What burns from hogweed look like photo

Hogweed is a common plant in mid-latitudes. There are almost forty varieties of it. However, the greatest danger to humans is hogweed, its poisonous species - Sosnowski. Burns from this species of hogweed can lead to death.

What is hogweed?

Hogweed is a plant that resembles dill in appearance. Its leaves occupy an intermediate position between burdock and thistle. Most species reach a height of only 30–40 cm, but Sosnowski's hogweed is an exception. During the period of active flowering, which occurs in August, the height of the stem can reach 5–6 m, and the diameter of the inflorescence can be 80. The sap of the plant can cause harm to humans.

The produced liquid is rich in essential oils, which contain furanocoumarins - substances with sensitizing properties. When it comes into contact with the surface of the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, a burn develops. In fact, it is the result of a complex chemical reaction that hogweed juice undergoes when exposed to sunlight. This is taken into account when choosing a method of therapy.

Signs of a hogweed burn

In most cases, the first symptoms of a hogweed burn appear some time after contact with the plant. In the absence of direct sunlight, a burn may not appear. This is confirmed by cases when, in cloudy weather, persons in contact with hogweed do not notice changes on the skin. However, in most cases, after 1-3 hours a dark spot appears on the skin, followed by redness. This is what burns from hogweed initially look like. The intensity of the changes depends on the time that has passed since contact with the plant.

What does a hogweed burn look like?

A few hours after touching the plant, patients notice a dark spot at the site of contact. After a day, sometimes even several, it gives way to blisters with liquid. Over time, they increase in size and connect with each other. Outwardly, they resemble blisters that form during a second-degree thermal burn. After 3-5 days, the hogweed burn (photo below), the blister, becomes less pronounced.

If accidentally touched, the integrity of the bubble is violated, which bursts. The contents leak out. At this stage, it is necessary to pay close attention to the erosion that appears to prevent infection. Secondary infections in hogweed burns are common and significantly increase the wound healing period. In its place a crust forms, which lasts for two weeks.

How dangerous are burns from hogweed?

A small burn from hogweed does not pose a health hazard. However, this does not mean that there is no need for its treatment. Patients with this type of burn should regularly cleanse the damaged skin surface, especially after opening the blisters. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection: a pathogenic microorganism can get into burns from hogweed, causing an abscess or suppuration.

Doctors are concerned about hogweed burns, which affect large areas of the body. According to experts, when 80% of the skin surface is burned, death occurs. Timely and competent medical care and proper treatment can eliminate such consequences of a hogweed burn.

First aid for hogweed burns

Most patients do not know what to do in case of a hogweed burn. This problem often causes late initiation of therapy. The duration of the recovery period directly depends on the timely measures taken and competently carried out treatment of the skin. If you are burned by hogweed, the victim often does not know what to do or what measures to take.

The algorithm of actions when plant juice gets on the surface of the skin should be as follows:

  1. Wash the surface of the skin thoroughly with soap to reduce the risk of burns from hogweed.
  2. Avoid exposure to sunlight for 3 days by any means (wearing long sleeves, avoiding going outside).

If contact with hogweed was not noticed, which often happens with children, and a stain or blisters appear, you must proceed as follows:

  1. the affected area is washed with an antiseptic solution (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine);
  2. apply a dry gauze bandage;
  3. It is forbidden to open blisters - this will slow down the healing process.

Hogweed burn - how to treat it?

After a hogweed burn has occurred, treatment at home begins immediately. In this case, the features of therapy depend on the volume of the lesion and the location of the burn, the stage of the regenerative process. The following groups of drugs are used as medicines to treat burns from hogweed:

  1. antiseptic drugs;
  2. painkillers;
  3. enterosorbents;
  4. antihistamines.

Ointment for hogweed burns

To speed up the recovery and healing process, you need to know how and what to apply to hogweed burns. The affected area should be covered with a dry gauze bandage throughout the entire treatment period. Doctors recommend changing it at least 2 times a day so that the gauze is not wet, as these are favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of infection. Its accession may be indicated by:

  1. cloudiness of the contents of the blisters;
  2. cloudy pus from the wound;
  3. golden crusts around the perimeter of the affected area;
  4. hyperemia of the wound edge.

