How to whiten your face at home after sunbathing

By complexion you can learn a lot about a person: his age, health, habits, origin and even financial situation. It is not surprising that many women try to whiten their skin, returning it to an even, pleasant color. This will make a better impression on others, make you feel younger and more beautiful.

When to do whitening

If the cause of skin discoloration is illness, then only treatment can correct the situation. No bleaching agent can help you. The same can be said about bad habits. Those who spend a lot of time indoors, lead a sedentary lifestyle, smoke a lot, and have other addictions - all of them will not be able to change their complexion with simple whitening, especially quickly.

In what cases can whitening be performed? The following list answers this question:

  1. if you have unwanted freckles or age spots;
  2. if the skin is too tanned;
  3. if you want to have a more youthful appearance, because tanning makes you look a little older;
  4. after unsuccessfully applied self-tanning or some other cosmetic procedures.

Whitening can be done at home. This will require a little patience and a few affordable products.


Who else doesn’t know that parsley can quickly whiten the skin, eliminating unwanted tanning? This is true. The plant refreshes, tones, whitens, relieves swelling and redness. For this reason, leaf extract is used in many cosmetic products, and you can use it at home.

  1. Pour a small bunch of greens (50 g) with 2 glasses of water, boil for 5 minutes and let cool. Wipe your face with the decoction daily at night or in the morning. Similarly, you can pour 1 large spoon of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave and wipe the skin.
  2. A mask made from honey (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and finely chopped herbs (2 tablespoons) works effectively. All this must be mixed and applied to the face for 20 minutes.
  3. Parsley is crushed to form juice, then used to whiten the face.

The masks described above are especially useful for those who have delicate, thin skin. They make freckles and age spots paler, prevent the appearance of fine wrinkles, and help fight acne.


Using lemon you can quickly whiten your face and hands after a failed tan or after using a self-tanner. Citric acid works wonders, but remember that if your skin is severely sunburned, lemon can cause even more irritation.

At home, prepare a mask with lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and beaten egg white. The mixture is applied to the face for 10–15 minutes, then washed off and wiped with chamomile decoction. This procedure is recommended for those with oily or combination skin.

Spoiled milk

Fermented milk products are good for whitening skin that has become too red or yellow after sunbathing. Sour milk not only whitens, but also soothes the skin and relieves irritation.

You can make a compress for 15 minutes by dipping gauze or bandages into the serum and applying them to your face. Kefir, yogurt, cream (for dry skin), and even yogurt are used in a similar way.

Make masks for a week and you will certainly notice a positive result. The face will become lighter, the skin will be soft and pleasant to the touch.


Cucumber masks have long been known for their excellent cosmetic properties, and making them at home, especially in summer, is not difficult. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater, spread the mixture over your face - the mask is ready. Lie with it for 15 minutes in a relaxed state, and feel how the condition of your face changes for the better after an unsuccessful tan. Cucumber can be used by absolutely everyone, regardless of skin type.

For more effective whitening, make cucumber lotion. Three medium cucumbers are grated, the mixture is placed in a jar and filled with vodka (300–500 ml). After 10 days, when it has infused, filter and wipe your face twice a day.

You can make a mask from grated cucumber, chopped parsley and lemon juice. A combination of cucumber and sour cream gives a light whitening effect at home.

Creams and scrubs

Don't forget that there are special whitening creams and scrubs. Creams act more gently, while protecting against tanning and lightening age spots. The scrubs contain tiny abrasive particles. They remove dead cells and, as it were, polish the upper layer of the epidermis. With their help, the face brightens quite quickly.

You can make an analogue of a store-bought scrub by adding a little soda to your cleansing milk. In the process of cleansing your face, you need to massage it with light movements, and the whitening effect will not be long in coming.

Other means

There are quite a few other products that can be used to get rid of sun spots. These include:

  1. red currant juice;
  2. viburnum juice;
  3. potato;
  4. White clay;
  5. aloe vera;
  6. Apple vinegar.

Masks are made at home from oatmeal, rye flour and ground almonds, as these substances cleanse pores and give the body a lighter shade. Essential oils of mint, rosemary, and sandalwood help quickly get rid of dark age spots. Oil of black pepper, oregano, and mint have the same properties. You only need to use 2-3 drops of them, adding them to the main masks or to base oils.


You need to whiten your skin during the period when the sun is no longer shining so brightly, that is, in autumn, winter or spring. The fact is that during the bleaching process, the top layer of the epidermis is removed, and the skin becomes more sensitive. In the summer, wear wide-brimmed hats, use sunscreen, and spend less time in direct sunlight.

If you find wounds or spots of unknown origin on your skin, consult a dermatologist before bleaching.

Find out how to whiten your tanned face at home quickly and effectively. Choose for yourself various recipes for the most effective whitening masks and compresses. Very useful tips on how to sunbathe correctly - so as not to harm your facial skin and look like after a solarium.

