How to cover up wrinkles in Photoshop

In this article you will learn how to remove wrinkles in Photoshop. You will need to pay utmost attention to all the information presented. Photoshop is very popular today. And often people know it precisely as a means to improve their appearance. After all, Photoshop has many tools for this operation. Next, we will examine the question of how to remove wrinkles in Photoshop.

Required funds

It’s worth saying right away that you are not required to have any deep knowledge of this graphic editor. This method allows you to quickly remove wrinkles under the eyes. In this case, it is best to select a photo with a high resolution. This will make it easier for you to study. It is recommended to practice on other images first and then start editing the original.


This instruction is intended for beginners of the Photoshop program. For beginners, this method is ideal. But if you already have experience in photo retouching, then you may also find it useful to read these instructions. Steps:

  1. Add our image to the graphics editor. Create a copy of the background image using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + J".
  2. Further actions are performed on a duplicate of the main layer. Select the "Patch" tool ("J" button) and set it to "Source" mode. Use this tool to select wrinkles. To do this, use the left mouse button (LMB) to outline the required area of ​​the face. Let go of the LMB. And once again we move the pointer over the already selected area and press LMB again. Without releasing the button, drag this part onto clean skin without wrinkles or other blemishes. We repeat all these steps with another area of ​​the face.
  3. Since we are looking at wrinkles under the eyes, the second part of the face will serve as the second eye. And the actions will already be carried out on the new layer. As a result, when the main work is done, you may feel that your face now looks too unnatural. The solution to this problem is to adjust the Opacity of each layer individually. It is necessary that the wrinkles protrude slightly, then our changes will look realistic.

additional information

The answer to the question of how to remove wrinkles in Photoshop will be incomplete if we do not consider one important problem that may arise during the work process. When using the Patch tool, a situation may arise when other flaws (pimples, scars) are copied along with the skin (where there are no wrinkles). Naturally, we don't need this. Therefore, before work you need to prepare a photograph and remove all these imperfections. To do this, we recommend using the Spot Healing Brush tool. Working with this tool should be done on a new empty layer. Or you can use the Stamp tool. One way or another, you need to remove all imperfections from the “donor” part of the face using any means. In the photo below you can see the result of the work done and compare it with the original image.


This concludes the article. The question of how to remove wrinkles in Photoshop is quite interesting, since it can be approached from different angles. Today you have learned only one way to remove wrinkles under the eyes. But there are still dozens of other methods to solve this problem.

Wrinkles on the face and other parts of the body are an inevitable evil that will overtake everyone, be it a man or a woman.

This trouble can be dealt with in different ways, but today we’ll talk about how to remove (at least minimize) wrinkles from a photograph in Photoshop.

Let's open the photo in the program and analyze it.

We see that on the forehead, chin and neck there are large, as if separately located, wrinkles, and near the eyes there is a continuous carpet of small wrinkles.

We will remove large wrinkles with a tool "Healing Brush", and small ones - "Patch".

So, create a copy of the original layer using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+J and select the first tool.

We are working on a copy. Press and hold the key ALT and take a sample of clean skin with one click, then move the cursor to the area with the wrinkle and click again. The brush size should not be much larger than the defect being edited.

Using the same method and tool, we remove all large wrinkles from the neck, forehead and chin.

Now we move on to removing small wrinkles near the eyes. Choosing a tool "Patch".

Using the tool, we outline the area with wrinkles and drag the resulting selection onto a clean area of ​​skin.

We achieve approximately the following result:

The next step is to slightly even out the skin tone and remove very small wrinkles. Please note that since the lady is quite elderly, it will not be possible to remove all the wrinkles around the eyes without radical methods (reshaping or replacement).

Create a copy of the layer we are working with and go to the menu “Filter – Blur – Surface Blur”.

Filter settings can vary greatly depending on the size of the image, its quality, and the tasks at hand. In this case, look at the screenshot:

Then press the key ALT and click on the mask icon in the layers palette.

Then select a brush with the following settings:

We choose white as the main color and paint over the mask, opening it in those places where it is necessary. Don't overdo it, the effect should look as natural as possible.

Layers palette after the procedure:

As you can see, there are obvious defects here and there. You can eliminate them with any of the tools described above, but first you need to create a fingerprint of all layers at the top of the palette by pressing the key combination CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+E.

No matter how hard we try, after all the manipulations the face in the photo will look blurry. Let's give it (the face) some of its natural texture back.

