How to even out skin tone at home

Many women dream of creating makeup like famous Hollywood stars, but not everyone succeeds. And not because there are not enough cosmetics. The reason is uneven skin color, because pigment spots, pimples and other imperfections noticeably spoil the appearance, and they are not so easy to eliminate. This does not mean that the problem cannot be solved. There are many ways to help even out your complexion. This can be done either in a beauty salon or independently at home.


  1. Basic ways to normalize facial tone
  2. How to make your complexion even at home
  1. Peeling
  2. Products to even out skin tone
Is it possible to lighten facial skin with makeup? Hardware methods

Basic ways to normalize facial tone

The adverse effects of various factors on the skin over time lead to the formation of various cosmetic defects on it. To remove them from your face, you can use the following methods to even out your tone:

  1. Hardware techniques. After just a few procedures in a beauty salon, you will be able to improve the condition of your skin and its color. In this case, the result will last for a long time.
  2. Makeup. Properly applied cosmetics will help quickly hide existing imperfections and successfully highlight your advantages. However, this method allows you to solve the problem only for a few hours.
  3. Home methods. It is also possible to improve the condition of your facial skin on your own. To do this, you need to provide proper care and use some folk beauty recipes.

Which method to use depends on your specific preferences. Here you need to consider how quickly you want to get the desired result.

How to make your complexion even at home

It is quite possible to improve your skin color on your own. True, it will take some time to get results. It is necessary to provide the person with proper care, which consists of the following:

  1. It is important to cleanse the skin of makeup residues daily, as they will clog pores, causing the development of blackheads and acne.
  2. You should use only high-quality decorative cosmetics; you need to select them in accordance with your skin type.
  3. In the morning and evening, you need to apply a nourishing cream to your face.
  4. It is recommended to exfoliate the skin at least once a week and use masks prepared independently or purchased in a store.
  5. The use of cleansing and toning masks is mandatory. As a good toning mask, you should try the new splash mask from AVON “Energy Charge”. The mask is liquid, it does not need to be washed off, and it will take no more than 20 seconds to apply and take effect. The active ingredients of the mask are quickly absorbed; immediately after using it, you can continue your usual facial care ritual, apply cream and makeup. The mask is applied to a still damp face after cleansing. The composition contains silk proteins, vitamin B and fruit acids. Thanks to the systematic use of the mask, the skin of the face will acquire a healthy appearance and the tone will be evened out.

To follow the above recommendations, you will only need 10-15 minutes a day, after which the skin will become more attractive and have an even color.


Many girls carry out this procedure on their own, but the tone of the face can be evened out in a similar way in the salon. To apply peeling at home, you must first prepare a scrub using one of the recipes below.

Coffee and honey scrub

Ground coffee – 1 tbsp. l.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Grapeseed oil – 1 tbsp. l.

It is necessary to mix all components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Massage the resulting mixture onto your face for several minutes, then remove with warm water. This recipe is intended for oily skin types. To use it for dry use, you should replace the grape oil with 1 white of a chicken egg, whipped into a fluffy foam.

Whitening scrub

Lemon juice – ½ tsp.
Bran – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1 tsp.
Lemon oil – a few drops

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the face, massage the skin a little, leave for another 5-7 minutes, then rinse.

Video: Whitening facial scrub mask

Products to even out skin tone

Many people do not want to use purchased cosmetics and prefer masks prepared on their own, especially since this is quite easy to do. Time-tested recipes are considered the most effective in improving complexion.

Herbal tincture

Parsley – 5 g
Vodka or alcohol – 250 ml
Oak bark – 5 g
Linden blossom – 5 g
Sage – 5 g

It is necessary to mix the dry ingredients, place them in a glass container and fill with vodka or alcohol. Infuse the product for 12 days, then use it to wipe the skin. It can be used daily. As a result, the face becomes brighter and looks more even and fresh.

Cucumber mask

Cucumber – 1 piece
Starch – 1 tsp.

