How to choose the right bandages for boxing?

From the first boxing training to the start of preparation for serious competitions, every athlete learns to understand that in this sport there are no details that do not matter. Even the most insignificant detail can either help a fighter win or hinder him from achieving his goal. Each fighter has an attribute that is not visible to anyone, but plays an important role; it is the individual protection of each athlete. This attribute refers to boxing bandages. The main purpose of boxing bandages is to maintain the wrist joints in their natural physiological position and protect against skin damage. Their benefits cannot be overestimated. This article will tell you in detail how to choose the right bandages for boxing. You can find the boxing bandages you need on our website.

  1. Types of bandages.
  2. Choosing the length of boxing bandages.
  3. Manufacturers of boxing bandages.
  4. What are boxing wraps used for?

Types of bandages.

The earliest prototype of modern boxing wraps was the cestus, a strap made from cowhide that was used to secure the wrist of fighters in ancient times. Today they are made from fabric. Some types of boxing bandages contain gel inserts for better fixation.

There are several types of boxing bandages:

  1. regular cotton;
  2. elastic, or as they are also called Mexican;
  3. bandage gloves.

The first type of bandages is presented in the form of cotton tapes, which have a thumb loop and are secured with Velcro. Boxing bandages made of cotton are highly breathable and absorb moisture. During the winding process, it is necessary to avoid excessive force so as not to put too much pressure on muscle tissue and blood vessels. If the bandages are tightened too much, the nerve endings may become numb. But in order for bandaging not to take much time, you should practice a fair amount in order to gain dexterity in this matter.

The third type of boxing bandages is glove bandages. Their main purpose is to quickly tap athletes’ hands. When using such protection, the time for wrapping is significantly saved. They have nothing in common with classic bandages except for fixing the hand. They are a lightweight version of gloves with cut off fingers that go into the striking part of the hand. This type of bandage fits the hand very well; any novice boxer can easily put on this protective equipment. When choosing bandage gloves, you should first of all pay attention to the size.

Choosing the length of boxing bandages.

Boxing hand wraps do not have standard sizes. The length of this type of protective equipment can vary from 2.5 to 5 meters. This is due to the fact that there are several methods of winding, as well as different physical parameters of the fighters. For cross bandaging, which wraps not only the wrists, hands and knuckles, but also the first phalanges of the fingers, the length of the tape should be 180 inches. For normal fixation, a 120-inch bandage will suffice. In addition to length, bandages can also differ in width. The width of the bandages can vary from 2 to 10 centimeters. The most optimal are tapes with a width of 5 centimeters.

The following companies are considered the best manufacturers of boxing bandages among amateurs and professionals all over the world: Everlast, Adidas, BadBoy, RDX and Venum.

The products of these brands differ from others in their high quality, durability, and most importantly, they provide the maximum level of safety and comfort. Also, the world market leaders in the sale of boxing bandages do not forget to modernize their products with the help of the latest technologies. Thus, companies have improved cotton bandages with a layer of dense gel. The gel was applied to the first 40 inches of some models that have appropriate padding.

What are boxing wraps used for?

Every person's hand consists of a large number of bones and joints. Beginner boxers often make mistakes when throwing a punch that cannot be avoided. They deflect the fist from a position that is anatomically correct. As a result, they receive injuries such as fractures, sprains and dislocations. For novice athletes, boxing bandages serve as a kind of insurance, which in turn secures the fighter’s wrist and prevents the possibility of injury. Even for fighters with extensive experience, boxing wraps also serve as insurance. Even the perfect blow of a professional can reach the opponent on the trajectory of his movement, or hit the wrong place, for example, the opponent’s elbow. If this happens and the small bones are not secured during impact with the target, they may crack. In addition to protective functions, bandages also perform hygienic functions, because they absorb sweat and do not allow it to penetrate inside the boxing gloves.

The online store invites you to join the group of purposeful and active boxing fans who prefer original protection produced by the world's best brands at attractive prices.

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