How to whiten your skin

Freckles, age spots, uneven tan—every woman faces such problems at least once in her life. Any skin defects can ruin your appearance and mood, and even the best foundations do not always mask imperfections completely. Not everyone knows how to whiten their face, but it can be done even at home using natural remedies.

Causes of increased pigmentation

Complexion and pigmentation on it can speak volumes. A competent doctor, looking at a person, can immediately determine from this sign that he has any problems. You can start lightening your face only after the cause of spots or changes in skin color has been established.. The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Yellow color often accompanies heavy smokers;
  2. People who have problems with internal organs (most often the liver and kidneys) have a grayish skin color;
  3. Acne marks;
  4. Unsuccessful or excessive tanning;
  5. Hereditary pigmentation (one or both parents also have this feature);
  6. Hormonal changes due to aging of the body;
  7. Weak blood vessels;
  8. Reaction to taking certain medications;
  9. Avitaminosis;
  10. Unsuccessful cosmetic procedures.

Some of these defects are quite harmless (for example, freckles) and do not pose any danger to their owner, but some of them need to be dealt with not only outside, but also inside. If you lighten your face, but do not eliminate the cause of the change in skin color, the problem will soon return and it will be even more difficult to cope with it.

Most often, pigmentation appears on the most visible parts of the body, namely: on the face, neck, arms and décolleté. Hiding such defects under clothes is problematic and bleaching is the only way to cope with the disease. But not all women have an idea of ​​how to whiten their facial skin at home, although there are many folk recipes for this that can effectively whiten the skin.

Rules for conducting procedures

Before you start whitening your face, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the product used. To do this, you can test it on the bend of your elbow or behind the ear; if after a few hours redness, irritation or itching does not appear, then you can safely begin the full procedure.

It is advisable to carry out the procedures in the evening or on a day off, when you do not need to go anywhere in the next few hours, as redness may occur from facial bleach. Moreover, the skin is then highly exposed to ultraviolet rays, which adversely affects pigmentation.

Before the procedures, be sure to thoroughly cleanse your face with lotion, tonic or scrub. You can make a scrub yourself, for example, from brewed coffee and honey. This product will not only help cleanse the skin of impurities, but also get rid of dead cells and flaking.

One procedure will not be enough, so you will have to carry out a whole complex, which may take several months. It all depends on how effective the means were chosen. For example, cucumber masks can be done daily, but the effect from them comes after a long time of use, and the effect of peroxide can be noticed almost immediately, but it can be used 1-2 times a week.

During the period of skin whitening, it is very important to protect it from harmful external factors, namely: from sunlight, strong wind and dust.

Contraindications to bleaching

Many women, thinking about how to quickly whiten their face, do not think about the fact that this may be contraindicated for their skin. It is advisable to first consult with a dermatologist or at least first use the product on the crook of your elbow. Contraindications may be as follows:

  1. Allergic reaction;
  2. Too sensitive or thin skin;
  3. Open extensive wounds;
  4. Acne in acute form;
  5. Facial injuries and fresh stitches;
  6. If less than 30 days have passed since the salon procedures;
  7. A large number of burst vessels.

Before starting procedures, you need to eliminate the above contraindications, if possible.

Cosmetology products

Facial whitening procedures performed by cosmetologists are very effective and can cope with even very strong pigmentation, but there is one big drawback - the high price. For those who can afford to visit a cosmetologist, this is simply a godsend, because any defects are removed quickly and painlessly.

Chemical peeling

During a chemical peel, a product containing retinol, lactic acid, or trichloroacetic acid is applied to the skin. Acidic components penetrate deep into their epidermis, causing active peeling of the skin. The brown pigment gradually fades away along with dead skin cells. Chemical peels cannot get rid of very dark spots.

Treatment with liquid nitrogen

Cryotherapy is slightly more effective than chemical peeling. Some melanocytes are very sensitive to cold and, under its influence, begin to actively lighten. Just a few treatments are enough to completely lighten your skin.