It is advisable to use overripe cucumbers to prepare the mask. The seeds must be removed and the pulp grated on a fine grater. Add a little starch so that the consistency is not too thick. The amount of starch may vary depending on the amount of cucumber pulp. Apply the resulting mass to the skin and leave for at least a third of an hour. Then remove the residue with a napkin, rinse your face with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

Video: Strawberry scrub for cleansing and brightening facial skin

Is it possible to lighten your skin using makeup?

If the flaws on the face are not too noticeable, but still spoil your mood and give you uncertainty, you can hide them with makeup. This method is also suitable for cases when there is no time to use hardware techniques or folk remedies. However, before applying cosmetics, you should scrub your face.

When applying corrective makeup, it is important to strictly follow the sequence of use of cosmetics, otherwise you can only emphasize existing defects and give your face the effect of a mask:

  1. Hydration. This is an important point that should never be neglected. Moisturized skin visually becomes smoother. In addition, a layer of cream makes it easier to apply cosmetics and protects the face from the adverse effects of the external environment.
  2. Applying foundation. This product completely evens out the complexion and makes it look fresher. It is important to choose a shade that is as close to natural as possible in order to prevent the appearance of unwanted spots resulting from poor blending of cosmetics. It is important to apply the cream using a sponge or brush, but not with your fingers.
  3. Concealer. If you have pimples, freckles, or dark circles under your eyes on your face, you can get rid of them with the help of concealer. Its composition resembles a foundation, but is applied pointwise, directly to problem areas.
  4. Powder. Now you should apply a thin layer of this cosmetic to your face to give it a matte and velvety finish.
  5. Blush. Finally, it is recommended to apply blush to the apples. This will refresh your face and make it more natural and bright. Otherwise it will look dull.

To achieve the desired result from applying makeup, you should select each cosmetic product in accordance with your skin type, external features, and also follow the rules of application.

Video: Evening out your complexion: expert advice

Hardware methods

Almost every cosmetology salon will tell you how to even out your complexion using hardware methods. The advantage of these techniques is that it is possible to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and cope with other skin problems, for example, acne, blackheads and others. Consequently, the effect of such manipulations will delight you for a long time. To improve the color and structure of the skin, effective hardware methods are used.


This procedure is suitable for those who have not encountered the problem of acne or have already dealt with it. Cryomassage effectively removes spots on the face left after acne, fights oily shine, tightens pores, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

During the manipulation, the face is treated several times with liquid nitrogen, as a result of which the metabolism in the cells is normalized. After the procedure, slight hyperemia may occur. As a rule, it disappears on its own after a few hours.

A cryomassage session lasts no more than 10 minutes. 10 days after the procedure, it is recommended to apply sunscreen to the skin before going outside.

Laser cleaning

This method is quite effective and at the same time absolutely painless. It can not only cope with age spots, but also eliminate small scars and scars. During the manipulation, only a slight tingling sensation is felt.

A thin laser beam destroys pathological areas and simultaneously activates the process of cell division. In addition, collagen production improves, which helps reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate.

Oxygen therapy

This method allows you to improve your complexion and eliminate acne by replenishing the lack of oxygen in the cells. The substance is introduced into tissues by injection, which improves intracellular metabolism and resolves small scars. The keratinized epithelium is also exfoliated.


This manipulation is a type of mechanical peeling. First, the skin is deeply cleaned, then an exfoliating cream is applied to it and dead cells are removed. As a rule, the last stage is carried out manually, but at the same time it allows you to achieve a good effect.

The number of procedures depends on the complexity of the problem and the desired effect. If there are blackheads or pigment spots, the color can be evened out in 2-3 sessions. But you can get rid of scars in at least 10 procedures.

Diamond peeling

Such mechanical cleansing of the face also helps eliminate dead cells, which are often the main cause of uneven or dull complexion. After manipulation, blood flow in the tissues improves, skin elasticity increases, which helps improve its appearance and tone.

Video: Diamond peeling as a means of evening out complexion

Sometimes, to maintain healthy skin, especially very tired skin, you should combine these techniques or carry them out in courses.

