How to cleanse your face in a salon

Due to many factors, maintaining beauty requires deep facial cleansing in the salon, which improves skin turgor, brings smoothness and freshness. A variety of facial cleansing techniques allows you to choose the necessary scheme for restoring beauty and freshness. Cosmetologists often do not recommend cleaning, as it can have negative consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages of facial cleansing in a salon

Facial cleansing in a salon deprives the massage, the opportunity to improve your appearance and the opportunity to relax. After salon treatments, facial skin becomes radiant, fresh and in a great mood. Among the benefits of peeling are:

  1. improving blood circulation in the skin;
  2. removal of toxins;
  3. removal of blackheads, small scars, smoothing of small facial wrinkles;
  4. normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  5. activation of collagen and elastin production.

Almost after 1-3 procedures the result is visible, it all depends on the problem of the skin. Disadvantages include:

  1. the need to adhere to certain rules of facial care after the procedure (especially washing, using powder, foundation);
  2. the need to undergo a rehabilitation period (certain types of peeling cannot be done before the start of an important event);
  3. ban on sunbathing for a certain period or for a long period;
  4. some types are characterized by trauma or have an increased risk of complications.

Some types of peeling can be performed at home (vacuum, mechanical), but in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to have your face cleaned by a professional cosmetologist.

Who is suitable for deep cleaning?

Salon facial cleansing is useful for those who have small scars, oily skin type, the presence of blackheads, acne (the exception is the period of inflammation), comedones, pigmentation. To achieve the desired result, some people practice combining different types of cleansing. For clients with delicate sensitive skin, there is an option for certain types of facial cleansing techniques.

Is advance preparation necessary?

Before carrying out facial cleansing, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation. Naturally, the skin is cleansed of dirt and decorative cosmetics. Next, you need to steam it or apply special products to expand the pores. The only exception is ultrasound technology; there is no need for a preparatory stage.

Steaming the skin is done using hot baths or done with a vaporizer (a device that creates steam that hits the face). Heat compresses and paraffin masks are used.

How does a cosmetologist do facial cleansing?

Before making an appointment with a cosmetologist, you need to understand how facial cleansing is done in a salon. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the skin, remove dirt and cosmetics, then, if necessary, do steaming or softening using special gels and creams. Next comes the peeling process itself. At the end of the procedure, a plant-based mask is applied to protect against the inflammatory process. The mask tightens pores and has a calming effect. Then treat with lotion and apply cream.

Facial cleansing in the salon includes the use of various hardware, mechanical or acid methods, which provides an anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating effect.


Vacuum cleansing of facial skin in a salon is done using a special device with a nozzle under air pressure. The device works like a vacuum cleaner, drawing in microparticles of the stratum corneum of the skin.

Before starting the procedure, the skin is cleansed of decorative cosmetics and impurities. Next, it is treated under steam to heat the pores. After this stage, the device is carried out along the massage lines for 20 minutes. In this case, different attachments are used for different parts of the body. Vacuum cleaning is carried out not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté area. Finish with a mask to tighten pores or use an ice cube.

This technique does not affect the deep layers of the skin, so it can be done often. The vacuum technique is used for acne and to combat blackheads. Vacuum cleaning improves blood circulation and lymph flow in the skin, reduces facial wrinkles, and evens out facial tone.

Contraindicated in case of rosacea, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, pregnancy, or close proximity of capillaries.


Mechanical facial cleansing in the salon allows you to get rid of dirt in the pores. After steaming with your hands, using sterile wipes, removes blackheads. A cosmetologist can use different tools:

  1. strainer;
  2. spoons with a loop.

Mechanical peeling lasts 20 minutes until the pores are opened; if this time is not enough, then apply hot compresses and continue working. After the procedure, you should not leave the office into cold air for 40 minutes; you must wait for the redness to go away and the pores to narrow.

The procedure causes injury to the dermis; even after soothing masks, irritation occurs on the face. For dry skin types, allergies, herpes, and blood diseases, mechanical cleansing is contraindicated. It is recommended for removing comedones, sebaceous plugs, and blackheads. There are no contraindications during pregnancy.

Interesting! If you do mechanical facial cleansing in the first half of the menstrual cycle, the process will be less painful.


As a method of facial cleansing in a salon, clients are offered the brushing procedure. A scrub is applied to the steamed skin. Next, using a device with brushes of different diameters and hardness, the stratum corneum is removed. The speed and direction of movement can be adjusted. Peeling is done along massage lines and takes no more than 15 minutes. Brushing is carried out in courses of 8 sessions, then a 3-month break.

