How to choose a Cancer Center?

A diagnosis of cancer will be a turning point in everyone's life. Its mortality rate is generally high, leading people to take desperate steps to find a cure. Because not all cancers are treatable, depending on the type and progression of the disease, cancer patients typically want to do everything they can to try to find a cure.

When you are looking for cancer treatment, you have two options:

-Find local cancer centers– Traveling with cancer is difficult, especially if it has progressed to involve multiple organs. Thus, seeking cancer treatment locally is always the first choice, either through clinics that accept health insurance or private clinics. Depending on the country you live in, some treatments may not be available or may be too expensive.

-Find cancer treatment abroad– Because cancer treatment varies from one country to another, it is possible that another country has a treatment that has higher success rates for your type of cancer. Additionally, since not all cancer treatments are free even in your own country, the cost of treatment may be lower in other countries, so it is worth trying to find cancer treatment abroad.

However, whatever you choose, it is important to do your research and find as much information as possible about the treatment before choosing it. Cancer is a serious, life-threatening disease that doesn't leave much time for experimentation. Treatment must be effective if it is to save your life. This is why research is so important - it helps you make informed decisions about which treatments might actually work.

How to make an informed decision?

There are many treatments for different types of cancer. In addition to already accepted treatments around the world, such as chemotherapy, there are many others that are being tested or are simply not taken as often, even if they are safe. This makes it difficult for a desperate cancer patient to make a choice, since no one can guarantee 100% success. However, through careful research, it is possible to find which treatments work best. This is why it is important to make an informed decision rather than a hasty one.

What to look for when researching medical centers?

  1. Qualifications and experience– Cancer is a global topic on which many symposia, conferences and meetings are held. Look for a doctor who attends these meetings frequently, as this means they are aware of the latest innovations in cancer treatment. Also, check the credentials of the doctors at the clinic you are looking at and see how long they have been treating cancer. Most importantly, check whether the doctor who will be treating you is specialized in this particular type of cancer, as cancer treatment differs depending on the area affected.
  2. Prices and inclusions– For someone diagnosed with cancer, money is usually not an issue since the only thing that matters is their survival, but it is very important to pay attention to how much you will pay. Some clinics offer ultra-expensive packages for conventional cancer treatments, selling them as new and revolutionary. On the other hand, those that do not offer clear and understandable packages for reasonable amounts of money. You should always check what is included in the treatment package so that you can budget money and not be left without anything in a foreign country (if you decide to travel).
  3. Check objects– The third thing to look for is the condition of the facilities where treatment is carried out. If they are unkempt or don't have the latest cancer-fighting products, then you should probably look elsewhere. You can do this by finding photos of the clinic online or watching videos that present its services. Just make sure that these photos and videos are real, so you need to look for multiple sources.

Questions to ask before booking

Is the clinic certified by the relevant authorities to provide cancer treatment?– Cancer treatment is one of the heaviest regulated treatments in most countries. While this may leave some treatments unavailable, you can rest assured that if a clinic is certified, it is likely providing quality medical care. Stay away from clinics that are not certified, no matter what they promise.

How much will treatment cost me?– The cost of the package will depend on many things, such as the cost of travel, the type of procedure, the size of the clinic, etc. Don’t always go for the cheapest one, as, in some cases, this may mean that something is missing from packaging.

Is the treatment you want legal in the country?– Some cancer treatments are considered illegal in some countries, so it's wise to find out which treatments are legal where you're traveling. If a treatment is illegal in one country, it is quite possible that it is legal in another. Whatever you do, do not choose illegal treatments as they are usually done without the knowledge of the regulatory authorities, which means something is wrong there.

How harmful is the treatment to my overall health?– Some treatments, such as chemotherapy, cure cancer, but at the cost of overall health. There are other similar treatments, while there are also newer ones, such as immunotherapy, which specifically target cancer cells and leave the rest of the system intact. It is always better to choose a treatment that will not put you in excruciating agony, even though it may save you.

Cancer is the most difficult diagnosis. In most cases, this leaves people with no hope that they can do anything to get better. However, this does not have to be the case. There are many treatments available around the world, and there is a good chance (depending on the stage of your cancer) that one or two of them will work. That's why it's important to thoroughly explore all of your options. We are always here to help you find what you are looking for.