An even complexion will always be an integral part of beautiful makeup, so it is important to learn how to deal with the problem correctly. Which method of evening out the complexion to prefer depends entirely on personal choice.

Pimples and blackheads are far from the only dermatological problem that literally every person can face. Of course, these inflammations immediately catch the eye and spoil the appearance, but there are other types of neoplasms that, although less noticeable, also affect the appearance and condition of the skin. For example, many women turn to cosmetologists with such a problem as uneven complexion. This is true for different skin types in both summer and winter. The problem needs to be treated based on many factors - the patient himself, the causes of unevenness, and so on.

Why the skin color on the face may be uneven

Having found out the exact reasons, you can determine what specific action or factor provoked the deviation from the norm. It is worth noting that the causes of all types of uneven color are listed here - from redness to the appearance of age spots. Consider exactly what difficulty you are facing in order to accurately calculate the pathology yourself. You can't figure out how to even out your skin tone until you know what exactly you're struggling with.

  1. Impaired performance of the gastrointestinal tract. Waste and toxins in the body contribute to disruption of the level of melanin, a pigment that causes the appearance of moles and spots.
  2. Hereditary predisposition. Often, uneven skin color is passed on from parents to children or even from grandparents to grandchildren. Find out what caused the disorder in your ancestors.
  3. Lack of proper nutrition of the skin. A possible reason is the low efficiency of the circulatory system. The skin does not get enough vitamins, minerals and even oxygen.
  4. Dry skin. Most often, uneven complexion occurs in people with problematic dry skin type. It is necessary to regularly moisturize the skin with additional products or provoke activation of the sebaceous glands. This is especially true in winter, when the skin is regularly chapped and can be exposed to low temperatures for a long time.
  5. Exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. This reason, on the contrary, is more common in the summer. Many patients notice that, for example, after a vacation and regular sunbathing on the beach, the skin becomes blotchy. The tan fades over time, but the unpleasant formations remain. This also indicates a violation of melanin in the dermis.
  6. Bad habits and nutrition. This creates the preconditions for disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. And smoking and alcoholism clog the circulatory system itself with toxins. It is advisable to give up such habits and pay attention to healthy foods. Perhaps after this the question of how to even out the tone of your face will disappear on its own.
  7. Lack of routine for a long time. Your skin may become blotchy if you don't get enough sleep or only sleep during the day. Carefully monitor your daily routine and try to sleep from 7 to 9 hours.
  8. Hormonal imbalance. The cause is most common in adolescents, during puberty and pregnant women. Hormones are released unstably, which affects the pigments in the skin.
  9. Consequences of dermatological diseases. The tone level or even the texture of the skin may be affected due to any disease. For example, patients often notice that the dermis becomes mottled after complete recovery from acne. At the same time, the formation of post-acne and other types of scars on the dermis is also quite possible. Therefore, to eliminate it, it is necessary to use the most effective means.

Effective ways to even out your complexion

If you have visited a doctor and are convinced that the discoloration is caused by one of the listed reasons, and not by a serious pathology, then you can begin to understand methods for eliminating the defect. Different cosmetology specialists have different opinions on this matter. Many people claim that only professional cosmetic products will help you recover. Others say that alternative methods work much better. The final choice is still up to you. Check out the most popular options.

1. How to even out your facial skin using masks

This type of dermatological preparations is the most popular at the moment. The prevalence of masks among patients is explained by their high efficiency and relatively low cost. The fact is that most of the necessary masks for various purposes can be prepared independently at home, using natural products. And in most cases, these are cheap ingredients that are probably already in every home.

Popular masks for evening out complexion:

  1. A mask of coffee, honey, oatmeal, butter and milk. You will need 10 grams of natural ground coffee, two teaspoons of warm milk, the same amount of butter, a teaspoon of honey melted in a steam bath and 10 grams of oatmeal. Mix the ingredients and apply to your face. Rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes.
  2. Mask of potatoes, sour cream and milk. Boil one large potato, unpeeled. Grind until puree along with the shells, add 2 tablespoons of sour cream and one tablespoon of milk. The mask is applied to uneven skin for 20 minutes.
  3. Mask made of bread, olive oil and milk. Fill the crumb of regular white bread with a small amount of milk. Add a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix the ingredients and apply to your face for 10 minutes.

