

Cannabis is one of the oldest known drugs. People have been using cannabis in various forms for treatment and pain relief since long before history. Additionally, it was used to make foods such as beer (which also contains alcoholic components).

The history of cannabis in Russia goes back several centuries. With the advent of Bolshevism in 1917, a ban was introduced on the use of all types of drugs, including marijuana and hashish, except for medical ones. However, after the collapse of the USSR, the uncontrolled distribution of narcotic substances resumed, which led to significant consequences for the country's population. Currently

Cannabis or hemp are the same thing. First, let's figure out what cannabis is? This is a narcotic plant that has many names, such as marijuana, hashish, etc. The plant contains the narcotic substances tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol, which are prohibited for sale in most countries. They cause a euphoric state and can lead to addiction and addiction. Typically, cannabis is used to prepare smoking mixtures and drugs. Typically, smoking mixtures are prepared by roasting cannabis with herb, then adding additives such as tobacco and nicotine. Currently, narcotic mixtures have