To eliminate the inflammatory process, when erosive surfaces appear, it is rational to use ointments with steroids. They can only be prescribed by a doctor. The duration of therapy is 5 days. Among the drugs used:

Cream for burns with hogweed

Not knowing what to apply to a hogweed burn, people try many creams and ointments in search of a cure. However, not all of them are effective in helping the wound heal quickly. Each stage of therapy requires a specific drug for local treatment. So, after opening the blisters, the erosion site is treated with healing agents in the form of creams, including:

In order to prevent infection of wound surfaces, agents with a pronounced antiseptic effect are used. These medications prevent the development of secondary inflammatory and infectious processes. They must be used regularly. Among the common ones:

Tablets for hogweed burns

In most cases, hogweed burns can be treated using local remedies. Ointments and creams, when used correctly and regularly, promote rapid healing of erosions that form at the site of former blisters. However, with extensive burns, affecting a large area of ​​skin, the patient’s well-being can quickly deteriorate. In such cases, complex treatment is required.

Therapy is aimed at alleviating suffering. Often the blisters that form cause pain. Children who have been burned by hogweed are especially worried. In such cases, anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets are used to reduce pain:

In some cases, with body burns of about 30–40%, allergic reactions may develop. In this case, antihistamines are used:

In order to reduce intoxication of the body, sorbents can be used that bind toxins and remove them from the body:

  1. Smecta;
  2. Activated carbon;
  3. Enterosgel.

Tsindol for hogweed burns

You can provide first aid for a hogweed burn using a Tsindol suspension. This drug contains zinc oxide. This substance, when applied to the skin, has several effects at once:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. drying;
  3. absorbent;
  4. antiseptic.

Tsindol has a positive effect on healing processes, reducing the intensity and severity of inflammatory processes. The product is applied to the affected areas of the skin using a cotton pad or gauze pad. The frequency and duration of use of the product are determined by the doctor. In most cases, Tsindol is applied 2-3 times a day for a week. It is better to use the product after opening the blisters, in order to dry out erosions and prevent infection.

Fukortsin for hogweed burns

Answering the question of how to treat a burn from hogweed, doctors recommend Fukortsin. This solution is effective for erosive skin lesions accompanied by pustular infection. It should be used at the stage when the blisters have already opened and the contents are gradually leaking out. The drug is absolutely safe and well tolerated (the only contraindications include individual intolerance).

The solution is applied to the affected areas of the skin, according to medical recommendations. To do this, use cotton swabs or a disk. Experts recommend applying the product 2-4 times to the surface of the skin during the day. The solution dries the skin perfectly, after which you can use healing creams and ointments.

How long does a hogweed burn last?

Burns from hogweed grass disappear completely after a month. This is due to the fact that, in addition to sensitizing properties, Sosnovsky's hogweed has genotoxic properties - it is capable of provoking mutations in the genetic material. As a result, dark spots at the site of former burns may persist for several years. However, eventually the skin regains its original color. When hogweed juice gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, there is a risk of damage to it, which can result in blurred vision and blindness.

Do scars remain after a hogweed burn?

If burns after hogweed are not treated correctly and medical prescriptions are not followed, there is a risk of scar formation. After the appearance of erosion, the process of regeneration of the skin begins. Constant contact of the skin with the external environment, frequent trauma to the crusts formed on the surface increases the duration of the regeneration process and the risk of scar formation. The use of special creams and ointments allows you to avoid this cosmetic defect.

Is it possible to wash with hogweed burns?

Not knowing how to behave, patients, faced with a problem, ask specialists whether it is possible to bathe if they are burned by hogweed. Doctors recommend washing completely almost immediately after contact with the plant - this will help reduce the volume of the burn and the area affected. If this is not possible, you can wash after the blisters appear. In this case, you need to be careful not to damage them. After washing, you must immediately treat burns with medication.

In the period from April to September in central Russia, the number of victims with burns from hogweed increases.