2. How to straighten out your face after acne with therapy

Considering that the cause is a mechanical violation of the integrity of the skin, it is necessary to act on the deeper layers of the skin. Cosmetic products and masks are unlikely to help here. We need professional procedures and hardware treatment that will restore the dermis, starting from the deepest areas. Both the texture of the cover and the color are improved.

Options for effective therapeutic procedures:

  1. Peeling. During the process, special aggressive scrubs are used that literally scratch off the top layers. The protective film is quickly restored, therefore, if the procedure is carried out correctly, it is absolutely safe for every patient.
  2. Laser skin cleansing. In modern dermatology, lasers are used even for the most serious tasks - for example, to remove fatty deposits or abscesses. This is much safer for the patient. Moreover, it is absolutely painless. Approximately the same hardware effect is used for regular facial cleansing. With the help of a laser, you can quickly get rid of the same post-acne.
  3. Ozone therapy. Relatively new procedure. The skin is smoothed under the influence of the gas of the same name.

3. How to even out your complexion at home using alternative methods

Despite the rapid development of medicine, modern patients still do not trust the treatment of their skin to any medications or cosmetics. The most interesting thing is that experts are often inclined to believe that alternative treatment can indeed bring good results. Of course, provided that the patient has correctly chosen a specific treatment method and taken into account the characteristics of his own body.

Popular alternative treatment options:

  1. Lotions and tonics based on medicinal plants. Chamomile, calendula, sage, millennial - all these herbs, one way or another, can help you even out your complexion. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction or tincture. Next, simply wipe your face with the resulting liquid several times a day.
  2. Ice cubes. Cold cubes have a positive effect on the dermis, accelerating blood circulation. This means that the cover begins to be nourished from the inside much more efficiently. By preparing cubes from decoctions of medicinal herbs, you accomplish two goals at once.
  3. Acetylsalicylic acid tablets. Real users claim that the best option to even out facial skin is to use regular Aspirin tablets externally. First, the product dissolves in water. A few drops are enough. Then it is simply applied to the entire area of ​​the face. Keep in mind that this drug has a drying effect on the skin. If you have a problematic dry type of dermis, add the dissolved tablets to medium-consistency sour cream. Apply the product exactly like this.
  4. Lemon acid. Many masks contain citrus juice. The ingredient is added specifically to brighten the skin and give the face a natural shade. If you have obvious problems with blemishes on your face, it is better to use lemon juice in its pure form. Take a gauze cloth, soak it in the juice and leave it on your face for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Steaming the face. Steam baths are a great way to expand problematic clogged sebaceous channels and introduce beneficial active substances into the inner layers of the skin. But, as practice shows, in some cases the procedure can be useful in itself. For example, if your task is to even out your skin tone. Pour liquid into a container and boil. Let it cool slightly and bend over the dish, covering your shoulders and head with a towel. This will help speed up blood circulation and cleanse the face in the upper layers of the skin. If you want to achieve maximum effect, use a herbal decoction instead of plain water. Or place dried plants directly into the container where you pour the liquid. The steam will absorb all the beneficial properties.

4. Skin smoothing cream and other cosmetics

No matter what modern skeptics say and no matter how they feel about cosmetic products, it is stupid to argue with the fact that they are truly effective. The correct selection of products will help you cope with any dermatological problem. But be sure to keep in mind that many of the proposed drugs have a narrow focus. That is, they are suitable only for a certain segment of the audience. There are great options for evening out your complexion.