Phototherapy and laser removal

These two procedures are similar in principle and effectiveness. Already after the first session, pigment spots and other skin defects begin to darken and peel and soon disappear completely. Phototherapy and laser are expensive, but this is justified by their effectiveness and the fact that spots no longer appear on the burned areas.

Folk recipes

Not everyone has the financial opportunity to visit a cosmetologist and not everyone knows how to quickly whiten skin at home without much expense. Then folk recipes that were popular even hundreds of years ago come to the rescue.

Hydrogen peroxide

This product costs mere pennies at the pharmacy, but it is the one that can whiten your face well. It is important to purchase a 3% or less concentrated solution, otherwise you may get a chemical burn. For those with dry skin, you need to wipe your face with peroxide once a week; for those with oily skin, this amount increases to twice. The course must be continued for 1-1.5 months.

You can also make a yeast mask with peroxide. To do this, you need to mix a tablespoon of dry yeast and a tablespoon of peroxide in a bowl, mix until a paste forms and apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lemon juice

Lemon is known for its excellent whitening properties.. This product is very popular among women, since it can be found in any store at a low price and is easy to use. In most cases, lemon juice is simply wiped over the skin 1-2 times a day, but some prefer to make mixtures and masks to obtain a versatile result.

A mask with lemon juice, olive oil and honey will not only whiten your face, but also eliminate blemishes, reduce redness and moisturize the skin. To do this, all ingredients need to be mixed in equal proportions and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

Cucumber compress

A huge plus of cucumber compresses is that they can be used daily for any skin type without any side effects. Grind the cucumber to a pulp in a blender or on a grater, lightly squeeze out the juice and place on cheesecloth in an even layer. Place gauze on the face or other area of ​​skin that needs to be whitened for 30 minutes, then lubricate the skin with moisturizer.

If you don’t have time to make a compress, then you can simply place a cucumber cut into circles on the skin for half an hour.

Natural clay

At any pharmacy you can buy clay in dry form, dilute it with water and get a natural skin brightener. There are 8 types of clay in total, each of them has a whitening effect, but is suitable for different skin types. For example, white is ideal for oily skin, red for very sensitive skin, and gray for dry skin.

You can use clay in its pure form or mix it with other bleaching products, such as lemon juice, cucumber pulp or grated potatoes. It should be applied for the time indicated on the package.

Parsley decoction

Parsley decoction is a natural product that can be prepared once for a long time. To do this, pour boiling water over chopped parsley and leave in a sealed container for 30 minutes. After this, the broth must be filtered and cooled. You can pour it into a bottle and wipe your face twice a day, or freeze it in an ice cube tray. Then the effect will be even better, in addition to the whitening effect, such ice cubes increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, which is why the facial contour is tightened, and inflammation and rashes are reduced.

Dairy products

Few people know, but natural fermented milk products have a good whitening effect. You only need to make masks from sour cream, fermented baked milk, kefir or cottage cheese 3-4 times a week. It is advisable to buy products not in a store, but first-hand, for example, from village residents. The effect will become noticeable after about 1-1.5 months of using milk masks.

There are a huge number of ways to whiten your face and body at home using improvised means, but it is important to take into account the characteristics of your own body and skin type in order not to harm and get the best result.

Clear skin with a porcelain glow is the dream of almost every girl. In the fight for a noble glow, all kinds of creams, premium foundations and many other ready-made products are used. But, knowing the secrets of how to whiten your facial skin at home, you can save a lot and improve the health of your epidermis without makeup.

How to quickly whiten your face at home

For face whitening, natural ingredients are used that have the ability to suppress the manifestation of melanin and normalize the production of melanocytes. These are fermented milk products, clay mixtures, vegetable and berry masks, and some pharmaceutical products.