When exposed skin comes into contact with hogweed, there is a risk of burns. The danger is the composition of the plant juice, which contains a substance - furanocoumarin. Even in case of light contact with parts of the plant (leaves, stems, inflorescences, fruits) it leaves traces of poisonous juice on the skin. Under its influence, the skin becomes sensitive to ultraviolet rays, which can lead to photochemical burns up to the first degree, the appearance of blisters, ulcers, and scarring at the points of contact. If the body is damaged more than 80%, it can lead to death.

Hogweed inflorescences are also dangerous. During the flowering period, almost all summer, the plant releases strong-smelling essential oils. Vapors that enter through the respiratory tract cause allergies and toxic poisoning.

Why is contact with hogweed not always dangerous? It is often not always possible to detect that you have touched hogweed. After the juice gets on the skin, there is no burning sensation, it does not look like a mosquito bite, there is no feeling that you have been stung or other manifestations. If, after you touched the plant and then went home in the shade, thoroughly washed the area where the juice got in, and did not go out into the sun or worked in clothes that tightly covered the skin, everything can pass without consequences for you, since the main danger is a combination of qualities juice and ultraviolet light.

First aid for hogweed burns

What to do if you get burned? Algorithm of actions after touching hogweed:

  1. it is necessary to cover the exposed area of ​​skin with a thick cloth;
  2. move along the shadow side;
  3. thoroughly wash the affected area of ​​skin with soap and a rich foaming agent;
  4. wash the area with degreasers (a weak solution of potassium permanganate, alcohol or furatsilin lotions);
  5. apply any anti-burn remedies (panthenol, bepanthen, levomikol);
  6. if allergic reactions occur, take antihistamines;
  7. Do not expose your skin to sunlight for at least two days.
  8. In case of large burns, blisters, contact with mucous membranes or eyes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Symptoms and photos of how it proceeds

Since hogweed juice contains oils, the burn from it looks like a burn from oil. The first symptoms do not appear immediately. After being in the sun for 1–2 hours, the skin first begins to turn red and a burning sensation is felt. The person may feel itching. Common symptoms: dizziness, fever, headaches. The development of respiratory allergies occurs with a runny nose, swelling, and bronchial attacks.

If the burn was severe, after 8–12 hours blisters containing clear liquid may form at the points of contact. As a rule, if the blisters are small, after a few days they may go away on their own and the healing process begins. If the size of the lesion was large enough, a doctor should open such blisters. So, with insufficient sterility and incorrect actions, a wound can form, which turns into a scar.

To a greater extent, the consequences of traces of hogweed are influenced by how much time has passed since the moment of contact, how long a person touched the grass, and individual sensitivity. People with fair skin are at risk. With proper treatment of the wound, there will be no traces or consequences of the burn left on the skin. Traces can be left by advanced cases and high-degree burns, self-opened blisters, and improper care.

The main stages of exposure to poisonous juice:

  1. itching, burning, redness - may become more pronounced over time;
  2. blisters, rash - appear the next day and grow in volume;
  3. ulcers;
  4. scar, scar, age spots.

General information on the treatment of hogweed lesions

As mentioned earlier, first of all, if you notice burns, itching, burning, feeling unwell, and especially the presence of swollen watery blisters, contact the nearest medical center, pharmacy and do not self-medicate. The pharmacy will tell you how to treat burns and which doctor you should see.

Under no circumstances use oil-based creams, ointments, or oils to treat or relieve symptoms. They create a “greenhouse” effect; the oil film prevents the heat from burns from escaping and leads to deeper damage to the layers of the skin. It is strictly prohibited to apply lotions with urine to a burn. You can cause irreparable harm to your skin, cause an infection, and the recovery process and treatment will drag on for a long time.

You should carefully treat areas on the skin where blisters appear. If you touch or accidentally pierce a bubble, do not remove the skin after the liquid comes out. Treat with miramistin or other disinfectant and leave to heal. A crust will form, which can be removed after some time painlessly.

Depending on the degree of grass burn, the following treatment algorithm can be distinguished:

  1. At first degree burns Small blisters appear in places of redness, which must be treated with antibacterial ointments, anti-burn agents, and degreasing creams. Olazol spray helps a lot, the foam of which relieves pain. Treat the skin as carefully as possible, trying not to damage the integrity of the swollen blisters. Already on the 3-4th day there will be noticeable improvements, and the consequences will begin to fade.
  2. If you have second degree burn with large affected areas of skin and deep burns, with proper care and medical supervision, the wounds will begin to heal within 10–15 days. It will take about three more weeks until the pigmentation is completely eliminated.
  3. At severe third degree burns necessary urgent hospitalization. Unfortunately, in this case, long-term treatment is required (about several months), and the consequences of the poisonous juice in some people remain on the body for the rest of their lives.