This cosmetic procedure increases cell division of the epidermis. The remaining scrub is soaked with napkins. At the end of the procedure, there is no need for special facial care. Brushing is done for pregnant women and is used frequently.

Brushing is not suitable for solving serious skin problems; for this it is necessary to use other more aggressive methods. Contraindicated for herpes, dermatitis, inflammation. The method is ineffective for the appearance of spider veins and loose skin.


Peeling is carried out under local anesthesia. The application of chemicals causes a burn, which results in separation of the papillary skin from the reticular one. Old collagen fibers and elastin cells are burned out, after which new ones are produced. After which a rehabilitation period of 2 months is required, after which the skin becomes smooth and moisturized. Chemical peeling promotes rejuvenation and improves turgor. Procedures are contraindicated for:

  1. renal and liver failure;
  2. pregnancy and lactation;
  3. allergies to chemicals;
  4. cardiovascular diseases;
  5. herpes active form.

Chemical peeling should not be done after 40 years, or while taking medications with aspirin. It is not recommended to do it at home, only under the guidance of a professional cosmetologist.

Using low frequency current galvanizing

When using current on the skin, fat is removed, epithelial regeneration is improved, blackheads, acne, small wrinkles are removed, skin color and elasticity are improved. Blood circulation, lymph flow, and cell metabolism are also enhanced, and fat production by the sebaceous glands is stabilized. Ideal for sensitive skin. The procedure is painless and does not cause swelling or burns. Not recommended for:

  1. purulent inflammation;
  2. cuts and microtraumas in the treated area;
  3. pregnancy;
  4. presence of a pacemaker;
  5. blood diseases.

Before you begin cosmetic peeling, you need to cleanse your skin of impurities and decorative cosmetics. The procedure is done along massage lines using an electrode, which is wrapped in a napkin with disinfectant. The electrode is charged with negative energy. At the end, a restorative agent is applied.


Laser beams generated by the device are used as a facial cleanser in a salon, and are carried out over the area of ​​the skin where there is a problem. During the procedure, the client experiences a slight pleasant vibration.

Practiced for uneven texture, spider veins, and pigmentation. After the procedure, the flow of the sebaceous glands improves, the size of the pores decreases, and impurities in the pores are removed. There is no risk of infection with laser cleaning. It is not recommended for herpes, pregnancy, purulent pimples, diabetes, acute infectious diseases.


The use of a special device, which consists of a metal plate under high-frequency pulses, effectively fights pigmentation, blackheads, blackheads, and improves skin turgor. A gel with aloe or cacti is applied to the surface, then using a cage, the cosmetologist passes the beam, during which old skin cells are removed. At the end of the procedure, they are dried with ozone, then masks are applied to close the pores and a protective cream.

Ultrasonic cleaning improves cellular metabolism, strengthens skin immunity, activates the production of collagen and elastin, and prevents rashes. Contraindicated for:

  1. arrhythmias;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. tumors;
  4. acute thrombophlebitis.

Used for sensitive dermis, but for oily skin, you must choose a different method.

How often should you cleanse your face?

Each cleansing has its own limitations depending on the skin type and, accordingly, the frequency of the procedure. For dry and normal types, it is recommended to do it once 2-3 months. For fatty types, do it more often once 1-2 months. If you neglect the rules, the skin condition will worsen and the risk of inflammation will increase.

Possible side effects

Possible side effects include:

  1. redness;
  2. swelling;
  3. epidermal burn.

By following the recommendations of a cosmetologist, you can reduce the duration of side effects.

We suggest you look at the features of facial cleansing:

Important! It is necessary to choose a competent specialist, since the quality of the peeling depends on his professionalism.

We study the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of cosmetological skin cleansing

Experts unanimously say: regular professional facial cleansing in a salon is recommended for all residents of the metropolis. City dust, toxins, makeup residues, mixing with skin secretions, gradually clog pores, leading to a sallow complexion and premature aging. So even if you are spared the notorious problems of blackheads, micro-inflammations or acne, you need to visit a cosmetologist for a “cleansing ritual” at least once every 2-3 months. But first you need to choose a facial cleansing technique in the salon.