Effective Skin Whitening Products

The most effective whitening products:

  1. Milk, kefir, yogurt. Completely natural, ideal for lightening the epidermis. In addition to fighting melanin, they help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and eliminate oiliness;
  2. White and blue clay. Such mineral compounds have an excellent cleansing function. As such, there is no whitening effect, but they even out the complexion and remove spot redness. Suitable for pale-faced girls with combination or problem skin;
  3. Ascorbic acid. Often used in professional cosmetics to relieve irritation and lighten the skin. It is a safe analogue of kojic acid, which also actively whitens, but is highly toxic;
  4. Bearberry. A herb from the Heather family, actively used in folk medicine to whiten the epidermis. Contains a rare natural component - arbutin, which is used in professional creams to combat pigmentation;
  5. Hydrogen peroxide. Here the brightening effect is based on oxidation. Can eliminate minor redness almost instantly, but is not suitable for frequent use;
  6. Ointments. In medicine, for the purpose of whitening, they often resort to the use of zinc and sulfur ointment. These drugs have a strong antiseptic function, due to which they eliminate foci of inflammation and reduce the rate of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. You shouldn’t expect bright porcelain skin after them, but you can achieve an even color and no acne.

Video: Quick face whitening

Whitening masks

The easiest way to whiten your skin at home is to make potato mask. This root vegetable contains huge amounts of ascorbic and folic acid. To prepare a brightening compress, you need to grate one potato on a fine grater and apply the mixture to your face in a thick layer. Keep for at least 20 minutes. Repeat every day in the morning.

Potato mask for skin whitening

Has a similar effect lemon. But it can only be used in the absence of allergic reactions. To remove age spots or improper tanning, you need to squeeze out citrus juice and add it to any suitable mask. It is not recommended to apply fresh juice in its pure form due to its aggressiveness - peeling of the epidermis may begin. The optimal combination is two tablespoons of white clay, a spoonful of juice and the same amount of water. Apply to all problem areas and leave for no more than 30 minutes. Repeat every other day.

To give white but problematic or oily skin a soft porcelain shade, you can use sea ​​buckthorn oil. Contrary to stereotypes, the orange substance does not make the epidermis carrot-colored. Rather, it’s the opposite: it dries out pimples, tightens pores and evens out the appearance. To do this, you need to make a simple mask: apply oil to your face with a cotton pad and leave it for the maximum possible period of time. Repeat as desired daily or three times a week.

Sea buckthorn oil for face

Has a similar effect Castor oil. To use it, it must be mixed with additional ingredients - use in its pure form causes increased inflammatory processes. This mask effectively whitens:

  1. 2 spoons of oatmeal;
  2. Half a glass of sour milk;
  3. 10 grams of castor oil;
  4. 1 tsp. warm honey.

All ingredients must be mixed and left to brew for 10 minutes. After this, apply to the face and neck. Rinse off after 15 minutes, it is very important to apply moisturizer afterwards. Repeat twice a week before bedtime.

Reviews say they help a lot masks with clay. Gently reduce pigmentation of the mixture, which includes kaolin and Cambrian powder. The mass is prepared in the classic way: clay and water (juice, herbal infusion or green tea) are combined in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to face and décolleté area. Leave for 20 minutes, periodically spray with water to prevent drying. Repeat three times a week.

Clay face masks

In Asia, to eliminate “unsightly” tans, girls use rice. This mask is prepared either from boiled porridge or rice flour. To two teaspoons of the product add 10 grams of kefir and 5 honey. The composition is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin in a thick layer. Keep on face for 15 minutes, repeat every day in the morning.

Whitening with zinc ointment has become widespread due to the natural functions of the metal: it protects the skin from sun rays, helps tighten it and actively fights redness. Using this pharmacy product is as easy as shelling pears: twice a week, apply a thin layer of the product to clean skin and leave it until absorbed.

