How to remove papilloma on the nipple?

Papillomas on a woman's nipple

The content of the article:
  1. What they look like
  2. Diagnosis of papilloma on the nipple
  3. What is the danger
  4. Treatment methods
    1. Removal of papillomas on the nipple
    2. Medicines
    3. Folk remedies

Papilloma on the nipple is a benign growth on a woman’s mammary glands, which causes great discomfort and can cause cancer in the future if not treated correctly. The cause of this pathology is the activity of papillomavirus in the human body.

What do papillomas on the nipples look like?

What do papillomas on the nipples look like?

Photo of papillomas on the nipples

The result of the activity of papillomavirus in a woman’s body can be papillomas on the nipple. These are neoplasms that are benign in nature, with a granular structure. Their color can range from flesh-colored to dark brown. The shade is due to the blood supply of the vessels that penetrate the neoplasm.

In appearance, nipple papillomas can be filiform, papillary on a thin stalk, or have a flat, wide base and resemble nodules. The structure of such growths on the nipples is loose, soft, and normally they are painless.

As a rule, such growths are located in the area near the nipples, on the halo, and inside the mammary glands (ducts). If a neoplasm has formed on the nipple, it is easy to see with the naked eye. Thus, the process of treating this pathology is simplified.

If the nipple papilloma has grown inward and affected the milk ducts, then the problem is more complex. Firstly, such formations are more difficult to diagnose. Secondly, they cause a lot of discomfort to a woman. Thirdly, treatment will be more difficult.

The formation of intraductal papilloma is indicated by higher sensitivity of the nipple area, pain, swelling of the breast, burning, and discharge from the nipples. However, these are only general symptoms that may also be present in other breast pathologies. Therefore, a detailed examination will be required to make a final diagnosis.

With papillomas on the nipple, burning, itching, soreness, and mild swelling of the breast may also be present.

These tumors are caused by HPV with low and medium oncogenicity, which means there is a low risk of growths degenerating into malignant tumors.

It is worth noting that papillomas on the halo can also occur in men. However, they are less common among representatives of the stronger sex than among women.

Diagnosis of papilloma on the nipple

Breast mammography

Even if the papilloma has formed on a visible area of ​​the nipple, a number of special tests will be required to identify it for sure. Only with their help can one establish the benign nature of the growth and subsequently prescribe the correct therapy.

Diagnosis of papillomas on the nipple is carried out by a mammologist, oncologist, and dermatologist. At the first stage, the specialist conducts a visual examination and palpation of the breast. To examine small growths, a special device with a magnifying glass, a dermascope, can be used.

Some tests will also be required. As a rule, PCR, ELISA, and Digene tests are used. These are blood tests that reveal the type of virus and its amount in the body. In addition, these tests help determine the risk of malignant transformation of the tumor.

Important stages of the examination are the following methods for diagnosing papilloma on the nipple:

  1. Scraping. The top layer of the epithelium is peeled off. The analysis allows us to determine pathological changes in breast tissue cells.
  2. Cytology. Epidermal cells are also studied for malignant degeneration.
  3. Mammography. This study is prescribed along with ultrasound to determine the presence of tumors inside the ducts of the mammary glands.
  4. Biopsy. A piece of pathological tissue is taken from a papilloma on the nipple or halo if cancer is suspected.

Only after the collected research data can an accurate diagnosis be established and the correct treatment for papillomas on the nipple be prescribed.

  1. Read also about the symptoms and diagnosis of papillomas on the chest

What is the danger of papillomas on the nipple?

Mammary cancer

Despite the fact that papillomas on the nipple most often appear as a result of the activity of non-oncogenic strains of the virus, risk of tumor degeneration into cancer still there is. This is due to the fact that such growths are easily injured by underwear, clothing or during sexual intercourse, as well as breastfeeding. These growths, when injured, can lead to severe bleeding.

Injured papillomas on the nipple open the “gate” to the body for other infections. Bacterial pathogenic pathogens often join and a dangerous inflammatory process in the chest begins.

Particularly unpleasant consequences occur for papillomas located inside the ducts. They can cause soft tissue abscess, suppuration, inflammation.