Mechanical facial cleansing

A method proven over the years and by millions of women to get rid of blackheads. The master first prepares the skin with a special lotion that opens the pores. Many people offer a steam bath in the old fashioned way. Next, the pores are cleaned with your hands or a special spoon, after which a soothing or anti-inflammatory mask is made. The method, no doubt, is effective, but the disadvantages of this technique are also obvious: the process is time-consuming and unpleasant (sometimes even painful). In addition, after such facial cleansing in the salon, redness and swelling may be noticeable on the skin for up to 2-3 days. Those with sensitive skin even look as if they have been bitten by a swarm of bees. Therefore, it is better to carry out mechanical cleansing on the eve of the weekend to give the skin a chance to recover. It is not recommended to do makeup after cleansing, so that the foundation does not clog open pores and reduce all efforts to zero.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

In this case, the cosmetologist acts on problem areas using high-frequency sound waves. Ultrasound is not audible to the human ear, but with a bang it knocks out dust, sebaceous plugs, small remnants of cosmetics from the pores, and also removes dead cells from the surface. Accompanying micromassage improves metabolism. If necessary, a specialist can clean problem areas on the wings of the nose, chin or forehead with his hands. The mask again completes the process. Unlike mechanical facial cleansing in a salon, the ultrasonic method is completely painless and not so traumatic. Usually after the manipulation there are no traces, no bumps, no redness. The procedure can be done on the eve of an important event, and can also be combined with other cosmetological techniques. Perhaps today this is the simplest, most reliable and affordable method available in most salons and clinics. True, in terms of effectiveness and depth of impact it is still inferior to others. For those with normal skin, it may be enough, but for those with problematic and oily skin, it is better to choose other methods.

Vacuum facial cleansing

It uses a unit with a small tube, the operating principle of which can be compared to a vacuum cleaner. The cosmetologist uses it to remove sebaceous plugs even in hard-to-reach places. The advantages of the technique are low trauma and minimal risk of infection. And also - a lifting effect, saturation of cells with oxygen, increased skin tone. But due to the pronounced drainage effect of the device, the technique is contraindicated for those with fragile, dry skin, as well as for those with blood vessels located close to the surface. Vacuum facial cleansing is not recommended in the salon or in case of numerous inflammations or acne during an exacerbation period.

Chemical facial cleansing

Many people consider chemical peeling to be a rather aggressive procedure, but in vain! Modern preparations with enzymes, retinol, salicylic and fruit acids are quite gentle. Of course, a lot depends on the qualifications of the specialist. It is necessary for the specialist to correctly select the product and its concentration, depending on the skin type and problems. If everything is done correctly, you can deal with acne, smooth out wrinkles, and make your complexion radiant. But if a specialist is too clever with the concentration of the product, the consequences can be disastrous - even burn the epidermis. However, this happens extremely rarely, and only if you turn to an untested technician who works at home. Attention: after chemical facial cleansing in the salon, the vulnerability of the skin increases, so before going outside you must use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.

Gas-liquid peeling

The Jet Peel procedure is not quite a facial cleansing in the usual sense. However, in addition to the first wrinkles and other signs of premature aging, it copes with acne and post-acne. The principle of operation of the unit is as follows: a gas mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide and a vitamin cocktail or saline solution is sprayed onto the skin under a pressure of 8 atmospheres at almost supersonic speed. High pressure helps to wash away dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, smooth out scars, etc. By the way, Jet Peel can be used on any part of the body to even out the skin texture and increase its elasticity. It is appropriate to carry out such peeling before a trip to the sea: the tan goes on evenly and lasts longer. Other advantages of the technique are painlessness and the ability to immediately return to everyday activities. However, for a pronounced effect you need to complete a course of several sessions.

Laser facial cleansing

Heavy artillery in the fight for a fresh complexion and smooth skin. The procedure is quite painful and aggressive. But with an undeniable rejuvenating effect. The laser beam, penetrating the upper and middle layers of the epidermis, completely removes the damaged layer of skin, simultaneously eliminating pigmentation, blackheads, acne and traces of them. Redness can last up to two weeks. At this time, you need to actively use restorative products, apply makeup with gentle makeup products, and completely avoid alcohol-containing lotions and tonics. They dry out the skin. Laser manipulations can only be done during the “cloudy season”, otherwise pigmentation cannot be avoided.

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Purity and beauty are two interrelated things. When it comes to cleansing your skin at home, people include washing their face in this category. But this is only a reduction in pollution. A deep cleaning will be required for effective cleaning. Many people do such manipulations themselves. This saves time and money.