Lightening infusions and lotions

Ideal for dry and sensitive skin soft lotion with cucumber. To prepare it, add 5 to 10 cucumber slides and a few drops of lemon juice to a glass of mineral water. This composition does not contain preservatives and its shelf life is only a day. 250 ml is just enough for two times use. Rub your face with lotion morning and evening. During the day you can use it as a spray by pouring it into a container with a spray bottle.

Cucumber face lotion

Ideal for problem and oily skin lotion with parsley. To prepare it, you need to mix half a glass of finely chopped herbs, 100 grams of alcohol and about 50 grams of any suitable oil to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The tincture is placed in a dark, cool place for 14 days. It needs to be shaken periodically. After two weeks it is ready for use. Wipe your face with this solution morning and evening.

Some essential oils also have a strong whitening effect. For example, a lotion with lavender, lemon and chamomile esters will help reduce age spots, wrinkles and inflammation. To prepare the product you need to take 300 ml of mineral water, 6 drops of chamomile and lavender and 10 citrus. Mix the solution thoroughly and leave to brew for 10 minutes. Shake the mixture lightly before use.

Oil face masks

The mixture will help clear the epidermis of blackheads and pimples, whiten it and give it elasticity and smoothness. soda, salt and any brightening decoction (green or chamomile tea, herbal tea with bearberry, water after boiling bay leaves). For 200 ml of liquid, take no more than a spoon of each of the mineral components. Wash your face with this water twice a day before and after removing makeup.

Folk remedies

Has high whitening ability cosmetic oil made from eucalyptus ester and jojoba base oil (shea or coconut - depending on skin type). To lighten your facial skin at home, you need to combine 20 grams of base and 5 grams of ether. For ease of mixing, it is recommended to heat the components in a water bath until they become liquid. To use, soak a cotton swab in the oil and lubricate the skin twice a day. Before going outside, the mixture must be washed off, otherwise dust will stick to the skin twice as much as usual.

Oil mixture for skin whitening

Brightens your face after a bad tan Chamomile decoction and hydrogen peroxide. Please note that this method is not suitable for dark skin - the whitening process on the epidermis with a large amount of melanin may occur unevenly. As a result, stripes and spots of different colors will appear. For 50 grams of chamomile tea, take 1 spoon of peroxide. The solution is mixed thoroughly and left to brew for several hours. After using it as a regular lotion.

Before you quickly whiten your face at home using the following method, you need to check for an allergic reaction. This recipe uses fresh strawberries, which are the strongest allergen. To begin, apply a piece of berry to an inconspicuous area of ​​skin. If after 20 minutes no sensations of itching and swelling appear, then you can use the recipe.

This method will help lighten even dark skin. Strawberries are crushed into puree, grated potatoes and a few drops of lemon juice are added to them. The paste is applied to all areas that require lightening: hands, face, neck, chest. You need to keep the mixture for no more than 20 minutes.

Strawberry face mask

Many folk recipes suggest using damn. Despite the aggressive smell, this root vegetable is able to normalize the production of melanocytes in a matter of hours. You need to combine horseradish juice with water in a 1:2 ratio and apply it to your face with a cotton pad. Keep for no more than 15 minutes. Using moisturizer after this mask is mandatory.

Review of whitening cosmetics

The table below presents a rating of popular cosmetics for skin lightening, as well as a description of its action.

Name Composition and application
Styx Naturcosmetic Alpin Derm Night Cream Almost completely natural product. Consists of goat milk proteins, wheat extract and base oils. Contains coenzyme Q10. Helps even out colors and smooth out wrinkles.
Tony Moly Panda's Dream White Sleeping Pack Night whitening mask from Tony Moly is the most famous Korean cosmetics for lightening. The active ingredients are vitamins and herbal extracts.
Himalaya Tan Removal Orange Peel-Off Mask This mask is designed specifically to control melanin synthesis and reduce tanning. Consists of natural honey and orange peel extract.
Day face cream against freckles and age spots from Vitex Contains a proprietary active “smart” lightening formula. Suitable for any type of epidermis, characterized by a quick effect. Supplemented with wheat germ oil.
Lightening emulsion against age spots with SPF 20 Babe Laboratorios An organic combination of passion fruit concentrate, fruit and lactic acids and some other ingredients. The effect is noticeable the very next day after use.