With the onset of summer and hot days, everyone strives to bask in the warm, long-awaited rays of the sun, often without thinking about the consequences. As a result, many people receive not just a severe tan on their face, but also a thermal burn from ultraviolet radiation.

Instead of beautiful, evenly tanned skin with a bronze tint, most people end up with brownish spots scattered all over their face, or bright red skin that looks BURNED instead of TANned.

Naturally, the first desire that arises after this is to whiten your face after tanning as quickly as possible and return it to its former naturalness and beauty. Fortunately, this is possible even at home.

How to avoid getting your face burned in the sun

First, let's learn how to properly treat active sunlight (ultraviolet radiation) in the summer. To prevent your face from peeling, redness and flaking after sunbathing, you need to follow just a few simple rules for being in the sun in hot weather. Do you want to end up with a beautiful, even, bronze skin tone? If so, prevent your face from getting burned by taking precautions and being aware of UV burn prevention.

  1. Before you go sunbathing on the beach / just for a walk during the scorching heat, stock up specially formulated sunscreens. They must match your skin type (light or dark) and last a sufficiently long time (the UV indicator should be quite maximum).
  2. It is recommended to apply sunscreen to your skin half an hour before going out, and not on the beach itself.
  3. If in the heat you don’t have the treasured tube of sunscreen on hand, use folk remedies for sunburn: lubricate your face with a thin layer of any vegetable oil (preferably olive) or fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, whey.
  4. Never apply regular cosmetics (creams, tonics, etc.) to your face before going outside under the scorching rays of the sun. Foundation and powder will also only worsen your tan. It is because of them that it becomes uneven and spots.
  5. For a beautiful bronze tan on your face stay under the sun in portions. That is, today you sunbathe for no more than 20 minutes, tomorrow you increase this time interval to 30 minutes, the day after tomorrow - to 40, etc.
  6. To prevent your face from getting sunburned, you should not catch its rays from 11.00 to 16.00 in the afternoon - this is the time of its maximum activity, when it is easiest to get an ultraviolet burn.
  7. When relaxing under the sun, be sure to cover your face from direct exposure to its rays. Try to sit under a tent or umbrella.
  8. To prevent sunburn, moisturize your skin from the inside: drink as much water as possible while tanning. It should be regular, mineral, but in no case carbonated.
  9. Do not expose your face to the sun immediately after swimming, as water droplets on it will act as magnifying lenses and can cause severe skin burns.
  10. If you have a lot of moles on your face, know that sunbathing is contraindicated for you.
  11. When it's hot, go outside with two must-have accessories: a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
  12. Any, even the slightest breeze, which usually makes you happy in hot weather, only enhances the effect of the sun's rays on your face. It is after this that the skin after tanning will peel off greatly.
  13. During the tanning period, try to take a minimum of medications, some of which can increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
  14. Include more fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs in your diet. Pay special attention to carrots, which will deliver to your body melanin is a substance that can protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation and promote an even and beautiful tan..
  15. To avoid sunburn, before traveling to hot countries it is better to visit a solarium, which will make your facial skin less sensitive to ultraviolet radiation.

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It is much easier to initially protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation than to later, having lost your feet, look for ways to remove tan from your face so that it is not so red and flaky. Therefore, learn how to tan correctly to look beautiful and stunning.

But if this does happen, and you are categorically not satisfied with the way you look after an active holiday in the sun, you still shouldn’t despair. There are many ways to whiten your face from tanning using a variety of folk (improvised) means.

How to remove tan from face

First, decide on your problem that you have in connection with unsuccessful tanning of your face. Very often nothing bad happens. Just an uncontrolled passion for ultraviolet radiation leads to the fact that the tan turns out to be too dark, dark brown, and not bronze.

Naturally, the desire immediately arises to at least slightly whiten your face from tanning at home, so as not to look like a representative of the Negroid race. This is quite possible with the help of folk remedies - masks and compresses.

Three times a day, lubricate your heavily tanned face with a thick layer of yogurt, and after half an hour, wash off its remains with water at room temperature.

Dilute one tablespoon of kaolin (white clay) with cucumber juice (two tablespoons), then add one teaspoon of concentrated lemon juice to the mixture. The duration of action of such a whitening mask after tanning is 10 minutes. Instead of cucumber juice, you can use strawberry juice.

Pour 4-5 lemon slices into a glass of plain water at room temperature and leave to infuse for 6 hours. Wash your face with prepared lemon water several times a day.

Any mask or compress prepared according to this recipe will return your natural skin color if you accidentally get too much of a tan on your face: it can be whitened in just 1 week.

But after the first use of these funds it will be much easier and simpler for you. You will even like your own reflection in the mirror, and you will be able to go out into the world without any complexes. However, severe tanning is not the only problem that can arise from excessive UV exposure.

