Kalnberza Compression-Distraction Apparatus


The Kalnberza distraction compression device is one of the most effective ways to treat various injuries and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It was created in the 20th century by Soviet physician Vladimir Kalnberz and is still used in medicine to treat many diseases. The Kalnberz compression-distraction device ensures rapid restoration of a damaged joint or bone, and also promotes wound healing.

Principle of operation:

The compression distraction device consists of two main parts - a compression sleeve and a distraction rod. A compression sleeve is placed over the injured area and prevents further stretching and tissue damage. A distraction bar attaches to a compression sleeve and allows you to move the injured bone or joint, reducing pain and improving circulation.


The Kalmanberg apparatus can be used to treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as bone fractures, sprains, arthritis, etc. It can also be used as an additional method of recovery after hip and shoulder surgery.


Due to its effectiveness, the Kalnbergs distraction compression device is in great demand among traumatology practitioners around the world. The device works painlessly, increases joint mobility and helps call