  1. BB creams. At the moment, preparations of this type are often used as a base for applying makeup. Although initially it was a means to quickly eliminate serious skin defects after surgery. The preparations contain substances that help get rid of uneven skin tone and even skin texture. Considering its original purpose, it is clear that this cream helps get rid of post-acne and uneven texture.
  2. CC type creams. The principle of the products is similar to the previous version, but the formula of this cream is improved. Initially, the drug adapts when applied to the main shade of the facial dermis. But over time, the skin itself begins to adapt and change tone under the influence of certain substances in the composition of the drug. Subsequently, the color becomes uniform and does not differ in tone from other parts of the body. It is also worth noting the mattifying effect and cleansing of the T-shaped area of ​​the face.
  3. Foundation creams. Sometimes, in order to even out the skin of the face, it is enough to use not specific preparations, but ordinary decorative cosmetics. In the post-Soviet space, foundation creams are currently not trusted by all users. Women over 30, who, by the way, often have an uneven complexion, are accustomed to the fact that such products have a negative effect on the skin. But modern substances have nothing in common with the proposals of ten years ago. Foundations also help even out the color of the dermis with regular, proper use.

5. How to even out your facial skin using decorative cosmetics

It is clear that uneven skin tone is a significant problem that should be eliminated by finding the right treatment methods. But what if the course takes a long time, and you need to even out your tone right now? For example, before an important meeting, date or event? Of course, in this case, decorative cosmetics come to the rescue.

What you can use:

  1. Face corrector. The principle is similar to a regular foundation. But the product has a more convenient form. It can be liquid, oily or solid. Can be used spot on blemishes or treated the entire face area.
  2. Face powder. You are deeply mistaken if you think that powder is not capable of masking visible skin imperfections in the form of spots and unevenness. The main thing is to choose the right product according to the tone of your face.
  3. Primer. New development in decorative cosmetics. In fact, it is a base for makeup, so it effectively hides defects of any level.

A uniform complexion is not enough to make your skin look perfect. This is the result of long work and a lot of procedures. See more details in the video below:

Uneven complexion is a serious problem that has many causes. But you can get rid of it. You just need to choose the right methods.

Hello, dear blog readers. Today we will talk about how to even out your skin tone. Gray, sallow skin, pigment spots, pimples and circles under the eyes do not add charm and charm to any girl.

But what to do if there is a long-awaited date, an important meeting or an interview ahead, where you need to make a lasting impression?

The answer is simple - urgently get rid of imperfections and minor defects. There are a lot of effective methods, so read and choose the most suitable option.

Cosmetical tools

If you need to become irresistible in just a few hours, decorative cosmetics will be your best assistant. Only the effect of its use is short-lived, and it is not able to thoroughly solve the problem.

The first and most important rule is to prepare your face before applying makeup.

Carefully study the main stages and enjoy the magnificent transformation:

  1. wash, cleanse your face with foam, milk or scrub;
  2. wet the skin, apply moisturizer, wait 5 minutes until completely absorbed. You can use a foundation that matches the tone with an ultraviolet filter, which is equal to 15;
  3. use a primer. It will visually smooth the skin, hide minor defects and wrinkles. There are nuances here too. For example, a mattifying agent will prevent the appearance of oily shine, while a radiant primer will make the face more rested and well-groomed. A moisturizer will remove flaking, green will disguise red spots, and lilac will normalize the shade of a sallow complexion. Therefore, choose a primer depending on the problem you want to solve. After using the product, wait 2-3 minutes;
  4. apply foundation. It will make the skin uniform, hide enlarged pores and dryness. You can use a little trick and adjust the oval. To do this, a light shade of the product should be applied to the central part of the face, and a dark tone should be distributed pointwise along the sides and under the cheekbones. Shade the borders with a brush;
  5. Use concealer to disguise age spots and pimples. The product requires targeted, dosed application, so be very careful;
  6. Apply highlighter to the highest points of the cheekbones, above the contour of the upper lip, a thin strip along the bridge of the nose and precisely to the inner corners of the eyes.

Now you have an even, radiant, but rather pale tone. To complete your makeup, apply bronzing powder over your cheeks, forehead and nose, and then apply a little blush from the center of your cheeks to your cheekbones. Fix the perfect result with powder. Admire your own beauty and try not to ruin everything with inept makeup. With such perfect skin, all you need to do is apply a little mascara to your eyelashes, light eye shadow and lip gloss.

