Covered Device

The Kaplan apparatus is a device for the treatment of bone fractures, developed by the Soviet traumatologist A.V. Kaplan (b. 1904).

The Kaplan apparatus allows you to fix bone fragments during fractures for their proper healing. The design of the device provides controlled constant traction of fragments, creating optimal conditions for their fusion.

The apparatus consists of two support plates connected by rods and an adjustable traction mechanism. The support plates are fixed to the outside of the patient's body on either side of the fracture site using plaster or bandages. Then the traction mechanism is turned on, ensuring the expansion of the support plates and traction of bone fragments.

The Kaplan apparatus has been widely used in traumatology for the treatment of various limb fractures. It has significantly improved treatment results and reduced rehabilitation time for patients with bone fractures.

Kaplan apparatus - (A.V. Kaplan), resolution. in USSR. Kaplan Anatoly Vasilievich (02/07/1921 in Mariupol - 09/13/1995, Moscow), surgeon, doctor of medicine. Sciences (1961), prof. (1970). Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1981). Graduated from Kuibyshev Medical Institute (1944). Since 1955, head of the department of faculty surgery, Len. San.-hyg. institute, at the same time a professor at the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. In 1968 - to Len. Institute of Improvement of Doctors named after. CM. Kirov. Scientific interests - basic traumatological and reconstructive surgical interventions for fractures and ra