Facial cleansing

Before each cosmetology session at home, cleanse your face. A lot of dirt, germs, dust, and cosmetics remain on the skin. This can easily be removed with ordinary means. A gel is used to clean skin with excessive oiliness. If it is dry, then milk will help.

After washing, massage your face with a scrub. A product with small granules is suitable for this. In addition, there is a scrub mask based on sour cream. It turns out to be a natural remedy. Mix fresh sour cream with natural ground coffee. The scrub is rubbed into the skin with gentle movements. This method is not suitable for sensitive skin. A film mask is suitable for cleaning this type of skin.

Now wipe your face with toner and move on to the next step.

Steaming the skin

The salon cleaning procedure is impossible without steaming the skin. Cosmetologists open pores using a hardware method. But at home you need a simple, but no less effective remedy. A pan with a decoction of medicinal herbs and a towel are suitable for this. Herbs are selected according to skin type. Pour water, add herbs, boil, cover with a lid and turn off the heat.

Now the steaming procedure begins. It is necessary to keep your face above the steam, covering your head with a towel. It is important that the steam does not “escape” from under the towel, otherwise the procedure will not be effective.

Breathe in the steam; after a couple of minutes, your skin will begin to sweat. This means that the pores are opening. It will take 15 minutes to prepare for deep cleaning.

Deep facial cleansing at home

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is available at home. You will need a special tool. It sends vibrations throughout the epidermis. The skin is cleansed of impurities, the flow of blood and lymph is activated, and the elasticity of the skin increases.

In addition, the manual cleaning method will benefit. It will take time, but the effect is no worse than the previous one. Before you start cleansing, it is important to wipe your face with peroxide.

Wash your hands and wipe with salicylic acid. Fingers must be wrapped in a bandage. Gently press down on the edges of the pores to remove any plugs of fat. After removal, wipe the skin area with peroxide.

To remove comedones, shaving cream is used and applied to areas that need correction. When the cream penetrates the pores, take a wooden knife and wrap it with gauze. Rub it over your face, pressing down a little. Foam will come out of the pores, and with it sebaceous impurities.

Well, we cleaned the skin. Now it is important to carry out proper care after cleaning.

Facial care after cleansing

If wounds appear after cleansing, they need to be smeared with iodine to prevent acne from occurring. Proper facial care after cleansing is important as the skin's protective processes begin to regenerate. Do not expose it to temperature changes and direct exposure to the sun.

At first, wash your face with mineral water and wipe your skin with an alcohol-free tonic. Before each exit from the room, the face must be lubricated with cream to protect against UV rays, even in cloudy weather.

Clay has an excellent effect of narrowing pores. To do this, it is diluted with aloe juice or tonic and applied to the skin until dry. Rinse off with chilled water. A cucumber mask also works. The average vegetable is grated, the resulting composition is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour.

If you notice flaking after cleansing, use more moisturizing cream than usual. Don't touch your skin for no reason, try to use foundation less.

Recipes for cleansing masks and scrubs

Recipes for cleansing masks and peeling products contain solid particles that cleanse the pores. There are many options for preparing formulations. Within the same procedure, it is allowed to use both a mask and a scrub. So, scrub recipes:

Grind oatmeal flakes into flour. Mix 1 spoon of flour with water to obtain a thick porridge;
to create a rice scrub, you will need to mix ground rice grains with liquid honey and lemon juice in a 1:1:1 ratio;
To prepare bean scrub, boiled beans are passed through a sieve. The puree is diluted with lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio, then 1 part of olive oil is added.

As mentioned, cleansing masks are effective in combination with a scrub:

clay is known for its skin cleansing properties. The main thing is the right choice of color. 1 spoon of powder is diluted with water to obtain a thick mass. The composition is kept on the skin until dry;
potato or wheat flour is diluted with water. The porridge is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour;
3 tsp beat low-fat cottage cheese, then combine with 1 tsp. warmed honey;
To remove blackheads, this mask is useful: crush 2 tablets of activated charcoal, combine with 2 tsp. natural gelatin. Pour 2 tsp of the composition. milk or water. Stir until smooth. The mixture is heated in a microwave oven for 15 seconds and cooled. This peel-off mask removes impurities from the skin. But it should be used with caution for rosacea;
1 part pickled finely chopped cabbage is mixed with ½ part milk and oatmeal flakes. The resulting mask is left on the skin for a quarter of an hour.

Homemade recipes for masks and scrubs help get rid of rashes and blackheads. If you regularly clean your face at home and make masks, your skin condition will improve.