Remember we left the original layer untouched? It's time to use it.

We activate it and create a copy using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+J. Then we drag the resulting copy to the very top of the palette.

Then go to the menu “Filter – Other – Color Contrast”.

We set up the filter based on the result on the screen.

Next you need to change the blending mode for this layer to "Overlap".

Then, similar to the process of blurring the skin, we create a black mask and, using a white brush, open the effect only where it is needed.

It may seem that we have returned the wrinkles to their place, but let's compare the original photo with the result obtained in the lesson.

With enough perseverance and accuracy, using these techniques you can achieve fairly good results in removing wrinkles.

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For us, visual presentation is of paramount importance. First impressions are everything, so it's super important to us to look as perfect as possible whenever possible. We cannot afford to have a bad portrait or our own online photos:

So here's the photo we're going to work with:

Use the Patch and Healing Brush tools to remove stains

The first thing we want to do is remove all the spots and temporary skin imperfections that you can see in the photo. These are only temporary in real life, but your bio photo may be on your website for years to come, so it's important to take care of these problem areas.

Use the Healing Brush tool to take care of these areas:

The second is Creating a Texture. This type may be useful if the subject has particularly porous skin. In our case this is not the case.

The third type is Content-Aware. It would help you a lot if the rest of your photo was relatively uniform. However, there are many problem areas and options in our photo, so the best choice would still be “Approximations”:

However, I left some areas untouched. Also, if you look at my example, you will see that I highlighted the moles on my face. You may want to get rid of some of your natural, more permanent features. Including scars and freckles. I'll leave them for now, but we'll come back to this a little later.

Smooth skin

Next we need to smooth out the skin. Recently, photographers have learned how to achieve smoother skin appearance by using camera effects such as anti-aliasing or various lens filters. We will simulate this effect using Photoshop.

It is important to understand that you must blend the leather pieces enough to smooth it out, but not too much so that you lose the texture of the leather. Surface blur works great for this. Press Ctrl + J to duplicate the layer and hide everything except the face in the new layer:

Then go to Filter > Blur > Surface Blur. Set the radius to 5 pixels and the threshold to 15 levels. Reduce the layer opacity to 65%. This is enough to smooth the skin while maintaining certain details for a natural-looking skin. Too much smoothing can make the skin look like plastic.

The reason we converted the layer to a smart object before running the blur filter is so that the filter will be editable. We can always go back and make adjustments. In principle, this could save us time in the future.

I always do this whenever possible. This saves me from having to go back and repeat the same steps.

I'd rather take a few extra clicks and make minor adjustments than have to go through 10-20 steps all over again. In the long run, extra precautions result in things getting done faster.

Teeth whitening using "Brightener"

Then select the Dodge tool and set the Midtone Range value to around 70-80%. Use a soft brush with the hardness set to the lowest setting and then click on the areas where you want your teeth to appear whiter.

The brush will be soft enough that the change in tone will be harmonious, but at the same time hard enough so that you do not have to repeatedly apply this effect to the layer.

Wrinkle reduction

I think it's best to take a slightly different approach to reducing wrinkles than we did with temporary spots. In theory, you can use the Healing Brush to completely touch up all wrinkles, temporary spots, moles, etc., and the result will most likely look completely professional.

However, in my opinion, it is not wise to remove all the moles and wrinkles in a person's portrait. These elements are part of a person's character. If you take it too far, people may see your face as a lifeless "wax mask."

As we age, more imperfections appear on the surface of our skin over time. The main reason that candlelight is considered more romantic is that this soft light simply reduces the sharpness and contrast of these imperfections - without actually removing them:

Hold Alt/Option and click the brush where you want to hide the imperfections. Thus, retouch large wrinkles or crow's feet with a brush. They should almost disappear.

Repeat this procedure until all wrinkles are removed. Then simply reduce the opacity of the layer itself to 70%. As a result, some wrinkles will still be visible, but they will not be as noticeable, emphasizing the person’s age:

Eye brightening

Set the mode to saturated and the thickness control to at least 50%. Now click once over the pupils of the eyes to brighten the eyes and make them more expressive.

If you need to make them even brighter, you can use the Dodge tool and process them in the same way. You can use these two tools in combination and get fantastic results.


In most cases, you won't need to use all of these techniques, but one or another of them will be used in almost all photo retouching situations.

This publication is a translation of the article “5 Quick Photoshop Fixes for Bad Portrait Photos”, prepared by the friendly team of the Internet project