Many people ask: Is it possible to wet a hogweed burn?? As with any other burn, it all depends on the degree of damage and individual characteristics. If you only have redness and itching, there is nothing to worry about. But if there are blisters or a rash, it is necessary to avoid skin contact with water in these areas and wash with extreme caution.

Pharmacy products

The Pharmacy can offer you a wide selection of anti-burn products. They are available in the form of ointments, sprays, and creams. Additionally, you will need antiseptic agents. As a rule, it rarely comes to antibiotics and tablets, and they should only be taken as prescribed by the attending physician.

Means Release form Mode of application Price
Panthenol Spray for external use, cream Apply a thin layer to burns and lesions. Use 2-4 times a day, if quickly absorbed, it can be used more often In the form of cream – from 80 rubles

In spray form – from 300-350 rubles

Olazol Aerosol, malt Used after removing pus and necrotic masses from wounds, applying a thin layer 1-4 times a day. The aerosol is sprayed from 10-15 cm from the skin, having first shaken the spray well 300 rubles Zinc ointment Ointment and paste Apply 3 times a day, after pre-treating areas with crusts and cracks with antiseptic preparations 20-35 rubles Levomekol Ointment Sterile swabs or gauze pads are soaked in ointment, which are used to fill the wound. Dressing is carried out daily until the wound is completely cleansed of purulent-necrotic masses. Drainage into the purulent cavities of the wound is possible. In this case, the ointment is first brought to a temperature of 35-36C 100 rubles Miramistin Topical solution. There is a bottle with and without a sprayer. Spray on the surface of wounds and burns 3-4 times a day, apply generously moistened gauze discs to the affected areas. Purulent wounds are loosely packed. From 300 rubles Fukortsin A solution for external use, bottles with a shaving brush are available. Apply to wounds and burns 2-4 times a day, after drying, apply ointments and pastes. 15-50 rubles

It is better to coordinate any actions and use of ointments, aerosols with your doctor. In this case, the treatment will be effective and will not take too long. If you feel unwell: dizziness, fever, your doctor may prescribe the use of tablets.

Treatment of burns from hogweed at home

With mild forms of injury, many prefer to cope with burns on their own. How and what to treat at home, you can find out below.

One of the effective folk remedies are lotions with infusions of various herbs. Each herb has a set of beneficial properties and effectively helps treat redness and mild burns.

  1. Strongly brewed black tea (without additives or fragrances) will help relieve pain and redness. The brew should be cooled to 10–15C, moistened with a sterile bandage and applied to the affected skin. Try to keep the bandage moisturized if you notice it starting to dry out.
  2. An infusion of coltsfoot herb stimulates blood flow, which promotes skin regeneration. Lotions from her infusions help rapid and scarless healing.
  3. Tincture of oak bark perfectly relieves burning and itching sensations. In addition to anti-inflammatory properties, it has an antiseptic effect.
  4. The most familiar and easily accessible way is to brew chamomile flowers at home. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory are some of the few beneficial properties. Apply chamomile lotions 3-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  5. Make a decoction of burnet: 1 tbsp per glass of water and boil for 20 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it can be used, again in the form of lotions.

Lots of advice: “anoint with oil (lavender, sea buckthorn, etc.”) REMEMBER! The main enemy of all burns is oils. No matter what beneficial properties oils have, in a situation with burns they only worsen the condition. Only after the heat in the burn areas subsides and the skin begins the recovery process can oils be used for recovery.

If hogweed gets into your eye

The most unpleasant and dangerous situation is when the juice gets into your eyes. As a result of a severe burn to the cornea, a person can go blind. Therefore, in case of contact with the mucous membrane, immediately rinse your eyes with cold water, wear sunglasses if possible, and do not expose to ultraviolet radiation for 1–2 days. Seek medical attention immediately.