It is important to promptly treat any neoplasms on the skin of the breasts and nipples. Particularly urgent medical intervention is required for growths that are inflamed, reddened, and also when swelling of healthy tissue appears around the papilloma on the halo. Pathological discharge from the nipples with an unpleasant odor should be a cause for concern.

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Treatment methods for papillomas on the nipple

Physical methods are used to remove nipple papillomas. Harsh chemicals are not suitable for treating delicate breast skin. Also, medications can be prescribed in parallel to strengthen the immune system and suppress the virus in the body.

Removal of papillomas on the nipple

Surgical excision of papillomas on the nipple

Physical removal of nipple growths is indicated in most cases. Even pregnant women, as a rule, are not contraindicated to remove papillomas if they pose a threat of degeneration or are often injured.

There are many methods of physical destruction of papillomas on the nipples. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. Cryoremoval. It is carried out using liquid nitrogen, which is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. It is usually necessary to carry out several procedures to achieve maximum effect. To remove a single papilloma of the nipple, one session is enough. The cost of cryodestruction is 600-1600 rubles in Russia and 250-430 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Laser removal. To get rid of papillomas on the nipple, a carbon dioxide laser beam is most often used. The procedure lasts a few minutes and does not require long-term tissue regeneration. One session is enough to completely remove the tumor. This is one of the most effective procedures. The cost of laser destruction of papilloma on the nipple is 1400-2350 rubles in Russia and 340-730 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  3. Radio wave removal. Papillomas can be affected by low-frequency radio waves. This is a low-traumatic manipulation, which, however, is contraindicated during pregnancy. Does not cause bleeding or the formation of scars on the skin. The price of radio wave removal of papilloma on the nipple is 2300-3400 rubles in Russia and 630-1200 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Surgical excision. The classic method is sometimes used - removing growths with a scalpel. Such operations are being performed less and less due to the high level of trauma and the risk of bleeding during manipulation. However, it is an inexpensive procedure that is still in demand. The cost of surgical removal of papillomas on the nipple is 450-1300 rubles in Russia and 170-370 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Please note that independent removal of tumors from the nipples is fraught with serious complications, and therefore resorting to it is strictly prohibited. The method of removing papillomas on the nipple should be chosen only by a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

  1. Read also about wound care after surgical removal of papilloma

Medications for papillomas on the nipples

Drugs for papillomas on the nipples of the breast

Photos of medications for papillomas on the nipples

As a rule, physical removal of tumors is not enough to suppress viral activity. If antiviral and immunomodulatory treatment is not carried out, papillomas may recur. Therefore, before removing papilloma on the nipple, a course of special medications is often taken. This combination treatment gives maximum results.

Stimulates the body's immune response drugs that contain interferon, they also provoke the body to produce it. These are products such as Viferon (200-1000 rubles), Kagocel (from 200 rubles) and their analogues - Panavir (from 800 to 3500 rubles), Isoprinosine (600-1400 rubles).

The above medications also have an antiviral effect, reducing the amount of virus in the blood. Thus, the pathogen is suppressed and goes into a dormant state.

Medicines for nipple papillomas can take different forms - suppositories, tablets, sprays and ointments.

Folk remedies against papillomas on the nipples

Garlic juice for papillomas on the nipples of the breast

Traditional medicine methods are good as auxiliary therapy, which further strengthens the immune system and helps the body resist viruses. Since the nature of papilloma on the nipple is viral, it can be affected by folk antiviral remedies.

For example, it has proven itself well celandine juice. They can be used to gently lubricate pathological formations on the skin. However, it should be remembered that this substance is potent and aggressive and can cause burns to the delicate breast tissue.

Less aggressive garlic juice. It exhibits antiviral activity and helps fight HPV. You should regularly apply a cut piece of papillomas to get rid of them.

You can also treat papillomas on the halo potato or apple juice.

How to remove papilloma on the nipple - watch the video:

If you do not know what to do with papilloma on the nipple, then first of all you need to consult a doctor to establish the exact nature of the tumor. Only after a comprehensive examination will it be possible to make a diagnosis and begin treatment. It is recommended to get rid of growths to avoid the risk of injury and malignant degeneration of tumors.

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