Tip: If you want to even out your complexion without using foundation, just skip this step.

Use a color-correcting primer, long-lasting concealer, or blur-effect product. They smooth the skin, disguise enlarged pores and reflect light, hiding all imperfections.

The main thing to remember is: everything good should be in moderation. Use a minimum of concealer, otherwise you will turn your face into an unnatural and tasteless mask. But this is absolutely not what we need.

It would be useful to purchase special serums. The effect of the concentrate is aimed at removing toxins, stimulating cell renewal, improving blood circulation and evening out skin tone. They effectively lighten pigmented areas, smooth out the microrelief, eliminate the “senile” complexion, and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Cosmetology procedures

Professional cosmetologists also offer many effective methods to even out facial skin tone. If you are used to trusting specialists, feel free to contact a beauty salon or private clinic. Here we will select an effective procedure that will eliminate exactly your defects.

And before that, you can prepare and carefully study what services qualified cosmetologists offer:

  1. chemical peeling. Removes dead cells using various acids. It allows you to get rid of age-related pigmentation, freckles, acne scars, and reduce pores. The procedure stimulates cell division, increases the production of your own collagen, improves tone;

  1. diamond peeling. Removes pigment spots, acne and acne, old scar tissue, fine wrinkles and tightens pores;

How to even out skin tone at home

  1. Laser cleansing will help even out your skin tone. Stops the inflammatory process, removes excess fat and crow's feet, reduces enlarged pores, evens out microrelief, eliminates pigmentation;

  1. oxygen therapy. Relieves dull, gray complexion, hyperpigmentation, swelling and dark circles under the eyes, facial wrinkles and acne;
  2. microdermabrasion. Evens out skin tone, eliminates age spots, fine and deep wrinkles, scars, acne and pimples. Reduces pores, softens rough skin that has been exposed to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, wind, low temperatures and other negative external factors;

  1. biorevitalization. Eliminates wrinkles, dull skin, dryness, rosacea and age spots. Slows down the withering process, restores tone, elasticity and normal moisture balance in cells.

Important: you do not need to choose the procedure yourself. A cosmetologist will do this for you. Having determined the skin type, its condition and the main problems that need to be solved, he will select the correct and most effective method.

Grandma's recipes

If you can’t afford a beauty salon, you can even out your complexion at home.

Carefully study how to even out your skin tone and what products you need to use so that your skin glows from the inside, is perfectly smooth and delights with its natural shade:

  1. Pour ice into one vessel and add lavender or mint infusion. Pour hot water into a second bowl, drop a small amount of citrus essential oil or grate lemon zest. Soak a cloth in ice water and place it on your face for a minute. Then moisten another cloth in hot water and cover your face. Repeat the steps for 10-15 minutes. Contrast baths will even out your complexion and smooth out fine wrinkles;
  2. combine 5 grams of chopped parsley, linden blossom, oak bark and sage. Add a glass of vodka, close the container, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Wipe your face with the resulting tincture;
  3. grate the cucumber (remove the seeds first), add 5 grams of starch. Distribute the mask over the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water, apply nourishing cream;
  4. combine equal amounts of watermelon and lemon juice, add half a teaspoon of honey. Apply to face, leave for a third of an hour, rinse with warm water.

Homemade recipes can even out your complexion without using cosmetics.

Remember: folk remedies can cause an allergic reaction, so be sure to test it by applying it to the inside of your wrist.

If discomfort, itching, burning and small pimples do not appear within 15 minutes, you can begin to improve your facial skin. Don’t forget that for healthy and beautiful skin you need to drink more than 2 liters of water a day. It would be a good idea to add lemon or cucumber juice to it. Learn to eat the right foods. Seafood and dairy products, tomatoes, carrots, plums, spinach, pumpkin and papaya have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

And you definitely need a good, seven-hour sleep. Without it, the skin will sag, lose its freshness, and dark circles will appear under the eyes.

Take care of your skin correctly, glow and enjoy life.

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