Hogweed burn in children

The most vulnerable segment of the population from hogweed is children. Huge giants with fancy flower caps, large thickets, gentle plant stems so convenient and suitable for making shooting pipes or a spyglass out of them, all this lures children into a poisonous lair.

A child’s skin is more sensitive to both ultraviolet rays and plant sap. Therefore, the degree of burn is often higher than that of an adult. Children especially burn the mucous surface of the mouth, face, and eyes.

Tell your children what hogweed is, clearly show the plant, explain why playing even close to their thickets is dangerous. If children are burned, provide first aid as in the case of an adult and go to the hospital.

Hogweed and animals

Sosnowski's hogweed is the most dangerous poisonous plant for pets, dogs and cats. Contact with any parts of the plant causes severe skin burns, swelling and a severe allergic reaction.

If the burns are not severe, it is necessary to wash the area as quickly as possible with soapy solutions and rinse the area with miramistine or chlorhexidine. Do not expose the injured animal to the sun or wear protective clothing. Give antiallergic drugs, as an option - suprastin, zodak. You can give the animal Enterosgel and inject Gamavit for several days; these drugs will help remove toxins and poisons from the body.


A powerful giant with large inflorescences and leaves collected in basal rosettes, hogweed often evokes a momentary desire to take an ax and collect a bouquet that will make everyone envy. Well, or at least take a photo hugging a giant.

The uninitiated are in for an unpleasant surprise - painful and long-healing burns from hogweed, after which scars and stains remain. Hogweed juice gets on the skin and reacts with sunlight, causing phytophotodermatitis. And the sunnier the day, the worse the burns.

Symptoms of burns from hogweed

Even minor superficial trauma to the skin from plant poison can cause:

  1. dizziness;
  2. headache;
  3. weakness;
  4. nausea;
  5. temperature rise.

Damage to more than 80% of the skin surface by hogweed juice often leads to death!

Hogweed poison is most dangerous for children and fair-skinned people. The degree of burns is also influenced by the duration of contact with the plant and exposure to the sun, individual sensitivity and location of the burn. When contacting the plant, areas of delicate, thin, untanned skin will suffer the most.

Hogweed burns are classified as chemical burns. They arise due to the reaction of furocoumarins contained in the plant juice with ultraviolet radiation. Damage can vary: from itching and redness - with minimal contact, to large blisters and poorly healing ulcers - with abundant contact of the active substance on the skin.

What burns from hogweed look like, photo

First aid

The main rule is don’t panic!

  1. First of all, wash the affected areas with plenty of water, preferably with soap suds or adding soda.
  2. If you don’t have water at hand: cover the affected areas of your body from the sun with clothing (thick fabric), and immediately go home to shaded areas.
  3. If the plant juice gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with running water! The procedure should be performed for at least 15 minutes.
  4. If a toxic substance gets into the oral cavity, rinse your mouth for 15-20 minutes, constantly changing the water.

If the victim did not notice the contact with the hogweed (this happens, for example, in the case of children) and the consequences have already appeared:

Shocking statistics - it has been established that more than 74% of skin diseases are a sign of infection with parasites (Ascaris, Giardia, Toxocara). Worms cause enormous harm to the body, and the first to suffer is our immune system, which must protect the body from various diseases. E. Malysheva shared the secret of how to quickly get rid of them and cleanse your skin, it turns out to be enough. Read more "

  1. Treat damaged skin with a solution of any antiseptic that does not contain alcohol.
  2. Bandage the damaged surface with a clean, dry bandage.

What is forbidden to do in case of burns?

It is worth remembering a number of actions that are prohibited in case of phytoburns caused by contact with hogweed juice and leaves:

  1. Do not treat the burned surface with alcohol or alcohol-containing solutions under any circumstances: this will quickly dry out the already injured skin.
  2. Do not lubricate burns with petroleum jelly or other fats: this leads to clogging and lack of oxygen in the damaged areas of the skin.
  3. Do not go out into the sun, especially do not sunbathe, during the entire period of treatment, and especially in the first 2-3 days.
  4. Do not open the resulting blisters: this not only risks introducing infection into open wounds, but also increases the duration of wound healing.

Treatment of burns from hogweed