Don't forget to apply sun protection before going outside. If the cream has SPF or more, then this is not necessary. In addition, combine special care products, additionally apply emulsions, serums and fluids to the epidermis.

We all know that a person’s appearance, or rather the condition of his hair, nails and facial skin, creates the first and general impression of him. Every representative of the fair half of society wants to look beautiful and impeccable. Pathologies of internal organs, the presence of bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition - all this does not have a very favorable effect on the condition of the skin. Plus, some people are not happy with freckles, while others don’t like pigment spots.

There are a lot of skin problems that you want to get rid of. To correct the situation and improve the condition and complexion, you can use home remedies consisting entirely of natural ingredients. You will learn how and how to quickly whiten your face from this article.

Even skin tone is a sign of well-groomed skin

Achieving an even, natural complexion can be so difficult. Sometimes even cosmetics and decorative cosmetics do not help. Adverse habits make it yellowish, pathologies of internal organs make it gray, excessive tanning makes it reddish-chocolate, and vascular diseases make it spotty. That is why at a certain moment there is a desire to improve the condition of the dermis - to make it beautiful and healthy.

Women with the following problems often need skin whitening:

You can, of course, seek the help of a cosmetologist. And if you have the time and desire to correct the situation yourself, try using natural home remedies.

How to whiten your skin from tanning

It is not always possible to tan beautifully so that the color is even. Often we either get burns or get patchy tans. You will learn further about how to lighten your facial skin after unsuccessful sunbathing.

In traditional medicine, there are many recipes for masks that help lighten the skin. They, unlike cosmetics that are used in salons, cost pennies. All you need to get is the necessary products.

Before using a certain composition, do not forget to conduct a sensitivity test. Apply a little product to your wrist and wait ten minutes. The absence of rash, itching and burning on your face indicates that you can safely use this composition. Now let’s learn more about facial dermis whitening products.

  1. Lightening skin with cucumber. Grind the cucumber using a grater and combine it with a raw egg. Mix the composition thoroughly and apply to cleansed facial skin for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, wash with water at room temperature. Instead of grinding the vegetable into a paste, you can cut it into slices and apply it to the areas you want to bleach.
  2. Use of citrus fruits. Grapefruit and lemon have excellent whitening effects. Combine the juice of the selected fruit in equal proportions with honey. Apply the mixture to your face. After fifteen minutes, wash with warm water.
  3. Lightening skin with parsley. Chop the parsley and mix with sour cream or cottage cheese (if you have a dry skin type) and yogurt or kefir (if you have a fatty skin type). Apply the mixture to your face for twenty minutes. Wash your face in warm water.
  4. Facial skin whitening cream. One of the fastest ways to lighten your face at home is to use special creams. They contain ascorbic acid and vitamin B (powerful antioxidants), as well as extracts of plants that have a whitening effect: lemon, bearberry, sorrel, parsley.

How to whiten facial skin from acne spots

The formation of acne spots is usually caused by improper treatment of the disease. Another reason for the formation of stains is the habit of squeezing them out yourself. But what if marks have already appeared, and how to make the skin white? In this case, we suggest you use proven and effective folk remedies.

Skin whitening after acne

Whiten your face in the most effective ways

  1. Combine one beaten yolk with the freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Mix the composition thoroughly. If you don't need to lighten your face completely, you can apply the product to spots. Wash off the mask after a quarter of an hour.
  2. Good effects can be achieved using green clay. Combine a spoonful of powder with rosemary oil - three drops and a small amount of water. Stir until a mass of homogeneous creamy consistency is formed. Use the resulting mixture to treat only those areas where there are “traces” of acne. After ten minutes, rinse off the product.
  3. Combine white clay powder with lemon juice - two spoons and a small amount of water. The mass should be thick. Apply the composition pointwise to your face for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Mix tomato pulp - 20 grams with starch - with a spoon. Apply the resulting composition to cleansed facial skin for twenty minutes.
  5. Combine tea tree oil with lemon juice or lavender oil in equal proportions. Mix the ingredients well. Use the composition to wipe your face once a day.

