How to take milk thistle to cleanse the liver

Milk thistle is used in both official and folk medicine to cleanse the liver. The medicinal plant, mistakenly called thistle, is used in the complex treatment of cirrhosis, hepatitis, and fatty degeneration. Thanks to the numerous beneficial properties of milk thistle, it is possible to eliminate pain in the right hypochondrium, digestive disorders, and problems with peristalsis.

Cleansing the liver, as well as treating stomach diseases and eliminating digestive disorders, is carried out using a natural, non-heat-treated product. It is allowed to be added to prepared dishes before serving, to season sauces, side dishes, salads, cereals, pasta, and vegetable dishes. You can brew milk thistle to cleanse the liver as follows:

  1. Infusion. A tablespoon of crushed rhizomes is poured into 2 cups of boiling water, filtered after three hours, and taken 20 ml five times a day.
  2. Milk thistle decoction for the liver. Two tablespoons of seeds are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, brought to a boil, and simmered for a quarter of an hour. Leave covered for five hours, strain, take 1/3 cup three times a day with the addition of honey.

When taking milk thistle seeds, it is not necessary to grind, steam or brew them. Dietitians recommend that patients simply chew a pinch during meals. Or sprinkle the seeds on vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oils.

To prepare the tincture, fill the jar 1/5 full with milk thistle seeds and pour in vodka up to the neck. Leave in a dark place for a day. Filter, take a tablespoon of tincture at lunchtime and in the evening.

If it is not possible to see a doctor, then you should start by chewing the seeds. And then (in the absence of negative symptoms from the gallbladder, stomach, pancreas) you can take meal or oil. Milk thistle seeds or oil should be consumed for 2-4 weeks with careful adherence to the diet. In case of severe liver pathologies, the course is extended to 3 months.

How to use for prevention