Cancroid Skin

Skin cancrid Cancrid is an acute infection caused by a gram-positive coryneform bacterium. The disease is manifested by the appearance of a purulent-necrotic focus on the skin and spreads through the lymphatic vessels, resulting in the development of fulminant sepsis. And the man dies.

***Skin cancrids***: causative agent and symptoms Cancolid belongs to a small group of microorganisms of the coccus family, which is usually designated by the term “staphylococcus”. This type of bacteria has a round shape and the presence of a rod on the heads of all cells located on its surface. Due to their ability to produce sugar, cancrids are opportunistic microorganisms. The fungus makes itself felt when conditions are favorable for the pathogen. Often this condition is provoked by disruptions in the immune system, as well as sudden changes in a person’s hormonal background or the presence of a chronic disease. When the skin is damaged by bacteria, a person begins to experience severe pain emanating from the affected area. Most often, cancrid colonies cover the area near the mammary glands, genitals, armpits, skin folds, and less commonly, areas of the nail plates, pubic, lumbar and buttock areas. This disease may occur without any manifestations, for example, with relapses of its course. Although more often the infected patient has general complaints: * constant low-grade body temperature; * enlarged liver and spleen; * muscle weakness; * increased ESR. The general symptoms of skin cancrid are due to the prevalence of the pathological process. The most common complaint is the presence of purulent foci, which gradually take on a succulent appearance and change the color of the skin. Cancrids “settle” first on the mucous membranes and join them through bleeding or damage. First, the tongue becomes covered with cancrids - it becomes red, papillae, plaque or small ulcerations appear. If at this stage you do not undergo treatment or do not regularly sanitize the throat, then cancrid quickly spreads to other areas - the larynx, esophagus. Unfortunately, this path of development of the disease can lead to the death of the patient. Canlides have a tendency to septically melt all layers of the skin, penetrate into surrounding tissues and further penetrate into the internal