Removing sun spots

Very often you get a tan on your face with spots - very ugly and unpleasant, which spoil the external aesthetic appearance. This occurs due to the uneven distribution of ultraviolet radiation over the surface of the skin. Perhaps there was foundation or some other cosmetic product on your face while tanning. Or maybe it’s the nature of your skin that it reacted to the sun’s rays with such spots. One way or another, you can also get rid of them at home using folk remedies.

  1. Cucumber seeds in vodka

An unusual recipe that should be prepared in advance just in case when going to the resort. Pour one tablespoon of fresh cucumber seeds into a glass of vodka and leave in a sealed container (or a bottle) in a dark place for 2 weeks. Using this product you can make whitening compresses for sun spots. It is better to store this product in the refrigerator.

Mix freshly squeezed potato and cucumber juices in equal quantities. They can be used to moisten stains formed after tanning several times daily. For greater effectiveness, you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

Chop fresh herbs or parsley root (to make 2 tablespoons), pour a glass of boiling water, cover loosely, leave for an hour. The prepared decoction will do a great job with even the worst sunburn spots on your face.

If you have brownish or red spots on your face after sunbathing, don't panic. The above recipes will help you whiten them at home quickly, effectively, and most importantly, safely.

Use them regularly and do not forget to test for the presence of allergens for your skin before the first use in order to avoid an unwanted reaction. But this is not all the troubles that can happen to your face after an unsuccessful tan.

Peeling skin after sunbathing

An even more unpleasant consequence of an excess of ultraviolet radiation for the skin is when the face peels off after sunbathing and gradually becomes covered with flaky spots. Like plaster, the epidermis crumbles, making the appearance very untidy and ugly. You definitely won’t be able to go anywhere with a side effect like this after sunbathing. Although, knowing a few secrets of folk remedies with a moisturizing and restorative effect, you can put your skin in order in just 1-2 masks.

Cut off the lowest, fleshiest aloe leaves, wash them, open them, squeeze out as much juice as possible and apply it daily to flaky and peeling areas on your face after sunbathing.

Mix oatmeal cooked in milk (one tablespoon) with the same amount of honey. Add one teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to the mask. The duration of action is half an hour. Rinse off with warm water. Can be done daily until the skin takes on a healthy and blooming appearance.

Cosmetic oils are great for tidying up sunburned facial skin. You can take the simplest ones - burdock, castor, almond. They must be at room temperature. Lubricate problem areas with them daily. No rinsing required. Remains after an hour can be carefully removed with a paper napkin.

Any similar face mask after sunbathing will perfectly moisturize the skin and promote its rapid healing and restoration. Choose a recipe that is convenient for you and no longer worry about your unpresentable appearance. Well, perhaps, there is one more problem that usually arises in fair-haired girls with fair skin. After the resorts, many of them are looking for any ways to remove redness from their faces after sunbathing, which resembles a burn.

Red skin after sunbathing

For all blondes, there are a couple of useful recipes that will tell you how to remove redness from your face after sunbathing using the simplest folk remedies. They will not require too much of your time or any financial expenses. Prepare, apply - and enjoy the result.

  1. Cinnamon and honey mask

A mask made of cinnamon and honey perfectly removes redness from the face after sunbathing. Mix them in equal quantities and lubricate problem areas of the skin for 10 minutes. It is recommended to use this product daily until the skin acquires its natural color.

Dilute one tablespoon of green clay with two tablespoons of boiled cold water, add 1 drop of cinnamon essential oil. Apply the mask for 15 minutes daily.

Buy medical paraffin at the pharmacy, melt it and apply it in this form to the areas of your face reddened by sunburn. After it hardens, remove it and lubricate the skin in these places with a fortified cream.

Now you know how to get rid of tanning on your face and its unpleasant consequences such as spots, peeling and redness. Now, even if you find yourself an unintentional victim of the sun's rays, you don't have to worry about your unpresentable appearance. With these recipes, you can quickly restore and tidy up your skin so that everyone can admire it. And for your next walk under the scorching sun, it is better to prepare in advance by studying and mastering the above rules.

Freckles, age spots, earthy skin color - all these problems can be easily solved with the help of lightening. So, how to whiten your face at home is quite simple; for this you do not need to go to special beauty salons and salons.


The easiest way to lighten the epidermis using traditional methods is to make a mask from special whitening ingredients. Natural brighteners include citrus fruits, dairy products, some herbal infusions and fruit acids.

A very simple and effective whitening face mask at home is made from strawberries. This product will not only get rid of freckles, but will also help clear your skin of pimples, blackheads and dark circles. You need to take fresh berries, rinse them well under water and puree them. Apply to the entire face except the eye area. Keep for 20 minutes, then rinse with water and lubricate your face with cream. Repeat every day, but only if there are no allergies.

