Renal glomerulus capsule

The glomerular capsule is a thin membrane that surrounds the glomeruli in the kidneys. It plays an important role in filtering the blood and removing waste from the body.

The glomerular capsule consists of two layers: outer and inner. The outer layer is made of connective tissue and contains blood vessels that provide nutrients and oxygen to the glomeruli. The inner layer is made up of cells called podocytes, which filter the blood and remove waste from the body. Between the outer and inner layers is a slit-like space called Bowman's capsule.

The functions of the glomerular capsule include:

– Filtration of blood, which occurs through the slit-like space between the capillaries of the glomerulus.
– Regulation of pressure in the glomeruli, which is maintained by changing the size of the slit-like space.
– Protection from infections and other injuries that can damage the glomeruli.

Damage to the glomerular capsule can lead to various diseases, such as glomerulonephritis, nephropathy and others. Therefore, it is important to maintain the health of the kidneys and the glomerular capsule, including proper nutrition, physical activity and regular check-ups with a doctor.

The name "renal glomerular capsule" comes from the Latin name for the body of the kidney - "capsule" and the Latin name for the glomerulus itself - "glomerulus". Thus, the glomerular capsule is located in the helix of the renal cortex and surrounds the kidney, where the nephrons are found in the human body, processing the blood, filtering waste products from the blood.

The renal glomerulus capsule plays a very important role in retaining water and electrolytes, which are produced in the kidneys to maintain the health of the body. This capsule also provides protection to neurocytes (nerve cells) from toxins that are produced during the treatment of kidney or nephron pathology. In addition, the capsule prevents blood from flowing through the organs.

Bowman's capsule (repeat the previous name) is the part of the capsule that is located between the outer and inner membrane on the fibroelastoid wall. Bowman's capsules have a structure similar to lymphatic channels and are the site of exit for renal remodeling. The thin wall of the capsule allows water and solutes to pass through the organ. Shumyanovsky capsules are attached to Beauman capsules and contain activator proteins and resorption when solubility changes.

Disease-related changes, such as inflammation, can cause swelling. To minimize the effect, the body tries to remove the accumulated water from the body through the kidney system. To prevent fluid from leaking back into the circulatory system through the kidney and to prevent water leakage, there are a number of structures that slow and retain fluid within the glomerular capsule. This reduces the volume of fluid in the vascular bed.

Disturbances occurring in the capsule of the renal glomerulus often occur in diseases of the nephron or in diseases such as nephrotic syndrome. Defects in the structure of capsules affect the regulation of the ratio of fluids, components, protein in the cortex and medulla, and glomerular filtration rate. Dysfunction of the glomerular capsule may precipitate kidney damage associated with progressive nephritis.

PLAD syndrome (Proximal arteriolar glomerular distress) is a condition in which there is abnormal functioning of the glomeruli of the kidneys, which has a negative effect on the filtration and concentration of urine. This syndrome can lead to a number of complications, including increased levels of urea, creatinine and protein, increased blood pressure and Possible pulmonary edema.In severe cases, acute renal failure and death may occur.