improves the quality of “nutrition”;
  2. Regular cleaning will help avoid problems with enlarged pores. Otherwise, even if you achieve clean skin openings (without grease and dirt), your face will still look sloppy;
  3. Clogged pores are an excellent source of food for bacteria and fungi. Peeling is needed to minimize the rate of reproduction of pathogens, the number of acne and rashes;
  4. This allows you to activate the production of collagen and elastane, strengthen the fibers, and increase local immunity;
  5. Scrubbing improves blood circulation and evens out the complexion.

Inflamed sebaceous plugs

How to cleanse facial pores at home

You can get rid of clogged ducts in the following ways:

  1. Use a professional cleaning service (ultrasonic, mechanical, vacuum, etc.);
  2. Do your own tightening masks and facial peels;
  3. Regularly steam the skin, rub the pores with hard tissues, sponges, loofahs, etc.

The easiest and most effective way to cleanse facial pores at home is to make a charcoal mask. It is a completely natural analogue of the advertised Black Mask, with the exception of the hypoallergenic composition and 100% effectiveness. Judging by the reviews, it is the best for effectively narrowing the ducts.

Charcoal face mask

How to make a cleansing mask with activated carbon:

  1. You need to take two tablets of angle and grind them in a mortar. If it is not there, take a glass and push the tablet out there using the reverse handle of a knife, rolling pin, etc. It is inconvenient to do this on a plate - pieces of coal fly apart;
  2. Afterwards the milk is heated. It is very important not to boil it, and if you accidentally overheat it, you need to wait a little until it reaches a temperature of 40–60 degrees;
  3. Add 1 spoon of natural gelatin and charcoal powder to the hot liquid. Now the hardest part is to stir the mixture until smooth. Please note that the paste thickens very quickly. Your goal is to achieve no lumps. If necessary, the mass can be reheated in the microwave;
  4. Apply the resulting mask to your face using a brush. It is important not to just rub the product, but to drive it into the pores. Only then will there be a really noticeable effect. Another secret is to carry out the procedure only on steamed skin;
  5. Keep until completely frozen. Preferably in a horizontal position. Afterwards, do not wash it off, but carefully “rip it off” from the face. It will be a little painful at first, but then the skin will get used to it. Sebaceous plugs will be clearly visible on the mask - white columns with dark heads;
  6. After the procedure, immediately wipe your face with an ice cube, wash your face with cold water and apply moisturizer to your skin. Repeat the session every week.

An analogue is often adhesive face mask, cleanses pores. For 1 spoon of PVA glue (only this type is required, it is safe and dissolves in water) take 2 tablets of charcoal (if you take more, the mixture will not thicken). Apply in the same way as the charcoal product - to problem areas over steamed skin. Keep until completely frozen.

Mask with glue

Of course, the methods described above are an emergency approach if the skin is already clogged with sebaceous plugs. To avoid enlarged pores in the future, you need to regularly do gentle peelings and cleansing procedures. Over time, this will completely get rid of acne, rashes and uneven color.

Helps visibly even out skin Hercules face mask, cleanses pores. To prepare it, you need to take a spoonful of oatmeal and pour kefir over it. The porridge should brew and swell; to do this, put it in a warm place for 20 minutes. When applying, it is important to rub the mixture into the skin, this will remove mechanical particles from the pores. Then leave the product on your face for 30 minutes. The effect will be noticeable immediately after rinsing off. Kefir will “eat away” fat deposits, oatmeal will help improve color, and massage will normalize blood circulation.

Video: How to quickly clean pores on your face yourself

Can quickly clean and tighten enlarged pores on the nose mask with clay and honey. Cambrian powder is best suited for this purpose. For 1 spoon of clay, take 1 spoon of herbal decoction, tea, mineral water. Then a spoonful of honey is added to the mixture. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the neck and face. Keep for 20 minutes. The product is suitable for young and mature skin.

Makes a good facial cleanser with aspirin and oil. To prepare such a miraculous mask, you need to take 4 acetylsalicylic acid tablets, 2 tablespoons of oil and a spoonful of water. The batter is selected depending on the skin type. For dry skin, we recommend taking shea or coconut oil; for oily skin, sea buckthorn and rosehip; for problematic skin, calendula and castor oil are ideal. All components are combined and applied to the neck and face for half an hour. The session is repeated every other day.

Of course, peelings should be used to clean and tighten contaminated pores. The most popular option is scrub with soda. It is suitable for any type of epidermis, has whitening anti-inflammatory properties, and quickly removes remaining fat from the surface of the skin. To prepare soda peeling you will need:

  1. Spoon of soda;
  2. The same amount of any base oil;
  3. Half a spoon of fine-grained sea salt.

All ingredients must be mixed and applied with your fingertips along the massage lines. This will clean the upper layer of the epidermis and remove redness. Repeat no more than once a week.

Scrub with baking soda and salt

For rosacea it is better to do coffee scrub – it is an antioxidant. Coffee has a rejuvenating, disinfecting and tonic effect. To cleanse contaminated pores, you need to combine a spoonful of ground fresh coffee (not boiled) with butter. The abrasive mixture is applied to the neck, face and body, rubbed into the skin for 2 minutes, then left for 5 minutes.

After peeling, be sure to do protein mask – it will tighten the pores. To prepare it, separate the white from the yolk, beat it with a fork or broom and apply the liquid to your face with a brush. Rinse off after 15 minutes, then apply moisturizer.

Steaming the skin

Naturally, greasy pores are already quite large, but their structure must be taken into account. To put it very simply, imagine an inverted triangle. The wide part is located on the surface of the skin and tapers towards the middle layer of the epidermis. Accordingly, without steaming the mask, only the upper part will be pulled out, and the middle part will be just as dirty as before.

An easy way to steam your skin

How to steam your skin:

  1. In the bath. This method has been used since ancient times. In Ancient Rus' there was even a tradition of sitting in a steam room every week and then drying yourself with a hard white cloth. This improved blood circulation and quickly cleansed the skin. This is the easiest and most enjoyable way to quickly steam;
  2. Steams the skin well inhalation. They can be made with various folk remedies: propolis, potatoes, mint, essential oils, etc. You need to place the selected component in a pan or other container with hot water. Then bend over it and cover your head with a towel or sheet. Breathe over the steam for at least 10 minutes;
  3. Pharmacy products. Few people know that zinc, kaolin and some other pharmaceutical products have heating properties. To use, you just need to follow the instructions for use;
  4. Special Products. These are unique steaming products. They contain active components that allow you to open pores almost effortlessly. The ranking of the most popular includes Garnier (Garnier) “Clean Skin”, Avon (Avon) Warming and NIVEA Pure Effect (Nivea).

Hot compresses

Before cleaning clogged pores on the face, a professional cosmetologist will steam the skin using a special compress. This will remove the surface layer of dust and dirt, ensure blood flow and open the sebaceous ducts.

Hot compress for face

How to make a hot compress at home:

  1. Natural fabric (cotton, flannel, flannel and others) is soaked in hot water. The optimal temperature is up to 42 degrees;
  2. The material is carefully wrung out and applied to a previously cleansed (soap or thermal water) face;
  3. The compress lasts 15 minutes and is done in two approaches.

After this, you need to do a superficial peeling and mask. Only such an integrated approach will allow you to cleanse and tighten the pores on your face forever. The most important thing is to ensure regularity of procedures. As soon as you stop carrying out preventive procedures, the effect will disappear.