Orange and lemon also help against increased pigmentation on oily skin. To whiten your face from tan and blemishes with lemon, you need to squeeze 3 tablespoons of juice from fresh fruit. Use the liquid immediately - it quickly loses its properties. Apply to the epidermis with a cotton swab and leave for 20 minutes. The method is also recommended against acne during pregnancy. For quick results, use 2 times a day.

A peeling mask with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide helps well against age spots. This method removes the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis, leaving in its place young and undamaged. Peroxide is also known as an excellent folk bleaching agent. You will need:

  1. Half a teaspoon of soda;
  2. 5 drops of peroxide.

Apply in circular motions to the face, rub in for 5 minutes, then leave for 10 minutes. Try to keep the mask layer thicker on especially damaged areas than on light areas. Repeat every other day, but the result will be noticeable after the first time. For greater effectiveness, you can add a little lemon or strawberry juice to the pulp. This method is not suitable for sensitive or damaged skin.

Cucumber masks will help whiten the skin of your face and neck after a sunburn. They gently act on the studded layer, brightening it and moisturizing it. The easiest and fastest way to lighten your face if it is faded is to simply apply fresh cucumber slices to the epidermis. Leave them for 15 minutes, then turn them over to the other side and leave them for another 15. There is no need to wash your face.

Photo – Cucumber mask

Serum or cucumber puree is great for dark spots after acne and sun. This is also a good way to restore tone to dull and mature skin. The vegetable is peeled and grated on a fine grater; 1 dairy product is taken for 2 tablespoons of cucumber puree. Keep for 10 minutes, repeat every other day.

A mixture of parsley, strawberries and cucumber will help to quickly whiten a dark complexion from a tan. This is not only an emergency lightening option, but also a good vitamin shake for the skin. All components are crushed and mixed in equal parts. Rub the mixture into your face for 3 minutes, then leave for 20. You can make the mask every day.

Fat sour cream and cucumber will help lighten a dark face slightly and relieve the heat from a burn. There are different cooking options:

  1. Apply sour cream separately, and place cucumber slices on top of it;
  2. Grate the vegetable, combine with sour cream and lubricate problem areas with the mixture.

Both options are effective, but the first can also be a good way to relieve puffy eyes after a sleepless night. You cannot keep sour cream for more than 20 minutes - the epidermis may turn red. Similarly, you can use kefir instead of sour cream, but then the mixture will turn out runny.

Toothpaste is also applied to individual dark spots and isolated freckles. This option is not the most effective, because this hygiene item may cause burns on the epidermis.

Photo – Blue clay

Blue clay will help get rid of age spots. Cambrian mineral powder has a number of medicinal properties: it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanses pores, tightens the epidermis and quickly brightens it. A high-quality scrub for burnt skin is made from a mixture of tea tree oil, mineral water (or chamomile decoction) and clay.

  1. Clay is combined with mineral water or decoction in a 1:1 ratio;
  2. Then 5 drops of oil are added to it;
  3. Apply the ointment to your face and neck and leave until the mixture hardens. Then rinse off. Thanks to the abrasive particles, this product acts as a scrub and will help clean not only the face, but also the hands or body.


Reviews claim that you can quickly whiten your face with tonics for washing. Various herbs can be used to prepare them: chamomile, bearberry, jasmine, green tea. If your face is very tanned, then wash your face with a decoction of chamomile - take 3 tablespoons of color per 1 glass. This normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and significantly lightens the skin.

A good whitening tonic is made from cucumber and lemon juice. For a glass of mineral water, take one cucumber and half a lemon. Juice is squeezed out of the fruit. The mixture is left to infuse overnight, and in the morning you can wash your dark or red face. This lotion needs to be prepared every three days as it spoils quickly.

Photo - Lemon with cucumber

It is correct to use tonics and masks in combination, then the effect will come as quickly as possible - after the third use.

Video: how to whiten skin

Professional products

In addition to traditional methods, you will need to buy a daytime face whitening cream at the pharmacy, since professional cosmetics will help protect the skin from harmful factors. Good reviews about "Snow White" from Biocon. It contains natural ingredients and white clay (kaolin). In addition, the product has a strong UV filter and is equipped with an additional vitamin complex.

The Belita Vitex company offers a whole facial skin whitening system. It consists of a day cream (protecting from sunlight), a night cream (restoring balance and brightening) and a ready-made mask. The mask provides intense lightening, and the creams deeply moisturize and nourish. The composition includes natural ingredients, the products are hypoallergenic.

Photo - Belita Vitex

Products from Natura Siberica consist of unique components: Siberian juniper extract, acid, vitamins and mineral mixtures. They are aimed at deep skin regeneration, so they are used at night. Helps reduce hyperpigmentation and eliminate deep wrinkles. If you apply all the described methods together, i.e. masks, lotions and creams, then you will be pleased with the result within a few days.