You can also use garlic, pure lemon juice, parsley decoction or ice cubes to wipe your face.

How to whiten facial skin from age spots

If your skin is prone to the formation of age spots and freckles, the first thing you should do is protect it from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In addition, enrich your diet with foods rich in ascorbic acid and vitamin PP and minimize coffee consumption.

The most effective products that help eliminate age spots include: sauerkraut, lemon, dandelion, spurge, egg whites, and fermented milk products. Chemicals that have a whitening effect include: salicylic acid, lactic and acetic acids, hydrogen peroxide.

Do not forget to rinse your face well after the procedure and lubricate your face with nourishing cream. In addition, it is better to use masks in the evening, since it is important that ultraviolet radiation does not reach the skin. Now more about the compositions.

  1. Application of parsley juice. This product is very effective in the fight against age spots. If you want, use the juice in its pure form, and if you wish, you can mix it in equal proportions with honey, lemon and milk. This composition is applied for half an hour.
  2. Lemon with yeast against pigmentation. Combine 20 grams of yeast with 15 ml of milk and freshly squeezed lemon juice with a spoon. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to your face for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, wash in warm water.
  3. Use of curdled milk. Lotions with this product will help whiten the skin and eliminate excess pigmentation. To enhance the effect, wine vinegar is added to the curdled milk.
  4. Berry masks against freckles and age spots. Such products help rejuvenate and heal the skin. Strawberries, currants and wild strawberries also have lightening properties. After mashing the berries, apply the mixture to the dermis of the face for twenty minutes. After the procedure, wash in warm water.

How to whiten skin from dark circles under eyes

The appearance of dark circles under the eyes can be caused by:

  1. genetic predisposition;
  2. pigmentation;
  3. structure of the facial skull;
  4. thin dermis around the eyes;
  5. allergies;
  6. poor blood circulation;
  7. overwork;
  8. chronic fatigue;
  9. weight loss;
  10. prolonged exposure to the sun.

In order to lighten the skin around the eyes, in addition to normalizing your daily routine and nutrition, it is recommended to use proven home remedies.

Whitening facial skin after sunbathing

One of the most effective remedies in the fight against the problem is cucumber. Cut it into circles and apply one to each eye. Carry out the procedure every day, its duration is ten minutes.

Another useful remedy is tea bags. Wrap cold tea bags in soft material and apply to your eyes. The tannin they contain helps eliminate dark circles and puffiness. The duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour.

You can also eliminate signs of fatigue with potatoes. Chop one potato. Apply the potato mixture to your eyes for half an hour. After the procedure, wash in warm water.


Valeria, student, 19 years old

I somehow had a good summer vacation. I soaked up the sun until I left white marks from my glasses. And the most annoying thing is that this happened a week before school started. I tried everything I could until I read the recipe for a mask with parsley. I simply lubricated my face with her juice twice a day and went to college with a normal face.

Irina, pastry chef, 44 years old

I've struggled with freckles all my life. For this purpose, I use a good, proven method - lotions with yogurt. A very effective product, and you don’t have to spend a lot of money on expensive cosmetics. It’s a pity, of course, that they don’t disappear completely and forever.

Natalya, teacher, 39 years old

I once had very problematic skin, constant pimples and blackheads. The hospital said it was due to stomach problems. Treatment was prescribed. About six months after the course of therapy, the rash disappeared. But imagine my disappointment when, looking at myself up close, I saw spots - acne marks. No luck, no luck. I solved one problem, and a second one came. But I defeated her too. For about two months I used a mask with yolk and lemon juice.

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